Read Our Voice Volume 7 Page 10


  Our Own Way

  Addie Tribbett

  grade 8

  “Well . . . we only want Ellie.” This is what my sister, Paisley and I hear murmured every time. This past adoption interview went horribly. I act myself; outgoing, sporty, bubbly and fun . . . just typical Ellie. Paisley on the other hand. . . She’s shy, and probably the smartest person I know. She acted herself as well; a socially awkward, teen genius. They laughed at everything I said, and sneered whenever Paisley spoke.

  I look over at my sister. Her dark brown locks are hanging messily (yet beautifully) from her head. Her chocolate eyes show sorrow, just as they always do after these interviews. We’re identical twins. We have the same face, features, and DNA, but to me, she’s obviously the “pretty one.” She thinks it’s her fault. Sure, it might be, but we have been in this orphanage since we were 4, and ever since, all the families have only ever wanted to adopt me, but I’m the one who has insisted we be adopted together, as sisters, no. . . . twins.

  “THAT’S IT!” I stand up and announce. “I’m tired of being “just Ellie.”

  “Ellie, lower your voi...” Paisley says hushed before I interrupt her.

  “No Paisley. We stick together. You have tried to act like me to help us get adopted. You have pretended you’re me, and you’re not. You don’t enjoy that, I especially don’t enjoy that either. Every family only wants me. We’ve lived here for 9 years, Paisley. It’s time to go.”

  We stand looking at the orphanage. It’s an ugly, worn down, Victorian style home with bent shutters, chipped paint, and dark jade ivy curled and twisted up the front of the house. It took a lot of persuading, like a lot of persuading to convince Paisley it was time to start our own adventure, our own way, and with our dusty room being on the main floor, it wasn’t hard to escape . . . at all.

  Paisley has a bounce in her step, a sense of happiness and freedom as we walk along the streets of London. We realize how great colors are; the reds, the greens, the blues, were so much better than the monotone grey of the orphanage. Abruptly, a deep purple car pulls off to the side of the road. A nice couple smiles at us as they roll down the window.

  “You gals seem lost! Need a ride?” Paisley and I look at each other, nod, and get in the car.

  Things Change

  Hailey Morgan, grade 8

  I fell onto the ground once more from trying to complete the dance. I huff in annoyance as my hand slides over my hair, pushing my bangs back as a nervous habitat. My eyes glance over to my opponents hoping they were doing worse than me. As I wished, it became true to my eyes. My challenger, Salt, was next to me. “You already know I’ll win so why don’t you just give up?” I brush off my dance shorts and go back to doing the routine.

  “No, you’re wrong Pepper, I will,” she smiled a challenging smile and began to work on her twirling. Out of frustration I began to twirl too but faster. She noticed and began to go faster than me. All of the sudden we are having a twirl competition in the backstage of “Talented and Famous”, until the coach came.

  “Pepper! Salt! Stop this right now! Since you two are the greatest dancers in my class, plus you guys aren’t getting along, I’m putting you two together!” the coach said, turned on his heel, and left us to deal with the information. We turn to look at each other but go back to looking at the ground. “Well,” I started, “let’s do this.” We both decided on a 1-2 formation in the beginning; add some graceful turning, some flips, and ending it collapsing. We decided to practice two more times. “Pepper, Salt! You’re up in two!” We slide on our costumes and smiled at each other as we walked out onto the stage.

  “And the winner is…” I grabbed onto Salt’s hand to give it a squeeze as I smiled. She returned the smile as we stood on the stage waiting for the judges’ to announce the winner. “Pepper and Salt!” We gasp in excitement and jump up and down while holding onto each other.

  “And that was how I met my best friend,” I told an interviewer who was writing a page on friendship in her magazine. “Well, where is she now?” she questioned. I smiled as I looked outside into the sky, “She’s with all of the greatest dancers now.” A tear rolled down my check as I thought about all the great memories I had with her thirty years ago.

