Read Out of the Dark Page 8

  Jen's mind returned to Rachel's question when she saw her standing over her bed.

  "Weak," Jen answered honestly. She figured she had no reason to lie.

  "I'll make some more tea for you. "

  "Thank you." Jen cleared her throat before she continued. "So, Rachel, I need to know what I'm allowed to tell Decebel, my mate, about you guys. He and I were talking through our bond while you were gone and I've found out why he felt so weird to me."

  "He's lost his memories," Rachel finished before Jen could reveal it.

  Jen's mouth dropped open. She closed it and shook her head. "How do you know that?"

  Rachel handed her the tea and Jen took a sip. Gavril came and stood beside his mate.

  "There are eyes and ears everywhere in the forest," Gavril told her mysteriously.

  Rachel nudged him. "Don't try to scare her, you oaf."

  Gavril gave his mate a mock snarl, but there was humor in his eyes.

  "Gavril and I went to see the woman I told you about, the one who helped us all those centuries ago," Rachel explained. "We knew she would know what was going on. And it's not good. Not good in the least." Rachel walked over to Jen and placed an arm behind her shoulders as Gavril took her ankles gently in his hand. "You need to sit up for a little bit. All that lying on your back could cause pneumonia."

  After Jen was all settled, the pillows behind her propped against the wall, she looked up into Rachel's worried face. "So lay it on me. Don't sugar coat it and please trust me. I trust you guys and don't want anything to happen to you."

  Rachel smiled. "Thank you, Jen. The first thing you need to know is that you need to be here. Only I can heal you and keep you from getting sicker."

  "Why would I get sicker?"

  Rachel ignored the question and continued on, "Second, the witch I was telling you about is indeed the one from so long ago. She is powerful and she wants a healer. She will stop at nothing to find me. I need you to understand how horrific it would be if she got her hands on me. I have to prevent that at any cost."

  Jen began to feel her head get foggy. She wasn't sleepy but she felt off. And then she felt it. Her bond with Decebel snapped in half. It was so bizarre. It was as if she could see the cord that led her to him – like a string being pulled too tight it snapped. Jen took in a gasp of air at the sudden loss of connection. Her eyes shot to Rachel.

  "What have you done?" Jen growled.

  Gavril stepped forward, a protective stance in front of his mate. As if Jen was in any shape to do anything.

  "I'm sorry, Jen. I can't have you telling your mate too much. You might not even realize you are giving up clues to where he or your pack might find you."

  Jen was trying very hard to see it from Rachel's point of view, but the dark hole inside her was not making her particularly understanding.

  "There will be some consequences to the bond being severed. And it isn't permanent. But I can keep the effects to a minimum."

  "What consequences?" Jen narrowed her eyes at the healer who she'd so wanted to believe wouldn't hurt her. Now she wasn't sure.

  Chapter 9

  "My love." Fane caressed Jacquelyn's face as he tried to wake her. "We need to get ready."

  Everyone else had already gotten up and begun getting ready for the journey they each had ahead of them. Fane had let Jacquelyn sleep an extra ten minutes, knowing that emotions were going to be running high today. It was going to be exhausting.

  To his surprise, his usually morning-hating mate sat up abruptly. She looked at him, her hair a mess from sleeping. Instead of a smile he saw the hard glint of determination in her emerald eyes.

  "I know you want to jump and run out the door, Luna, but we can't help Jen or Decebel if we don't take care of ourselves. So a quick shower, then food. Okay?"

  "Tell me we are going to fix this, Fane. I know you told me last night, but I've slept since then. So please tell me that we will find her and get his memories back."

  Fane stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed. Taking her hand, he pulled her up to stand in front of him. He tilted her chin so that he was staring into eyes that he could stare into for the rest of eternity.

  "I give you my word. I will do anything and everything to get Jen back to us and Decebel restored. They are as much my family as yours and they are pack. I protect what is mine. And though I am not Alpha, I am prince of the Romanian Greys. Decebel and Jen are mine. Are we clear?"

  Jacque looked into the beautiful face of her mate. She could feel the love, concern, unbending determination, and single minded focus to do exactly as he said he would.

  "We're clear. I trust you."

  Fane pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her. One hand held her firmly on her lower back and the other caressed the nape of her neck. When his lips met hers the world and all the worry, grief, strife, and pain melted away. It was just her and Fane. She wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair. She pressed her body closer to his and was rewarded with a low growl. After several minutes, Fane pulled back, his lips moist from their kiss. She smiled when she realized he was just as out of breath as she was.

  "I could kiss you every day, all day, and I would never get enough." Though he had stopped the kiss he had not loosened his hold on her.

