Read Only the Dog Knows Page 29

Jasper had no idea where Brother Michael had found this group, but he knew they wouldn't be available next year. They finished with telling everyone they had just cut their first album.

  The band was taking a break, so Jasper went up to shake hands with the lead singer. "Hi, I'm Sheriff Jasper Quagmire, and I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your singing. You sound like you have a long singing career ahead of you."

  "Why, thank you Sheriff, I'm Parker Looney, and I hope you’re right."

  "Not Parker Untrue Looney?"

  "Oh, I see you have been talking to Aunt Mavis. No, thankfully, I am Parker Sam Looney… almost as bad. P. S. Looney. Can you believe anyone saddling there kid with a name like Untrue? Trust me, it is bad enough being a Looney. I would have changed it years ago, but I know Aunt Mavis would have died."

  "I can kind of relate to that with a name like Quagmire."

  Both men were laughing and smiling as Mavis walked up, "Hi, Sheriff. I wonder if you would do me a favor."

  "If I can? What do you need?"

  "I have this book, and it is on the Parker Untrue Looney family history. We like to leave a copy in libraries across the country that will take one. I thought maybe you would like to read it first. There is a very interesting chapter on the relationship of Parker Untrue Looney and Jasper P. Quagmire. It talks about the connection between those two. When you are done, then maybe you would put it in the Quagmire Library for me."

  "Sure, I can do that. Thank you for the chance to read it. Oh, and I have a book for you. I think you might find this one interesting. It just might answer a question you have. My Aunt Mattie wrote it about 25 years ago. It is on Jasper P. Quagmire's family history. In the book she said that Jasper and Parker only pretended to be brothers, and that they weren’t real brothers. She even went into detail of why they did that. There is quit a little story about it in the book."

  "You don't say. That sounds very interesting. I can't wait to read your family's version. Looks like Charles will be doing most of the driving on the way home. I'll be reading."

  "I want to thank you for all the help you gave us in looking for Mr. Twilliger. Have you gotten a chance to meet him?"

  "Yes I did. You are right, he is a wonderful man. I got to meet his wife also. He said they have an anniversary coming up. It is so nice to see someone who still believes in marriage. We are in hopes that this talk of who was married to whom and the family ties, will make a difference in our kids. We want them to know the value of marriage, just like Mr. and Mrs. Twilliger know."

  "When will you be packing up to leave?"

  "Some of us will be leaving tonight and the rest in the next day or two. We will probably leave tomorrow. Let everyone know we had a wonderful time here. The people in Quagmire were so nice to us. I was glad we were here to help on the hunt. It has been awhile since we had done something like that together. Well, it has been nice talking to you Sheriff. I had better find my husband. Whenever he comes to a potluck he overdoes it. I had better slow him down. Bye, it was nice getting to know all of you."

  Jasper said good bye and looked up when he saw Quincy. "Hi! Quincy, I hear congratulations are in order. Millie said you're getting married and you had a special ring for her."

  "Thanks, Jasper. Boy, do I have a surprise for Millie," Quincy said reluctantly.

  "You're not going to tell me that you are not getting married!?"

  "Oh no, we're getting married all right. But I don't have a ring yet, I mean, I have one, I just don't have it yet. I haven't the heart to tell Millie. I am waiting for Terry, the jeweler, to show up. He is bringing the ring with him. What am I going to do if he doesn't make it?"

  "Don't worry. She will understand."

  "You think so?"

  "Sure! She wants to marry you, not a ring. Just go and tell her."

  "Okay, I will do just that right now. I'll say, 'Millie, I have a ring that is beautiful, but it's not back from the jewelers yet. Will you forgive me? I know you wanted it for today to show everybody!’"

  "That's the spirit Quincy, but I don't think you're going to need that speech. There is Terry now."

  Quincy said “good-bye” and hurried off to meet with the jeweler.

  Pastor Michael said the blessing, and then it was time to eat. People were coming by the table and telling Jasper how happy they were at the way things turned out this last week. Jasper kept telling them that all this wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for all the prayers and faith everyone had.

  Kevin walked up to say hello. Jasper told Kevin that he should take a long weekend to make up for cutting his time short with his folks. He told Jasper he would next month. The conversation stopped when Jasper looked up.

