Read Operation You've Got To Be Kidding Me Page 18

  Chapter 11 Cha-ching

  The night wind was blowing through my hair making it billow behind me. Finally I heard them, the sirens of the farm behind me distant but loud. I sped up until I was at ninety five miles per hour. The stream was making my tracking device float off in a different direction, but I wasn’t counting on anything. After twenty minutes I broke through the trees and I was on the deserted road that led to the city. It was a back road so close to the city yet so far I would be there at this speed in about twenty minutes. I gripped the handles harder. I zoomed around the curves and bumps in the road. Finally, I arrived in the city. I knew that I would be arrested if I went any farther without a special license. I stashed the bike I knew that it was just another way of tracking me, I would have to sell it. I looked down at my watch. It was four in the morning. I looked around and rolled the bike down the street. I would have to sell it, it was the only way. I would need the extra cash I would make off of it. I looked for a bike store and finally found one. It was going to open in an hour so I decided to wait. I knew that I had left them with slower means of travel or at least, slower compared to mine. When the shop opened and I rolled the bike in. I had spotted the security cameras first thing and made sure that they didn’t see my face.

  “Excuse me sir, I would like to sell this bike. With the economy and all my family needs the money and I got this for Christmas a while ago and I love it, I’ve only have ridden it only twice but I know when it is time to let go” I said putting on my most desperate lovable face and voice that matched.

  “Sure!” The man said. He had barely any hair and a greasy mustache and he was a tad bit chubby, but that wasn’t for me to judge anyone who is related to my uncle George shouldn’t be talking. He was eying the bike. I knew he couldn’t bear to let it slip out of his fingers.

  “Since it is used I can only give you seven thousand five hundred thirty three for it” He said circling the bike. I knew that this could help me out a lot survival wise. It was enough, but I could get more. I didn’t have much time to negotiate, but hopefully this guy was desperate enough.

  “Hmm, I see. I need nine thousand at least.” I said.

  “I can’t do that,” he said crossing his arms.

  “I see. Alright then, I’ll go find another shop. Thanks for the help.” I said. I wheeled my bike out.

  “Wait!” He said running to me. “I’ll give you eighty five,”

  “Nice doing business with you,” I said. He gave it to me in cash, and soon I was on my way. I knew what I had to do, I would have to disguise myself. I went to the nearest store and bought two scarves and a new outfit then I went to a gas station and changed clothes. I put one of the scarves over my hair, then tied the other around my neck. I was ready I had on a normal outfit jeans and a cute shirt with tennis shoes, a tan jacket, and a pair of sunglasses. Once I was done I walked out and started to roam. The city was slowly but surly waking up. Until there were cars zooming every which way and the sidewalks were filled. I decided that I needed to get a job. I had seen some farms on my way in and I knew since farming was the only trade I had ever learned that maybe someone could use my help. So I started my trek back towards the country.

  At last, I reached what seemed like the perfect place. There was a farm that had always reminded me of my own at home there was a small blue house that was neighbors with it, but neighbors meaning another acre or so away. I had seen an old man and woman working there once out in the garden. I stepped up the steps to their house and knocked on the door. The old woman answered and when she saw me a smile lit up on her face. I knew I couldn’t ask her to pay me but maybe I could ask her for a place to stay in exchange for work. What would I tell her? Hi ma’am I just ran away from a super secret CIA farm to be trained to be an agent can I stay here and work? Yeah like she would believe that.

  “Hello dear can I help you?” she asked. She had white hair and wrinkles but her eyes alone could fool me that she was 20 years young. She had a kind voice and was wearing an apron with cherries on it.

  “Yes, actually grew up on a farm and well I will explain later but perhaps could I work on the farm for you in exchange for a place to stay. I can pay you for it, but not much I have to make the money I have last.” I said. I knew she would be suspicious and I was determined that I would tell her the truth someday. I couldn’t stay here forever. She stared at me hard for a few moments, then spoke.

  “Yes dear of course, but you haven’t run away from home have you?” She asked.

  “Not from home.” I said wishing I was there now but knowing I could never go back. “Come on in I will show you to the room you can use, by the way my name is Fern” She said.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much. My name is Renady.” I replied. I didn’t know why I told her my real name but I guess I just can’t lie to this woman she is too much like my Grandmother who no matter how I tried I couldn’t bear to lie to either.

  “Well Renady we have been needing some extra help around here it seems that the work just keeps getting harder and longer. It starts to pile up,” Fern stated rubbing her hand.

  “Ma’am I don’t mean to pry but do you have arthritis? You keep rubbing your hand,” I said.

  “Oh yes I have OA osteoarthritis” Fern replied

  “Oh I am so sorry. Knowing that, I’m even more impressed at how you have been able to take such good care of this beautiful place,” I said. Fern lead me up a staircase and down a hallway there was six doors and she lead me to the fifth.

