Read Operation You've Got To Be Kidding Me Page 16

Morning came fast as I had been dreading it all night. Soon we were driving down the road that lead to the farm. So far I had acted normal and succeeded. What had not been perfect acting, well they could assume it was irritation. I felt the stares like pin pricks. These windows weren’t tinted, everyone knew I was in the truck and that just made it more embarrassing. I kept my head forward. I wouldn’t act like it was getting to me. I was the survivor girl now, the girl they all pitied. I would have to regain their respect. I was starting at zero once more. I couldn’t show any pain even though I wasn’t sent back with any pain medication. I was going to have to deal. Once we stopped, I jumped out of the truck, ignoring the pain, and slammed the door.

  “Do you think she knows what Coppertone did?” I heard Mrs. Adams ask E. Johnson.

  “I doubt it but I guess we will find that out.” E. Johnson said. I smirked. Might as well give them a show, perhaps this would gain the respect I need. I stalked towards my “dorm” I guess you could call it ignoring all the stares. The door was unlocked and I walked right in. Everyone was there. I went to my room collapsing onto my bed and opening my book.

  “Are you going somewhere?” Redfern asked in her accent probably wondering why I didn’t unpack the bag E. Johnson had sent over containing everything I owned.

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “We were worried when you didn’t return,” Evergreen said

  “I am sure they would have sent me back as soon as possible if I hadn’t had to get surgery,” I said, my tone light and even.

  “What do you mean surgery?” Redfern asked. I noticed Coppertone’s expression, and tried not to smirk. The smug little…I inwardly took a deep breath.

  “You guys didn’t know? It seemed like from the stares from the rest of the farm that everyone knew,” I said. I sucked in a deep breath. I don’t like people feeling bad for me but they would find out anyways.

  “It’s nothing major really, just a toxic allergic reaction to a snake bite they had decided I had crossed the line into compartment syndrome.” I said not looking up from my book.

  “So that’s what the boys were whispering about a toxic reaction. I thought it was just training,” Snapshot said snapping to my side.

  “Where did it bite you?” Evergreen asked. I remained lounged on my bed, my eyes on the book, but pulled up the leg of my pants so they could see the scars. The scars were so discolored they looked like big nasty bruises. The skin was thin and almost transparent. I had spent the whole morning examining them. When they saw this they all gasped including Coppertone.

  “Oh my!” Redfern said.

  “I have never seen a scar like that are you playing a trick on us?” Snapshot accused.

  “No. Coppertone I need to talk to you outside.” I said walking out. The fury that had been building inside of me since I found out was raging to the surface. I listened to her following footsteps, then I stopped and whirled around. There was a lot of people around but I didn’t care.

  “You touch me ever again, and you will live to regret it,” I hissed.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “That’s a bunch of bunk Coppertone I saw what you did. I looked at the tapes, and I saw your birth mark,” I said, grabbing her hand then tossing it away. “Throwing a snake into a cave I was about to enter! I have to give you props for that one. Maybe your nickname should be Lucky because right now you are unbelievably lucky there are so many witnesses around!” A group had gathered. “I would gladly start a fight right now and I think you know who would win even if said person is twenty years younger. We clear?” I said. We were almost face to face now. She just snickered. That did it. My temper roared to life.

  “On second thought-” My fist wheeled toward her face. She grabbed my arm, moving to the side. I threw my foot out, kicking at her knee. It bucked for a moment, her grip loosening by a fraction. She moved towards me, I used her momentum against her and ducked last minute, tackling her legs. She hit the ground. “All fun and games until someone gets hurt. Right Coppertone?” I sneered.I rested my foot on her collarbone just below her throat. I was breathing heaving. “Maybe next time, you’ll remember to pick on someone your own size.” I said. I lifted my foot up and walked off.

  “Pay up” one guy said to the other. At least someone didn’t underestimate me. I stalked off towards a tree at the far end of the farm. I had seen it when I had first arrived and had often went to it when I had a bad day. I shouldn’t have lost control. It wasn’t right of me to stoop to Coppertone’s level, or publicly humiliate her. I felt guilty, and angry, and justified all at once. At this point, I wasn’t sure which one was going to win out. I swung my arm up to a branch, heaving myself onto it. I climbed higher and higher until I got to the top branch. It was perfect to sit in with the way the branch was shaped it reminded me of a lounge chair. I leaned back. I wanted to stay here forever. I wanted to hide away from all of this. I felt like myself up here in this tree, unlike everywhere else. Sometimes, no most of the time, I didn’t even know who I was anymore.