  "Well, look whose here!" said Jasper as Pete walked up with his date.

  "Hi, Jasper, Sally. I want you to meet Brittany Flowers."

  "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Pete said you are into computers."

  "Yes, I have been for several years. I teach classes at a high school, and I do freelance work for several newspapers."

  "Oh, that sounds like so much fun," replied Sally.

  They talked for several minutes, by then Becky had showed up with the baby and Sally just couldn't control herself. She had to go see her. While she was gone, Millie and Quincy came over to tell everyone the good news and to show off the new ring.

  "Oh, Jasper, I just have to pinch myself. Look! Isn't this beautiful! He said it is part of the Cantrell jewels, and there is more. Jasper, you're not going to believe this, but Mr. Twilliger said he appreciated the help I offered so much… well, he heard I was getting married, and insisted that we have the wedding in their gardens. Can you believe that?! Have you been there? Oh, of course you have. That place is gorgeous! He said not to worry about anything. They will take care of the caterers and everything! I told him I didn't do anything, and he didn't have to do that for me, but he insisted."

  "Oh, I am so happy for you! And the ring is beautiful."

  Millie and Quincy ran off to show the ring to some other people. Sally came back with some more good news.

  "Jasper, I just got done talking to Becky, and she said Mr. Twilliger started a scholarship fund for the baby. Isn't that so sweet of him?"

  "It sounds like he has been busy since he got out of the hospital. Millie says he is springing for the wedding at his place. Quincy gave her a ring that's a real looker, and says it from the Cantrell jewels."

  "Oh, I can't believe how gracious he can be. I wonder what's next. And, yes, I saw the ring. It is beautiful. It's canary yellow. You don't see very many of theses around."

  At that point, Thomas and Henrietta Twilliger walked up. George was right behind him, carrying a trunk. Mrs. Twilliger was so excited, "Oh thank you so much for helping to find my Thomas!"

  "Sorry, I couldn't get your painting back in time for your anniversary. The FBI still needed it. They are taking special care of it since it is carrying a Van Gogh behind it"

  "That's okay. At least I have the important part here with me."

  “Jasper and Sally, I have some people I would like for you to meet. This is my son Luke, and his wife Ruth. Our Grandson is still out of town."

  "It is nice to finally meet you. I hear you are missionaries."

  "Only for three weeks a year. At least, we have been for the last two years. We may pick someplace not so remote next time… maybe in the states. It sure was hard getting back sooner than we planned."

  Mr. Twilliger added, "Jasper, this has been an incredible time. We had been at the hospital working on trying to get Anthony set up to go back to see his daughter. He was finally able to get a hold of her. I didn't know if she had any money to take care of him once she got him back, and I didn't want him showing up to meet her with just the clothes on his back, so we took him over to get some in the Big City. We bought him a suitcase, and made sure he was cleaned up. We decided to take him someplace nice to eat before he left on the plane, which took most of the day. We went with him to th
e boarding gate, and we waved goodbye to him. We happened to look down a little further and there we saw Luke and Ruth coming out of a plane. Henrietta was so excited that I thought security was going to take her away. It is so good to have the family all together," Thomas said with a smile.

  Luke then replied, "I had been trying every time we were in an airport to get a hold of mom or dad. I wasn't having any luck. You should have seen the surprise look on our faces when they were there waiting for us. Ruth was speechless at first, and then she kept saying, ‘how did they know?’ You know the saying, the Lord works in mysterious ways? This must have been one of them."

  "It is great meeting you Luke. By the way, have you been down in the tunnel yet?" Jasper asked.

  "Yes I have. George went with me. He is a really nice guy. I found the tunnel very interesting. I lived there for years and never knew it existed, which might have been a good thing, because it’s not a place for kids to play. Dad and I have some ideas for what we want to do with everything down there. We found another short tunnel that had been closed off that had some guns and other artifacts. To think, this stuff is over 150 years old," Luke said with amazement.

  "Speaking of the tunnel, Jasper, I have something that I want you to have," said Thomas.

  "Oh, you don't need to give me anything Mr. Twilliger, I was just doing my job the way the Lord taught me."