  Secret Song

  Kayla Bonner, grade 8

  Noah’s silver-blue eyes scanned the T.V. screen. He fidgeted his fingers on the controller he was holding. He seemed to be in deep thought as he flipped the blond flaps of hair out of his eyes. “What do I do now…?” Noah wondered aloud. He twirled the joystick of his game controller in a circle. He watched as the avatar circled around in the game’s field. “Do I go to the castle? Do I play my ocarina?” He said, a little frustrated. He finally put the controller down and went over to the computer, looking for the next thing to do in his game. As he scrolled down the screen, something caught his eye. “A secret song? No way! I gotta try this!” Noah bubbled, excited to see what would happen. As Noah prepared to play the song in the game, his sister called him. “Noah! It’s time for lunch! Come on!” Noah decided to quickly play the song in the game. After he did, the avatar on the screen just stared at him. As he did, he reached out his hand towards Noah. Noah stared at the game. Suddenly, the hand shot out of the screen, grabbing Noah’s shirt, dragging him inside the game.

  Noah opened his eyes, dazed. He looked around. “Everything looks familiar,” Noah was thinking, “but I’ve never been here before…” Noah stood up. He looked around, collecting his thoughts. All he saw was a huge field with scattered trees and a beaten path. His eyes widened as he looked down. He was wearing a green tunic and brown boots. He touched his head and felt a hat of sorts. Noah was wearing the same outfit as the hero in his game. Noah realized he was in his game and that he was dressed like the game’s avatar, Link. He felt something inside the hat. He took it off, and out flew a blue fairy that he recognized as Navi from his game. Startled, Noah dropped the hat.

  “How will I get back home, Navi?” Noah panicked. After getting to know the fairy and explaining what had happened, Noah flipped out “I don’t want to be here!” Noah was crouched on the ground, his hands covering his head. “I know!” Navi bounced up and down in the air. “Link! Let’s go see Princess Zelda!” The blue fairy floated down to scrunched up Noah. “My name is Noah, not Link!” Noah picked his head up and paused. “Princess Zelda… Yeah, yeah!” Noah shot up. If anyone could fix this, it would be Zelda. Then, Noah and Navi headed towards the castle, silhouetting in the west. Finally, they arrived in the courtyard, where a girl with a white and purple dress and a white and purple head covering was standing. “Princess Zelda…” Noah said with awe.

  “I’m sorry Noah… I can’t help you. I have tried all I could, but…” Princess Zelda breathed out an apology. “My powers cannot help.” Noah hung his head with a look of defeat. “Hey! Princess Zelda, are you sure?” Navi said, flying around her head. Zelda shook her head. “I’m sorry. I have not anything to help you with.” “It’s okay,” Noah sighed. “Thanks for trying anyway.” Navi and Noah headed out back to the field, Noah in utter defeat. “Hey, listen!” Navi suddenly flew in front of Noah, stopping him short. “What if you played the song you played to get here?” She bounced up and down in the air. “That... that might work! Where is the ocarina?” Noah felt around the suit. “Look!” Navi floated next to his lower left side. Noah pulled out the small instrument. Luckily, he remembered the song. After playing around finding the right notes, he played the song. Nothing happened. He played it again. Still, nothing happened. “I don’t…” Noah hit the ocarina. “Hey!” Navi said, trying to get the boy’s attention. Noah still stared at the ocarina. “Hey!” She said again, still unsuccessful in getting his attention. “HEY!” Navi bounced off of Noah’s head. “Owww!” Noah wailed. “What?!” he said impatiently. “What if you played the song backwards?” Navi suggested. Noah stared at the little blue fairy. “Maybe…” He said. Note by note, he played the song backwards. He closed his eyes as he struck the l
ast note of the song. There was silence.

  “Noah! It’s time for lunch! Come on!” Noah snapped his eyes open. He looked around. He saw the computer, the closet, and his bed. He looked down and saw the grey shirt he was wearing. He felt the maroon beanbag chair he was sitting in. He broke into a smile. He had gotten home. “Coming, Natalie!” Noah shouted down to his sister. Noah then noticed he was holding something. He opened his hand and stared at the indigo ocarina sitting there. Noah smiled. He got up and set it next to the game case that read The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Then, he headed downstairs.

  The Mall Mix-up

  By: Sarah Ryan, grade 8

  “Okay,” Madison began, “Let’s start heading to the line!”Her friends agreed excitedly. Today was the day Madison would finally meet not only her favorite singer, but her look alike! Almost once (or more) every day complete strangers would ask, “Are you Jessica Jett’s little sister!?” or say “I never knew Jessica had a twin sister!” Most people would probably get annoyed with it eventually, but Madison didn’t really mind. After all, not much went on in her life. She had always been so shy and quiet, not much attention was ever drawn to her. She had never met Jessica in person, but she finally would on a day that seemed like forever to wait for! When the four girls arrived at the mall’s stage, they took their place in the back of the line.

