Read Our Voice Volume 7 Page 22

  ~ T

  I smile faintly. Is this supposed to mean I can conjure things up from my dreams? Count me in. I laugh quietly as I return the book into my bag. The bus pulls up to the school. I frown, puzzled. Where did he, “T”, get off at? Didn’t the bus just stop where he got off? I shake my head. I’ll ask him, I think, when I see him next. I smile again, as I stand and shoulder my bag. Kids file in front of me and I let them. As I walk off the bus I think one thing and one thing only; “Yes, I am a dreamer and I am proud of it, because I am able to see in the darkness.”

  Sam Craig

  A Silver Band, A Silver Sham

  “Will you marry me?” she asks while looking up at me. I freeze. She’s holding out to me a ring box with a thin silver band inside. I swallow once before I start to feel the amusement build up inside of me. I snort, unable to stop myself. Quickly, I clamp my hand over my mouth and turn away from her. Laughter burst out of me. I’m laughing so hard that I have to remove my hand from my face. Bent at my waist, I can feel my face heating up red from it. Tears make their way down from my eyes. My sides begin to hurt and I’m gasping for air.

  I twist around so that I can see her face, a big grin shaping my mouth. My hysteria fades quickly. Kat’s face is red, her eyes are watery, and I can’t tell if she’s about to cry or scream at me. I wipe my eyes and straighten my body. Awkwardly, I cough into my arm to clear my throat. Still trying to fully catch my breath, she stands as I motion at her and point at the ring.

  “Wait, are you serious?” I ask. Her eyes nearly pop out of her head. “Justin!” she snarls. “Of course I’m being serious! What the hell?” Oh yeah, I think numbly, she’s definitely a screamer. “Uh, isn’t the guy supposed to be the one who proposes?” I question her. A tiny feeling of dread rests in my stomach. This is going to be it, I think. Kat’s face turns a pretty pink color. “Y-yes, but I mean, you haven’t, I mean, it’s not like you were going to!” she sputters. I try not to smile at her. “So, you decided that you’d take matters into your own hands by asking me?” Kat averts her eyes. I continue, “Look, Kat, it’s been great and all-”

  “Are you breaking up with me?” Her eyes go wide and her voice wavers near the end. Her eyes start to fill with tears again. This time a drop spills over onto her cheek. I reach out to wipe it away with a gentle finger. She lets me. I pull back and look away. I rub the back of my neck slowly. “There are reasons, you know…” Another tear falls. I don’t wipe this one away. She tilts her chin up, refusing to look away from me. She’s trying to get me to change my mind, I think. She doesn’t think this is serious. “I have seven specific reasons.” I say quickly. I see anger start to color her face. “Oh? Seven? So, what, you’ve actually come up with a list of things? How long have you been planning on breaking up with me?” I shrug. “It hasn’t been that long, really, it hasn’t.” She wipes her eyes and crosses her arms, still holding the ring box. “Well, go on then.” She prompts. I bite my bottom lip for a moment to prepare. Better just jump right in, yeah?

  “I hate Tuesdays.” I start. Kat furrows her brows. “What?” She asks. “I hate Tuesdays.” I say again. “Every Tuesday you make chili. I hate chili, and now, I also hate Tuesdays. I hate Mondays more than the average person because I know that the next night we’re having chili. Also, I love Wednesdays because then I know I have 6 whole days of not having chili.” I take a breath. She opens her mouth, but I shush her with a hand. “Another thing is that you can’t turn the volume to an even number on the TV. I don’t understand it. How hard is it really to turn that 29 to a 30? That 37 to a 38? It drives me crazy.” She gapes at me, but I don’t stop. My reasons are asinine, but they are so, so, real to me.

  “You’re such a picky eater. I feel like all you eat is chili, noodles, and salad. Can’t we have a steak or something? Can we at least eat out for once?” I run a hand through my hair. I’m getting all worked up and slightly excited that I finally get to tell her all of these things. “You have a horrible taste in music. That Japanese high pitched crap? You don’t even know the language! How do you find that appealing?”

  I meet her eyes. “Yellow. All yellow. You have yellow sheets, yellow pillows, yellow blankets, yellow sweaters, yellow pants, yellow lingerie…..I’m sick of the color yellow. I get that it’s your favorite color, which by the way is so weird, but seriously, can’t you give it a break?” I glance to the side and grin. It’s probably a little cynical, but I’m really enjoying myself.

  “Your sister! Oh man your sister. She’s so much hotter. I can’t stand myself being with you when often my mind wanders to the image of your sister. I’m sorry honey, but my thoughts are not pure.” I take another breath and look at her. She is really mad; her face coloring red and her fists balled at her sides.

  “And your name. Your name is Kat. My mom’s cat is named Kat. Her cat is named Kat. Not only is your name the same as my mom’s cat’s, it IS the name of the pet animal my mother owns. Sometimes I can’t go a day without once thinking about the fact that your name is the equivalent to my mom’s pet. I can’t do this anymore, I’m sorry, but we need to break up.” I decide to make my exit then. I move around her and start walking away, not bothering to look back. She starts screaming things at me and suddenly I feel something hard hit my back. I glance back to see the ring box. I wave at it. “Keep it,” I call back, “it can serve as a reminder.” I wink at her and face forward. I’m on my merry way and I don’t have a girl tying me down. Why did I stay so long? It’s the scary feeling of realizing if I left I’d be alone, my bed would be too big with just me in it, that she was my first and that I had loved her, that I wasn’t sure how to get rid of her in the first place. I feel a huge weight life off my shoulders. Well, now that that’s done and over with….I’m a horrible person, I realize, and grin again anyway.