  “Here you are.” She said opening the door. The room was beautiful. The walls were a bright and airy yellow and there was a wood bed in the middle of the room a night stand and a lamp with a few books beside it. There was a tray resting on a bench at the foot of the bed but the most beautiful thing to me was a window seat with a cushion that was yellow and white striped pillows lined it and it looked out over the entire farm. I hugged Fern it was like home all over again.

  “Thank you this is so beautiful.” I said.

  “Oh you are quite welcome. It was my room when I was a young girl.” She said. I hung my backpack on a hook by the door along with my scarf’s and jackets I was safe here. “Have you had breakfast yet? We were just about to sit down to it we would love it for you to join us.” Fern said. I had almost forgotten about breakfast I was famished.

  “No I haven’t that is very kind of you,” I said. I pulled out sixty five dollars. “It isn’t much but I have to pay you for the room somehow.” I said.

  “No dear, keep it. You are helping me more than I could possibly ever repay you for if this is all I can do, I would actually owe you” Fern said. I laughed.

  “How about we consider ourselves even?” I said.

  “Okay” She managed through her own warm laughter. We walked down stairs to the kitchen. There was a man there he reminded me of my grandpa sitting and reading the newspaper with his breakfast in the mornings.

  “Earl, we have a guest. This is Renady she will be staying here for a while and helping with the farm. Renady this is Earl” Fern introduced.

  “Nice to meet you sir.” I said.

  “The pleasure is mine young lady.” He replied stunned that a kid from this day and age had the country mannerisms I had grown up with.

  “She grew up on a farm so she has lots of experience.” Fern said. That seemed to explain it to him.

  “Yes with my Grandparents, my parents well I don’t exactly know what happened to them.” I said. There was a pause.

  “Well take a seat Renady dear” Fern said. “There are biscuits and gravy with eggs and bacon and some orange juice.” She said.

  “My this look amazing my Grandmother used to make this breakfast on my Birthday” I said. It had always been my favorite.

  “Used to?” Fern said.

  “Oh she passed away around a month ago, and grandpa.” I said.

  “But I guess I can be glad. she was getting too old for that kind of work and grandpa worried abo
ut her luckily. They went together, which was all they could ever hope for. I don’t know how Grandpa would have survived without her and vice versa.” I said.

  “Well he would have had you wouldn’t he?” Earl said.

  “Yes I suppose they would have.” I said with a smile.

  The Breakfast was amazing it had tasted even better than my grandma’s and that is hard to accomplish. I went upstairs and changed into my old plaid shirt and boots with the jeans I had just bought and my hat. I had packed it for the CIA training despite of myself I put the scarf over my hair under my hat as a precaution. Soon I skipped down the to where Earl and Fern were waiting to show me around the farm. They took me out on one of their four wheelers.

  The Farm was absolutely amazing the fields seemed never ending they had chickens, cows, and horses. They had the most beautiful horses, almost as beautiful as my Mandi. My heart ached without her. It soon came to my attention that the barns were in great need some repairs. They had the materials, but hadn’t ever gotten to hiring someone. “I will do it, I worked on our barn back home and at one point it needed all these repairs. If it’s okay with you,” I said.

  “Well of course, young lady. We appreciate it.” Earl said.

  “Thank you, sir.” I said.

  I spent the rest of the day until lunch feeding the pigs and horses. A heavenly aroma filled the housed.

  “Ooh it smells wonderful!” I said.

  “I hope you like it.” Fern said placing a plate with a hot sandwich in front of me as Earl and I sat down. We were just about to dig in when the sound of loud sirens and motorcycle and four wheelers, reached our ears. Fern and Ear ran to the windows. I stood and moved back towards the walls. I already knew it was coming from the direction of the farm. My heart quickened, it sounded almost deafening to my ears. I wanted to scream and run but I stayed firm. They slowed as they approached the farm and I realized I hadn’t seen multiple farms just one, this one and they were coming for me. They would have known I’d have chosen something like home. There were motorcycles that formed a diamond around a car. It was the CIA I knew it. I gasped as they barely slowed down enough to pull off in dirt road of our farm. “Earl have you driven the tractor to town again what have I told you about that?” Fern reproached.

  “I haven’t honest.” Earl said.

  “I’m not here. You can’t let them know I’m here okay? I promise I haven’t done anything wrong I just know something they want to keep a secret I will tell you everything just promise to tell them I am not here.” I begged, I could fear tears starting to fall down my cheeks. “Please don’t tell them, I never wanted this, I never wanted any of this, please. I have to hide,”

  “Of course, just follow-” A strong violent rapping at the door sounded. All three sets of eyes locked on the doors.

