Read Out of the Dark Page 20

  Decebel let out a deep breath. His hand ran up her bare back, reminding him of what she had worn to their bonding ceremony.


  "Hmm?" Jen nuzzled closer and Decebel closed his eyes, letting his senses take over and fill him with his mate.

  "Why is half your dress missing?"

  Jen chuckled. "I figured it would give you less to have to take off."

  Decebel growled and she felt the vibrations in his chest.

  "I would have missed that so much." Jen ran her hand up his chest and curled it around the nape of his neck.

  "Missed what, love?"

  "The growly, chest rumble thing."

  Decebel chuckled. "I will do the growly, chest rumble thing anytime you want."

  Jen smiled. "I will hold you to that, you know. So if we're standing in line somewhere and I suddenly have the urge to cuddle, you better be ready to rumble away."

  Decebel pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  "I really don't want to open that door. I want to keep you in here with me. I want to finish the Blood Rites – with you alive this time," he said pointedly.

  Jen leaned back so she could look into his eyes. "We aren't opening that door until the Blood Rites are complete. The other can wait, but not the Blood Rites."

  Jen pulled the neck of her dress down over her shoulder and leaned her head back to give Decebel access.

  He growled and his grip on her tightened. As he leaned forward Jen felt his tongue run across her skin and then a sharp pain that was gone as quickly as it had come. She wrapped her arm around his neck, holding him tightly to her. She had expected some pain, maybe not horrible pain, but at least some. This felt...good. She knew that Jacque had said that the exchange was intimate, but she never explained the immense pleasure that also came with it. A breathy moan escaped Jen's lungs as she felt Decebel pull her closer. His mouth was warm and, though firmly attached to her, gentle. When he began to pull back Jen was completely unashamed when she whispered to her mate, "Don't stop."

  Decebel chuckled. "We aren't blood suckers, baby. We only take enough to complete the Rites and leave our mark."

  "Well, if it feels like that when the blood suckers do their thing, then we are seriously underestimating the value of being a blood sucker." Jen's head lulled back on her neck as Decebel licked the bite clean.

  "Are you alright?" he asked her gently.

  Jen grinned. "Better than alright."

  Decebel kissed her. "Are you ready?"

  She nodded, then asked, "I have to actually bite you this time, don't I?"

  "Yes, love. Just let your instincts guide you."

  Jen turned in his lap so that she was facing him with her legs wrapped around him. Decebel raised an eyebrow at her.

  "What? This is just more comfortable than turning my neck." Her eyes were wide with innocence, but Decebel saw the slight smirk on her lips.

  Jen leaned back slightly as Decebel grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it over his head. She tried not to drool on her mate when she looked over his ridiculously toned body. The markings that covered the right side of his chest, shoulder, and arm, all the way up his neck, were undeniably sexy. Jen was forced out of ogling when Decebel cleared his throat.

  "Like what you see?" He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  "Like is putting it mildly," she admitted boldly. The look in Decebel's eyes grew intense and Jen felt a shiver run down her spine.

  "Complete the Blood Rites, my love," Decebel whispered as he turned his head, baring his neck to her.

  Jen leaned into him, holding one side of his neck with one hand and bracing herself on his shoulder with the other. She breathed in his scent and when her lips touched his skin, she felt his breathing quickened. She kissed his neck and then opened her mouth. Something deep inside her stirred. Like when she awoke in the morning and stretched, so she felt her wolf awakening and stretching. Then her focus became her mate. Jen felt her teeth lengthen – she wanted to be a little shocked at that moment, but the wolf that had been buried deep inside her had one thing on her mind and that was to mark their mate, to complete this age-old dance of their kind.

  She opened her mouth wider and struck. Her teeth sunk into his flesh with no resistance. She felt warmth and wetness flow into her mouth and Decebel's arms wrapped around her, one hand resting just inside her dress over her marks, the other at the nape of her neck, holding her to him. As if she was going anywhere.

  Jen couldn't believe how good he tasted. Sweet, but indescribably so. She sunk her teeth deeper and heard Decebel chuckle.

  "Greedy little thing, aren't you?" He tugged on her hair gently as he spoke. "Jennifer, baby, it's enough."

  Jen pulled back and, as he had done, licked the bite mark. She was grinning from ear to ear when she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  "What are you smiling about, beautiful?"

  "That was freaking awesome."

  Decebel chuckled at her and gently rubbed her back. They were sitting quietly, enjoying each other, holding each other, when suddenly Jen felt a pull inside of her. Her eyes opened wide as the void that had been present since Rachel had severed their bond was suddenly filled with pulsing light.

  Jen could feel their bond knitting itself back together and her eyes met Decebel's – their connection was restored.


  He pulled her close, breathing her scent in.

  "I hear you, baby. I feel you."

  Jen let out a huge sigh of relief as she slumped against him and began to feel whole again.

  "Do you feel it? The bond?"

  "Yes," he answered. "I can feel your presence in my mind."

  Jen felt nearly intoxicated with emotions as her own mingled with Decebel's. She smiled at him and whispered, "Let's do it again."

  Decebel's brow furrowed. "Do what again?"

  "You know, the biting and what not." Jen grinned wickedly. "I can only imagine it's probably way more intense when you can feel each other's feelings. I think, as my mate, you owe me the most wonderful Blood Rites experience ever."

  Decebel was shaking his head, a smile across his face. "We can't do it again, love. Everyone needs to know you're alive and I -"

  Before he could continue, Jen interrupted him with a frown. "Don't you dare tell me you have a headache."

  Without thinking, Decebel threw his had back and laughed. His body was shaking and Jen had to wrap her arms around him to keep from falling off his lap.

  He continued to laugh while she glared at him.

  When the door was thrown open, Decebel's laugh cut off abruptly and – in a movement born into him as a wolf – he instinctively pushed Jen behind him and took up a protective stance in front of her.

  Jen leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "Now look what you did. And don't think I won't forget you denying me. Remember, my sweet mate, payback's a bitch." Jen sent him an image of what she had in mind and laughed when Decebel snarled.

  "Quit distracting me, woman."

  Chapter 23

  The only sounds in the large room were stifled sobs, and soothing noises coming from those trying to comfort. Cynthia and Crina sat on either side of Sorin and he held them both close, a pack mate offering comfort to two women he loved like sisters.

  Alina was wrapped in Vasile's arms, sitting in one of the larger chairs close to the fire. It had been a long time since Vasile had seen his mate lose control and it broke his heart.

  Fane and Jacque sat on the couch on one end while Costin and Sally sat on the other. Though each were wrapped in strong arms they had reached across the couch to each other to grasp hands.

  Sally had buried her face in Costin's chest and though she knew she should pull away she couldn't. His arms were so strong, so safe. His words whispered in her ear poured over her like healing rain. At one point she had felt his hold loosen and she thought he was releasing her. She'd wrapped her arms around his neck in a vice grip and pleaded for him not to let her go. His response had been simple
yet absolute: "Never," he'd whispered against her ear. That of course made Sally cry harder, because he would leave her. Just like Jen, he wouldn't have a choice. He would find his true mate and there she would be, broken and crying again, no strong arms to hold her.

  Costin's heart had broken during the same scene – he wanted to howl because he didn't know how to comfort her. So he just kept holding her, kept telling her he would take care of her. For now, that was all he could do.

  Jacque looked up at Fane and he wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  "I'm so sorry, Luna. I'm just so sorry." Fane was on edge and his wolf was even worse knowing his mate was hurting so badly and knowing there was a very dangerous threat to her on the other side of that door.

  "I'm going to have to call her family." She buried her face in his neck and out loud in a broken voice she cried, "What am I going to say to her parents, Fane? What can I possibly tell them about how their eighteen year old daughter died?"

  "Shh, love. We will figure it out."

  Then as if realizing it for the first time, she looked at him in horror. "Someone has to get her from him."

  Fane nodded. "Yes."

  "He will kill anyone who enters that room."

  Fane looked to at his father, who nodded.

  "We are probably going to have to put Decebel down, Jacquelyn."

  Jacque gasped. "You mean like a dog? You're going to euthanize him?" The outrage she felt was not only in her voice but a fire in her eyes.

  "He isn't safe, Jacque." This came from Vasile. "He will not be safe to anyone anymore. The light that Jen brought to him is gone. His wolf will be out for blood – anyone's blood. He just wants vindication for his mate. And it would be natural for Decebel to die with her. That is the way of our species and the only reason he isn't already is because the Blood Rites weren't finished."

  "You can't just kill him. It's not right."

  "We aren't human." Vasile said firmly. "Jacquelyn, you are my son's mate and my daughter-in-law, but you are also pack and I am your Alpha. You will not challenge me."

  Jacque felt Vasile's power rush over her and her head bowed in submission. She was not feeling submissive, but her Alpha had spoken and there was no fight his words.

  "Luna, it will be alright." Fane tried desperately to comfort her.

  Jacque's head snapped up and she growled at her mate, "Jen is dead! Nothing will ever be alright again."

  The room was quiet, Jacque's words echoing loudly in the silence. Jacque started to stand from Fane's lap, needing to get out of the suffocating atmosphere, when she heard booming laughter come from the room where Jen lay.

  Immediately everyone stood. Jacque was in the lead and when she turned the knob, felt that it was locked. Fane moved her aside and turned the knob firmly. The lock snapped and he flung the door open, not knowing what to expect. One thing was for sure – it wasn't what he found.

  Jacque stepped in and saw Decebel standing loosely, ready to attack anything that threatened the girl standing behind him.

  The girl was Jen.

  Jen peeped around Decebel, smiling, and with a nervous voice said, "Surprise."

  "You were dead." Jacque's voice was shaking with anger, and hope as well. "I watched them do CPR on you and then I watched Decebel – he wouldn't let anyone near you. You were freaking dead, JENNIFER ADAMS, and all you can say is 'surprise'?"

  Jen tried to push Decebel out of the way but he wouldn't move.

  "Decebel, they aren't going to hurt me. Move."

  Decebel stepped aside to let Jen stand beside him. When she stepped in front of him to get closer to Jacque, he wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest.

  Jen rolled her eyes but focused on Jacque.

  "I will explain everything, Jac, I promise. Please don't be angry."

  "We were sitting in there, sick to our stomachs with grief. I'm trying to figure out how to tell your parents that their little girl is dead and then we hear Decebel laughing. Hell yes I'm angry. When were you going to let us join your little 'hey, I'm alive' party?"

  Sally stepped around Jacque and stared at Jen. She didn't say anything, she just stared. Jen didn't move. Jacque was angry, she didn't want Sally mad at her as well.

  "You're okay?" Sally asked quietly.

  "Yes, Sally Sue, I'm okay."

  "I couldn't save you." Sally's eyes dropped to the floor, her shame evident in the slump of her shoulders.

  Jen tried to get out of Decebel's grasp, but he still wouldn't budge. She looked up at him and, using their bond, growled, "Let me go to her, Dec. She needs to know it's okay, that I'm okay."

  "If any of the males touch you, they forfeit their lives."

  Jen blew out an exasperated breath and he finally let her go.

  As she moved toward Sally, she looked around the room, making eye contact with each male as she spoke. "Attention shoppers, just a brief announcement, crazy ass werewolf on isle three. Those with an abundance of testosterone, don't touch the merchandise and you might walk out of here intact."

  Jacque tried not to laugh because she was angry, but it was impossible not to because the look on Decebel's face was priceless.

  "Duly noted." Vasile spoke for the group.

  Jen wrapped her arms tightly around Sally and she felt her sweet, tender friend begin to cry.

  "I tried, Jennifer. I tried, but you wouldn't breathe."

  "It's not your fault Sally. You aren't God. Healer or not, you can't fix everything. And you have to be okay with that or you'll drive yourself crazy."

  Jacque stepped up and wrapped her arms around both girls, "You know the world has gone to hell in a hand basket when Jennifer Adams is the voice of reason."

  Everyone chuckled tentatively, not wanting to disturb the fragile peace that had descended.

  Jen pulled back and looked at her two best friends. "So are you done being mad at me, Jacque? And have you finished blaming my untimely death on yourself, Sally?"

  "Sure, why not?" Jacque teased.

  "I'm good," Sally added.

  "Okay, peeps, we gots lots to discuss. I'm calling a pack meeting." Jen looked over at Vasile with a wink. "No offense, A, but I gotta lead this one. I'm in the know, and you all are in the need to know."

  Vasile looked over at Decebel. "You okay?"

  He nodded once. "I apologize for earlier."

  "Not needed, Beta. Your mate had been taken from you, and in a cruel twist of fate you weren't allowed to follow because the Blood Rites weren't completed. I would have done what was necessary."

  "And for that I will always be in your debt." Decebel bared his neck to Vasile in submission and respect.

  Jen turned to her mate, took his hand, and began pulling him in the direction of the door.

  "Okay, everyone kosher? Let's call this meeting to order."

  Decebel rolled his eyes. "Glad to see that a little dying didn't take the smart ass out of you."

  "Did you honestly think a little thing like dying would adjust my attitude?" Jen smirked at him as they all took a seat in the large room by the fire.

  "I would hope not, because then you wouldn't be my Jennifer. I don't want someone who always does as they're told, or just goes with the flow. Where's the fun in that?"

  Jen rolled her eyes and this time she spoke out loud. "Where indeed would be the fun in bossing a person around who just agreed to your every whim?" When she tried to sit down next to Decebel on the couch, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his lap. She cut her eyes at him. "Is this really necessary?"

  "You just died, baby. If I seem a little clingy you can just get the hell over it." To Decebel's surprise, instead of a smart ass retort his mate laughed.

  "Oh man, this life is going to be fun." Jen was wiping away tears while everyone looked on, still in shock that she was here before them…alive, laughing.

  Jen wiggled on Decebel's lap so that she was facing everyone and then looked at Peri, who was standing close to the fire with a
quiet Elle, sitting on the hearth.

  "I can tell them everything, right?"

  "Like I could stop you," Peri snorted.

  Jen nodded her head. "Good point. Okay, then. So, as you all know, I died."

  "Thanks for that heads up there, Jen, we weren't real sure since you didn't have a pulse and weren't breathing," Jacque snapped, still irritated that her friend had been in the room groping her mate while she and the others had sat in the main room in serious grief.

  "You done?" Jen asked, raising her eyebrows at her red-headed friend. When Jacque waved her on, Jen continued. "So I woke up in this white room. That's the only way I know to describe it. It was white and full of light. I'm looking around, thinking I'm not in Kansas anymore, when suddenly our friendly neighborhood Fae appears."

  Everyone in the room turned to look at Peri, who was looking back at them in boredom.

  "So I ask Peri if I'm dead and she, so kindly and for clarification purposes, said yes – oh, and no. I asked her if she could bring me back. She said yes, but that it would mean that we would be interfering with the fates. I politely -" Just then Peri snorted at Jen's words once again. Jen looked over at the Fae. "I was polite in comparison to my usual standards. Anyway, I told her basically that I had just been mated to a freaking hot werewolf and hadn't really made plans to die a virgin. So here we are."

  Decebel had begun to choke at Jen's words and, much to everyone's surprise, was turning bright red.

  Sally was shaking her head at her best friend while Jacque covered the laugh that was going to bust out at any moment.

  "I did inform her that there might be consequences to defying the fates," Peri added.

  "Might be?" Vasile questioned.

  Peri rolled her eyes. "Might be, will be, whatever," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

  Decebel sat up, nearly dumping Jen off his lap, having sobered up from his mate's embarrassing remarks, "What do you mean, 'might be consequences'?" He looked at Jen."You didn't mention this." His words were a growl.

  "Well you were a little busy panting over my neck, if I recall," Jen snarled back.

  "Jennifer," he said in warning.