  Sam Craig

  Write Around

  Spooky Scary Skeleton

  A skeleton popped out. It was pristine and white with a giant grin upon its face. The skeleton swung all its limbs around itself awkwardly. It took me a moment to realize it was dancing a little, at least that was the best thing I could think of to describe it. It opened its mouth and shut it rapidly over and over again. The snapping of its jaw and click of its limbs created some sort of a cadence for it to swing to. With the backdrop of pure blackness behind it, the scene was eerie. I started to take a step back when I heard a deep chuckle. Startled further, I looked up in shock. The ceiling had a square shaped hole cut out at the top. The skeleton was hanging down from it. I could see the dim outline of hands grasping a control bar not unlike one for a string puppet. Mr. Cornelius poked his head from the side so that I could see the highlights of his face and the whites of his eyes and teeth. I sighed in relief.

  “Oh, Mr. Cornelius! You scared me.” I laughed shortly. He didn’t answer. Instead, I saw the skeleton retreat back up into the opening. Then, to my surprise, Mr. Cornelius jumped down. I took a few step backs as he landed. “Hey, so what is the place?” I asked, uncertain all of a sudden. His smile grew.

  “This, my son, is what leads to the basement. Remember us mentioning the basement?” He replied with a tilt of his head. I nodded. I did remember them mentioning to me about it. I had asked about it because, well, they live in such a big house and I had nearly seen all of it except for the attic and the basement, assuming they had any. I remember Mrs. Cornelius laughed and said not to worry about; that they had one, but it would be of no interest to a boy like me.

  I leaned to the side to peer around his thick frame. It seemed to be a hallway that led on into the darkness. “Can I see it?” I asked, a tingle of excitement running through me. Mr. Cornelius gave it some thought before agreeing. “Sure boy, but be sure to follow close behind. You won’t want to get lost or anything.” I promised not to get lost, and he turned on his heel and led the way. I was aware that he had no light and it puzzled me as to how such an old man could see in this darkness. Perhaps he just memorized the way by years of walking it? I decid
ed that was the solution. I found myself reaching out a hand to clutch the back of his shirt. He was right, what good would it do if I got lost in this place? We took many turns and I quit counting after so many. Finally, we stopped. We must have stopped in front of a door because I heard a click and a quiet shwoosh sound. I felt Mr. Cornelius’s hand reach back to grab my arm.

  “Careful, these steps are steep.” And he was right. We had to walk slowly to get down there both in one piece. We finally reached the bottom of the stairs. I stood alone in pitch blackness as Mr. Cornelius fumbled around ahead of me. Suddenly a light turned on. I squinted against the brightness until my eyes adjusted. I was astonished. I looked around. There were costumes and Halloween accessories all over the place. They lined the walls and filled the corners. I felt my moth drop open as I observed the room with interest and awe. It must have taken years to collect all of this! “What is all of this?” I exclaimed. He chuckled humbly and leaned against the gray brick wall beside the mask of a zebra head. “Why, it’s for a Halloween mansion.” He replied. I got caught up in looking at all of the stuff again. I studied a lion themed full body suit. Weird, I thought, but kind of incredible. “A Halloween mansion?” I questioned. He nodded. “I’ve always dreamed of running one,” he said thoughtfully. “I’ve lived in this very mansion for 20 years straight. It gets boring after a while. I’ve run it by the wife a few times, but she just doesn’t feel our old bones could take it.” Mr. Cornelius eyed me up and down. “But you, why, you boy, you’re so young and capable…” he said. I stared at a giant witch’s hat on the floor. Beside it was a snapped broom stick. “Uh huh…” I replied, not really paying attention. I looked at a bright display of colorful feathers on the wall. What could those have come from? They look so real. “What do you say? Would you help an old man fulfill his last wish?” He asked. I was still caught up looking at the feathers. They were a bright red that faded into and orange that faded into a yellow that somehow gradated into a green. “Uh huh.” I replied again. Cornelius took a step towards me and sighed happily. He patted me on the head. “Now all I need is a real life skeleton to do my dances…” His lips peeled back into a leer. The wonder faded from my mind as I watched him pull a revolver from a hidden holster. He was going to kill me. As the man clicked the gun and pointed it at me, I dove out of the way as he shot. The bullet whizzed past and shot into the wall.

  “Now, now, hold still.” He chastised. I began panicking; a sick terror shook my body. I ran past him, thinking there was a way out this way. I was wrong. It was an enclosed rectangle. No, no, no, no! I’m going to die! I heard a laugh behind me. I turned, and began backing up until I backed into something soft against the wall. Another costume. Mr. Cornelius got closer and closer, waving the gun around crazily. There was a light to his eyes I’ve never seen before; a shine to his skin I’ve never noticed; a crook in his teeth I never placed. He lowered his arm and aimed it at me. He pulled the trigger.

