Read Out of the Dark Page 29

  Thad watched as all the beasts and creatures she had gathered began to work their way out of the forest opposite the wolves. He stepped forward, ready to phase, but Mona stopped him with a hand to his chest.

  "Not yet, Alpha. We wait."

  Cold rain stung Sally, Rachel, and Peri in the face as they opened their eyes. Peri had warned them that when she used the veil to travel it might make them a little disoriented, and Sally could definitely attest to feeling disoriented. But as she looked out onto the field below them, she decided that it wasn't the method of travel that was making her feel that way. She watched the wolves of her pack and the others begin to filter through the forest of the Alps onto the wet field.

  Her eyes widened when she saw animals Peri had talked about – the ones Desdemona had taken under her control. They moved with an unnatural swiftness and an uncanny certainty. They were out for blood. It was written in the snarls across their faces and the hair raised on their backs. Bears, wolves, wild boar, and many more with one goal in common: kill the members of her pack.

  Sally pulled her shoulders back and stood tall. She was a gypsy healer. She had power and she would not let her friends fall. She would not let this witch win. "Peri, we need to hurry." She motioned to the field.

  Rachel and Peri both paused their preparations to look where Sally indicated.

  "Sally, hold this as I showed you before," Peri instructed as she handed her a white stone.

  Sally cupped the stone in her hands and held it reverently out in front of her. She closed her eyes and began to seek out the magic that lived inside her, that was a part of her essence.

  Rachel held a green stone and Peri held a blue one and a red one. These stones were the Stones of the Fae. They represented the elements, and just as the witch could draw on the elements using blood magic, the Fae could draw on them using the stones. The stones came from deep in the realm of the veil. Peri tried to explain how that was possible, but Sally finally told her she would just take her at her word.

  They stood in a semi circle, facing the field, and closed their eyes. Peri began to chant in a language she had only just begun to teach to Rachel and Sally. Nevertheless, the two joined her chant and Sally tried very hard to keep her eyes closed and focus steady. Peri had explained that she would have to keep from being distracted, that it would take the combined, directed magic of the three of them to take on the witch. And so they began.

  "Uh, babe. You seeing what I'm seeing?" Jen asked Decebel as they moved out onto the field. In her wolf form she could see through the darkness with no problem and therefore saw very clearly what was coming for them across the field.

  "Stay to the back of the pack, Jennifer. Go for the smaller prey. And for the love of all things worth fighting for, don't try to be a freaking hero."

  "You're confidence in me is astounding, Dec. Really, I'm touched," Jen growled at him.

  Decebel chuckled in response.

  Doing as he asked, she and Jacque began to slow their run and pull back to the rear of the pack. Crina and Cynthia came alongside, them giving them short yips in greeting. As the four she-wolves began to get closer, they all came to a complete stop when they saw the first wave of wolves meet with the witch's hoard.

  Jen had watched many a battle on the big screen and always wondered if it would be that brutal or worse in real life. She decided right then that it was worse. Much worse.

  Vasile, Decebel, Fane, Dillon and the other Alphas crashed into the wolves and bears – snarls, teeth snapping, and movements quicker than the eye could track. Jen watched in rapt awe as her white-pawed mate ripped through a bear as if it were a small rabbit. He lunged for the bear's throat and with a mighty tear of his head, the bear's neck burst open. Blood splattered Decebel's fur as the bear crashed to the wet ground. He didn't pause, moving on to the next opponent.

  To the far left, Elle and Adam – the two Fae who had saved their butts earlier – were battling it out using their magic and Jen had to admit she was impressed with their moves. None of their opponents got even close to them before they were brought down.

  Jacque stepped forward and crouched low, lifting her lips in a deadly snarl. Jen was with her. It was time to kick some evil ass.

  Jen and Jacque took off at the same time, with Crina and Cynthia close at their heels. Jen focused on some small foxes she saw along the edge of the battle, veering right. Jacque and the others moved with her. She saw Alina fighting with another wolf and Jen adjusted her direction again, heading to help their Alpha female.

