Read Oujha Ghost Stories Page 1


  By-Sachin Kr.Saparia


  copyright © 2016 by sachin kumar saparia

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  1.The Haunted Apartment

  I am an avid Ouija user, I have played it since I was 14 (am now 21). I have has my fair share of scares when using the board, simple things like my hair being pulled, lights going off etc. My recent experience I had made me realize that Ouija is truly a game for the brave hearted. I live in an old apartment built in 1900. After the first week of me living here weird things would occur.

  My dog would bark furiously at moments, but there would be no danger around. My friends stopped coming over, because they felt scared and as if someone were watching them. I decided to do a session in my apartment to hopefully pin point these weird occurrences. I lit my room with candles, burnt sage to cleanse the room saying a prayer while doing so to keep bad spirits away. Here is the conversation that took place:

  Me: Are there any good spirits who would like to communicate?

  - I waited for about 30mins before the pointer began to move.

  It: No

  Me: You do not wish to speak to me?


  Me: Are you a good spirit?

  -Ten minutes of nothing

  It: Yes

  Me:Are you the spirit that lingers in my home?


  Me: Where did you come from

  It: (spells out) Wander

  Me:What is your name?

  It: Moves to 1 then 0 then 1

  Me: Is this your age, are you 101 years old?

  It: No

  Me: This is your name?

  It: Yes

  -Meanwhile my dog is resting on the end of the bed with me.

  Me: How old are you?

  It: No

  Me: You do not know how old you are?

  It: No

  Me: Do you know the spirit that lingers in my home?

  It: Yes

  Me: What is its name?

  It: (quickly moves to) D

  Me: Who is D?

  It: Moves quickly to "Goodbye"

  I tried to ask it to continue to communicate but there was no response after an hour of attempting so I slide to Goodbye to end the session, I blessed the room again and put my board up. I was falling fast asleep when fear woke me up. The sound of a loud banging/knocking coming from my room door, woke me and my dog up. In my head in thinking it is an intruder, the banging was so loud I thought it could be the police. My dog ran at the door and for in his attack stance, growling and waiting for me to open the door.

  I grabbed my bat out the closet so scared to see what was behind the door. I quickly swung the door open, no one was there. My dog began barking hard and somewhat jumping at the doorway but I could see nothing to cause him to feel so aggressive. I searched the living room, kitchen, bathroom, pantry and closets to find no one or nothing. My windows were closed and it was the summertime so there was no breeze to have suggested wind gust.

  I went back to my room closed my door and locked it. I finally fell asleep, my dog still standing by the door waiting. It was no more than an hour later when that same banging at my room door happened again. With more bravery I ran at the door and swung it open, still no one was there. It was so frightening to go back to sleep, I stood up the rest of the night and my dog continued to stand at the door growling here and there.

  I have since broke my lease after 3 weeks of the banging that has occurred every night since my session. I now live in a new place and my dog has not been acting with extreme aggression like he was at my old place. If you have any ideas why the banging occurred please inform me as I am to scared to play with my board.

  2.My Ouija Experience The Footless Apparition

  So basically one day in the summer I was home alone because my parents were working. I was in my bedroom watching TV when I heard noises coming from my kitchen. I went to go and check to see what it was and as I looked down my hallway I saw an apparition walk across my hallway and down my steps. I froze in fear as I saw this apparition has legs but it had no feet.

  When my father got home I told him every detail of it. He told me it was just my imagination. I disagreed due to the fact of how detailed this apparition was.

  Then I had one of the weirdest dreams. At first I remember walking into my house late at night. And I went up to my bedroom to go to sleep. The weird part was I looked into my bed and there I was already sleeping in my bed. Then I woke up and I was laying in the same exact position I saw myself sleeping in, in the dream.

  So then I took to the Ouija board. I played with my cousins because they have always wanted to use one. I explained that I saw and apparition with no feet. So we went on the board and This how it went.

  Me: "Is there a spirit willing to communicate with us?" Nothing happened for a bit then the planchette slid to yes.

  Me: "Okay, what is your name?" The planchette immediately slid to No.

  Me: "Can you tell me about yourself?" The planchette slid to letters spelling out: "No Feet" then I got a little tensed up.

  Me: " Are you a good spirit?" The planchette slid to yes then slid to goodbye.

  We have not been able to make contact since then.

  3.Ouija Board Not As Scary As We Thought

  My friends (James, Dimitri, and Annie) and I have been into anything that can creep us out since probably sixth grade. We're always seeing the newest horror movie or trying out those ~supernatural games~, anything to give us a bit of a rush really. Most of the time we can laugh it off and have a good time. We've gone into the woods a couple miles out of town only a few times before and tired EVP sessions or the spirit rods. We got a couple things but soon lost interest and spent the rest of the night messing around.

