Read Out of Smoke and Ashes Page 5

  The jaguar’s expression turned stormy. Wally didn’t miss how the other two brothers tensed, as if awaiting word from their leader. After a moment, Ortega rubbed his eyes before waving his brothers down. He glanced at Doug and Oscar before returning his focus to Wally. “I’m asking the three of you to please maintain our confidence.”

  Wally nodded. He glanced over at Doug and Oscar and saw them nod as well.

  Ortega’s eyelids drooped as he stared down at his bottle. His voice turned quiet. “The monster abducted and raped my youngest daughter-in-law. His own niece. A wolf. Got her pregnant and stole her pup right from her womb. Cut the baby out of her stomach after she went into labor as we were trying to fight our way into his hideout to rescue her. My son was mortally wounded in the process of trying to free his mate.”

  He met Wally’s gaze. Wally recognized the deep well of grief and fury behind the man’s outwardly calm facade. “We will not rest until we have that man in hand, have my granddaughter safely back where she belongs, and I have the chance to slowly strip every inch of that man’s flesh off his body while he’s alive and screaming and begging for the mercy he’s never showed another creature in his cursed life.”

  “Fuck me,” Oscar muttered. “I think I just wet myself.”

  “How old is she now?” Wally asked. “Your granddaughter.”

  “She will be eleven next month.”

  “So why didn’t you tell this to Blackie and the others before the showdown in Maine?” Wally asked.

  He shook his head. “It is not their concern. I do not wish to drag them into our vendetta when it is not their problem to solve. I promised my daughter-in-law as she lay dying in my arms that I would avenge her and find her daughter. Bring her home, where she belongs. And as long as there is a breath in my body, I will.”

  “Even if she’s Rodolfo Abernathy’s daughter?”

  Ortega’s expression hardened. “Especially because. I loved my daughter-in-law as if she were my own flesh and blood. I will uphold my oath to her. I will wrest her from his hands and raise her properly.”

  “Then why the hell didn’t you go after him up in Maine after Elain kicked Paul’s ass? That would have been the perfect time.”

  “He had too many men with him and they were too well-armed. We eventually tracked him and his men back to his hotel, but he must have realized we were on his trail. He slipped away before we could corner him there. We’ve been searching for him ever since.”

  “And what about the cockatrice? What’s your, eh, dog in that fight, so to speak?”

  The jaguar leaned back and shrugged his massive shoulders. “We have a score to settle with them as well regarding the death of our grandfather, but only after I find my granddaughter and take my revenge upon Rodolfo Abernathy. I cannot and will not rest until either I have proof that bastard is dead, or he is in my clutches.”

  Chapter Four

  Dr. Alberto met them in the maternity wing. “I’ve already got a birthing suite ready for you,” she said as she hustled everyone down the hall, Lina in a wheelchair being pushed by Rick.

  When all of them were inside, the doctor shut the door behind them. “Who’s who?” she quickly asked. “We don’t have much time.”

  Jan introduced everyone.

  “Okay, my nurse is a shifter, too. Still, assume anyone else who comes in and out isn’t. I’ll do my best to keep the staff down to a minimum, but if there are any complications, remember to watch what you say.”

  “Complications?” Lina wheezed as she recovered from another contraction. “What complications?”

  “I’m not saying there will be or there are any. Just in case. Let’s get you in bed so I can examine you.”

  The large birthing suite had plenty of room for them and the few others who were on the way. Lina let her men help her change into a hospital gown and get into bed while the doctor and her nurse prepared their equipment. Twenty minutes later, Lina wore a band strapped around her midsection that monitored her babies’ heartbeats, had a proclamation from Dr. Alberto that she was dilated almost enough to give birth soon…and was really struggling against the urge to not-so-randomly blow something up when she was told she was too far along to receive an epidural.

  Jan and Rick flanked her on either side, letting her squeeze their hands with a practically crushing grip as another contraction hit her.

  “You’re both getting neutered,” she snarled at them. “As soon as I can walk again, I’m doing it myself.”

  Both dragons looked pale. “Lovely,” Jan tried, “please—”

  “Eh, Jan?” Lacey interrupted, “I wouldn’t go there. This is normal, believe me. For any woman.”