  "Please call me Thomas, and no, this is something I have to do. It wouldn't be right if I didn't give you this. We went back down in that tunnel and found all sorts of things. These things are yours. There was lot of stuff down there from the Underground Railroad that I am sending to the Black Historical Museum, but I wanted you to have these things."

  "Why, thank you, Thomas. I can’t imagine what it could be."

  Everyone was on edge waiting to see what Thomas had brought.

  "Well, Jasper, open the box," Sally exclaimed excitedly.

  Jasper's jaw dropped as he opened the brown trunk. Inside there were several portraits and some other trinkets in the trunk. The book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and a few journals in his great-great-grandfather's handwriting listing all the people that had passed through the tunnel were also in the trunk. Jasper told everyone that after he was finished with the book, and the journals, he would loan them to the museum for everyone to see, and that Pete had talked about putting them on the computer for all to read.

  "Jasper, I read some of the journals. There is quit a bit of history in those books. You should think about having them published. If you want, I could help you out with that. I have a friend who is a publisher. Let me know what you decide to do. I would be glad to help. I found it all very interesting to read. To think, my house was once part of the Underground Railroad. It was a very well kept secret. There’s a Looney mentioned in one of your grandfather's journals. I wonder if he is related to Mavis. I talked to Mavis Looney earlier; I might want to talk to her again. I hope she hasn't left yet."

  "Mavis has information supporting your theory. If she has left, they are staying at the campgrounds. She has a teal colored trailer. You can't miss it. You might want to check with her this evening. She said some of the people are leaving tonight. Also, I have a book that my Aunt Mattie had written over 25 years ago. I am going to read it again and see what she has written about P. U. Looney. You are welcome to read it if you like. When Mavis first came to town she said they were researching the Underground Railroad. I didn't think that anyone knew that the Railroad had come this far west to Quagmire Ville. Thank you so much for my grandfather's journals. I have wanted to read them ever since I first saw them, but you owned the house and they came with it. This is so nice of you."

  "Just enjoy the books, and yes, I do want to read your Aunt’s book. Oh, and I got a call from Kathryn Morris. She is thrilled to finally find her father. Kathy said to thank you for all you did for her dad. She told me that after her mother had died, her dad couldn’t cope with it all. She had just turned seventeen when her father was arrested for being drunk. A fight had broken out in the jail, and someone was killed. Anthony was blamed for it, so they took her away from him. She was placed in foster care, and the shock of losing his daughter sent him over the edge. He told them he was innocent, but he was kept in prison for another six years. Eventually some guy on his death bed confessed to the killing, and told the authorities that Anthony had nothing to do with it, and that he had planted the evidence to make it look like Anthony had done it. By the time Anthony got out of prison, he didn't know where to find Kathryn. She didn’t know where he had been either, and her caseworker wouldn’t tell her. She thought he didn’t want to have anything to do with her and that he didn't care. There was no way for him to get a hold of her while she was in foster care, and they hadn't spoken since she was seventeen. She finally decided that she had to find out what happened to her father. Kathryn had gotten married and had two kids of her own by that time, and she wanted them to meet their grandfather, so she went looking. She had been trying to find him for over a year. She was beginning to believe he was dead until Pastor Michaels called her. You wouldn't believe how happy she was to learn her father was still alive."

  "That is so incredible. I am so happy for the both of them."

  "Well, I just thought that you would like to know," replied Thomas.

  "Yes, I am so glad that you told me. He needed his family."

  At that moment, Sally was waving at Clara. "Look Jasper, the man with her must be her husband Scott."

  They came over to the table and, as Sally was introducing everyone, Thomas looked at the man and said, "I've seen you before. I am not sure where, but somewhere."

  "That's right!" responded Scott, "I was driving back through the Big City, and found this flyer on a store window. I looked at it and said, 'I know this man. He is the one I found on the highway and dropped off at the hospital.’ You looked different in the picture, but those eyes can’t be mistaken for anybody else. I knew it was you, so I called the hospital to see how you were, and they said that you had been sent home. Well, I tried to call your house, but no one answered, so I drove by and your neighbor said there was a picnic at the church. I figured it must be the same picnic my wife was at, so here I am. I'm glad to see you are doing well."

