Read Operation You've Got To Be Kidding Me Page 7

“Bye honey have a good time! I will see you when you get home!” She said. Waving to me as I slid into the limo the CIA had provided to make the excuse believable.

  “Bye Aunt Lil, bye Claire. See you soon” I said waving. “Maybe.” I mumbled to myself, as I shut the door. The car started to move I glared at the CIA agents who sat silently across from me. I needed time to think. What had I gotten into? More importantly what had I gotten my family into? What if they were fakes? I didn’t know but my gut told me to stay put. I almost freaked when I saw where we were going. It was the Spring Resort. It was extremely exclusive. It was only for politicians, visiting dignitaries, and movie stars. They wouldn’t let the locals come unless they were multi-billionaires.

  “What is this I thought you were taking me to the CIA headquarters or something?” I said.

  “This is the CIA headquarters.” They lead me into the lobby, telling me to wait and that some a Mrs. Adams would be right down. Then, they disappeared through double doors at the end of the hall. I would normally have followed them but I knew that it would be no use. A cough sounded. I turned to see a woman with black shiny hair cut into a bob, green eyes, and red glasses.

  “You must be Mrs. Adams.” I said standing.

  “I am, and I believe you are Ms. Renady parks. Born in 1999 in New Mexico. Your parents died and you were sent to your grandparents in Idaho. They recently died and you were sent here to California to live with your aunt Lillian Parks.” She said “This way please.” She added leading me off. I didn’t like that she knew more about me than I did about her. She led me down a hallway then to an elevator. She pushed a button with no name or symbol on it. We went shooting up. Finally, the elevator stopped. The doors opened to a small hallway containing only three doors. The one at the far end was E. Johnson, another one I assumed by the sign lead to stairs, and the other one must be Mrs. Adam’s. Mrs. Adams walked straight through the door without knocking and held the door open for me.

  There was a man with light hair sitting behind a long modern desk. He had been expecting me and when he saw me an impersonation of a warm smile flashed across his face. I observed that he probably was a man that showed no expression whatsoever normally. He stood as I entered the room.

  “My dear Miss Parks. How good it is to have you here. I must say I was quite stunned to see what damage you have done to my agents, and your neighborhood.” He commented

  “Actually sir I would say that they have done more damage to me than I them. I didn’t choose for this to happen-or to be here-so I suggest that we get on with this conversation. You should know by now, with how I suspect that you have been watching me, that I like to get to the point.” I said thinking about all those cameras and listening devices I had found throughout the past week or two. This appeared to make him genuinely pleased. Perhaps he prefers to do without pleasantries as well.

  “Very well. Please take a seat.” He said gesturing to a chair. “I would prefer to stand, thank you.” I said.

  “No you will sit.” He said, his voice a low. I noticed out of the corner of my eye four people stepping out of the shadows. They got closer. While the smart think to do would have been to just obey and sit down, I couldn’t bring myself to be smart. In a flash I leapt into the air spinning my leg around in a kick that I didn’t even know I knew how to do. I hit one of the men, and he stumbled. I ran over to the umbrella stand I had seen by the door, as one man dived at me I dropped down and slid. I swung the umbrella stand into the head of one of the men. He collapsed. I pulled out the two umbrellas in them and started flipping them in my hand. We spun, and dodged, and I landed blows to the three others left. I ducked and kicked. Though I did damage, I could feel my body begin to grow weary. It hadn’t healed entirely as of yet. Soon, I had my arms pinned behind me.

  “Very good” E. Johnson said. “You seem to pass every test we hand you very well. Although, you will need quite a bit more training,” he said.

  “More traini-”

  “We would like for you to join the CIA as a field agent,”