  So, Friday night my friends and I wanted to do something and I suggested a Ouija board session. I'd been wanting to do one for a while and, after hearing a couple stories float around town about Ouija experiences, I decided to take action. We all piled into Dimitri's truck and stopped by 7-11 to pick up a Ouija board and some snacks before going out.

  We drove into the woods and followed an old trail about half a mile in before pulling out the Ouija board. We pulled out a flashlight and flipped through the directions really quick before starting. I was chosen to be the medium and jumped right in. Everyone got really quiet as we began.

  "Is there a spirit in our presence?" The slidey thing slid to yes and James let out a little laugh. We mumbled for him to shut up and when we quieted down I asked another question.

  "Can you tell us about our future?" It slid to no. Annie let out a huff as I spoke again. "Do you have the power to do so?" It slid to no. We all seemed to share the same thought of 'hey, at least it's not saying we're not worth to have our fortune told'.

  "What's your name?" It slowly slid to spell out H-O-N-O-R-E. "How old are you" 1-7 I looked at everyone a bit funny and kept going. "Were you born here?" No. "Where did you come from?" F-R-A-N-C-E. We whispered among ourselves nob
ody had ever been overseas. "Where did you go after that?" Q-U-E-B-E-C.

  My shoulders slumped. I've spent every summer in Quebec with my aunt since I was little. "Are you following me?" Their whispers fell silent when I asked the question. The slider slid to yes. I got a little bit flustered and handed control over to Annie who was absolutely ecstatic to have the board in her direction.

  "So why are you following Caitlin?" it didn't move. "Do you think she's pretty?" I was completely flushed and began to protest and tell her she's acting like a five year old until it slid to yes. She smiled. "Thank you for your time. Goodbye." It slid to goodbye as Dimitri grinned at me.

  He began to laugh. "Looks like you've got a cute French boy following you around because he thinks you're pretty." They still tease me about it every once and a while but I think it's sweet. I also think it goes to show that Ouija boards aren't all bad.

  4.Is This Ghost My Great Grandma Or Someone Else?

  I'm going to say right now that this isn't a scary so sorry to bum anyone out. I lost my great grandma a couple of years ago and it hit my mom, brother, and I pretty hard. About a year after her passing I was using the computer when I notice my kitchen get darker (only had the light above the sink on and the light about the computer on) I looked into the kitchen and saw the sink light off. Confused I got up and switched it in the off position then turned it back on and it worked! I sat down again and noticed the light off again.

  Annoyed I said, "if someone is there and is turning the light off please turn it back on" just as I said that it did. I was curious now so I decided to test it.

  "can you please turn it off?" it turned off.

  "have you been here a while? Turn it on for yes turn it off for no" it turned on. I was now excited. It didn't feel anything bad and my house was built by my parents a year before I was born.

  "do you know me?" it turned of then back on to show it's answer was yes. My brother walked in to see the light respond to me and just stared from the light to me.

  "are you going to hurt me or my brother?" a NO

  "my mom?" still no

  "well it's nice talking to you so can you please turn the light back on and leave it please?" it turned on and stayed that way for the rest of the night but I think it still wants to talk because the security system beeps when a door or window opens and I kept checking everything every time it beeped before finally leaving it alone.

  I also think it might be my great grandpa because he died before my mom was a teen but my great grandma had told my mom when I was born and as a kid I looked just like my great grandpa only in girl form.

  Every time I put something up in the pantry in can stay there for months without falling. It only happens to me and normally when I'm by myself. I walked in from school the other week and a can that had been in there for ameboid suddenly fell out. I was used to this by now so I said "alright let me get changed and put my bag down then I'll pick it up."

  I told my mom about it every time it happened and she smiled or laughed sometimes but took me seriously and said " maybe your great grandma is trying to tell you to clean something or someone clearly wants you attention."

  A few last things to mention: I found out a while ago that I'm a empathist (?) and just a few weeks ago I found out that I'm starting to become a Slider. When my mom's heart hurts I feel it as if it were my own and the distance doesn't matter.

  5.Talking to a Friend in Hell via Ouija Board

  This Ouija story was given to me by a friend of mine who did several sessions communicating with a friend of his who said he went to hell. This is his email to me, word for word in his own words...

  I'll tell you what he told me. His name is Drew and he was a gang member from my area that died and went to hell. He said that it is very dark and smoldering hot where he is. He told me that the Ouija board is an oracle designed to talk to the residents in hell and that some spirits may be good souls that were banished to hell for not believing in God, but most of the spirits are bad spirits faking it and trying to seem good. Since my uncle knew him, he was telling me about this on multiple occasions.

