Read Onyx and Jasper – the Rock Hounds Page 2

  Chapter 7 – Echoes of Greener Days

  There was not much of a winter. Come to think of it, there was not much of a spring either. The state was in full drought mode; there was precious little snow or rain. Like everybody else they prayed for rain. Onyx and Jasper did not mind the drought, though. They did not like going out when it was wet or cold. They spent the better part of their days outside in the fenced-in yard digging, exploring, sniffing and chasing each other.

  As the drought lingered, there were concerns about fires. The forests were very dry. The trees were like match sticks. A decisive lightening strike or a careless camper who did not get their campfire put out or a thoughtless smoker tossing a burning cigarette out of their car would mean a furious and fast forest fire. It would mean devastation to the forest, the streams and the wildlife. Camping was restricted. Still the concern remained.

  In the middle of the night Cam woke up to smoke in the air. Oh no! Not here! He woke Summer up; they grabbed the dogs, his wallet and her purse and quickly went outside. Fortunately her cell phone was in her purse and she quickly dialed 9-1-1 telling them the approximate location of the fire. It was a grass fire that had started off of a gravel road about a mile down the road from them. There were no clouds or threats of a thunderstorm, so this fire was undoubtedly started by a careless smoker. They were grateful the homes in the area were built off the road and hopeful none of their friends and neighbors would experience loss.

  The fire crew was able to keep the fire close to the road away from homes nearby. Thanks to their quick response, their equipment and the gravel road, the fire was quickly contained. The smoke still hung in the air, but all were thankful there was no property damage or lives lost. The neighbors were all grateful for that.

  Cam and Summer invited the fire crew back to the house for coffee, cold water and snacks. Summer always kept the pantry and freezer well supplied for unexpected visitors. They jokingly called her “Girl Scout” because she was so prepared. She did not mind at all. She would have gladly shared with needy neighbors also, but this time around all of the neighbors were fine. This was just their small way of thanking the firemen for what they do. It was a small, but appreciated, token. The firemen were glad for the post-fire break, the coffee and water and the snacks. They left with refreshed thirsts, full tummies and grateful hearts.

  Chapter 8 – Rain Dance

  The drought also increased water shortage. Day in and day out, the heat evaporated water at an enormous rate. Creek bed, canals and manmade reservoirs dried up. Lakes and rivers were at dangerously low levels. Water had to be rationed.

  The pups did not notice, of course. Cam and Summer kept their inside and outside water dishes stocked with fresh water daily. They also watered their yard and garden on designated days and also kept the bird bath full for the birds. One afternoon Cam and Summer watched Onyx and Jasper do a little doggy dance on their hind legs. It was so comical to watch them. Dad jokingly commented they were doing a little rain dance. Coincidentally it rained the next day; they got a half an inch of much-needed rain. Cam continued his little joke by giving the dogs full credit for the rain by doing their rain dance.

  Whenever they took Onyx and Jasper out for walks they could see firsthand how dry things really were. The monsoons were not going to come anytime too soon this year. If this kept up, there was not going to be any fishing either. The mountain lakes still had water. Even though the average rainfall was below normal, there was still enough to keep the mountain lakes in enough water so they could be stocked with fish. Yes, they could always head to the mountains where they could get some fishing time in and also enjoy temperatures 10-15 degrees cooler than where they lived.

  Cam and Summer packed up the RV with all of their fishing paraphernalia and the dogs, too, of course. Oh yes, and food. You cannot go on a fishing expedition without food and water. The two of them laughed. They were so excited about the fishing trip and packing up all their fishing gear they almost forgot food and water.

  The dogs were excited. It was cooler for them, too. They even took a little swim close to the shore. Onyx looked like a cute, furry torpedo in the water. Jasper looked like a hot dog. After they cooled off and showed off, they made their way back to the shore to shake off the excess water. Cam and Summer braced themselves for the anticipated mid-day shower. It came. Both dogs got out and shook themselves until they were satisfied they had gotten off as much as they could. Now Cam and Summer were wet, too.

  Summer laid beach towels out in the sun so they could all lie down and dry out. It sure did feel good to have the warm sun beat down on their wet bodies. It was not too hot in the mountains, so they did not have to worry about overheating. But there are more UV rays in the mountains where the elevation was higher and they were closer to the sun. Summer had forgotten the sun screen, so they stayed out just long enough to dry off.

