Read One of Clive's Heroes: A Story of the Fight for India Page 40

  Rob the Ranger: A Story of the Fight for Canada. Illustrated by W. H.MARGETSON.

  "Rob the Ranger," which has been placed by General Baden-Powell firstamong the great scouting stories, brings out the romantic side of thefight for Canada. Rob Somers, son of an English settler in New YorkState, sets out with Lone Pete, a trapper, in pursuit of an Indianraiding party which has destroyed his home and carried off his youngerbrother. He is captured and taken to Quebec, where he finds his brotherin strange circumstances, and escapes in dead of winter, in company witha little band of New Englanders. They are pursued over snow and ice,and in a log-hut beside Lake Champlain maintain a desperate struggleagainst a large force of French, Indians, and half-breeds, ultimatelyreaching Fort Edward in safety.

  "If there had ever been the least doubt as to Mr. Strang's pre-eminenceas a writer of boys' books, it would be very effectually banished bythis work of his."--_Glasgow Herald_.