  Jen and Jacque lunged at the same time. Jen grabbed one of the wolf's back legs and snapped her jaws, feeling the bone snap satisfyingly beneath her teeth. Jacque had her mouth on the wolf's head, biting down with crushing force. While Jen and Jacque had the wolf occupied, Alina went in for the kill. Grabbing the throat of the wolf, she jerked her head and snapped its neck. The three let go of the wolf at the same time. Jen and Jacque both bared their necks to Alina in submission and from that moment on the females all worked in sync, taking down foe after foe together in ambush.

  Jen didn't know how long they had been fighting, but she figured she should be getting tired. Instead, she was as energetic as ever. The adrenaline and stamina of her wolf were aw- inspiring. Just as they finished off a large bear, they froze. The downpour had suddenly ceased.

  Jen and Jacque both looked up to the hill where Peri, Rachel, and Sally stood. A soft glow appeared around them and began to get brighter. Whatever they were doing, it was working.

  Suddenly, a howl went up and Jen knew instinctively that it was her Alpha, Vasile. The compulsion to join in the victory howl rose in her throat. With the rest of her pack she lifted her head toward the moon and let out an ear-splitting howl.

  As the howl died down she looked out into the battle field and saw that not a single animal was left standing aside from the packs. They had done it. That thought lasted all of two seconds before the ground began to shake under her paws. She shifted nervously and Jacque came and stood closer to her. They watched in horror as it appeared as though the very land was coming alive beyond the treeline. But it wasn't the land, it was what moved swiftly across the land. The Serbian pack had come. They swarmed over a hill, charging down into the valley, straight at them. And so the battle continued.

  Decebel growled low as he watched the Serbian pack running for them. He waited, let his enemy run and wear themselves down, if only a little. He looked to Vasile, who stood tall and proud, Fane on his other side in the same stance. Their fur was covered in the evil blood of their enemies, their bodies tense from the fight. Decebel lowered himself to the ground, ready to lunge. He waited, held still for the perfect moment and as the first wolf lunged himself into the air, Decebel struck, going just under him, running his sharp canines along the tender, vulnerable underside of the wolf's stomach. Decebel tasted the wolf's blood as he tore through fur, flesh, and muscle. He didn't stop to see if his rival fell.

  Wolf after wolf he tore through, looking for the one he wanted, the one who had tried to kill his mate. The one who had poisoned his Alphas and defied pack law for centuries, employing a witch. Finally, across the field, he saw Thad circling as Fane and Costin did the same. Decebel took off at a run – the Alpha was his kill. He broke into their circle, snarling at Fane and Costin, making it clear he intended to take on Thad. Alone.

  As soon Fane and Costin had backed off, Decebel focused his attention on Thad. He didn't notice the strong wind picking up or the snow beginning to swirl around them. He didn't give head to the bright orange that flashed in the forest as fire began to crackle in the air. His purpose, his utter intent was all on the wolf before him. He lifted his lip in a snarl and began to move in a slow circle, his wolf sizing up the competition. Thad made a lunge that was intended to intimidate, but Decebel didn't flinch.

  Thad must have seen the intent in Decebel's eyes just before he made his own lunge and they clashed in the air, muzzles snapping, paws slamming into skulls and ribs. They came apart
and circled again, blood dripping from a gash on Decebel's head where Thad's canines had grazed him. He'd had enough of this – he wanted to end this now.

  He went in low and lunged quickly, grabbing Thad's left front paw. He crushed his jaws together, breaking the bone, and let go. He lunged over and over, making quick snaps here and there, breaking a back leg, crushing a rib. Slowly, he weakened the Alpha. Thad got in a few good swipes and Decebel dripped from gashes on his side. Decebel was briefly distracted as he observed Jennifer's wolf form from the corner of his eye. Thad took the momentary lapse in his attention to lunge. He managed to crash into Decebel's side, taking him down.