  From what he has told me, there are 3 stages after death. There is heaven (Gods palace), limbo (our world - you are stuck here to haunt something till you move on), and hell (Satan's palace). I don't know, he said that it was too complicated to explain, but he is in hell and at the same time he is in the room with me. He said that he can be in 2 places at one time. He would warn us of demons that are coming through and said that the Ouija board is a portal to hell. They are still in hell, but half of them are in your home. That is how evil spirits are released through oracles.

  He told me that hell is forever, and when he first went there he was in dark nothing with light shining on him. The light started closing and souls began to grab him and bite and suck his flesh. He screamed for mercy, but his actions were unforgivable. He said that when you go to hell, damned souls will grab you and drag you down while ripping you apart, but of course he paraphrased it. He said there is no getting out of hell. You're trapped there for good, but he said the devil allows some demons to leave so that they can damn souls.

  On several sessions, Drew said he had to go because his friends were calling him and he was drinking corona's (a beer). I found that odd that you can drink current time beers in hell? He even talked to me while he was drunk on the board, and you could tell he was drunk because he couldn't spell. He saved my uncle one time, because my uncle is a gang member too and he told him not to go outside on a certain day. My uncle didn't believe him. My uncle sat on a plastic chair outside, then I said, "Drew, if you're there give us a sign." So he grabbed the chair and pulled it out from under my uncle. We went in scared, and later that day there was a drive by and my uncle's house was shot up. He only lived because of Drew.

  He said that they can read your mind, and they can either touch things or use their minds to move it. He said he can't throw anything around unless we talk to him and give him energy to do so. Also, all of them can see into the future, but they are not allowed to say much in fear of the big man. He said that if he said anything about the future, the devil would do something. And when I would ask him what, he would just repeat SAVE ME, SAVE ME, SAVE ME, SATAN, SATAN, SATAN. He was very afraid.

  He would warn us and would say go to church, Satan is coming, so we were scared and ended the session. He said that the more we talk to him the more power we give him. There was once a spirit who was pretending to be Drew, and Drew came back and he told me something that amazed me. We told him what happened and he said, and I quote, "hold on - ill be back ima go kick his ass." He came back, and he said he whooped his ass. One time my dad was saying that stuff isn't real, Drew is a nobody. Drew got mad and threw the board to the ground and said leave now, he said he was going to slit my fathers throat and kill him. I got on my knees and begged him to let my father be because he is ignorant. And he said RUN he is coming. We asked who was coming, and he said over and over again SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN. So we stopped and left the board out on the porch. He would predict who would die next from a shoot out and was always correct. He also said that he raped people in hell and he was also raped in hell by a mightier spirit. He said that higher level demons will rape people in hell.

  During one session, he told us to change the channel to one where it had static. He said turn on music so you can see me dance. We did, and the static was jumping up and down to the music, and that blew my mind. He said that most of the time he gets drunk in hell, but he says most of his time in hell is being tortured by demons and Satan himself. He said he looked at his face, he's looking in the face of Satan, and he told me that it is the most horrifying thing that you will ever see. He began to cry. A grown man who lived on the streets killing began to cry like a baby. Every time I ask him what does Satan look like, he starts repeating his name and says he is crying so it must be crazy scary. He also said that some people that you see on the streets are not really humans but are very powerful demons that
are there to influence people to do bad things.

  He did mention a demon's name that he is afraid of as well. He told me not to say his name out loud, but it was cool to write it down. He said his name is "Zetoh," and he is a pretty big baddy. He also said that Succubus demons that have sex with humans are real. He told me to stop talking to him and to trust in God because he said hell is a place, a dark place and it is fiery hot. It looks like a dark fiery earth. He joked and said that they weren't kidding about the brimstones of fire and the lake of fire - its all true. He told me to follow God so I don't ever have to see what he has seen. To answer your question on what hell is like, it looks like a battle zone on fire. He said it is worse than anyone can imagine, your brain can't even comprehend how horrific it is.

  6.Sleep Paralysis and Succubus Possession

  To whom that could help me, This may not sound like a ghost story, which I hope it's not cause if it is then perhaps I'm in some deep grave. I've been suffering from what seems to be sleep paralysis but I fear that it could be more than just normal blockage of nerves to rest my limbs during sleep.

  I've been reading some the articles related to sleep paralysis . I'm a bit reluctant to accept this but there are some or many similarities of my sleep paralysis experiences with the "unusual" sleep paralysis .

  I'm hearing noises, speeches of foreign language, glass breaking screams, whispers of incomprehensible words during my sleep. I'll wake up when it becomes to unbearable but of course my limbs will defy my commands and not moving a inch. My voice will be lost as if my throat is blocked not allowing anything but air to move in and out.