  "You are in luck." She grinned wickedly.

  "And why is that, Luna?"

  Jacque stood up on her toes and pressed her mouth to Fane's ear. She felt his body tense against hers. "Because I plan to let you kiss me – often and mostly on the mouth," she told him with a gentle breath of air against his ear and neck

  Jacque started laughing when Fane growled at her words. She loved that she could still rattle his cage, loved keeping him on his toes.

  "Thank you," Jacque whispered in his mind.

  "For what?" Fane honestly didn't know what she could be thanking him for.

  "For giving me that. For continuing to show me affection and love, even with all of this going on."

  "Jacquelyn, look at me." Fane's words were gentle but still a command.

  She did as he told her.

  "You always come first. Always. And it isn't only you who needs to feel loved, wanted, and needed. We are wolves – love, touch is essential to us." Fane kissed her forehead and released her. "You go shower. I will meet you downstairs for breakfast."

  "Hold up." Jacque realized Fane wasn't wearing the clothes he had gone to sleep in. He had on a pair of green cargo pants and a black, long sleeved shirt. "Where'd you get those clothes and where can I get some?" She needed to get out of her soot-covered ensemble in the worst way.

  "The owner went around to people in the village and got the clothes donated. There should be some in the bathroom down the hall. They might not fit perfectly but at least they are clean."

  "I don't care if they're rags or cashmere. I just need to get out of these clothes." She looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks, wolf-man. I'll see you in a few."

  Fane winked at her as he left the room.

  Jacque knocked on the bathroom door. There was only one in the whole tavern and she was sharing it with the rest of the pack.

  "I'm almost done." It was a familiar female voice.

  "Sally, it's Jacque. Open up."

  The door opened just enough for Sally to poke her head out. Jacque felt the steam from the hot shower caress her face as it swirled past her.

  "It's just you?"

  Jacque rolled her eyes. "Yes, healer, it's just me. Now let me in."

  Sally opened the door farther as she huffed, "Well, you might have had your wolf with you. I didn't want to open the door like this –" Sally made an up and down motion with her hand indicating her towel clad body, "– and be like 'oh, hey Fane, how's it going, Fane? I'm just standing around in my towel hanging out doing my thing, Fane.'"

  Jacque shut the door behind her and shook her head at Sally. "You are a disturbed little gypsy."

  Jacque looked around, quickly seeing the shower
along the wall across from the door. It was a simple tiled square with a drain in the floor. A blue shower curtain hung across it. Beside the shower was a small table that held clothes and towels. Jacque couldn't help the grin that spread across her face as she began to undress.

  Sally gave her a weak smile. "I'm sorry. I'm just all out of sorts. I'm getting weird vibes and -"

  "What do you mean weird vibes? From Jen? The forest? About Dec?" Jacque interrupted

  Sally stopped brushing her hair mid-stroke. She turned from the old mirror to look at her best friend. "You done? You gonna let me finish now?"

  Jacque held up her hands in surrender. "Oh, man. I'm sorry. I'm perilously close to the freak-out wagon aren't I?"

  "I definitely think you need to take a couple of steps back. It's too early to jump on that wagon. I assure you I will give you the full go-ahead when it's time."

  Jacque grinned. "Okay. So what were you saying?"

  "I don't really know how to describe it. I think Jen is safe, but at the same time something is off. I'll have to see how Decebel is acting – that will help me know about Jen. He doesn't realize that even though he doesn't remember her, she is still connected to him. They affect one another whether they know it or not."

  Jacque climbed into the shower. Sally chuckled as she heard Jacque moan, "Oh. My. Gosh. This feels heavenly. Almost so good that it could be bad, but it's so good that you don't care if it's bad. You get me?"

  Sally had a smile stretched across her face and her eyes crinkled as she answered, "Yes, wolf princess, I get you. So, anyway, as I was saying, another vibe I'm getting is from a certain wolf -"

  "Oh, brother. Are we getting ready to have some Jen moments?"

  "Most definitely a Jen moment. He is totally not an option, completely off the menu. But he keeps smiling at me and winking at me. I mean – Come. On. How much is one girl supposed to endure?"

  "Let me guess." Jacque talked over the shower spray. "Does said off-the-menu-wolf's name rhyme with lostin?"

  "Lostin? Really, Jac, that's what you're going with?" Sally rolled her eyes.

  "Okay, fine. Is the wolf's name -"

  "Yes, yes, crap," Sally interrupted. "It's our friendly neighborhood bartender. I mean, can you imagine me introducing him to my parents? