Read Origins Page 3

  He stared at me as if he’d only just discovered the answer to his lifelong quest. My heart clamored with joy that the Goddess had heard me. The magickal stone was now charmed, and we were under its spell.

  He slid down from the tree and rubbed his hands on his breeches. “I fear I am more lost than I realized. I thought I had strayed from the path and discovered a maiden, but I was mistaken. I seem to have wandered into an enchanted faerie world, into the realm of a dark, tiny wood nymph. A beauty with glistening black hair and eyes that hold the secrets of the night.”

  I smiled, feeling myself blossom at his words. I had always viewed myself as small and plain,

  unworthy of much notice for my appearance. It delighted me to hear myself described so. “You are too kind. I am but a village girl, gathering herbs to make a pottage.” He lifted the basket from my hand. “Bay leaves . . . anise for colic. Thyme to aid in digestion. And clover . . .” He pulled the basket away, teasing me. “These are enchanted herbs, my lady. Tell me, where does your circle gather?” “I know not of a circle, but for the shape of the full moon,” I lied, reaching for my basket. But he stopped my hand with his own, and suddenly we were touching, the sensitive palms of our hands aligned like the stars of a splendid constellation. His lips moved, forming no words, but his glittering blue eyes told a tale of surprise and desire. And love? Had my spell worked? I looked into his eyes, begging the question. His answer was the brush of his lips against mine, a gentle surprise followed by a rich, ripe kiss. I kissed him back, reveling in the feel of his lips on mine, rejoicing in the power that hummed when we touched. This was a passion matched only by the incredible spark I had felt in my solitary circle, and I knew at once that the Goddess was here with us. The Goddess had brought us together. It was meant to be.

  And from the way his fingers gently cupped my cheek and followed the line of my jaw to my hair, from the way he held my arm securely as if he would never let go, it was clear that he knew it, too.

  He squeezed my arm, letting out a small laugh. “The sun is falling. I’ll be on the road after nightfall, but I can’t bring myself to care . . . or to leave.” Nightfall. Danger. Looking to the west, I saw only the orange-and-purple glow above the tree line. “I must go, too. But I cannot say good-bye. I can’t bear it.” My eyes were level with the open ties of his shirt, where a gold pentagram dangled on a leather cord. I reached out and touched it brazenly. In turn, he pressed a finger below the crook of my neck, just above my breasts.

  “It will be yours,” he whispered. “For I am yours already.” It was a startling admission, coming from a boy I’d only just met. I thought of the boys I had known in my life. None had ever sparked a flame of interest within me, despite a few awkward kisses and groping hands. More than once Meara and I had encountered village boys down by the brook. They were gawky, rough-hewn creatures who teased and chased us, always wanting to steal off into the woods with one of us. More than once I’d had to kick one of them away. Neither boy nor man had held any appeal for me. Until now.

  “Come to me tomorrow,” he said, holding my hands to his chest. “Meet me here, at the same time. Please say you will.”

  “I will,” I promised, loving the way my slender fingers disappeared in his large, warm hands. He kissed my fingertips, then backed away, walking awkwardly into the woods. “You’re going to hit your head,” I called, gesturing for him to turn around. “But I can’t take my eyes from you,” he said. “Then I must vanish.” I hitched up my skirts and raced out of the clearing, resolved not to turn back lest I linger in his arms forevermore. I was breathless from running and from his kisses, but I kept it up, slipping over a patch of dried mud and ignoring the brambles that caught at my stockings. I would run through the heather without shoes, roll down the rocky hills headfirst if it would get me closer to him.

  In my deepest heart, I knew that I had met mymùirn beatha dàn —my only soul mate. I did not

  yet know his name. I knew only that he was mine.

  I pressed my hand to the side of my skirt, feeling the weight and warmth of the rose stone through my pocket.

