Read Only the Dog Knows Page 5

"Hi, Mark, this is Jasper. We have a situation here. It seems as if one of our citizens is missing."

  "Oh, by the tone of your voice it doesn't sound good. Do I detect foul play in your voice?" replied Mark.

  "It could be. He was supposed to be at a meeting in Shreveport yesterday at 3:00 pm and it doesn't look like he made it. I am waiting for confirmation. This morning Smokey found his wallet out behind the cafe just over the hill. When I went to check it out I found an Indian blanket belonging to his wife. There were tire tracks and footprints there. The footprints followed along the river to the highway and at that point Smokey lost the scent. We don't know if he doubled back or what. Jim found a hole where it looked like someone had been buried. We don't know what to make of it. We sure could use some help."

  "No problem. We'll send some guys over. I think Adam Knight and Chuck Sullivan are available. I saw them floating around here somewhere just a minute ago. I'll check on the chopper and see if I can clear my schedule and make it later."

  "Thanks a lot, Mark; we sure do appreciate the help. This is the first time we have come up with someone missing."

  "Don't worry about it. By the way, who are we looking for?"

  "Thomas Twilliger."

  "No kidding. I know him, he used to go to my church. Is he that guy who has that Import Export business?"

  "Yes, that's him."

  "I thought so. He donated some expensive artwork for the charity auction we had. You remember the one for the children's wing at the hospital. We were running security and I got to meet him. He didn't want anyone to know that it was he donating the artwork, that didn't need to know. I remember he had Kevin drop it off for him. He's a very friendly guy. A little too friendly if you ask me. He's like one of those kids that will talk to anybody. Man that's just too bad. I'll get the guys over ASAP."

  "Okay, we'll be at the cafe for lunch, and then back here to get some supplies before we head out again. We're kind of short handed as it is, with Kevin at his sisters wedding and Harry about to become a father."

  "Oh, how is Becky doing?"

  "Great, as far as I know. She is already a week late."

  "Poor girl, I hope it's soon. See you later."

  With that, Jasper hung up. The Quagmire police had always worked well with the Big City police. Anytime they needed any help they had it ASAP. It was probably because the residents of Quagmire had donated money for the chopper when the federal money had run out. The fact that they were just plain nice people didn't hurt any either.

  No sooner had he hung up when his phone rang, "Quagmire Police department, Sheriff Quagmire here."

  "Hello Sheriff, my name is Hal Rickets. My secretary tells me you wanted to talk to me about Tom."

  "Yes, I did. I was told that Mr. Twilliger had an appointment with you yesterday at 3:00. Is that correct?"

  "Yes, but he didn't make it. I got called away on an emergency and told my secretary to make him comfortable and I would be back as soon as I could. My son had fallen out of a tree and broke his arm. My wife was out of town so I had to go. When I got back I found out he had never made it. I tried him on his cell but got no answer. No one answered at the office or at his home. Is he really missing?"

  "Yes Mr. Rickets. We believe he may have never left Quagmire. We were just checking all of our bases in calling you."

  "That is just too bad. Is there anything I can do?"

  "Just give us a call if you hear from him."

  "I sure will, and I know a couple of places he stops at on his way here. I will give them a call. Tom and I go way back. We have been friends for more years than I can remember."

  "Thank you that will be a big help. We have a search team out now looking for him," with that Jasper said good-bye and hung up.

  Picking up the phone he was saying a quick prayer. 'Please Lord; please let Harvey know where he is.' Then Jasper heard.

  "Warehouse this is Harvey."

  "Hello Harvey this is Sheriff Quagmire. I am trying to track down Thomas Twilliger. Do you know where he is at?"

  "Why yes, he went to Shreveport yesterday. He had an appointment with Mr. Hal Rickets. He found something when he was in New York at a convention for Mr. Rickets. He was all excited about seeing him. They are old friends. Would you like me to give you the number? I think I have it in the Rolodex."

  Jasper answered, "No thank you I already have it. Are you sure that is where he said he was going?"

  "Yes I am. They were getting together to talk about an order I was putting together. It was no small order and we wanted to make sure we got it right. Between what Tom and Hal had they were going to be sending overseas about a million and a half in merchandise. What's with, ‘where Tom is?’ Is he in trouble? He is straight as an arrow. I can't imagine him being in trouble with the law."

  "Sorry to have to tell you this, but we don't know where he is. He has been missing since yesterday. Can you think of any other place he might be?"

  There was dead silence on the phone. Then he heard a voice slowly say, "No, I can't. You have to understand this was very important, this meeting. I can't imagine where he might be. You will call me if you hear anything?" You could tell that Harvey was truly worried.

  "Yes, and another thing. You said that this was a large order going overseas. Who all would benefit from this? Did anyone else know about it?"

  "Well, sure, there is competition in any business. But this time it was only on a need to know basis. Only Tom and Hal knew what was really going on this time."

  "Okay, thank you, and let us know if you hear anything."

  "Poor Henrietta. I had better give her a call."