  I bolted up out of the chair with a gasp. The book that was on my lap flew off onto the ground with a loud clap. “Oh my God, oh my God, okay, it was just a dream, damn, oh God.” I went on until I could catch my breath and properly wipe the sweat away from my forehead. I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

  “Is everything okay?” I stiffened. Mr. Cornelius’s voice was close behind me. I turned slowly to face him. I laughed quietly. “Yeah, yeah, I just had a bad dream…” I replied. He nodded thoughtfully. “Hey, dinner’s ready if you’re ready.” I grinned. “Yeah, yeah I’ll be there in a second.” I answered. I turned to get the book off of the floor. I fixed the bent pages and looked around the library with admiration. This collection was much better than the costume one, I agreed silently. I became aware that Mr. Cornelius never left behind me. I placed the book back on the chair and looked. Sure enough, he was still standing there. “Is there something else?” I asked. Mr. Cornelius pursed his lips thoughtfully. “Yes, son, there is.”

  “Well, what is it? I’d be happy to help.” I replied. I smoothed out my T-shirt. It was rumpled from me writhing in my sleep. I looked back up and met Mr. C’s gaze. His eyes glinted. “What do you say. . . You help me with the skeletons?” He asked. I felt all the blood rush from my face. A piercing fear stabbed my chest. I began backing away as he stalked forward. He reached out his hand towards me and I stumbled. He caught me; his hand fisting my shirt. He pulled me towards him and I screamed before he bashed his free hand against my head and knocked me out.

  Sam Craig

  You’re Crazy

  The voices in my head are telling me that I’m okay, but I’m not so sure. I’m standing in the middle of my room. Light streams in from my window and warms my cold body. I quiver. The voices are sharp whispers against my ears that make me cringe. They grow quiet for a second and that’s when I confront them. Out loud or to myself, I’m not really sure, I zero in on one of the voices and ask who they are. I wait and frown as all the noise disappears. I’m about to ask again when suddenly they all come back.

  The voices talk over each other and only get louder the more I try to listen. I am frustrated, so I yell at them. I hear my voice echo around my room, but I don’t stop. I just want them to be quiet, but they don’t care. I bring my hands to my face with an angry shout. I massage my temples and squeeze my eyes shut. Grinding my teeth, I will the voices away until they subside into low murmurs that I can think over.

  The voices have gotten worse over time. At first I actually liked them. They kept me company and reminded me about things that I would have otherwise forgotten. The first problem, though, was that the voices started to separate. They sounded the same, but they didn’t all respond as one. They began to reply independently starting with two, then three, four and so on. Sometimes they’d even give me different answers! After that, the voices began to hide from me. Sometimes I’d ask them something and they wouldn’t answer. Also, I noticed that people around me started to act weird. Sometimes they would avoid me or whisper cruel things about me. Well, I’m not sure if that last part is true, but my voices say they did, and I believe them.

  All of these changes really hit me when my girlfriend broke up with me. She said that I was crazy. She said that I wasn’t acting like myself, and that I was talking to nothing. The voices only mocked her and told me that she was wrong. I tried to tell her about the voices, but they didn’t like that. They screamed at me until I obeyed, and that meant that I yelled at them to be quiet which sent my girlfriend running. Well, my ex-girlfriend.

  I woke up this morning thinking about her. This is how I ended up in the middle of my room, you see. I needed to clear my head, and the voices said that a standing position would help me. I don’t think it’s working, though. I really miss her. She and I had some really good times together before the voices came along. I blame them for her leaving me, but I try not to let them know that. They always get mad at me when I doubt or blame them for something. I sigh. Right now they are calm. They are hissing at each other somewhere in the back of my mind. I open my eyes again and remove my hands away from my face. I run my fingers through my shaggy hair. It has gotten quite long, I think. It might be time for a haircut. No, no you’re fine. I purse my lips. A trim? I think back. No, I said you’re fine. I nod at the voice in my head. The others chirp up behind it telling me what they think. Some of them agree with me, but the majority doesn’t. Relenting, I let the idea of getting a haircut slip away. The voices are probably right. They always are.

  I glance around my room at the mess that covers it. I have clothes, books, papers, and a small amount of trash spread out around me. It doesn’t bother me, though, nor does it bother my voices, so I leave it all be. I raise my arms and arch forward to stretch my body. After that, I rub my eyes tiredly. I didn’t get much sleep last night. In between thinking about her and listening to the voices, it wasn’t really an option. As I begin to yawn, a small presence makes itself known in my head. Ah, I think. That one is back.

  I have this one voice that is diff
erent from all the others. It sounds a bit like me, and rarely does it show up. It’s appeared before, but all my other voices hate it. I hate it too. After we ridicule it, it goes away for a while and doesn’t show up until lots of time has passed. Sometimes, and my other voices think this too, I think that it believes if it goes away long enough that I’ll forget about me hating it. I feel sort of bad for it because it hasn’t really done anything wrong. It speaks its mind just like all my other ones. However, it always says something that I feel my main voices would never ever think of. Like now, now the voice approaches while my main ones withdraw with sharp hisses and protests. I wince against all the noise, but don’t push away just yet. Instead, I let it speak. If it says something stupid, then we can all just laugh at it afterwards. Fuel for the fire, I think. Fire, fire, fire, they chant back at me. I smile. I love it when they like my ideas. You’re crazy.