  Astounding, I realized, the power of a charmed gem. Even more surprising was the power of my own spell. I hadn’t been quite sure of the magnitude of the power—of my power—when I had planned to spell the stone for Kyra. But by the grace of the Goddess, the amulet had brought me love. Charging an Amulet, Esbat, Seed Moon

  The next morning I went about the cottage, performing my usual chores with a lightness in my heart, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. Suddenly it did not seem at all tedious to clean the cabin and air the linens and stoke the fire in preparation for breaking fast. And the last eve I hadn’t minded when Ma had questioned me about the herbs I had gathered, nor when I was chastised about the dangers of returning home after sunset. I did not think she had believed my story about the herbs being sparse and difficult to find, and I could feel her eyes upon me, watching curiously. No doubt she was surprised by my suddenly blithe spirit. As was I. The meeting in the woods had changed everything about my dull, suffocating life. Suddenly the Goddess had filled the very air around me with beauty, and the sure knowledge that I would see him again doubled the pleasure in each moment till then. When Kyra arrived, I was eager to go off with her and tell her everything. And from the way she switched from one foot to the other, I could see she was equally anxious. Likely eager for her love amulet, which she didn’t know the half about. “I must take some biscuits over to the market at Kirkloch,” Kyra said, resting a heavy basket on the table inside the cottage. Kirkloch was a nearby Christian village with a small marketplace and a blacksmith. “Ma and Da were hoping you would go along. Otherwise Ma will put off her spinning and go with me.”

  “May I go?” I asked my mother. I was already untying my apron and brushing soot from my skirt. “I’ve finished my chores.”

  But Ma was not so agreeable. “After our encounter with those thieves yesterday, I am not sure it’s safe. And what of the preparations for tonight’s Esbat?” Her arms crossed, Ma watched me with suspicion. Since tonight was the full moon, our coven would gather in the woods for an Esbat—a meeting of witches. We would worship the Goddess and take care of coven matters such as spells and charms. “Have you gathered what we need for the spell over the mill?” “No, not yet.” I wiped my moist palms on my skirt. “Then you cannot go. Not when you can’t be trusted to complete your chores and be home before sunset.” I couldn’t believe she was issuing such an edict, but she simply turned back to her spinning, as if I were being punished. Aye, perhaps she was punishing me for glowing with the Goddess’s joy. Sometimes it was impossible to understand my mother. “But Ma . . .”

  “Please, ma’am,” Kyra beseeched her.

  “I’ve made my decision, and that is that!” Ma snapped. Although she didn’t bother to look at me, her anger was palpable.

  The breath rushed out of Kyra as she gave me a desperate look.

  I knew I had to get out of the cottage before my news burst forth like a cinder popping out of the

  fire. “The sharp objects I need for the spell,” I said, thinking aloud. “I’ve a good chance of finding things like that along the roadside. Broken spearheads and pointed stones and such.” My mother stopped spinning, considering. “And there’s the blacksmith’s shop,” I said. “He is sure to have some discarded metals and arrowheads.”

  “Please?” Kyra added.

  Ma touched her forehead. “At least you’re thinking like a witch now.” “And we’ll be back in plenty of time for Esbat,” I said. After dark our coven would gather to celebrate April’s seed moon. It was a time to banish unwanted influences and cast spells of protection—a perfect time to help the MacGreavys out of their dilemma. “All right, then, you may go,” my mother relented. “But do not forget your chores. I’ll not have the MacGreavys without a spell of protection because a daughter of mine neglected her duties.” “Aye, Ma,” I said, feeling once again like the put-upon daughter of the high priestess. I hat
ed it, but often I felt as if I did the work while she got the glory. I grabbed my veil and cloak, not daring to stay to question my mother’s change of heart. The rose stone was in my pocket, a glimmering reminder of the fantastical spell I had conjured, and though I had promised it to Kyra, I was now afraid to part with it. Hence I had sneaked into Ma’s cabinet that morning and found a stone that might do just as well for Kyra—a pale green moonstone, which was known to promote love and compassion. Before we reached the end of the path, I told Kyra of my meeting in the woods and of the splendid spell the Goddess had given me. As I spoke, her mouth opened, her jaw dropping in amazement.

