Read Out of Bight, Out of Mind Page 6

  * * * *

  They spent another two hours there before Caph convinced Emi it was time to return to their room. When she wobbled upon standing, he laughed and slipped an arm around her waist.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, but the room’s moving awfully fast.”

  Caph kept a supportive arm around her waist during their slow trip back to the room. “Why won’t the corridors hold still? What’s wrong with this place?”

  He laughed. “They’re holding still for me, babe.”


  He didn’t let go of her as he fumbled for his room key with his free hand. When the door opened, he ushered her through and closed it behind them. “I think we need to get you into the shower and then into bed.”

  She stepped away from him. “You always want to get me into bed. You know that?”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” He turned away from her to put his pass and key on the dresser. Suddenly, as she took a step toward the bed, the floor swooped up to meet her.

  “You okay?”

  She held up a hand to ward him off. “I’m fine.” She settled in against the carpet, rubbing her cheek against it. It felt soft, soothing.

  “Then why did you trip?”

  “I didn’t trip,” she mumbled against the plush carpet. Damn, the carpet smelled as wonderful as it felt. Like jasmine. She deeply inhaled the sweet aroma.

  Caph walked over to her. She didn’t look up. His bare toes were inches from her mouth. She tried sticking out her tongue to lick them, but he stood too far away for her to reach.

  “Then what happened if you didn’t trip?”

  Emi thought about it for a moment. “The floor attacked me. Very rudely. We should complain.” She deeply inhaled again.

  He grabbed her under the arms and lifted her from the floor. “Uh-huh. I’ll get right on that.” He easily shifted her so she lay in his arms. She fumbled for and found his neck, draping her arms around him as he carried her over to the bed. “I think maybe you need the bed before the shower after all.”

  “Do you think they’ll believe me?” She struggled to focus on him.

  “About what?”

  “That the floor attacked me. They really should warn people.”

  “Oh, sure.” He gently put her down onto the bed, which was even softer than the carpet. “I bet they get reports about the floor attacking guests all the time.”

  “Then they should do something about that.”

  “I’ll make sure they do.” Even in her blurry-eyed state, she caught his playful smile.

  She stuck out her bottom lip. “I’m not drunk.”

  “No, babe, you’re not drunk. I’m an expert in drunk. You left drunk back in the dust about three hours ago. You’re far closer to the ‘apocalyptically toasted’ than the ‘drunk’ end of the inebriation scale. I’ll make sure Ford brings the bar fight kit with him.”

  “I wasn’t in a fight. Well, except with the floor. And it cheated. Otherwise, I would have kicked its ass.”

  “I’m sure it did, and I’m sure you would have. We keep the hangover supplies in the bar fight kit. You’re going to need them.”

  He disappeared into the bathroom, where she heard water run. He returned a moment later and scooped her up off the bed. “Come on. Into the tub with you.” He’d not only started filling the large, sunken tub, but he also added bubble bath to it.

  “Oooh, pretty.” She giggled as he set her into the tub, bathing suit and all. He dropped his swim trunks and climbed in with her, peeling her suit off her and dropping it to the bathroom floor with a splat.

  Emi draped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. She bounced up and down on his lap. “I wanna pony ride!”

  He brushed a wet tendril of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. “I was wrong. You’re not apocalyptically toasted. You’re supernova-shitfaced.”

  She wasn’t, however, too drunk to reach down and find his cock. She stroked his shaft, letting out a happy sigh as it grew in her hand. His eyes dropped closed while she continued the hand job, his hips bumping in time with her motions. She was about to mount him when he reached over to the faucet and shut it off.

  He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up effortlessly. She tried to complain, but he cut her off with a smile. “Stop. Just hold on.” He slid a little lower in the water, positioning himself on the built-in ledge before lowering her down onto his cock.

  She wiggled, impaling her pussy as deeply as she could and enjoying the way his girth comfortably stretched her. His hands drifted up to her breasts. He cupped them in his hands, her nipples growing hard and pebbling against the flesh of his palm.

  “There you go. Better?”

  She nodded and braced herself against his shoulders.

  “Now you ride all you want.”

  She closed her eyes and threw her head back as she struggled to find that perfect sweet spot, where Caph’s cock could hit all the right places and trigger her orgasm without any other assistance needed.

  She perceived her men’s emotions in different ways. Caph, like this, calm and sexy and enjoying himself, came across as a verdant green nearly the color of his eyes. When she felt this from him, she knew he was completely centered in the moment, enjoying himself one hundred percent, his love for her or the other two men at the front of his mind and heart.

  This was the major upside of her empath training. And the longer she spent with her men, the stronger her skills grew in this way.

  Emi leaned forward, still seeking the holy grail of fucking with Caph. Then a small burst of heat went off inside her and she knew she’d found it.

  Caph sensed it, too, she felt. He didn’t talk, barely moving for fear of ruining her rhythm. He gently kneaded her breasts, rolling her nipples in his fingers and making her cunt clench even more tightly around his cock. Each stroke of his cock inside her hit that sweet spot perfectly, stoking her need and driving her closer to orgasm.