  My entire body tenses as the words reverberate around within my head. I’m…Crazy? I find myself repeating. Yesss…It hisses back much to the annoyance of my other voices. Don’t listen to it, it’s lying to you. Yes, yes, you know it’s not true. My voices are relentless as they rush to reassure me. I cannot be assured now, though, because that voice, that voice that I’ve scolded and kept away from me, has just called me crazy. Just like my girlfriend, it called me crazy. I cannot deny the connection, there is a connection. No, there’s not, the voices rush to say, but I ignore them. Panic weaves its way around me, gripping me harshly. They are downstairs waiting for you and you know it, the small voice says, but suddenly it isn’t small. It’s huge and it’s much louder than all my other voices as it continues to tell me that they are waiting for me.

  It’s right. It’s so, so right because while I was thinking, and while I was trying to quiet my voices, I heard other voices, real voices, downstairs and I heard movement, but I didn’t acknowledge it properly because the entire time I was focused on her and on them. I feel dizzy like I might be sick, but that’s because everything has clicked into place. It’s like I finally found the missing piece to a puzzle I’ve been trying to find for ages, and now that it’s here I can’t comprehend it. That small but now big voice is me. It’s always been me, the real me, hidden deep beneath all the other voices. That’s why they separated, I think, so that they could hide me away from myself; so that I wouldn’t find out.

  I’ve found out now, though, and I can’t think straight. The voices are raging and screeching within my mind, but still mine stands out. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! These other voices I hear are nothing. I can’t explain it because it makes so much sense, but not enough sense all at once. They never were really there, well, they were, but they never meant anything. Other than the fact that you’re crazy, says my voice. Something wet slides down my face and that’s when I realize that I’m crying. I wipe away the tears furiously before storming to my door and flinging it open. Then, I rush downstairs to be greeted by people. I see my mother come towards me as if she knows I know. She wraps her arms around me tightly, but I don’t feel any comfort. I feel fear slowly work its way into me. The voices are bouncing around in my mind causing me to lose focus on the real events around me for a moment. I am pulled back when I realize that my mother is trying to tell me something. I look at her even though I’m not really seeing anything. Her lips form shapes that I realize quickly are words. I narrow my eyes at them, trying to figure out what she’s saying because the voices in my head are blocking out all the real noises. Then, I get it. She’s telling me that I’m okay, that everything will be okay. I guess it breaks me because suddenly I’m thrashing in her arms.

  “Okay? Everything is going to be okay? Just like what the voices said, right? They told me that I was okay, but they lied to me! Are you lying? How can I trust you?” I squirm away from hands as they reach out to me. My vision blurs with tears and in the process of wiping them away I poke myself in the eye. The pain brings me back. It makes me freeze. Hands clamp onto my shoulders and yank me back. I hear them tell me things, but I’m not listening. I am shocked. All this time, all this time I’ve been crazy and now here I am resisting something that could help me. I am being pushed out of a doorway. Sunlight hits me in the face and causes me to try to back up, but there is a firm hand on my back making me go forward. The voices in my head aren’t screaming anymore. Instead, they are whimpering and crying. This is the right way to go, says my voice. I wipe my nose with my hand and smile at it; no I smile at myself, because I am doing the right thing.

  Denial is a basic human reaction to avoid extreme discomfort, but the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. I have a problem, I admit to myself as I am put into a vehicle. I need to fix it; I tell myself as someone settles in beside me and fastens a seatbelt around me. No, I am going to fix it, I correct myself as I look out the window. I am crazy, I note to myself as from my window the outside world blurs by. I am crazy, I rehash to myself because denial is creeping back in. My voice still stands out among the others as it pushes them away. It wants me to focus on it. I frown. These voices, even my voice, are not things, they are not beings, they are not dictators, they are all me, all something I made that needs to be gone. I sigh as the vehicle stops. I bite my lip as I am guided out of it. I blink as the sun strikes me again. I stagger a little as hands urge me forward. Then, I raise my chin high and straighten my shoulders. I know two things now: I am crazy, and I know how to fix it, I declare to myself as I walk into a cool, crisp building that smells a bit like medicine and disinfectants.

  Alayna Plummer

  First line

  I never thought this is what would be happening today. I mean yes this party is thrown every year but who would of thought I’d be here, in this town, at this party, with him. Maybe I should explain.

  “Mom do I have to go? This is my summer. I really love Aunt Lacey don’t get me wrong but… this isn’t fair.”

  “Carter please just cooperate with me here. Aunt Lacey loves you and this may be your last chance to spend time with her.”

  I sighed and trudged up stairs and fell back on my bed and groaned.

  “This was supposed to be the best summer ever! Not now.” I stood up and walked to my closet and started to pack, and tried to think of all of the good things about this trip. Well at least I’ll get to be in California and Aunt Lacey does live by the ocean. I threw one more shirt in my suit case and zipped it up. It was time to leave for the worst summer of my life. The plane ride took forever … but finally we’re here! I sighed and walked into the house ,“Hey Aunt Lacey.” I smiled.

  “Carter! You’ve grown up what grade are you in now?”

