Read Out of the Dark Page 23

  "Blood!" Decebel's voice was a deep growl. "Why are you bleeding, Jennifer?"

  "I bit my lip because you are freaking me out. I feel like the worst mate in history, like I've betrayed you or something when this has nothing to do with you or us. This is bigger than us."

  She felt Decebel's hands on her face. She knew if she had been in front of him right then his lips would be so close to hers that she would feel his warm breath across her face.

  "I didn't mean to imply that I felt betrayed, love. But I just got you back. I've lost you twice and I can't lose you again. I wanted to hold my wife, my mate, for the first time all night last night. I wanted to wake up and the first thing I saw be your beautiful face. But instead I woke up realizing I couldn't move, and you weren't beside me, not even in the house. Can you please try to see where I'm coming from?"

  Jen took a deep breath. She knew that she and Jacque were doing the right thing. In her gut she knew it was what they were supposed to do. But that didn't make it any easier to hurt her mate, to disappoint him and scare him.

  "I can only begin to imagine how upset you were and are. Decebel, I have to do this. Jacque and I have to do this. I can't explain it but I just know that we are the ones who are supposed to get Rachel. Please trust me. Please know that I love you so much that at times I think my heart will explode. We'll be fine. We're moving quickly and being quiet."

  Jen heard him snort.

  She bristled. "I am capable of being quiet."

  "I'm sure you are, baby," Decebel placated her. "If this is something you think you need to do and you've already left without me, there isn't anything I can do about it now, since I'm bound to this damn bed.. But never again, Jennifer. Never again will you go off into danger without me. You told me that if I didn't save your friends you would never forgive me. That was a line you drew. Well, I'm drawing one now. I won't be able to forgive you if you willingly place yourself in danger with no regard as to how it will affect me. My love for you is unconditional, Jennifer, that will never change, but there has got to be mutual respect for each other's feelings. You have got to meet me halfway. Can you do that for me?"

  Jen wiped the tears that were trailing down her face. Her hand was trembling and Jacque had come up and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She tried really hard to keep the tremble out of her voice when she responded, but she could never hide from Decebel.

  "Yes. I can meet you halfway."

  She heard Decebel growl. "Baby, I didn't mean to make you cry. Damn!" He growled in frustration.

  Jen knew that Decebel was very upset and holding on by a thread because he rarely cursed when in her presence, be it physically or through their bond. She could imagine him lying in their bed, held immobile by invisible binding. His jaw was probably clenched so tight his teeth were on the verge of breaking and his eyes would definitely be glowing. Yeah, Jen had no problem seeing her mate in her mind, unable to protect her, unable to get to her.

  "I'm okay, Decebel." Jen pulled herself together, knowing that if she didn't it would only make things worse on him. "Really, I'm okay. I'm sorry that I put you in this position and for scaring you."

  "You just make sure you come back to me, whole and untouched. I'm thankful that the bond is complete because now I can go with you if the worst were to happen, but I would rather be here together – alive together. So, Jennifer Anghelescu, you better bring your stubborn ass home to me."

  Jen couldn't help the smile that spread across her face when he used his last name with her first. It felt right; it was right.

  "I already told you, you're stuck with me. I'll be back before you know it, dancing on that last little nerve of yours. I love you, B."

  "And I you, love. Do not block me from your mind at any point." Jen smiled again when he added, albeit begrudgingly, "Please."

  Jen looked over at Jacque, who still had an arm wrapped around her.

  "So, how'd your furry prince take it?"

  Jacque shook her head, closing her eyes. "Not good. Not good at all. What about you?"

  "Well, he told me he loves me."

  "That's good," Jacque interrupted.

  "Then he told me if I ever do something like this again he will never forgive me."

  "Ouch," Jacque muttered.

  "Understatement, Thelma."

  "We seem to have a lot of those." Jacque pulled out the LT again and nodded in the direction they needed to go. "Let's head out. There's nothing we can do about it now."

  "Do you think Peri will leave them bound?" Jacque asked.