  Dr. Alberto nodded. “Most of my patients would be on death row if they carried out the threats they issued while in labor.”

  “Who says it’s an idle threat?” Lina asked. “I’m really gonna do it!”

  * * * *

  An hour later, Mai and the others had arrived. Daniel and Liam opted to go out to the waiting room with Jim and Micah. Callie stepped out for a minute to talk with her husband.

  “So what really happened with Mai?” Callie asked.

  She didn’t miss the look Daniel exchanged with Jim and Micah. “Two of Abernathy’s men were at the house. She spotted them and ran.”

  Callie forced back her rage. She dropped her voice. “And why, exactly, can’t I go kill him now?”

  “The Montalvos are going out looking for him. They get dibs.” He gently placed his hands on her arms. “No, you cannot do that without my permission.”

  “You’re edicting me? Really? That is sooo not fair—”

  “Pet,” he warned, “don’t go there.”

  Callie swallowed her next retort, knowing it would result in the bad kind of punishment. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  “You don’t have to like my decision,” he said, “but now is not the time for this. Especially not here.”

  She knew he was right. “Well, I need to update you on what happened.” She filled him in about the incident with Maureen Alexander’s spirit.

  When she finished, Daniel glanced over to where Liam sat, elbows on his knees, hands clasped together, head down.

  “That’s why he seems upset,” Daniel softly noted.

  She nodded.

  “How are Carla and Elain holding up?”

  “They’re focused on Lina right now. I think they’re too busy to do anything else.”

  He cupped her cheek with his hand and brushed his lips across hers. “Anything you need to do to help them get through it,” he whispered, “do it.”

  She smiled. “As long as it doesn’t involve killing Abernathy?”

  He smiled back. “Yes. Such a smart pet I have.”

  * * * *

  As afternoon clicked on into night and four more hours passed, Lina was no closer to having her babies.

  Lina clamped down on Rick and Jan’s hands as another contraction swept through her. “Why…the fuck…can’t…I…have drugs?” she managed.

  Dr. Alberto shook her head. “Lina, I told you. You’re too far along. Unfortunately, it looks like one of them is sideways. I think we need to talk about doing a C-section. You’re not progressing.”

  “No!” Lina yelled. “I can do this!”

  “Lovely,” Jan said, “you need—”

  “No,” Lacey quietly said from where she’d stood by the wall. She walked over to Callie and whispered something in her ear.

  Callie frowned, then slowly nodded. She walked over to Dr. Alberto and talked to her. Lina watched as frowning doubt filled the doctor’s face.

  “The babies are still strong,” the doctor said. She glanced at the wall clock. “One hour.” Then she proceeded to hustle all the extra staff other than her nurse out of the room.

  “Kael, stand against the door and keep everyone out,” Callie ordered. He did, confusion on his face.

  “Get moving,” Dr. Alberto said.

  “What?” Lina asked.

  Callie stepped up to the bed. “Elain, Mai. Come here. Jan, Rick, stand by her legs. Zack, Brodey, you come here.”

  Brodey looked up from where he’d apparently been actively trying to ignore the process. “What?”

  “Get your ass over here,” Elain snapped.

  Callie and Lacey positioned Mai and Elain on either side of Lina, holding her hands and holding each other’s hands across her. They pushed the bed away from the wall so Brodey and Zack could stand behind her, their hands on Lina’s shoulders.

  Dr. Alberto positioned her stool at the foot of the bed. “Get busy, Callie.”

  Lina tried to look up to see what was going on, but Callie gently placed her hand on the top of Lina’s head. “Look at Jan and Rick,” she softly said. “Focus on them for a moment. Breathe. Then close your eyes and find the circle of energy.”


  “Shh.” Lina looked down the bed at where Rick and Jan stood, their blue and amber eyes focused on her. “Close your eyes,” Callie softly said.

  She did.

  “Relax. You’ve seen all those videos. Imagine a perfect, easy birth. Tap into the energy you feel flowing through you right now.”

  Lina wasn’t sure how or what to do, but the easy birth part she could focus on.

  Callie said, “Dr. Alberto, tell her what needs to happen.”

  “One of the babies is sideways. He needs to turn, preferably head-down, with the other sliding out of the way.”

  Lina let the doctor’s words wash through her. Her body felt light, the pain and noise all filtering from a distance, as if she was stuck halfway between the present and Baba Yaga’s house.

  Callie’s voice, still soft, seemed to be the only clear sound in her mind. “Gently, the babies change position. You see it happening.”

  Lina was vaguely aware of her grip tightening on Mai and Elain’s hands as in her stomach it felt like the twins were doing somersaults.

  “Holy crap,” she thought she heard Dr. Alberto mutter.

  * * * *

  Elain had no clue what was happening. Somewhere deep inside her, the woman who held a journalism degree and who was a seasoned reporter tried to rebel against what was taking place in front of her. Disbelief. Fear.

  The rest of her was engulfed by wonder. It felt like a warm river of energy slowly circled through her and Mai to Lina and out again.

  She watched as Dr. Alberto’s eyes widened. Lina’s belly undulated, as if the babies were, in fact, changing position.

  Callie softly whispered into Lina’s ear. “That’s it. Think of your body as elastic, easily responding, no pain. The first baby is going to move into the correct position with no pain, no stress, no harm.”

  Dr. Alberto’s eyes widened even more as she looked up at Callie and nodded. “He’s crowning. Push, Lina.”

  “You are a Goddess, Lina,” Callie whispered. “Your body is the first thing you control. No pain, no stress, no harm. You push and the baby easily—”

  A loud, healthy-sounding cry filled the room as Dr. Alberto and her nurse jumped into action. “Hold up a minute, Lina. Let me get this one taken care of.”

  “Breathe, Lina,” Callie whispered. “Don’t push.”

  Lina, her eyes closed, took long, deep breaths. She looked peaceful, at total ease.

  When Elain looked back at Brodey, their eyes met. His green gaze was full of shock…and wonder. Wow! he silently mouthed.

  Elain nodded and looked over at Mai. She was staring at the bloody, squirming baby now cradled in the nurse’s arms.

  Elain didn’t need any special Seer senses to feel the slight melancholy pang in her friend’s heart. Lina was having not one, but two healthy babies.

  Mai’s baby’s future was filled with question marks no one would be able to begin to answer until after her birth.

  After a couple of minutes, they had the baby bundled in a bassinet just off to the side. Dr. Alberto looked like she was in shock. “Okay, Lina. One little push for the placenta.”

  And like that, she did.

  Dr. Alberto looked up at Callie. “Baby number two, and talk with me later about a job as a childbirth coach, if you want it.”

  Elain tried not to laugh but Callie let the comment go. “Next baby, Lina. Just like the last one. You are a Goddess. You control your body. No stress, no harm, no pain.”

  “He’s crowning!”

  “Let him be born, Lina,” Callie whispered. “Just like that.”

  Another loud cry filled the room. Lina’s eyes popped open as she let out a cry of her own, relief or happiness or pain, Elain couldn’t tell.

  “Are they okay?” Lina tearfully asked.

  Dr. Alberto grinned. “Perfect. Let’s finish with getting the placenta out and we can get you cleaned up. You didn’t even need an episiotomy. I’m serious, Callie. That was…I’ve never seen anything like it. And believe me, I’ve seen a lot.”

  Callie stood up and stretched. “I didn’t do anything. Lina did it. I just showed her how to do it.” She stepped out of the way. “Brodey, Zack, you can sit down now.”

  Brodey looked decidedly green and not just in his eyes. “Thanks.”

  Elain snickered. “You’re grossed out? I’ve seen you with your arm up to your shoulder inside a cow’s cooch helping birth a calf.”

  “That’s different.”


  “Because…it just is.”

  Zack laughed. “Because he’s a guy. He didn’t sleep with the cow to get the calf in there.”

  Elain snorted. “He didn’t sleep with Lina.”

  “Yeah,” Brodey said as he sat, “but that was a realistic preview of coming attractions.” He looked at Elain. “No offense, babe.”

