Read One of Clive's Heroes: A Story of the Fight for India Page 42

  Settlers and Scouts: A Story of Pioneering in East Africa. Illustratedby T. C. DUGDALE.

  The scene of this story is laid in the Highlands of British East Africa,and the book gives a vivid and accurately-drawn picture of the dangersand hardships that even in these days await the pioneer in the moreremote parts of the British Empire. It also furnishes a good deal ofinformation respecting the country and the people amid which the storymoves. An Englishman and his son emigrate thither and settle down asfarmers and stock-raisers; and the difficulties they encounter, firstthrough the depredations of wild beasts, and afterwards owing to thehostility of an Arab chief and his followers engaged in the ivory trade,prove in the highest degree their courage and resource.

  "Mr. Strang, as behoves such a favourite as he, provides plenty ofadventure and excitement, but he gives much practical information aswell, and his books may be recommended to any reader who wishes to learnwhat chance there is for a white settler in Uganda or to study the stateof affairs at the Congo."--_Daily Mail_.