  Decebel heard a piercing snarl and saw Jennifer jump over him onto Thad's back. She latched onto one of his ears and pulled with all her might, ripping the ear off. Thad snarled and swung his body, flinging Jennifer violently from his back. Decebel jumped to his feet and turned, quickly grabbing Thad's back leg before he could go after his mate. Thad turned and snapped at Decebel and Decebel let go, only to lunge low under Thad and latch onto his throat from underneath. Decebel pushed his teeth deeper through the wolf's fur, seeking the flesh and bone. He made a huge swing with his head and snapped his jaws together at the same time, effectively snapping the Alpha's neck. Decebel gave another shake for good measure, then dropped the lifeless body from his mouth. He rolled the dead Alpha onto his back and, with a mighty snarl, ripped into his abdomen, disemboweling him.

  Decebel let out a victory howl and the battle field grew still as the effect of the Serbian Alpha's death reverberated through the Serbian pack.

  One by one the wolves fell to their stomachs, necks bared.

  Jen came to stand next to Decebel. He leaned his head down and licked her bloody muzzle.

  "Is it done?" Jen asked tentatively, just as a blood curling scream rent the air.

  "Not quite," Decebel murmured as they looked to the hilltop. There Desdemona stood with raised arms.

  Chapter 31

  Sally's body began to tremble as she held the stone in her hands, the force of Desdemona's will crushing over her. She heard a voice in her mind whispering to drop the stone, give in, come to her. Sally squeezed her eyes shut as she fought the compulsion. She felt her knees begin to weaken, but before she could collapse, strong arms wrapped around her. She didn't have to open her eyes to know who it was.

  She continued to fight, to push back. "You will not win," she responded to the whispers, to the evil that tried to flow over her skin like slick oil.

  "Sally, healer from another land. You will be mine, your blood will sustain my power. I will watch the life fade from your eyes as I cut your beating heart from your chest."

  The voice scraped against her mind as Sally struggled with the images the witch projected. She felt wetness on her face – tears were running from her eyes. It wasn't supposed to end like this, evil wasn't supposed to escape. She felt a gut-wrenching pull inside her and let out a scream as she pushed back. A flash of light pierced the night and then all was still. The wind stopped, the snow ceased to fall, and the silent night wrapped itself around the quieted battle field.

  Sally opened her eyes slowly and tried to gain her bearings. She looked over her shoulder into deep hazel eyes.

  "I've got you, Sally mine," Costin whispered into her ear. Sally didn't fight him, but turned into his embrace and let his warmth comfort her.

  "It wasn't supposed to end like this Costin. She got away. She won."

  "Shh, hush. She didn't win. She bought herself a reprieve, nothing more." Costin stroked her hair gently and held her close.

  Peri stepped up to Sally with Rachel at her side. "You did well, young healer. Desdemona is strong. She will be back and we must be ready."

  "What are we going to do?" Sally asked as she raised her head from Costin's shoulder.

  "The only thing we can," Peri told her firmly. "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

  "I want you to head back to the Tavern with the other females," Decebel told Jen as she nuzzled his neck.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Vasile and I need to deal with the Serbian pack. I will let you know what happens when we are done."

  Jen narrowed her eyes at him, knowing something was up, but he wasn't spilling.

  "Fine, keep your secrets. Just remember,"

  "Don't write a check your pretty hide can't cash, Jennifer," Decebel interrupted his irritated mate.

  Jen turned from him with a snort and followed Jacque as they caught up with Alina and the others. Vasile had given his mate the same orders.

  Decebel watched his mate leave with the others and had to hold himself back from following. He didn't like letting her out of his sight, needing to make sure she was okay after the brutality she had just endured, but the Serbian pack had to be dealt with.

  He walked over to Vasile and they both phased back into their wolf forms.

  "Who is the highest ranking pack member alive in the Serbian pack?" Vasile's voice boomed across the field. One by one, the Serbian wolves moved toward Vasile and began to phase back into human form. When they were all standing in front of Vasile and Decebel, they all knelt as one, all except a large, dark haired man.

  "I was fifth in the pack rankings, Alpha," the wolf responded without looking at Vasile. He stared at the ground instead. Decebel watched the wolf's body language and it was apparent that he was not dominant enough to lead a pack.