  After about an hour or so of waiting, a small woman got up and spoke to the crowd, ”JJ will return in fifteen minutes! Thanks for your patience, folks!” and then proceeded off stage with JJ and her team. “Ugh,” Madison complained. “I knew I shouldn’t have drunk the whole slushy! I’ll be back!” So after many “excuse me’s” and “sorry’s”, Madison finally made her way out of the humongous line, and darted towards the bathroom.

  Now, being a mall expert, Madison knew exactly which bathroom would be the least busy, so she continued onto the third floor. Once she arrived, she didn’t notice anyone else in the restroom. “Am I good or what!” she thought to herself. Once she took care of business, she was getting ready to unlock the stall door when she heard “Ugh! Some people! It’s like she didn’t have any consideration that this top is designer!” Madison froze. The pink designer sandals clicked towards a stall. “And to think I have to use a public restroom to change in! This is ridiculous!” It took all of Madison’s will power not to scream. She calmly walked out of the stall and began to wash her hands. Suddenly, the door swung open. A small woman was standing before her. “Wow JJ, you are mighty quick at changing! Come on, we have two minutes to get back down there.” Madison gasped. Jessica Jett’s manager was standing before her. “Never mind, let’s go!” she said as she grabbed Madison’s hand and yanked her out of the almost empty bathroom.

  As Shelby (Jessica’s manager) pulled Madison along the mall, people gawked and stared. “But I’m not Jessica! I’m Madison, Madison Douglas!”

  “Yeah and I’m the pope!” Shelby joked. “We’re wasting time!”

  “But, I… Ugh!” They had already arrived at the stage. “Wait here.” Shelby ordered, and then scurried up the steps. Everyone cheered. “Yes folks, we’re back! Sorry for the wait, we had a small drink malfunction, but don’t worry. JJ is back and here she is!” Madison fumbled onto the stage and stared awkwardly at the crowd. No one seemed to notice, except for her friends, who had puzzled expressions on their faces. Now Madison was ready to lie down and die; she had never been in front of this many people. Ever. “Uhh…JJ… name… not” and she collapsed.

  Madison woke up in the hospital with her mom, dad, and little sister standing by her bed, along with her friends. “Hey guys. Why are we not at the mall?” she asked. Everyone chuckled. “You passed out from being on stage!” Madison’s friend said. “Sounds like someone has a bad case of shyness!” a voice giggled. It was strange yet, completely familiar. “JJ!” Madison thought she would pass out again! “You know, that wasn’t cool trying to steal my spotlight like that,” Jessica joked. “HHHey, after you get out of here, let’s grab lunch. I want to get to know my twin a little better!

  Jackson and the Team

  By Nathan Miller, grade 8

  In a small town in Indiana, lived two best friends, Stephen and Jackson. Hockey season had just rolled around, and Jackson wanted to try out for the hockey team. Stephen had been on the team previously, so he has the experience playing. Tryouts have just begun, and Jackson was excited to become part of the team. Before Jackson went into the rink to meet the coach, Stephen told him these things, “Before you get called in you need to get in your skates, and grab a stick and puck. Then, when you do get called in, Coach will ask you your name. After that, he will ask you to do stick handling, shots on goal, passing, skating backwards…”

  “Wait, skate backwards!” screamed Jackson. “But I can’t skate backwards!” “You’ll be fine,” said Stephen. “Now get in there.”

  Jackson walked into the rink nervously. After 15 minutes, Jackson comes out with a disappointing and upset look. Jackson said that he didn’t make the team because he could not skate backwards.

  Later the next day, Jackson came back to the rink when no one was there. He practiced for two hours, but no success. Again Jackson left the rink in anger.

  The day before the next tryouts, Stephen took Jackson to the rink, except this time Stephen brought out a frame made of PVC pipes. Jackson used the frame to keep him up. The frame works and within 30 minutes Jackson is skating backwards without the frame. The next day, Jackson went to tryouts and made the team.