  “I’ll be a sophomore!” I said trying to sound excited to be there. “Aunt Lacey this house is beautiful.” She smiled.

  “I know isn’t the view of the ocean amazing?” I nodded and looked out the window at it. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it would be like to be sitting there on that beach. Then thought I’d much rather be there than in this house. I looked at Aunt Lacey and smiled. She was a great person and would do anything for anybody but I don’t know if I can stand hearing the stories about “When she was my age.” That she doesn’t remember she already told me and hour before. Although it bores me to death, I listen to her tell them. An hour later I helped her make dinner.

  “Aunt Lacey,”

  “Yes Carter?”

  “Is it alright if I go walk the beach?” I asked her when we were both sitting in her living room after dinner.

  “Of course, did you think I would keep you locked up in this house all summer? Go have fun!” I smiled and thanked her. I got up and walked to the sliding door, “I’ll be back by 10 I promise.” I said and walked outside. I walked slowly toward the beach and instantly relaxed when my feet hit the warm sand. I kept walking watching the waves crash against the shore it was mesmerizing and beautiful, until I ran into some guy because I wasn’t watching where I was going.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking and…”<
br />
  “It’s totally alright um…I’m Derek by the way, and you are?”

  “I’m Carter,” I said and shook his hand.

  “Well Carter you must be new around here because I’ve never met you before and I think I’d remember a face like that.” I smiled.

  “You’re right I am new I’m staying with my aunt for the summer.” He nodded slowly.

  “Oh well that’s cool who’s your aunt? This is a small town I probably know her.”

  “Lacey Moore.”

  “Oh Miss Lacey. Everyone knows her; she’s the best.”

  “She is and she makes the best..”

  “Cookies…I know.”

  “Wait how did you know what I was going to say?”

  “Guess we just think the same,” he winked. “And Miss Lacey makes her cookies like all the time." I laughed.

  “Yea she really loves baking.” Wow I really have to work on this talking to guys’ thing. I looked up at him and smiled. “Well it’s getting late I better get going.” He nodded.

  “Hey if you need anybody to hang out with I could meet you at Miss Lacey’s tomorrow after noon.” I smiled.

  “I’d love that. I’ll see you then.”

  “Bye Carter.”


  I started walking back to Aunt Lacey’s and accidentally ran into someone else. “I am so sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” The guy said quickly then looked up and smiled at me.

  “It’s fine I wasn’t looking either.” I smiled and he stayed quiet for a second and looked at me and I blushed.

  “I-I’m sorry you’re just really beautiful.” He blushed.

  “If I’m going to be complimented by such a nice guy can I at least know your name?” He nodded.

  “My name’s Nick.”

  “Nice to meet you Nick…I’m Carter.” He smiled.

  “Carter, very unique I like it, and it’s nice to meet you too,” He said and I smiled.

  “I hear this is kind of a small town do you come here a lot?” I mentally face palmed. Could I sound any dorkier? Nick smiled.

  “I do. It’s my favorite place to hang out, and to get away since I found out I…never mind.” I looked at him a little confused and checked the time it was almost 11.

  “Darn I have to go, but again it was nice to meet you,” I said. He frowned.

  “Awe you have to go?”

  “Sadly yes but if you want to talk I can give you my number,” He smiled.

  “I’d like that.” He handed me his phone and I put my number in.

  “Again it was really great meeting you wish I could stay longer but I have to get back to my Aunts. Bye Nick.”

  “Bye Carter,”

  I walked into the house and leaned against the door with a huge smile on my face.

  “Did you have fun?” Aunt Lacey asked. I looked up at her smiling.

  “I did and I’m so sorry I’m late.” She smiled.

  “Did you meet someone special?” I nodded slowly.

  “Yeah I think I did.” She smiled as if she knew exactly what happened.

  “Then I understand completely, but you better rest up you have a date tomorrow.”

  “What? How did you know?”

  “I was a teenager once…I recognize that look.” I smiled. She always knows. I walked over and gave her a hug.

  “Thanks for letting me go to the beach. I promise I’ll spend time with you this summer, I just have plans tomorrow. I better get to bed night Aunt Lacey!”

  “Good Night Carter.” She said as I ran upstairs.

  I quickly got ready for bed and laid down replaying everything that happened in my head and smiled. I can’t wait for tomorrow.

  As I was falling asleep my phone buzzed. It was Nick.

  “Hey It’s Nick sorry if it’s late I was just wondering how you were.” I smiled and replied, “I’m fantastic I think I have a date tomorrow! How are you Nick?”

  He replied quickly,“I’m good. If you don’t mind me asking a date with who?”

  “This guy I met on the beach his names Derek.”

  “Oh I know him.”

  “Oh awesome he seems really cool!”

  “Yea he uh he is….”

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yea I’m fine. Have fun on your date tomorrow.”

  “Thanks! Goodnight Nick.” I replied and fell asleep.

  “Good night sweetheart.”

  The next day I woke up early and got ready to hang out with Derek. At about 12:30 there was a knock at the door and I answered it.

  “Hey Carter ready to go?”

  “Yeah go where?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Oh okay!” I said and followed him. We ended up spending the day at the beach.

  “Hey are you thirsty?” I nodded yes in reply. “Okay I’ll be back I’ll go get you something to drink.”