  “A kiss!” Her hand flew to her face. “You let a stranger kiss you?” “Not a stranger,” I said confidently. “He’s a blood witch. Mymùirn beatha dàn —I’m sure of it.” “Who could he be?” Kyra wondered. “And from what clan?” “I’ll learn his name and clan today. We’re meeting this afternoon,” I said, smiling at the promise of seeing the sparkle of his eyes again. Reaching into my pocket, I took out the rose stone and held it up to the sky. It glimmered and winked in the sunlight. “That’s the rose stone?” Kyra asked, staring at it. “Oh, by the Goddess, it does exude power.” While I dreamed of meeting him again, Kyra went on and on with dire warnings. How I should not trust a stranger. How I must beware anyone from another coven. How it was wrong to lie to my ma. How I shouldn’t have charmed the stone in the first place. “Aye, but you had no objection when it was to be spelled for you,” I pointed out. “You’re right.” She flipped a braid over her shoulder and sighed. “I’m a fool in love, and now I’ve even lost my chance at having an amulet.” “Don’t despair.” I took the moonstone from my pocket and presented it to her with a flourish. “This stone promotes love and sympathy. And I heard one of the coven witches go on about its magickal ability to melt a lovers’ quarrel. It helps to open up emotions between two lovers.” Kyra’s face turned pink. “But Falkner and I are not lovers!” “Ah, but you shall be,” I teased in a singsongy voice. “Come, we’ll stop at my circle and charge the moonstone for you.”

  My circle in the woods was on the way to Kirkloch, and Kyra had been there before for gathering and practicing spells of our own. Kyra always deferred to me, as we both knew my powers with the Goddess were strong. Of late, some of Síle’s coveners had seemed to notice my powers. Once while Síle was drawing down the moon, coveners saw a halo of light surround

  me.Me —not the high priestess. My body had trembled with life force that night, but Ma had

  barely said a word beyond reminding me to ground myself when the rites ended. Sometimes I truly believed she was envious of my powers. I swept the circle with my broom, cleansing it for the spell. Then I placed the moonstone upon the altar and joined hands with Kyra.

  “Do you want to put the spell on your charm?” I asked her. “Would you do it for me?” She turned to me, her dark eyes beseeching. “You have so strong a bond with the Goddess, I think it’s best coming from you. Everyone knows you’re to be the next high priestess when Síle steps down.”

  I squeezed her hand, feeling flattered. “I don’t know that everyone has accepted that just yet. My own ma questions my spells and whereabouts every minute of every day.” “She’s trying to teach you.”

  “Well, if chastisement and disapproval are teaching, I’ll not be her student.” I went to the altar, where the moonstone sat in the dappled sunlight. Ma always said spells were best cast at night, and it was certainly safer, but it was nearly impossible to steal off and make magick under the moonlight with her watching me as she did. After making certain we were alone, I bowed to the Goddess, asking for Her blessing over this stone. As always, I summoned the power of earth, wind, water, and fire. Then I turned and handed the moonstone to Kyra. “Hold it next to the pounding in your breast,” I told her. She pressed the stone to the bodice of her gown. I felt the power above me. Lifting my chin, I saw the moon in the sky through a clearing in the circle. It was full and visible today, thrumming with life force and power. So much power for tonight’s Esbat. I went to my stash of tools and took out my athame, a long wand I’d made from a tree branch and a lovely pointed stone I’d spied in the river. Standing in the center of the circle, the athame in my right hand, I felt the moon trembling in the crown over the trees. I raised my arms directly above me and clasped them both at the base of the athame. “I now draw the power of the moon into myself,” I said, “merging with her power, the pure essence of the Goddess.” My breath came sharp and fast as the moon flashed onto the tip of my athame. I could feel it there, coursing down onto the sharp stone. I let the moon fill the athame, then brought the tool down and pressed its sharp tip to my chest. At once the power danced through me. Molten silver filled my breast, my body, my whole being. Beside me I heard Kyra gasp, but I could not turn my head to look over, so engrossed was I in drawing down the moon.

  When I was fully saturated, I swung around and pointed my athame at Kyra, touching her chest to let the power soar into her. Her dark eyes reflected the silver light as she watched it stream through my athame.

  “In this day and in the hour I call upon thee, ancient power.” I spoke slowly, steadily. “Kyra has a need that must be met, a true love to draw to her, Falkner to call for her. Charm this stone, O Goddess of Light. Bring her love to cherish and delight.” The spell complete, I pulled the athame away and dropped to the ground, pulling Kyra along beside me. I had learned from coven circles that so much power could sap a witch, making the head light and the body weak. Grounding was essential. After a few moments Kyra sat up, blowing dirt from her hands. “The Goddess has truly blessed you, Rose,” she said. “The way you summon Her power, ’tis like a circle with the elders, who have so much more experience.”