  "Glad?! Well, my boy, I wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for you." They moved to an empty table, so Thomas could tell Scott about his week.

  The music was starting up again. "As He was in the beginning, my God will be there until the end." Everyone was on his or her feet, singing praises to God, one song after another. The music went on for over an hour and a half. Jasper and Sally were both thinking what a perfect day it had been, but Jasper wasn't ready for the day to end yet.

  "Sally, how would you like to go for a ride with me?"

  "Sure, Jas, what do you have in mind?"

  "Let's go up to the campsite and look over the contents of this trunk."

  "I was hoping that was what you had in mind."

  "Jas, don't forget to pack a lantern. It might get late."

  "Got it... and some blankets too."

  Jasper and Sally took the road along the river. This was their time alone, something they had not had for a few weeks. He wanted to make it a special time. They stopped to pick up Smokey and some drinks and snacks on the way. He didn't plan on them coming back for several hours. He stopped at the convenience store and noticed the phone booth that Helen Brolin had probably used the night she called him. He looked up and couldn't believe his eyes. There was a sign advertising the Big City Hospital Maternity Ward. It was a picture of a lady being wheeled out of the hospital. She was carrying a baby. The caption said, “Melissa is going to be just fine.”

  "Sally, look at that sign. I was ready to believe that Helen Brolin really had some powers. The other night on the phone she said, 'Melissa is going to be just fine.' I wondered how she knew that Harry was naming his baby Melissa. She didn't, she just saw the sign and repeated it while she was on the phone with me. Can you believe that?"

  "Why not, it sounds as good as any other reason you could come up with for how she knew, or didn't know, what Harry was naming his daughter. I know that you don't believe in people who see things. I didn't believe she was physic."

  Jasper looked at the car. "Come on, we had better get while we still have a car to get in."

  Smokey could hardly control himself in the back seat. He knew where they were going. It was his time to chase jackrabbits. Sally sat up front next to Jasper making small talk. The drive along the river was very nice this time of the year. Everything was green, and the nights were getting longer. "There should be plenty of light to read by," Jasper said.

  They drove by the campgrounds where the Looney's were staying. Jasper saw Thomas Twilliger's car at Mavis' campsite. Later in the week he would make a point of stopping in and seeing Thomas. It would be interesting to see what he found out.

  As Jasper set out the blanket, Sally poured the iced tea and set out the snacks. They had both eaten so much at the picnic neither of them wanted much.

  "Sally, I hope you don't mind, but I would like to spend a few minutes looking at what Mr. Twilliger brought me. When I was in the tunnel I didn't get a chance to look through all of it."

  "Jas, Honey, I am just as curious as you are. Please let's get started."

  "Let's see, there are seven journals and one ledger. Let's start with the first one dated 1845."

  "Oh!" said Sally. "It is really pretty with its leather tool work, and look at how elegant the paper is. This must have been very expensive. I didn't know they could do work like this back then."

  “It is a good thing that the shack at the other end of the tunnel had burned down. After the fire they covered up the hole. Remember? I said the air was really stale down there. There was no air or moisture in the tunnels. That must have been why these journals stayed preserved so well. It’s amazing how a tragedy turned out to be a blessing in disguise.”

  Jasper began to read aloud, "Today is my 18th Birthday and Father has given me this journal to write in. He also gave me this pocket watch. It has a locomotive embossed on the cover and my initials were engraved on the inside. JPQ. When I open it, a chime goes off." Jasper had a surprised look on his face when he read that line. "I know this watch. In fact, it is one of the items my father gave me a few years back. I never knew who it belonged to until now."

  "Oh, isn't this exciting!" said Sally. "A real mystery being solved."

  "Aunt Mattie said that Jasper and Parker only pretended to be brothers. Let's see what is in Mavis' family history says about it."

