Read Osin Fisher Page 7

had circles for dealing with drugs but there were none for dealing with my emotions and feelings. I was technically and socially challenged. Unlike the people of my age, I was out of this wired world. I was out of modern era and fashions of going party, discos, and dates” she continued.

  “One night my father tried to rape my sister in drunken state. I tried to control him but couldn’t. So, I pulled the trigger of gun that was hung on the wall and shoot him dead. I was imprisoned for 1 year but later my grandfather released me. This is all about me” she said. She looked sad.

  In order to divert the sadness, he said “I want to hear some of your good piece”

  “Oke…………….y but which one?” she asked.

  “Any” Osin replied quickly.

  She turned out pages and flipped it for some time to find her best ones.

  “Ok” then she began…


  Optimism is the powerful tool to conquer the happiness. It is the last and best option to adopt when we discover that we can't win the game by anything else. Optimism is an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions or to anticipate the best possible outcome. It is the energy which gives us power to think that everything is possible. It enlightens us to feel that we live in the best of all worlds.

  No matter what is happening around us, if we can develop our positive attitude at the core of our being, we will equip ourselves to survive any challenge, any

  disappointment, any crisis, and any source of upset. An optimist always thinks that some terrific will happen no matter how dark the present. An optimist always hopes a glimpse of light even in a scary darkness. If a door is closed, an optimist tries for next door or makes a door himself.

  A common conundrum illustrates optimism-versus-pessimism with the question; does one regard a given glass of water, filled to half its capacity, as half full or as half empty? Conventional wisdom expects optimists to reply, "Half full," and pessimists to respond, "Half empty”. An optimist thinks the entire world belongs to him. Optimism develops confidence that eventually results success. Pessimist always complains about the problem whereas an optimist tries to find the solution for it. An optimist can create a new way whereas pessimist doesn't see any way.

  Optimism does have positive influence on other also. Once, there were two business partners. Unluckily, one partner lost 2 billion in share. So, he felt very guilty and couldn’t face his partner. He even tried of winding up his life for that huge loss. Surprisingly his partner came and thanked him that he lost only 2 billion and further added if there were other, they would have lost further more. These positive words influenced that depressed partner so much that he toiled himself and made the business in profit instantly. Finally, their business became opulent.

  People who consistently exhibit a positive attitude are more likely to stay healthier, look fitter, and recover faster from any illnesses they do undergo. There is certainly something about optimism that goes far beyond merely being “upbeat” or “perky” — it’s a way of thinking and a way of living that actually improves our overall sense of wellbeing. Instead of viewing an illness as proof of how hopeless life is, an optimist looks it as the body’s way of telling that something needs to change, and then work on changing it. Optimism is the best cure for the patient who is not sure whether he will recover or not.

  Without optimism, you don't even dare to move. So be optimist, have some guts and achieve the success eventually.

  Then she flipped the page and read next:



  "Good timber does not grow with ease, the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees"


  Success is the final outcome of many hard experiments and bad failures. We should all understand that if we don't get the desired outcome we want, then it is simply feedback. Humans have learned only through mistakes. Nothing is impossible in this world if we have real motivations and desire to achieve it. Failure is the small obstacle that tries to pull us back. Manyobstacles can be found in our way and make us fail but we should go on with new strategies and more energy.

  History has shown time and again that if people maintain the belief systems that encourage them, they will keep coming back with enough actions and enough resourcefulness to succeed eventually. Abraham Lincoln lost some elections, but he continued to believe in his ability. He refused to be cowed by his failures and finally he achieved it. When he did, he changed the history of his country.

  Sometimes people produce result simply because they don't know something is impossible. There is a story of a young man who fell asleep during his math class. He woke up as the bell rang, looked up at the blackboard and quickly copied two problems that were there. He thought they were the homework. He went home and labored all day and night. He couldn't figure out either one, but he kept trying for weeks and finally he got answer to one and brought to the class.

  The teacher was absolutely stunned. It turned out the problem he'd solved was supposedly unsolvable. If he had known that he probably wouldn't have solved it.

  Dedications, hard work, motivations are the key components of success. If people had given up, then would have been still in that Stone Age. People are now able to reach other planets and moon also. If Einstein had given up then, we wouldn't have seen the atom bomb and if Thomas Edison had given up after his 9,999 times of failure, then we would have been still living in darkness. We must thank to his failures and most importantly his courage and dedications to his work.

  Our doubts are traitors. The fear of failure makes the things impossible to achieve. Many struggles, failures, complications make the final product really beautiful. The timber tree becomes tougher when it bears heavy winds. Future is really uncertain. We don’t know what the result may be. The result that is obtained easily may not be as beautiful and perfect as the result obtained with great struggles and failures.

  We know that failure is temporary but giving up makes it permanent. So never give up, always go on.


  “Wow they are nice. I want more” he requested.

  “Okay, here are pieces that I wrote regarding present day women in some different ways .Hope I will make you easy to understand the woman of this city” I will utter them out.

  She continued.


  All men out there…please listen to what we girls have to say….and boys please agree to this alright..!!.. lol


  It’s okay if you are flawed. It’ll go well with our blemishes. Nothing annoys us more than someone who’s kind, sweet, loving and understanding ALL the time. We need a little friction. A reason to run to our best girlfriends and complain. The typical screen hero with the heart of gold and bulging muscle may go well with a bag of popcorn. When it comes down to real life we don’t want someone unknowingly perfect, he makes us look and feel inadequate.

  So go ahead, honey, open a can of beer and watch that cricket match all Sunday. It’s okay if you let a few burps too. Don’t mind our menacing scowls and threatening looks.

  Just remember, diamonds are very pretty!!


  Let’s bury chivalry first. Kindly refrain from holding the door. We are not stupid, we won’t walk through it. (but ‘sweety’ I liked it when u did that, okay!!!). But at the same time we want to be stared when we are not looking. We want a little bit of fussing when our knees get scraped. The latest novel by our favorite author waiting by our bedside table when we wake up. Our favourite brand of chocolate to mysteriously keep popping up in the fridge. As far as love is concerned, it’s the little things rather than the unimaginative extravaganzas that make out toes curl.


  Not the ‘let me pluck these roses and see if he loves me or not’ kind. Or the

  r the ‘sweetie, can u run around a foggy moor and hysterically scream my name ple
ase’ kind either (though that’s not a bad idea!!...ummmm) Welllll…….I believe in love. But after everything you have been through if someone knows how much sugar you have in your coffee without having to ask (I know you very well know I want sprite and lemon juice hai!!) or knows that you have always wanted to have a puppy without having to be told (and I very well know u want a doggy, later of course) or holds your history in a way, you feel that to him, you are a superstar you always knew you were, that’s the guy for we girls. It all boils down to companionship. Knowing each other intimately to say ‘hey, there is something in your teeth, stand still, will you??’ or to say ‘buy me that navel

  ring right now’…when he very well knows you cannot unscrew you previous one

  anyhow…uhmm uhmm....we are tired of grooming ourselves and making it look like we have just fell out of bed. Lets get real now. We want love. Just not the entire manufactured production that goes into it.



  He really loved the piece and he demanded to recite some of her more pieces.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Yes, go on” he replied.

  She began……

  Tranquility of mind…………………….

  Tranquility of mind is the