  The weight of her body on top of him buried his cock deep in her cunt. She forced herself to focus on his green gaze, to not close her eyes or close herself off from him. The world disappeared around them, time slowing as her pleasure built and his cock grew even harder inside her.

  One more slight shift in angle, and her swollen clit also received a little more attention. It sparked her tumble over the cliff. As she dug her fingers into Caph’s shoulders, she let out a cry of relief and love and passion. His hands dropped to her waist as he pounded his cock into her, hard, slamming deep and intensifying her release.

  Her body went limp, and as she started to collapse against him, she realized he hadn’t come yet. She made no protest as he picked her up and turned her around, leaning her over the edge of the tub. He fisted his cock, lined it up with her swollen pussy lips, and shoved it in hard and deep and drawing another cry of pleasure from her.

  He grabbed one of her shoulders, the other arm going around her waist as his fingers found her clit. “Give me another one,” he ordered as he started fucking her, hard and fast.

  Emi’s eyes dropped closed as his fingers pinched and rolled her clit. The pleasurable pain in her sensitive nub made her cunt once again clench around his cock. She grabbed hold of the tub’s edge, helpless to do anything but hold on as he fucked her into another orgasm that left her limp against the cool tile.

  Apparently satisfied that she’d finished, both his hands dropped to her hips and he slammed into her, his thighs slapping against hers. “Yes!” he gasped. He fell still, buried deep inside her, his fingers digging into her flesh as his cock emptied his cum inside her.

  Emi wanted to do nothing but fall asleep in his arms. The sound of his ragged breath filled the room. When he pulled her up into a standing position, she assumed bed was their next stop, but Caph wasn’t about to waste their time alone together. He sat her on the edge of the tub and forced her legs apart with his body. Sinking to his knees in the tub, he draped her legs over his shoulders and buried
his face in her pussy.

  “Sweetie, I’m too…” Emi’s protests stopped as his tongue plowed her well-fucked cunt. Nothing tender or gentle about it, he devoured her, grabbing her clit with his lips and flicking it with his tongue. She let her eyes drop closed again and buried her hands in his shaggy hair. She dug her fingers in, enjoying the sound of his pleased grunt when she wasn’t gentle either. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and held on tightly, refusing to let her go or escape his oral onslaught. And when he grazed her clit with his teeth and another orgasm hit her, he sucked on it, long and hard, making her scream with pleasure.

  He pushed her back onto the floor and climbed out of the tub. With her legs over his shoulders, he drove his cock, which had grown hard again, into her pussy.

  She felt something in him she wasn’t used to—possession, need, desire.

  And wanting to show her how much he loved her.

  He felt guilty he couldn’t fix the situation for her, so he was determined to distract her.

  He laced his fingers through hers and pinned her hands above her head. And like that, sprawled on the plush bath mat, he fucked her hard and fast, holding her immobile in his grasp.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled. “I love you, too, babe. And I’m going to fuck the stuffing out of you while we’re here.” He pressed his weight on top of her as he crushed her lips with his. Every thrust shoved them a little farther across the floor until he let out a cry of his own and his body went rigid and still.

  Pinned beneath him, she couldn’t move until he did. After a moment he took a deep breath and eased her legs down before rolling onto his side with her in his arms.

  Content and sated, she draped herself across his broad chest. “Better?” she whispered.

  He chuckled. “You have no idea. How about you?”

  “I think we just taught the floor who’s boss.”

  He picked her up and carried her in to the bed, where he crawled in with her. She snuggled up to him again as he found the remote control and switched on the vid screen. “Do you mind if I take a nap?” she asked. She wanted to bask in her buzz and the pleasant ache in her well-fucked pussy, as well as the feelings of love and satisfaction flowing from Caph.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Not at all, babe.”

  * * * *

  Caph held her in his arms and watched as she crashed into a drunken sleep he knew she needed for more than one reason. It ate him up that he couldn’t fix this for her. Whether or not she really sensed something bad from their new crew member was irrelevant to him.

  The fact was, Emi believed it, so deeply that he didn’t have to be an empath to see how badly it was tearing her up inside.

  And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

  He hated feeling helpless. He hadn’t felt this helpless in decades. Since…

  No. I won’t think about that.

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. He didn’t want to think about losing Kels, about trying to nurse Aaron back to health.

  Caph didn’t look up when he heard the door open. Ford started to speak, then obviously caught sight of them on the bed. He walked around to the far side, a sad look on his face. “How is she?” he whispered.

  Caph shrugged.

  Ford silently undressed and slipped into bed on the other side of her. He reached across her and laid a hand on Caph’s arm. “How are you doing?”

  Caph shrugged again.

  “Some things you just cannot fix, big guy.”

  “I know.” He kissed her forehead again, closing his eyes so Ford wouldn’t see how close to tears he was. “I’m not stupid.”

  “I didn’t say you’re stupid, Caph.”

  “I hate seeing her like this. So upset. She’s going to have one hell of a hangover when she wakes up.”

  “Wow. Really?”


  He finally opened his eyes and looked across at Ford. Ford’s blue gaze pierced through him. “What do you think?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You met the guy. What do you think?”

  “He’s not human. I can’t gauge myself by my first impression. Why?”