  “Chapter 3, Parker Untrue Looney had just one true friend. Jasper P. Quagmire had known Parker since they had grown up together in England. They were little boys back then and always talked of sailing to the new world of America, but first they must finish their education. The only father that Parker had known was Jasper's father, Richard Quagmire, who was a writer by trade. Richard was well published, but that did not support his family, so on the side he worked for the newspaper as a reporter. His skills had taken him through every walk of life. During that time, he met Elizabeth Looney, a wonderful women. He would often find her sitting on her favorite park bench. Richard had no reason to hide his friendship with Elizabeth, but when his wife Laura became pregnant, all he could think about was his wife’s comfort and safety. His friendship with Elizabeth quickly became a faded memory. Then the unthinkable happened. Richard, now a new father, had just lost his wife. She died giving birth to their son Jasper. Richard was at a loss. There needed to be a proper amount time of mourning, even in those days. His sister Amber offered to come and help for a while to look after Jasper while her husband Walter was away on business for the next two months. When Walter returned to get his wife, he fell in love with Jasper as much as Amber had. So it was agreed that they would take Jasper to live with them until Richard had time, or could find a suitable nanny. A suitable nanny was not that easy to find.

  Elizabeth Looney suddenly found herself pregnant, much to her husband's surprise. Charles Looney would have nothing to do with her, believing he couldn’t have children. All he would say is the sight of her sickened him. Elizabeth pleaded to make him understand it was his child. Charles Looney agreed to stay with her until the baby was born. The day after Parker was born Charles Looney set sail for America, leaving Elizabeth to fend for herself and the baby. He left her with enough money to keep going for the first two months. Three, if she was careful with her money. Elizabeth didn't know what to do.

  The loss of Richard's wife, and not being near his son was just too much to bear. This called for drastic measures, so he went to the park to think. At the same time, Elizabeth was going to the park, to her favorite place. She was beside herself not knowing how she would get by on two months salary. Richard had sat on a park bench with his head in his hands. Little did he know that walking up behind him was Elizabeth carrying a baby. She sat down on the bench behind him and began to cry. The sobbing was so loud that Richard turned to see who it was. He was surprised to see Elizabeth there. He immediately moved and sat onto the bench next to her. Putting his arms around her, he consoled her. Between all of the tears and sobs, she told him her story. With no place to go, and a child to raise, was how she ended her story.

  After she had composed herself, Richard told her his story. He also was beside himself. He had just lost his wife, the love of his life, and his son was being raised by his sister, Amber. He desperately needed to find a nanny. He wanted his son back, but was unable to look after him on his own. He then asked Elizabeth if she would be willing to be Jasper’s nanny. He would not be able to offer much more than a home for the both of them, but if she was willing, he could provide at least that for her. She was in such shock at the offer, and old feelings of friendship were starting to come back. She asked Richard if he would like to see their son. Richard said this can't be. I was always faithful to my wife. She then said were you always?”

  Jasper was shocked as he read the last line. "Sally, can you believe this? It still doesn't answer the question as to weather Jasper and Parker are related. I think Mavis is reading more into it than there really is. Don't you think so also?"

  Jasper looked at Sally. He could see the way she could light up over the smallest of things. Her face was all aglow. Hers was the glow that made him feel special. He knew that he couldn't hold out too much longer. He loved her more than life itself. All of this talk of the wedding had him thinking. Maybe it was time to settle down. He looked at Sally and a question came to mind. What would Sally think? Maybe it was time to find out.

  "Sally, you know how much you mean to me. We have been together for a long time. I have been thinking about something, and I don't know how you feel. I figure it is about time I find out."

  Sally's heart was about to stop as she held her breath. Was this the question she had always wanted to hear? Would he finally ask it?

  "Sally, would you ever consider marriage?"

  Sally stopped and thought for a minute. Did he ask? She wasn't sure of the question. "Jasper, I am not sure what you are asking me. Are you asking me to marry you?"

  "Well, I was asking if you ever planned on getting married, but now that you mention it, I don't have a ring right now, but yes, I am asking you to marry me. Sally, would you please give me the honor of being my wife?"

  "Why, Jasper, I thought you would never ask! Yes, I will. That's all I have ever wanted."

  She fell into Jasper's arms and he gave her a big kiss. This was how life should always be, he thought, perfect, just perfect. Just then a jackrabbit ran by and Smokey took off in hot pursuit. Sally and Jasper never saw either of them.

  Watch for more of The Quagmire Reports, coming soon!

  Book 2 May I have the ring please. Expected release, Summer 2012

  Book 3 All Those Names. TBA

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