  “Go,” Earl whispered. I ran up the stairs and closed the door to my room, and slid under the bed. I pressed my head to the floor and tried to slow my breathing. They were right under me I could hear them talking. I searched around under the bed. Finally I found it, a peephole. I looked down through it. There were five, no six gruff looking men at the door.

  “Have you seen this girl?” The meanest looking one asked. He was holding up a picture of me although it wasn’t me I looked awful and well crazy like a lunatic I was wearing a white jacket and white pants I realized what these people were making me look like, a dangerous crazy girl who escaped from a mental institution. I was thinking I would be given away but Fern stood her ground.

  “No I haven’t sir,” She said

  “Really.” The man replied.

  “Well then why is there an extra bowl at the table?” He asked. Uh oh busted. I thought. “My Granddaughter is visiting.” Fern replied staying firm.

  “We are going to have to search your house ma’am” The man stated.

  “Of course” Fern said. She knew if she said no that they would have to go away but would seem guilty.

  “But I am going to have to ask you for some identification. This is private property, and I have my rights,” She said. Smart woman. They all pulled out their badges. Fern stepped aside and they came rushing in the house. Three headed upstairs and two stayed downstairs. Oh they underestimated me. They should know better.

  They headed up the stairs. Suddenly they burst into the room. Then they froze. They walked over to the chair and I heard a zipper and I realized what it was. My bag.

  I still hadn’t switched bags yet. And I could guess what they found. Everything.

  “Search this room” a man called. I was starting to regret my hiding place. Suddenly the bed skirt flipped up. A face was peering back at me. Suddenly I was grabbed out from under the bed. They must have been already trained full members of the CIA because it was all business here they didn’t even seemed to notice I was just a kid.

  Soon I had my arms behind my back and I was completely vulnerable. There were two guns aimed at me. I wanted to cry, all my hard work and I couldn’t even put up a fight.

  “Why” I said. “Why do you guys want me so badly?” I asked. They just stared at me, their guns pointed at my heart. In that moment, I decided something. I would either die from a mission they put me on or I could die fighting for my freedom. I had a choice, and I chose freedom. I kicked my foot up hitting the goon closest to me and sending him flying. Their guns were about to go off and I kicked them but one man pulled out something. A mini TV I snickered and turned on the others. That’s when I heard it.

  “What do you want with me I never did anything wrong!” It was aunt Lil I turned. She was sitting her hands in cuffs. She looked tired and ragged.

  “Don’t you understand? You have been arrested for child neglect.” It was E. Johnson. We have enough evidence to sentence you for, well quite a while and send Renady and Claire to foster care. Of course, being so close to the age of eighteen, no one will adopt them and…well the system doesn’t treat older children well.” Then suddenly the screen went blank and then flickered back on.

  “Hello Renady, you can save her we can make it to where she doesn’t remember any of this and she doesn’t go to jail we may even let you tell her about your special position at the CIA. All you have to do is come quietly and do what we ask and you will see your aunt again and not behind bars.” E. Johnson said.

  “Can you do that?” He asked. I just nodded one quick nod.

  “Good” then the screen went blank. I knew I couldn’t let that happen. I started to wonder if I really was crazy just like the version of me in that picture. Maybe I was crazy and I was just too dangerous to be told. There had to be a reason they were doing this to me, there had to be a reason. I let the man drag me out of the room and down the stairs. I let the tears stream down my face. My freedom wasn’t worth the loss of my families freedom. There would come a day, in that moment I swore there would come a day when I would secure that freedom, and ensure that all three of us would have our freedom once more. In the mean time, I let the tears run down my face as I walked down the stairs.

  “Can’t I at least hug them?” I asked. The man told me I could. When I got close enough I hugged Fern tight.

  “I’m not crazy but I have to go. The CIA doesn’t want anyone to know about me, I am so sorry for bringing this trouble with me.” I said. I hugged Earl. “Thank you for a wonderful morning,” I said.

  “Fern, Earl” the man holding my arms said with a nod. They just nodded back I could tell that they knew each other but how? I stepped back from them and let myself be lead out of the house. I was shoved into a car and I was surprised where they took me it wasn’t to a jail or office it was back to the farm. Then I realized why. They wanted to humiliate me. I was an example. ‘Don’ t runaway not that you would because if you do we will catch you.’ Then I remembered those people wanted to be there, they wanted to be a part of this, I was the only one who didn’t. We soon reached the farm, the silence in the car was deafening. I looked at the agent who had taken me from Fern and Earl’s.
He was all business. He didn’t ask questions about what he was doing, he just did. A real agent, one who had trained hard. Even though I loathed him I could tell he believed in what he was doing. I was shoved out of the car, the handcuffs not removed even though he knew I wouldn’t fight. Another clue proving my humiliation idea. Did they really think that it would be humiliating? That I would be embarrassed by some stupid hand cuffs? Hello I was being escorted by eight gruff looking agents-not trainees-who were very very armed, and there were two more I in the car and a backup car. I mean that just goes to show that I am dangerous enough without a weapon, enough to need to be “escorted” by eight agents mind you. I was totally Bad A. The euphoria in that moment soon wore off though, my heart ached at being back here, and I was scared. Still, I held my head high and let a smirk play on my face. I forced my walk to be jaunty, putting a spring in my step. We approached a building, and I was shoved in. I wasn’t going to seem defeated though, not in front of everyone who was quite obviously watching.