  Cam rolled up the beach towels while Summer prepared dinner. There would be no campfire or cooked food due to the fire hazard and the firm restrictions in place. Sandwiches, chips, fresh fruits and vegetables were on the menu. And dog food; let’s not forget the dog food. They both laughed again. Onyx and Jasper were not about to let them forget the dog food. After dinner they packed up for their return home.

  Chapter 9 – Where Has the Time Gone?

  Cam and Summer both frequently checked their e-mail and the SMP (Social Media Page) for photos of the puppies. Well, they were not their puppies, they were Onyx’s. And they were not puppies any more either, for that matter. Nevertheless, they were grateful for electronic downloads and updates so they could see and hear how each one was doing. They were all thriving. They could not have been more proud. The Dachshund Rescue Team was quite happy for they got six happy ending adoption stories in one fell swoop. The seventh puppy was happily settling in at a neighbor’s farm.

  Onyx and Jasper were quickly moving towards their senior years. Both were turning white around their faces and around their paws. True, the two of them were 6 years old when Cam and Summer adopted them. But where had the time gone? It had gone much too quickly, for sure.

  Without any prompting from Cam and Summer, Onyx and Jasper had each latched onto one of the parents. Onyx was Summer’s and Jasper was Cam’s. They all loved each other, but the preferences were obvious. Onyx followed Summer everywhere, even the bathroom. Jasper followed Cam everywhere, even the mailbox across the street. Dachshunds are prone to do that; Onyx and Jasper were no different.

  One thing the whole family enjoyed doing was “watching” videos. Watching was referred to loosely because Onyx slept on Summer’s lap, Jasper slept in Cam’s lap and more often than not, Summer would fall asleep, too. Cam would just chuckle and watch the movie alone. He had to be careful not to laugh out loud, though. Summer could sleep through war movies, bombs, tanks rolling, car races, cars wrecking and engines revving. But if Cam laughed loudly, she was instantly awake; that was not a good thing.

  Through everything that happened in their home and their lives, Cam and Summer always tried to maintain their sense of humor. They laughed a lot and it was noticed by those who observed them. A merry heart truly does make good medicine. Their merry hearts got them through many tough situations they had been through with their children when they were growing up, especially when their girls were hurt in various competitions . They had two dogs that were equally as merry. Onyx and Jasper kept them in stitches much of the time. Adopting the dogs when they did was the absolute best for all of them. Their lives were richer and fuller because of Onyx and Jasper. Oh how they loved these two dogs!

  Chapter 10 – The Setting Sun

  Cam and Summer were blessed with good health. They were able to enjoy their retirement years between being home and traveling in their RV. They were blessed with good finances and a solid nest egg. Everywhere they went the dogs would go, too, if at all possible. If it was not possible one always tried to stay behind so the dogs were not left alone. They know not all families with pets could do that. But t
heir arrangement worked well for them and most definitely for the dogs. It had been such a good life for Cam and Summer since Onyx and Jasper joined their family circle. Taking care of them was done more out of delight than necessity or obligation. Their lives were richer and fuller because of the pups and taking care of their needs was all a part of that.

  Nevertheless, Cam and Summer knew they must do some planning ahead, not only for their own deaths, but also for Onyx’s and Jasper’s. It was hard to think about it. But they knew they must. Side-by-side plots for them were purchased at the local cemetery. Side-by-side plots for the dogs were purchased at the local pet cemetery. Their wills were in place. That same evening the sun set on the horizon smiling on the day. They would go to bed that same night and sleep like babies confident that all would be taken care of when they were gone.

  Cam, Summer Onyx and Jasper were close. The bond between them and both dogs had been tightly forged; only death could break it. Cam and Summer had been the best doggy parents they could be. They had been there to meet the dogs’ physical and emotional needs and they had loved, nurtured and provided for their dogs. Onyx and Jasper were there for Cam and Summer, too, giving them snuggles and chuckles and unconditional love always. It had been done the right way. Every dog deserves that. The rewards and personal satisfaction were the payback.


  Other books by Stella Dillenbeck:

  Uncle Trucky’s Sidekick,

  Sir Walter Raleigh,

  Gold Rush,

  Finding Gold,

  Modoc Point Pups,

  A Salute to Sparky,

  Deserted in the Desert,

  Sherman, the German,

  From Tears to Triumph,

  The Dream Team,

  The Chuckwagon Gang,

  In the Eye of the Storm,

  Out of this World,

  Reaching the Last Frontier,

  Once Upon a Shining Star,

  The Tough Lumberjack Dog,

  From Splinters to Splendor,

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