  "She'd be stupid not to. If Decebel gets loose before we're back he'll come after me. I could feel his resolve, Jacque. I've never heard him that mad, or felt his anger and fear like that. No doubt, if she lets him go, he will be crashing through these woods like a wolf possessed."

  "I have to say that Fane would be right on his tail. No pun intended."

  Jen laughed. "Oh, come on, you should always claim a pun like that when it comes at the fur balls' expense."

  The girls continued on, only stopping periodically to drink water or eat the Fae food Peri had provided. It was the same food Elle had given Jacque and her group on the way to the veil. It gave them the energy to walk all that day and into the night. Jen's toes were beginning to feel numb and her legs were so very cold. Jacque's teeth chattered as the forged ahead, determined not to stop. Several times the girls both checked in with their mates. They tried to keep those conversations short and sweet since every time Decebel or Fane used the bond it was not just to ask them if they were okay, but to also remind them how what the girls' thought was a brilliant plan fell under – according to Decebel – reckless, rash, impulsive, and idiotic as defined in the Webster Dictionary. Jen let him know that she would be looking those words up to double check his accuracy. His retort was not something Jen felt necessary to share with Jacque since it involved chains, spanking, and duct tape. If it hadn't been for the tone of voice and other, nicer words Decebel had been using, she might've been inclined to think her mate was kinky.

  Midway through the second day after their departure, Jacque let out a huge sigh of relief as a cottage came into view. It was exactly as Peri had described it. Jen and Jacque approached cautiously and jumped back when the front door swung open hard, bouncing against the little house.

  "Wow," Rachel let out a gasp as she looked at a completely healthy Jen. "You completed the bonding and Blood Rites?"

  Jen nodded with a smile. "Yeah, he's officially tied to me for all time. Poor guy." She motioned to Jacque as she continued. "This is Jacque Lupei, daughter in-law to our Alpha and mate to Fane, son of our Alpha."

  Jacque nodded and to her surprise, Rachel and her mate Gavril, who had stood silently beside his mate, both lowered their eyes and exposed their necks to Jacque in a show of submission. Jacque still wasn't sure how to respond to that gesture, so she simply said thank you.

  "Okay, so we need you guys to pack up real quick-like and shove off with us." Jen smiled as she spoke.

  "Peri has sent for us?" Gavril asked gruffly.

  "Yes. She said it's time for you and Sally to meet and begin doing whatever it is you healers do so you can defeat the wicked witch of the east."

  Rachel shook her head at Jen in mild amusement – she was beginning to understand the full force of her personality. When Jen had stayed with them, she had been so sick, so weak. The Jen before her now was full of life, spirit, dominance. She was no doubt an Alpha.

  When nobody moved, Jacque spoke up. "Um, no offense, but there is a witch who has her little feelers out in the woods looking for us, so we really need to be on our way."

  "Don't you think you should rest?" Rachel asked, her healing nature coming out. The girls were obviously exhausted.

  "We'll sit while you two pack. But we really don't need to stay here any longer than necessary. Peri said to hightail our butts back once we got you guys." Jen brushed some snow off the ground at the base of a tree and sat, leaning her back against the trunk. She sa
w Jacque do the same and both girls closed their eyes, not even realizing they had dozed off.

  Chapter 26

  Alina could not remember a time when she had ever seen her mate this angry. She was actually kind of glad that Peri had not broken the binding spell. At one point the snarling, growling, and even howling had been so loud from the five dominant wolves that Crina, Alina, Cynthia, and Peri had gone outside. Alina grinned as she remembered just how well that went over with her mate. Last night she had lain beside him, trying to appease his wolf. Vasile's eyes had been glowing brighter than she had seen them in a long time and his voice guttural – the wolf had been in control. She'd made sure to keep skin-to-skin contact, doing her best to soothe him. Alina knew her mate would never hurt her, but even her touch couldn't placate Vasile or his wolf. Jen and Jacque were in for an earful when they returned and they would be lucky if Alina could keep their punishment mild.

  Cynthia looked at Crina, who was sitting across from her on the couch. They tried really hard not to chuckle at the grumbling wolves still stuck on their beds, but it was extremely difficult.

  "Do you want to take bets on whether or not Vasile will let their mates tie them up and paddle them like children?" Crina halfway joked.

  Cynthia snorted. "Vasile will be lucky if he can stop those two Alphas from chaining their mates to their sides. Jacque and Jen did not grow up in a pack; they have underestimated the protective and possessive nature of dominant and Alpha wolves. This is something that neither of them will be able to flirt their way out of."

  Crina nodded in agreement, knowing firsthand how protective wolves were. She wasn't mated, but when she had lived with her parents her father barely let her or her mother out of his sight. It really was ridiculous. Crina had long ago decided that she would never let her mate boss her around or dictate to her. But, as she watched these newly mated pairs in action, she was beginning to think it was a lost cause.

  A leopard can't change its spots, after all.

  Decebel lay in the bed he should be sharing with Jen and stared up at the ceiling. His chest rumbled with a growl as his wolf reminded him that their mate was out from under their protection and he was beyond angry. Decebel didn't think he had stopped growling since he realized Jennifer was gone two days ago. He had been a constant presence in her mind, making sure she kept their bond open and remembered to check in with him. Now, as he waited to hear from her, he pushed a little to get in and realized that her mind was still. Like she was asleep. She had told him they weren't going to stop to sleep, that Peri had given them some sort of food that kept them energized without feeling the effects of the lack of rest and sleep. So why was she asleep now?


  Decebel and Fane had taken to yelling to each other to see how their mates were doing and see if one was being more forthcoming than the other. So far the girls had been sharing the same information.


  "THEY'RE ASLEEP," Decebel confirmed.

  Peri came storming into Decebel's room and her eyes were alight with worry.


  Decebel nodded, weary of the look on the Fae's face.

  "What's wrong Peri, why is that a bad thing?"

  "Wake them up now!" she nearly growled at him.

  "FANE, WAKE YOUR WOMAN UP." Decebel told his pack mate, then turned his thoughts to Jennifer.

  "Jennifer, you must wake up! Now."

  He waited to see if she would respond. He could feel her stirring, but she still slept on.

  "JENNIFER!" He snarled at her and imagined tugging her beautiful blonde hair just enough to get a reaction.

  "What the hell, man! You don’t have to get violent – or is that just another form of foreplay for you?" Her voice was strong in his mind. She was okay.

  "You need to wake up. You must not sleep."

  "Why? What's the big deal? We've made it to Rachel's and we're waiting on them to pack some things. Jacque and I pulled up some ground against a tree and dozed for a moment. We have been going nonstop for two days, Decebel."

  Decebel looked at Peri. "Why can't they sleep?" He made sure she understood it wasn't really a question so much as a command.

  "What little magic they have will leak out of them while they sleep. It's unconscious, but they can't prevent it."

  "Why didn't you bother to tell them this when you sent them out to their possible demise?" Decebel couldn't contain his snarl.

  "Jennifer, magic slips from you while you're sleeping."

  "Crap," he heard her mutter. "Well, that can't be good. By the way, I do realize that is an understatement."

  "Tell her she needs to get Rachel to put a cloaking spell on them. I taught it to her," Peri urged him.

  "Baby, Peri says to get Rachel to put a cloaking spell on you guys. Then haul your beautiful butt back here."

  "Aw, does Peri really think I have a beautiful butt? You will have to break it to her that I'm taken."

  Decebel tried to suppress his chuckle, but he failed. He was smiling as he told her to hurry up. I love you.

  "Rachel." Jen stood up from the spot she had been holding in place. "Peri says you need to cloak us. Jacque and I fell asleep and she said our magic leaks out when we sleep. So now that fun witch of ours might know where we are."

  Rachel began muttering under her breath, her eyes closed. Jen and Jacque shivered as they felt an unnatural coolness brush against their skin.

  "Done," Rachel told them.

  Jacque stood up and stretched. "So Dec wake you up too?"