  “It’s just I’ve never seen her act like this before, either. Part of me wants to judge the situation by my experience and common sense and say she’s being overly sensitive.”

  “And the other part?”

  Ford focused on Emi’s peaceful face. “The other part of me wants to disable the jump engine so we’re stuck in drydock for a few months and they assign the guy to another boat.”

  “Wouldn’t take much,” Caph offered, feeling relief that he wasn’t alone in his feelings of uneasiness.

  “Yeah, but we have a job to do.”

  “We have a wife to support.”

  “Someone who’s been through a lot in a short amount of time. Someone who doesn’t have the experience we do. And no matter how much I love her and want to fully take her side in this, there’s still that part of me saying maybe…”

  When he didn’t go on, Caph prompted him. “Maybe what?”

  Caph heard Ford’s sad sigh. “Maybe,” he whispered, even lower than before, “just maybe Cap’s right and it is all in her mind.”

  Caph rested his cheek against the top of her head. “What if it’s not all in her mind?”

  Ford didn’t respond.

  Chapter Six

  She startled awake at the feel of a pair of warm lips and a tongue between her legs. After confirming she was still snuggled against Caph, she reached down to find Ford.

  Opening her eyes, she lifted her head. He looked up at her without bothering to stop what he was doing.

  “Carry on, soldier,” she teased as she let her head drop back onto her pillow.

  Caph rolled onto his side and took one of her breasts into his mouth. She wanted to protest, to tell them she was tired and sleepy and drunk and there was no way in hell she’d get over again. But the hot, sweet pull of Caph’s lips on her nipple, combined with Ford’s tongue on her clit, robbed her of speech. She spread her legs wider, giving him better access.

  Caph palmed her other breast. Emi let out a satisfied moan as her body responded. Her body started a climb toward release, then hung up, unable to get over. She was about to pat Ford on the head and tell him to stop when he slipped two, then three fingers into her wet cunt. Caph in turn used his teeth on her nipple, and the sharp bite of pain, combined with the fullness in her pussy, did the trick. Her back arched and she fisted the sheets as waves of pleasure rippled through her. Before she’d even finished recovering from that, Ford had climbed between her legs and started fucking her.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said. “You just let us take care of you.” She wanted to answer him, but then Caph sat up and shifted position, lining his reawakened cock up with her lips.

  Without hesitation she opened, licking the drop of pre-cum off the head, where it had pearled at the slit.

  Caph plunged a hand into her hair and held her head in place. “Such a good girl,” he murmured.

  Something in her let loose, unhinging in a good way. She didn’t know if it was the booze, or her men’s talented tongues, or the taste of Caph’s cock in her mouth, or Caph slipping his free hand between her legs to play with her clit, but another orgasm rippled through her.

  “Holy hell,” Ford said, “she came again. Jesus, that feels so good when she does that.”

  Caph gently cradled her head in his hands and slid his cock between her lips, fucking her mouth but taking it easy on her. “If I don’t come before you’re done, one of you is getting fucked with this.”

  “Ooh, pick me!” Ford quipped.

  She looked up to watch Caph lean over and kiss Ford. The sight took her breath away. She lost herself in the bubble of emotions boiling over from both men, spilling onto her like a sweet, beautiful wave. And the way Caph’s erection grew harder and hotter against her tongue made her think Ford wasn’t going to
get his wish.

  Until she felt him coming.

  Her eyes popped open as Caph made her relinquish his member. “Stay right there, both of you,” he ordered.

  The commanding hint in his voice thrilled her. Then Ford was kissing her, even as his cock grew limp inside her. She didn’t have time to wonder where Caph had disappeared to, because Ford kept her more than busy with his tongue.

  A moment later, the end of the bed dipped and Ford let out a loud moan. His head limply fell to her shoulder as he rocked his hips against her. “Oohhh, fuck yeah,” he mumbled.

  If she cocked her head, she could see Caph kneeling behind him, working lube into Ford’s ass. And already his cock was growing hard again. When Ford quit moving, holding still, she knew Caph was sliding his delicious cock deep up his tight channel.

  And the groan the larger man let out confirmed it.

  “He hard again, baby?” Caph asked her.


  He lightly slapped Ford’s ass. “What are you waiting for? Get moving.”

  Ford’s teeth grazed her shoulder as he lightly bit down, but his hips started rocking, slowly at first, then gaining speed until he was fucking himself back and forth between her pussy and Caph’s cock.

  Emi drew her knees up, giving Ford better access and enjoying the way her swollen, sensitive clit rubbed against his body at the bottom of every stroke. Not enough to get her over, but enough to revive her interest in maybe trying for one more.

  “That’s it,” Caph encouraged, his voice sounding strained. She could tell he was holding back, struggling against a dam about to explode. “Hurry up, buddy.”

  Ford pushed up on his arms for traction, and the whole bed shook as he seesawed between them.

  She grabbed his head and kissed him and that was all it took to shove him over the edge. She swallowed his moans and felt her heart leap with the feel of his orgasm spiraling through him, soon followed by Caph.

  As the three of them collapsed onto the bed in a sweaty tangle, Ford lifted his head so he could look at her. “Hiya.”