  “Can I at least pretend to struggle?” I asked the man. He looked down at me something flashed across his face, before he composed himself again. “Whatever” He mumbled slightly smiling. So he liked my jokes? Okay.

  “I could even pretend to be knocked out, and you’d have to drag my lifeless and pale body,” I said, imitating a corpse, with a laugh.

  “I think you would get a little bit too much satisfaction out of that. The idea is for you to be embarrassed after all,” he said smirking.

  “Oh how they think they know me,” I smiled. I knew I had just won him over. Once inside the room, I found it was surprisingly well lit. There was a lot of natural light. There was a staircase spiraling to the top and another one going down. I guessed that I would probably be lead down. Even though we were in the building I still wasn’t released from their grasp. They lead me down the stairs and I nearly tripped and fell down them but I caught my balance and then we continued. I nearly laughed when I saw where they had taken me. When we reached the bottom of the stairs there was a hug room and it looked like an arcade there was a picture booth and plenty of games.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “Transportation” The man replied. Gosh his voice sounds so familiar but not unpleasant…

  “What is your name sir?” I asked him. “John” He said smiling.

  “John” I repeated to myself.

  “Come on” he said. He led me over to a weird arcade game. It was a dummy one of those arm wrestling games it was inside a glass box that you entered to play.

  “Watch this” John said.

  He entered the box pulling me in with him and placed just his fingertips on the hand then turned and looked at the face. Suddenly a blue light was filling the box it scanned his eyes and checked his finger prints the suddenly we were spinning around in circles and then we zoomed off into a tunnel lit faintly by lights.

  “Cool isn’t it?” John stated.

  “Very” I replied not bothering to hide it. “I would be able to enjoy it more if it weren’t for these circumstances.” I added. He pressed his lips into a thin line the corners of his mouth turning up at the slightest I was guessing that he was trying to suppress a laugh. We went riding along through the dark at a very high speed I could tell by the way everything streaked past in one big blur. A TV popped out and a remote and a couch with two chairs. John offered me the remote, but even though I had nothing against him I refused it and went and sat down on the floor by the window. I always felt more comfortable sitting on the floor. I leaned my head against the window. John had still not taken my hand cuffs off of me. John stared for awhile then shrugged his shoulders and flipped through the channels.

  “You know, you’re smart not to take the handcuffs off I mean I could still knock you out, or strangle you, but yet the handcuffs remind me why I have to refrain from such unladylike behavior,” I stated dryly. He looked up.

  “What?” John asked.

  “It goes against every fiber in my body to do something I don’t want to do, to be forced to do and not allow myself to fight back, to fight for my freedom.” I replied.

  “By the sounds of it, it seems like you were going to end up in the army at least, fighting for everyone’s freedom including your own,” John joked. I scowled at my hands.

  “No I had other plans” I retorted.

  “Well what exactly do the cuffs remind you of?” John asked.

  “My Aunt Lil. That if I do anything the only person I have left in the world who could possibly love me will go to jail and I will never see her again, and her daughter Claire will go into foster care. I would rather my freedom be lost than theirs.” My voice broke and for a moment I lost my composure but it only took a second before I reined it in.

  “Your aunt who?” He asked, his body frozen. What a weird reaction.

  “You didn’t see the video?” I asked, he just shook his head.

  “No it was angled away from me.” He said.

  “My aunt Lillian. Lillian Parks.” I said. His head snapped up and he stared at me. Tenderly almost knowingly.

  “Is she your real aunt?” He asked.

  “What? Why are you so interested?” I asked wary now.

  “Is she your real aunt” He asked almost forcefully.

  “Yes of course” I said.

  “Renady. Where is Renady do you know her? is there a Renady parks that is related to you?” he asked urgently.

  “Yeah.” I said.

  “Who?” He gasped.

  “Me” I replied. He stared for a long time. I was starting to get a little creaped out.

  “Didn’t your mother ever teach you? Staring is rude you know, and generally discouraged in polite society,” I said. He didn’t laugh, or move, or blink.

  “Renady?” He whispered. “Renady don’t you know who I am?”

  “Uh, John the CIA dude who handcuffed me, and took me hostage, and who is frankly scaring the skittles out of me?” I guessed.

  “No Renady, I’m your father.”