  "Yeah, the punk pulled my hair."

  Jacque laughed. "Fane tried a different form of coercion." She smiled suggestively and winked at Jen, who politely flipped her off.

  "We're ready," they heard a gruff voice say.

  "Great!" Jen smiled at them, and Rachel chuckled as they started off at a brisk pace. Jacque once again pulled out the LT and whispered "the veil" to it. Peri had said this would allow the device to point them back in the direction they needed to go.

  Gavril quickly took the lead – a result of the whole Alpha thing, Jen decided. He set a quick pace and a couple of times Jen and Jacque eyed each other, wondering which of them would pass out first.

  "I am so out of shape," Jacque wheezed out as they continued at a light jog.

  "I'm in shape." Jen grinned. "It's called curvy."

  "That's not a shape, Jen," Jacque told her dryly.

  "It is on me."

  Rachel and Jacque laughed at Jen but never slowed their pace.

  They jogged, they walked briskly, and they jogged some more. Gavril was relentless in his focus. He let them walk slowly at one point so they could drink and eat the Fae food, which Jacque and Jen were quickly tiring of.

  Their first night in the woods came around quickly. Jen pulled out her phone to check the time – her battery was dangerously close to dying. She would have to get Peri to charge it for her, she decided with a grin. That grin was quickly wiped off her face when out of the dark sky a large bird swooped in, claws forward, straight at Jen.

  Jen stumbled back, throwing her arms up in the air in an attempt to keep the bird from scratching her eyes out of her head.

  "What the crap was that about?" Jen growled as Gavril and the others came to a stop. They all eyed the sky wearily, waiting to see if that had been a fluke or if the bird had been under someone else's power. They didn't have to wait long for their answer.

  A loud rumbling rolled across the sky and the air began to move, rushing over their heads. The sound got louder and louder. Their eyes all widened as they realized what was causing the noise. A hundred or more birds were flying straight at them.

  "RUN!" Gavril yelled. "Deeper into the cover of the trees!"

  Jen and Jacque didn't have to be told twice. They both took off at a sprint, their arms thrown over their heads, waving wildly. Jen was sure they looked like crazy chicks, running through the woods with birds chasing them.

  Jacque looked back over her shoulder to see if t
he birds were still pursuing them. Her stomach dropped when she saw that it was no longer just birds.

  "Gavril," she hollered over to the male wolf, who was trying to stay in between them and the pursuers. "The birds have friends!"

  Gavril looked behind him and cursed.

  Jen's curiosity got the better of her fear so she too looked over her shoulder. "Holy -"

  Jen was cut off by Jacque's stern warning. "Jen."

  "Sorry. I mean, bloody hell!"

  "Better," Jacque approved.

  "Are those -" Jen kept glancing back as she ran, trying desperately not to meet a tree face to face.

  "Big ass wild boars?" Jacque finished for her.

  "Well, I was going to say big ass pigs, but we can go with wild boar if you'd like."

  "Yes, that's what those are. And they have tusks. Big, deadly tusks," Jacque added.

  Gavril pointed at a drop off that was to their left. Jen had been trying to avoid it, but apparently Gavril had other plans.

  "Slide down it!" he yelled, and Jen and Jacque watched in horror as Rachel fell gracefully into a slide from her steady running – worthy of a professional baseball player – and went over the ledge.

  Jen and Jacque came to a halt right at the edge of the drop off. They looked down and watched as Gavril and Rachel slid, rolled, and slid some more.

  Jen looked back behind her as the ground began to shake – what she had deemed as the BAWB were getting closer. She looked over to Jacque and shrugged. "Die by being mauled by the BAWB tusk, or die by drop off. I will always chose the latter." She grabbed Jacque's hand and pulled her down to her butt. Jen then gave a huge shove that pushed them both over the edge.

  They were falling. Their backs hit the steep hill and they slid, clothes being pulled by anything in their path, cuts appearing across their faces as branches slapped them. They slid, and slid some more, finally coming to an abrupt halt at the feet of a dirt-covered healer and Alpha.