  “The power runs in my blood,” I said, neither bragging nor awed by it. I had come to accept that

  my destiny was intertwined with the Goddess, even if my own ma wasn’t nearly so sure.

  It seemed like hours had passed drawing down the moon, but the sun was still high in the clear sky. Carefully I hid away my tools, and we returned to the road to Kirkloch. When we reached the gathering of cottages at the edge of Kirkloch, Kyra resolved to go directly to the market, but I would not have it.

  “We must stop at the blacksmith first,” I insisted. “I have grave need of sharp objects for tonight’s spell of protection.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Aye, and whose father happens to be the blacksmith of Kirkloch?” It was none other than Falkner, I knew. “I’m here to help you get beyond your fears,” I teased her. “Where would you be without me, Kyra? Hiding in your cottage, under your ma’s skirts?” “I would not,” she insisted, but she came close and kissed my cheek lightly. “But you’re a good friend, Rose MacEwan. A good friend indeed.” I smiled, sure that our destinies were to be filled with love and happiness. It was such a good feeling after the heaviness that had fallen upon me of late, the pressing danger of persecution from the Christians, the unfair hatred from every rival clan. I took Kyra’s hand and skipped ahead merrily.

  “I’ll drop my basket!” she protested, laughing. “Well, then, hold on tight,” I said as I pulled her along. Outside the blacksmith’s shop, I let her compose herself before we ducked around the post and faced the blaring heat of the fires under the overhang. There was the usual wild flurry of activity as the black-smiths clanged and banged horseshoes and the like, sparks flying and fires hissing. It brought to mind the many times I had accompanied Kyra here and, indeed, to other places in pursuit of her beloved Falkner, who now stood off to the side, prodding the fire with a long poker. How many times had I encouraged her to speak to him, to smile at him, to call his name? All to no avail. He usually gave her a frightened look, then skulked away.

  But today would be different.

  By the power of the Goddess, my Kyra would have her boy’s love. “Touch the moonstone,” I whispered to Kyra. Reflexively she pressed a finger to her neck, where she’d strung the stone onto a piece of twine. Her e
yes flashed to Falkner, who looked up from the fire . . . And dropped his poker.

  It was as if he’d never seen Kyra before. His heat-ruddy face went pale as he ignored the poker and crossed over to the railing where we stood. Kyra lowered her eyes, but her huge smile revealed her interest as she greeted him and offered a biscuit. Falkner accepted gratefully but didn’t take his eyes off her as he lifted the morsel to his mouth and took a bite. I clapped a hand to my cheek, thrilled that the charm was working. Blessed be. All thanks to your power, sweet Goddess.

  Falkner and Kyra were still gazing at each other when Falkner’s father, a witch in our coven, finished with a customer and bade us good day. “And who’s been baking here?” he asked. I knew John Radburn from many a circle. He was a jovial man, far more spirited than his son. “I baked with my ma,” Kyra said, lifting the cloth to offer him a biscuit. He took one and set it aside on a tin plate. “That’ll go nicely with my beer at midday, thank you. And what can I help you with, lassies?”

  “We came to trade the biscuits at the market,” I said. “But while I’m here, do you mind me poking about to find leftover sharp objects? Ma needs them to . . . to scare off the crows from her garden,” I lied. Blacksmith Radburn probably knew of the spell of protection to be cast at the

  mill, but it wouldn’t do to have strangers overhear talk of our magick.

  “Help yourself.” The blacksmith moved the toe of his boot through the dirt to reveal a few jagged pieces of metal. He picked them up and set them on the rail before me. “But mind you don’t touch anything that’s still heated.” “I’ll take care, sir,” I said, slipping the sharp items into a thick pouch. The blacksmith turned back to his work, and I set to searching the ground for sharps. Falkner helped me a bit as he chatted with Kyra; then he, too, returned to tend the fires. When I had a pouch full of splintered nails and shards and arrowheads, Kyra and I thanked the blacksmith and headed away.