  “Thanks Derek.” I sat in the sand waiting for him to come back. Then I saw Nick walking up to me.

  “Hi Carter.”

  “Hey Nick! What are you up to?”

  “Oh nothing… so…”

  Derek walked up to us, “Hey! Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah. I’ll talk to you later Nick!”

  “Right… Bye Carter.” He turned around and whispered to himself what he was about to say to me. “So there’s this party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go?” He sighed “That was totally not worth practicing in the bathroom for twenty minutes.”

  Derek and I continued to walk along the beach. “Hey Carter?”

  “Yes Derek?”

  “There’s this party tonight would you want to go with me as like my date?” I smiled.

  “Of course I’ll go with you! I … really like you Derek.”

  He smiled. “I really like you too Carter.”

  Derek and I walked to the party and he introduced me to everyone.

  “Carter this is Kameron.” She smiled kind of fake.

  “Hi Carter so happy you could make it!”

  “Hi Kameron, and thank you I’m glad to be here.” Derek smiled

  “Hey so let’s go hang out in the back yard.” I nodded

  “Okay sure.” As we were walking to the back yard I got a text from nick

  “Hey Carter what are you up too?” I smiled and texted him back

  “Oh nothing just at this party and Derek and I are hanging out. How about you?”

  “I’m just uh sitting at home…Carter I really wouldn’t hang out with Derek he’s not exactly a good guy.” I was kind of confused so I texted back

  “Why, he’s been nothing but nice to me.” Then Derek came up to me.

  “Hey Carter are you coming?”

  “Yeah of course!” I said and followed Derek to the back Nick had texted me back but I just ignored it.

  “Carter he does this to like every girl he’s just going to use you.”

  Derek and I sat on a swing and talked for a while “I’m really glad you’re here for the summer Carter.” I smiled.

  “I’m so glad I got to meet you Derek you’re so sweet.” I said and then…he tried to kiss me.

  “What are you doing?!” I said stopping him.

  “I was going to kiss you it’s no big deal.”

  “It is to me and I really don’t want to.” Right as he started to respond my phone rang and I answered it

  “Hello…Yes this is Carter Moore…SHE WHAT! ...okay thank you I’ll be right there.” I shot up out of my seat. “I have to go my aunts in the hospital!”

  “You can’t just…” I didn’t give him time to respond I just ran back through the house and Derek walked in and watched me leave.

  “What’s wrong with Carter?” Kameron asked him.

  “Nothing she just had to go her aunts in the hospital.”

  “Oh…Well I’m glad she’s gone I hated pretending to be nice to her.”

  “I’m sure it was hard…You know what’s worse she just turned me d
own.” She looked shocked.

  “Is that even possible?” He sighed.

  “I don’t really know.” He said and walked back outside.

  I ran all the way to the hospital and walked up to the desk completely out of breath.

  “Hi can I help you?” the lady at the desk asked.

  “Yes I need to know what room Lacey Moore is in.” I said breathing heavy.

  “She’s in room 214 you can go ahead and go up.” I thanked her and ran to her room.

  “Aunt Lacey?!” she didn’t respond and her heart rate was extremely low.

  “I don’t think she’s going to make it through the next hour sweetheart. I’ll give you some time alone with her.” The doctor said and left the room.

  “Aunt Lacey come on talk me please.” I pleaded “You can’t go yet we didn’t get to spend any time together… I promised.” She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me.

  “Carter I don’t want you to regret a single thing about this trip… I told your mom I wanted you to have fun and if you knew I was sick you would have stayed with me the whole time. Honey I know you care and that’s all that matters… I can’t stay here forever…but I don’t want you to be sad. Enjoy life and move on but keep the memories.” I just listened and nodded

  “I love you Aunt Lacey.

  “I love you too Carter.”

  I sat there with her for the rest of her life which was about forty five minutes. Within that time I got to hear those same stories one last time and then the machine flat lined and she was gone. I started sobbing I tried to remember what she had told me that I needed to move on and enjoy life but I had just lost one of the family members I was closest to that was hard.

  I walked out of Aunt Lacey’s room and just wandered the halls as I was walking I walked past a room where I saw a familiar face. It was Nick. He was sitting on a hospital bed quietly waiting for the doctor to get done looking at what looked to be test results. I stood quietly against the wall and listened.

  “Ok Mr. Knight I have good news.” The doctor said and smiled. Nick looked up looking kind of hopeful.

  “What are the results is finally gone?” He said eagerly. The doctor smiled.

  “Nick you are cancer free.” My eyes went wide. Nick stood up and hugged the doctor.

  “Thank you so much sir this couldn’t have been possible without your help.” The doctor smiled

  “You are very welcome now go home and rest and follow everything we’ve talked about to stay this way.” Nick smiled and thanked the doctor one more time and started to walk out of the room. I bolted down the hall so he wouldn’t know I heard. I slowed down and started walking normally I took a couple of laps around the hospital knowing eventually I had to leave. When I passed the front desk the lady stopped me.

  “Ma’am someone left some flowers here for you.” She smiled. I walked over and took them from her and read the note. ‘Hey Carter I am so sorry about Miss Lacey I hope you’re doing ok.’ I smiled. That was really sweet but there was no name. I don’t know who to thank.

