Read Our Extraterrestrial Neighbors Page 3

few hours to all the participants, Seth inquired into whether there was a way out to get his moon friends back to talk. The meeting had more silent moments than discussion periods. This was partly due to awaiting more people to join over the phone lines. Seth began to sort out his strategies and linked the meeting with many of his top notch collaborators from many parts of the world who personally supported his work. Some were UN representatives who could influence many governments in the world. The meeting which was started with about 30 people initially, gathered more participants with the spread of the bad news, and finally had over 200 participants either physically at the meeting room or through other communication media. Whoever was requested to join did not think about how busy they were, time of day or any other factors that would otherwise have kept them out. Whole hearted prompt participation was seen due to the gravity of the situation. Abrupt termination of contact with the moon people was highly unacceptable to those who participated in the meeting or for that matter, for the entire world population, as the emptiness that was created could not be taken lightly. News on the moon people and their interaction had become an ingrained part now of the lives of all people on earth after regular broadcasts had become the order of the day for the past two years. It would turn the entire world into a state of utter dejection and for how long the impact of the abrupt termination would last in peoples’ minds was a difficult question to answer.

  The participants did not feel the time passing as the discussion meandered into various topics and directions. Though it had already reached fourteen hours after it was started, nothing conclusive was forthcoming as a remedy. Most of the time was spent on assessing the grave situation that everyone would arise in the future, if the moon people held firmly to their decision not to ever talk to them again. NASA had to decide whether they should stop or go at a low pace on the work on the planned manned mission to the moon. Many dignitaries indicated that they could persuade their governments to comply with Dooda’s request of not contacting them again if that was the eventual decision to be adopted. No one suggested aggressive or invasive action to reach the moon to find out more about the moon people and their social structures. However some religious leaders indicated that people on earth had a duty to educate the moon people about the “truth” though nobody knew what that meant. Other than a suggestion to keep the observation activities to a minimum for a week or two and then review the situation at a later date, nothing concrete stood out as a feasible remedy at the end of the meeting. Seth and Max were not happy about the outcome of the meeting. Many times during the discussions Seth said he was obligated to Dooda to fulfill his request at any cost.

  During the discussion some participants quoted references from scholarly articles published in accredited journals on this subject. According to those references, the scholars advocated complete non-interference by man to isolated human societies similar to the one found on the moon. The same policies were advocated even for small isolated human groups that have been remotely encountered in distant areas on the earth in places such as Amazon jungle. Such papers explained how modernized civilizations could influence and destroy in very short times, well established societies thriving for thousands of years. Seth and Max’s brains were full of these ideas, suggestions and assurances given by participants. The meeting was adjourned after sixteen hours. After consulting Max, Seth directed all his team not to operate anything in the cave but keep their eyes and ears open on the instruments. By any chance if any one comes back to the vicinity of the camera, Seth wanted to be summoned immediately. With these instructions Seth ended his very long and disappointing day.

  Loola went to see Dooda at his room on the following day, at their usual meeting time. Dooda was fast asleep. One of his colleagues told him that Dooda was not feeling well and went to sleep early. Loola hung around to talk to Dooda as he did not have anything to do. He too did not have proper sleep either. When Dooda got up Loola realized how weak Dooda was, and attributed the cause as the previous debacle. Though Loola said hello to Dooda, Dooda was silent and was constantly staring at a wall like a lifeless statue. Loola brewed a tea like drink and both shared it hot. After Dooda’s cup was empty Loola filled it up and served his cup as well. They were not talking to each other but their body language was suggestive that they were sharing each other’s sorrow and feelings. After about 40 minutes Loola indicated that he was leaving. Dooda made a gesture to him to wait for a while, and then he pulled out the very first poster he got from the probe, the only souvenir he had from Seth, and kept it on Loola’s hand. Both looked at each other’s eyes. Loola decided to take it with him. Respectfully, he bowed down, touched the right shoulder and left Dooda. Not a single word was spoken during all this time.

  Seth and Max had been very disappointed for the last six days as nobody came to the vicinity of the probe. Other than a few birds that flew by and occasionally pecked at the camera to test the strength of their beaks, nothing was detected. Many times Seth thought that he would pull out all the equipment as Dooda requested and retire from his work. He had enormous support and encouragement from his fellow staff and influential people of reputed organization from very many countries, from the inception of the project. Some of these organizations provided enormous amounts of money and continues providing huge financial assistance for the moon project. As such Seth was compelled to think broadly, not only to accommodate his aspirations but of others. He decided not to do anything foolish. But just like Dooda, Seth too was emotionally crushed after listening to Dooda’s unexpected farewell speech.

  Surprising everybody, on the seventh day all of a sudden the SETI-NASA center observed someone coming towards the probe. Seth and Max rushed to the station in double quick time. It was Loola. Seth increased the brightness of the light in the probe slightly so that they could see Loola clearly. Loola appeared very excited but sad. He looked at the screen which was at the usual position. He said “Seth and Max”.

  Seth jumped and said “Yes Loola, how are you. We are happy to see you. Are you OK?”

  Loola said “Seth, I did not expect all these things to still be here after Dooda’s request. After I saw this from far and as we were very good friends I decided to come here and convey this news. I do not have much time. I have very sad news for you. Dooda is no more with us now. He was buried this morning. His health declined after he was here last. Please respect Dooda’s last request and take back your equipment. He trusted you so much. Please, please, please”. After saying these words Loola ran back in the direction he came from.

  Seth immediately transformed into a different person as if possessed. He took control of the command center over all the satellites and the other equipment on the moon. As a first step he directed Collie to move towards a steep moon crater which was about five miles from the location it was at that time. He set the speed of it to the maximum it could achieve and ensured that it was moving. Nobody interfered or questioned his actions. Then he folded back the screen and retracted the telescopic rod back to master. He then carefully selected the coordinates of another crater. Max and the other staff realized that Seth was trying to eject “Master” and crash it into the crater. When their facial expressions indicating disapproval were noticed by Seth he took one single look at all of them that virtually made them freeze. Due to the sheer respect Seth earned during all these years no body wished to influence what he was trying to do.

  On the pilot panel reserved for Collie’s controls, the radar screen lights flashed to indicate it was heading beyond the controllable distance from Master. Though there were many audio and visual warning signs to stop its movement, Seth’s attention was somewhere else. Nobody had the temerity to override Seth’s action. The sudden stop of any signals coming from Collie indicated that it would have tumbled down into the crater. As an expert space vehicle commander, Seth relayed commands to “Master” to rise from the ground. He then maneuvered Master towards the crater that he selected and made it turn around and crash onto the center of the crater. Th
en he commanded all the satellites to fly out of their orbits and crash on the near side of the moon. Everyone there knew the project was over. They were concerned at what harmful effect might befall Seth.

  Seth cried like a baby and mumbled to Max that he was happy that he fulfilled Dooda’s request. The atmosphere at the center was quite the opposite of what it was on the day that they spoke to Dooda and Loola for the very first time. It did not take much time for the news to reach all corners of the world. People had mixed reactions on Seth’s actions.

  Seth summoned a meeting with all those who joined him at the last meeting as he had to make a statement.

  Many of Seth’s friends spoke to him personally over the phone commending his action but some blamed him for been hasty. The invitees to this emergency meeting did not give as much ready attention as the previous time. After he got about fifty companions for the meeting he explained fully the reasons behind his actions.

  He said