  The wolf stepped forward toward Decebel and knelt, he bared his neck and briefly met his eyes.

  "You defeated our Alpha, your pack defeated our top four. We owe you fealty and submit to you."

  Decebel's jaw dropped, but he composed himself quickly. He looked at Vasile, who didn't look surprised.

  "It is the old way. You defeated their Alpha, technically you are now their Alpha," Vasile told him. Decebel was unable to read the emotion on his Alpha's face.

  "What do you think?" Decebel asked.

  "I hate to lose you as my Beta, but you were destined to be an Alpha. And we cannot ignore the benefit of having such a strong alliance."

  Decebel understood that Vasile had to look at how this would affect and benefit their species. Decebel hadn't even considered being the Alpha of a pack again. He was content as Beta, even if submitting to Vasile did not always settle well with his wolf. He looked out over the kneeling wolves. They looked broken and lost. They needed a leader. They needed someone who would care for them properly, someone to bring their pack back together. Decebel could do that. And he had just taken a woman as his mate who was more than capable to assist him.

  "Are there any who will challenge me?" Decebel asked the wolves.

  One by one, they averted their eyes in submission.

  "I am not like Thad. If I'm to be your Alpha there will be changes, there will be drastic changes. I will not tolerate division, or disloyalty. I will not tolerate mutiny or cruelty or hatred. You will be unified, you will treat your pack mates as well as other packs with respect. You will submit to me and my mate. If you cannot do this, you will be banished from this pack. Am I clear?"

  As one they answered, "As you say, so shall it be."

  Decebel stepped toward the kneeling man in front of him. "Your name?"

  "Drake, Alpha," the man responded quickly.

  "Drake, tonight I will ask you to gather our pack." Decebel used the word “our” to immediately establish ownership and let them know he would take care of them. "Follow us back to the Tavern. We will discuss in more detail where we go from here."

  He nodded once and stood, turning back to the others.

  Decebel turned to Vasile, trusting Drake to do as he was instructed. "Well, this is not exactly how I expected my evening to go."

  Vasile chuckled. "Well, you're alive, your mate is alive and, for now, we have triumphed. It could be worse."

  "I won't celebrate just yet. I have to tell my mate that she has just become Alpha of a broken pack." Decebel turned with Vasile, heading back in the direction of the f
orest and the Tavern.

  "I think by now you should know that Jen likes a challenge – thrives on them. She mated you, after all." Vasile lunged into his phase before Decebel could respond and Decebel followed suit.

  "How are you?" Decebel asked Jen as they lay on their bed. Two days had passed since the battlefield, since Decebel had dropped in Jen's lap that they had just inherited a pack. They'd made it back to the Romanian pack mansion and in a few days time would be heading to the Serbian pack headquarters to discuss the changes that were coming.

  "It's just a lot to take in, Dec," Jen told him as she traced the markings on his bare chest.

  "I can understand that. Are you upset?"

  "No. Apprehensive, unsure, somewhere between freaking out and laughing – yes." Jen smiled at him despite her words. "I know we've talked about the why of doing this. I know it's what's best, but what's best doesn't always mean easy. In fact, the two aren't usually friends."

  Decebel smiled at her and pulled her closer. He kissed the top of her head.

  "We have another issue to deal with," Jen told him.

  "Sally," Decebel murmured.

  "Yeah, she doesn't know."

  "Well, she turns eighteen tomorrow, doesn't she? Seems like's she getting ready to know whether she wants to or not."

  "Jacque and I talked about it with Peri and agreed that we think it's something we should tell her privately and you and Vasile should talk to Costin, seeing as how he has taken a keen interest in my girl."

  Decebel raised a single eyebrow at his mate. "You and Jacque decided this, huh?"

  "Yep. So you might want to grow a -"

  Decebel growled, "Do not finish that sentence, mate of mine."

  Jen winked at him as she stood up, pulling from his embrace. "I'm just trying to help you get ready to drop the bomb on Costin."

  Decebel snorted. "I think I'm perfectly capable of talking with a pack mate without you telling me to grow a pair."