  I walked out of the hospital and into the parking lot and started to walk and I heard someone calling my name. It was Nick. I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

  “Hey Carter…I’m so sorry about Miss Lacey.”

  That’s when it hit me…It was Nick…It always has been.

  “It was you.” He looked at me funny.

  “What? What was me?”

  “It was you the whole time I was supposed to be with you I bumped into you after I ran into Derek, You were going to ask me to the party but Derek came before you could, you tried to warn me not to go out there with him, and it was you that sent the flowers. I completely ignored you and I’m so sorry nick.” I hugged him tight and he just held me there.

  “It’s okay you didn’t know I just want you to be okay. Don’t worry about me…Besides you already know I’m ok…I saw you outside of the room. I was hoping you’d never find out.” I nodded slowly.

  “Nick, I’m sorry I really should have listened, but can you do me a favor and stay at Lacey’s tonight? I don’t think I can be there by myself.” He nodded.

  “Of course I will. No one should be alone after something like this. I promise I’ll be there to help you get through this.” He said and we started to walk and he held my hand in a comforting way the whole way home. When we got back to Lacey’s we put in her and I’s favorite movie.

  “Thank you so much for being here it means a lot to me.” I said. Nick just smiled and kissed my head and said.

  “Anything for you Carter. I smiled and fell asleep with my head on Nick’s shoulder. I kind of felt like everything was right and was still whole like he filled that piece of me that left with her. I felt like I finally understand why she never wanted me to be sad about her passing away why she wanted me to enjoy life. It was like one of the stories she told me that if you let something unimportant bring you down you’ll never get to enjoy what really means the most to you.

  Choice story

  Love, Disgusting!

  I was always the third wheel. I couldn’t just not go, she was my best friend. I can’t let her down. So here I am again, sitting with Katie and James at another romantic comedy she forced us to go to. It’s not that I wasn’t happy for them but, I could never get away from all their dumb couple stuff. I’d never hear the end of the cheesy compliments, and goodnight texts, not to mention the good morning messages that were 30 pages long. No, that’s actually not an exaggeration…30 pages! Not only did I hear it from Katie all the time due to the fact she was my best friend, but James was my older brother. There was no escape. To top it all off I don’t have a boyfriend, so I can’t annoy them back. They’ll never understand the struggle. Anyway enough of my sob story, back to the movie. Make it stop! Please! If they kiss one more time I swear I’m going to break the screen. Ok so maybe not because that would be a super big fine, just thinking about it makes my empty wallet hurt, but seriously it’s getting annoying.

  “Did you like the movie?” Katie asked as we walked out of the theater.

  “I loved it!” I said really enthusiastically.

  “Did you like it Jamie-bear?” she said her voice going up an octave on the last part. James smiled at her and nodded

  “Of course I did Kit-Kat. It reminded me of us.” He said trying to be romantic. They are so cute… It makes me sick.

  “You guys are so sweet, you give me cavities.” I said.

  “Awe come on sis, don’t be like that.” James said softly. I think he was trying to be sympathetic but I can’t tell.

  “What? I didn’t say I was forever alone again did I?” I said. They hated it when I said that.

  “No, but lighten up. You’re going to find somebody and be just as happy as Katie and I.”

  “Or happier,” Katie chimed in. James smiled down at here and I knew they were going to do that thing where they annoy me again.”

  “Is that even possible?” he said cutely

  “Maybe,” she said just as cute.

  “No way,” He said back.

  “Oh so you mean I’ll get to be just as annoying as the two of you? Can’t wait!” I said sarcastically.

  “We are not annoying!” James said defensively

  “Yes you are.” I said blankly.


  “Uh-huh,” I said and held up my hand making him shut his mouth before he could reply. Then I started to walk away. Katie caught up to me and James followed behind and grabbed her hand.

  “Come on Carter. Don’t be such a downer. What if we found you a date? Like that kid Kaleb in our history class?” she said optimistically.

  “Yeah, I talk to him all the time I could set it up give him a chance.” James said.

  “No, I’m not letting you guys do this I can get a date by myself.” I said stubbornly.

  “No, you can’t!” they said in unison. Then smiled at each other thinking it was adorable how in sync they were.

nbsp; “You are so cu…” Katie started.

  “Don’t even think about finishing that sentence.” I interrupted.

  They sighed and we all started to walk back to the house. They whispered to each other as we walked and then James finally spoke up. “Ok sis how about a bet?” James asked smirking. He knew I’d never turn down a bet. We made them all the time when we were younger. Usually who ever lost had to do the others chores...let’s just say James knows how to make a bed really well.

  “Alright,” I said and turned to face him “What’s the bet?” I said confidently.

  “You have to find yourself a date by Friday night,” he said.

  “And if I don’t,” I questioned.

  Katie spoke this time. “You have to give Kaleb a chance.”

  “Ok, it’s a bet.” I said and James and I shook hands.

  “It’s a bet.” He said.

  We continued to walk home I ran up to my room and James and Katie gave each other Eskimo kisses at the door. He called her exactly 2 minutes after she left so he could talk to her as she walked home and he said things like “Are you home safe yet darling?” And she replied with no honey but I feel safe talking to you.” And then it went to “You see the star too.”

