Read Only the Dog Knows Page 27



  “God is in Control" was playing on the car radio as Jasper was pulling into a church parking spot next to Sally. Jasper knew if God had not been in control that his next trip would not have been for Sunday Services. It would have been for his funeral. He said a little "Thank you, Lord" as he got out of the car to greet Sally.

  "Good morning, Sally, you're looking very pretty today."

  "Why thank you, Jasper, you look pretty spiffy yourself. Look at all of the out-of-town tags. They must be from the Looney family. Jasper, you don't know how happy I am to see you this morning. To think I could have lost you this last week. I wanted to be here today and let God know how grateful I am that he spared you. You know, it would have left a big empty spot in my heart if anything had happened to you. I knew we were praying at the church that night for someone, but I never dreamed it was for you. Honey, I am so glad that you are okay."

  "I am just fine. Don't you worry, I always carry the Lord with me, and I know he keeps a guardian angel or two at my side. Someone sent Rollo flying at that man, and what possessed George to go get Rollo at that time? I mean… Mr. Twilliger was going to be home, probably the next day, so see what I mean? The Lord sent his guardian angels to watch over me, and just you remember that. It's like that song I was just listening to on the radio, ‘God Is in Control.’”

  They walked into the Church both loaded down with food for the picnic. Brother Michael greeted them.

  "Hi Jasper, Sally, it sure is good to see you today. I have been praying for the men you arrested this week. I plan on going up to the prison and see them, if they will let me. If you want to come with me, let me know."

  "I might just do that Pastor. Let me know when you are going!"

  "I'll give you a call. Isn't this wonderful? The church is so full today. We brought in extra chairs just to be on the safe side."

  The youth were offering to help, so they were given the job to carry the food back to the kitchen. Anyone carrying food was immediately unburdened as they walked through the front door of the church. Jasper and Sally walked into the sanctuary, and she whispered, "Look, there is Mr. and Mrs. Twilliger. I wonder who that couple is sitting next to them. It looks like Luke and Ruth, but I thought they were not going to be back until Tuesday, and where is their son? The Twilligers look so happy together. Just think, if it hadn't been for you, Mr. Twilliger might never have woken up."

  "Oh, wait a minute, Sally! It wasn't me. It was everyone's prayers and faith that brought him back. I was just a vessel God used."

  "I guess you're right, Jasper. There were a lot of people praying for him."

  They slipped into a pew about halfway down the aisle. People were filling in all around. Jasper noticed Mavis Gentry sitting a few rows ahead of them; he nodded and smiled when she looked his way. Harry slipped into the pew next to him. "Hi, Harry! How are Becky and the baby?"

  "They're doing just great. Becky is still a little nervous about bringing the baby around a lot of people so soon, but she did say she would come for a little while to the picnic with Missy. I think she’s doing it just to appease me. I want to show her off… I'm going to slip out later and get them."

  Everyone quieted down as the praise band was starting to play. Brother Michael was heading up to the pulpit with a smile on his face. He stopped and said a few words to the Twilliger's, and Thomas said something to him. Brother Michael nodded his head and they shook hands.

  Brother Michael announced his services were going to be short today, due to the fact that the picnic was after services.

  "I am happy to tell you, for our music portion, we have some special music today that will be at the picnic, so let's get started here today. We have several praises today. I just don't know where to start."

  "I am also happy to say; we have a new member. For all of you who haven't heard, Harry and Becky Wolf had a baby girl. Her name is Melissa Sue Wolf. Harry said we might get a viewing of her this afternoon. And we are glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Twilliger here today. Mr. Twilliger has been talking to me, and it is official, he would like for me to let you know they will be moving their Church letter to our church. We know that it's only by the grace of God that he is here with us after his ordeal this past week.”

  “Do keep Helen Brolin in prayers. She is recovering from a broken wrist at the Big City hospital, and getting her medication adjusted."

  At that point they all bowed their heads in prayer; giving thanks for all that God had given each and every one this week.

  "Okay, let's turn to Matthew chapter five, verse 44, in your Bibles."


  Jasper thought how fitting this particular verse was. He glanced over and saw George Carter sitting next to Carl, his father. Jasper was glad to see George listening to the part of the sermon where Brother Michael talked about praying for those that despitefully use you.

  Brother Michael then said, "I want to tell you something that has really touched my heart. As most of you know, Thomas Twilliger was taken this last week by a ring of art smugglers, and left for dead in a shallow grave. He was found and spent most of the time this last week at the Big City Hospital, not knowing who he was, or where he came from. He wants to turn all of this over to God. He just told me he wanted to go up to the jail with me to see Earl Scooter, the man who did all of this to him, and to tell him he forgives him. Mr. Twilliger wants to let him know that it's not too late, and that he will be there for him, and that God loves him.

  How many of us have felt anger towards someone, and wanted to forgive, but didn't know how? Thomas Twilliger knows how. He is turning it all over to the Lord asking God to help him forgive, and for God to forgive Earl Scooter. There's a lesson to be learned in all of this; nothing is impossible when you ask the Lord for help."

  Jasper looked back over at George Carter and could see him whisper something to his father and Carl nodded his head. Brother Michael's said a few more words and then asked for the invitation. George and Carl Carter went up front to pray. The closing song was “Just as I Am.”

  When everyone was seated again, Brother Michael said, "We will have a word of prayer and then go outside for some special music while everyone sets up for the picnic."

  The picnic was an annual event. The church was on three acres of land, lined with shade trees and evergreens on one side. The other side gave a clear view for miles. The sky had a few clouds, but the weatherman had said "no chance of rain ‘til tomorrow."