  * * * *

  Everyone cleared out of the birthing suite to give the new parents a little alone time and to allow Dr. Alberto and her nurse to do a more thorough exam of the babies and get them cleaned up. When Elain joined the others in the waiting room that they had to themselves, something besides how tired she was caught her attention.

  “What’s wrong?” Elain asked. “What happened?” Brodey and Daniel exchanged a knowing glance. “Oh, no you don’t,” she said. “Just tell me because I’m tired and way beyond being in the mood to tolerate that.”

  It was actually Mai who spoke up first, in a soft voice, and explained why they were delayed.

  Elain heavily collapsed into the chair next to Brodey. “Have you talked to Ain and Cail? Have they found the jokers?”

  “Yes, I’ve talked to them, but no, they haven’t found them. The Montalvos returned a little while ago. They got skunked, too. They’ve also got Wally, Oscar, and Doug at the house to keep an eye on things.”

  “Dammit. I suspected he might not really give up, but I thought we’d have at least a little of a respite.”

  “And we still have cockatrice to track,” Callie added. “Let’s not forget those jerks.”

  “Lina isn’t in any condition to be doing that,” Elain said. “Not for a while, at least.”

  “Agreed,” Daniel said. “We still don’t know who Mr. Creepy, aka Fat Boy, is. Or what he plans to do next.”

  “Or even if he’s really working with Abernathy, the cockatrice, or maybe even both,” Kael added. “Or neither.”

  “True.” Blackie stood and looked at everyone. “I’m the head of this Clan Council,” he said. “And I might as well tell all of you now. I’ve asked Ain and Mark Telford both if they’ll join the Council. Also, I’ve been in talks with Andel Watterson.”

  He looked at Kael and Zack. “He agrees we need to form a union between our groups. The Montalvos are on board with our idea. Oscar, Doug, and Wally have put me in touch with their Clans, and I’ve got feelers out to other shifter Clans of other races.”

  “What are you saying, exactly,” Brodey asked. “Sounds like you’re amassing an army of shifters.”

  He slowly nodded. “That’s exactly what we’re doing, metaphorically speaking.”

t the cockatrice?”

  “Against anyone who wants to try to raise arms against us. Us meaning those of us who just want to live and let live. The more I talk to people, the more I learn about the cockatrice and Abernathy. So far, everyone’s been in agreement that those bad apples won’t be missed.”

  “Spill the whole thing,” Elain said as she looked at Lacey. “You guys said I’m a Seer, so I’m guessing that gives me a little clout, right?”

  Daniel slowly nodded. “Yes, it does.” He let out a weary sigh at her arched eyebrow. “We’re going to form a super-council of all the Clans. A mega-Clan.”

  “That’s never been done before,” Kael said. “Well, it has, but not since…” He trailed off.

  Daniel slowly nodded. “Exactly. Last time the various Clans came together like this was to defeat the cockatrice and the other dark forces. It’s doubtful it’ll be that extreme this time, because all of us far outnumber all of them.”

  “But it’s better to be prepared,” Zack added in a bitter tone.

  “Exactly,” Daniel said.

  * * * *

  After an hour, Rick stuck his head through the waiting room doorway. “Come on in. She wants to see everyone before she falls asleep.”

  Elain jumped up to follow him.

  Lina looked ragged, but sat up in bed with the two sleeping babies cradled in her arms. It was obvious one resembled Jan and the other Rick from their complexions and hair.

  Elain leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Hola, momma. How are the baby beasts?”

  Lina’s eyes widened as she laughed. “Oh my god, that’s perfect.” She grinned as she stared down at her sons. “The Beasts. They have a nickname.”

  “Did you decide on their real names?” Carla asked.

  “Yes. This one”—she gently hefted the baby with the thick shock of black hair—“is Luka Andel Zaria-Alexandr. We’ll call him Luke.”

  Kael laughed. “That’s a mouthful, but I’m sure Uncle Andel will approve.”

  “That’s our hope,” Jan said.

  “This guy is Anton George Zaria-Alexandr.” She wistfully smiled. “My dad’s name was George. We’ll call him that.”