  “Yeah Katie-bear I do.”

  “Awe, that’s our star.”

  Then the very original, “No you hang up first.”

  “Are you still there?”

  “I thought we were supposed to hang up.” Then after five minutes I got tired of it so I went down stairs grabbed the phone and said. “Okay I love you both and I know you love each other, but I can’t take it, you can text each other after you hang up!” then clicked the end call button.

  I handed James his phone back and he looked at me and pouted, “You’re a bitter person.”

  “I know… but I love you.”

  I went back up to my room and started to make a game plan. If I was going to get a date by Friday I’m going to need a plan. I decided I’d start at school there are a lot of cool guys on campus and I’ve actually been able to form sentences around a few. So I’d start there and if that didn’t work move down to the nerds, and if worst comes to worst, I’d try an internet dating site. I was not going to lose this bet! The next day I woke up to my alarm, after hitting snooze about ten times. I showered and got dressed all in under like 20 minutes, because I love to procrastinate. I drove to the far end of campus and walked to my first class. On the way there I started to make a list in my head of the guys I needed to try to talk to. I got to class and smirked seeing the first guy. There was one problem; he was sitting with his girlfriend. So that’s out. I sat down and listened to the professor go on and on about nothing important. As class went on I had finally decided who my next victim was. Later class was dismissed and I was going completely out of the way of my next class just to win a bet. I was walking quickly and not watching where I was going. A guy who looked like he had no idea where he was going was speed walking trying to make it to his class, and we ran into each other.

  “I’m sorry that was completely my fault.” He said standing up and extending his hand to help me up

  “It’s fine, whoa.” He was gorgeous.

  “Are you ok?” he asked

  “uh yeah, just fine.” I smiled softly. He may just be a new contender for winning this bet, and me not being forever alone.

  He smiled, “I’m Jake. I’m new.”

  “I’m Carter.” I smiled “Do you want me to show you around?”

  “Won’t you be late for your class?” he asked concerned.

  “Eh it’s not too important of a class anyway.” I smiled “besides it’s more important you know where you’re going.” He smiled and looked like he was blushing. Wait did I actually cause that? Did I just successfully flirt? I think I did, Point for carter. I smiled to myself.

  “Are you okay?” Jake asked.

  “What uh yea why do you ask?” I smiled.

  “You were mumbling to yourself.” He said softly. I blushed deep ‘oh so I said that out loud.’ I thought I was thinking it to myself.

  “Yea you did.” He answered me. I blushed.

  “S-sorry, I’m weird you probably want to stop talking to me now.” He laughed and shook his head.

  “Are you nuts?!” he asked softly.

  “Apparently,” I replied softly.

  “I feel honored to get to talk to you. I’m sure you have guys knocking on your door all the time.” I laughed.

  “Now that’s nuts.” He stopped and gave me a look.

  “Why is that?” He asked truly curious.

  “Well if that were true my older brother and his girlfriend wouldn’t of made a bet with me about me getting a date this Friday, there always trying to set me up like they think I can’t get a date on my own it’s ridiculous.” I said kind of ranting.

  “I have friends that are the same way.” He said. “I hate it.” We were awkwardly silent for a few minutes.

  “So have you, uh have you found someone to go out with Friday night?” He asked.

  “Sadly no,” I replied.

  “Well I don’t know if you’d want to, but I’d like to get to know you.” He smirked and then acted all formal “Are you busy Friday?” He asked.

  I smiled playing along. “No I’m totally free this weekend.” I said.

  He smiled, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”

  “I would love to.” I said.

  I showed him around campus, eventually running into James and Katie telling them they had officially lost the bet. They were shocked and happy for me at the same time. A few days later I met Jake for our date. We went to some small café down town and we talked for hours. Later Jake walked me home. We said our goodbyes at the door where James and Katie were waiting

  “Bye sweetie.”

  “Bye Mr. awesome.”

  “See you tomorrow Ms. Even more Awesome.” I smiled and waved from the front step and walked inside.

  “How was it?”

  “It was great.” I smiled and then Jake called me.


  “Hey you,”


  “So I miss you already,”

  “I miss you too!” James and Katie gave me a look and whispered.

  “Really,” I nodded smiling.

  “I should go, I’m driving.” Jake sighed.

  “Ok,” I pouted.

  “Ok but you have to hang up,” He said cutely.

  “No you,” I said.


  “Jakeeeeee,” I said and he laughed.

  “fine, bye I’ll text you later.”

  “Bye,” I smiled and we both hung up.

  James and Katie looked at me and James spoke up.

  “That’s really annoying.” He said.

  “Yea I mean you guys can text each other in like ten minutes.” Katie said.

  “Seriously?” I asked them.

  “Yeah,” They said.

  “That’s exactly what I’ve been telling you two for months.”

  They looked at each other and smiled. “ohhhhhh,”

  “But you understand our side of it to now right?” Katie asked.

  “I do,” I smiled and jumped when my phone buzzed. “It’s Jake!”

  They just gave me a look and laughed. “They grow up so fast,”

  Author visit poem


  I’ll get through

  Though some days are tuff

  I am confident

  I know if I try I can accomplish anything

  I can push through and get to the top

  I have pride that I can make it

  Because I am strong.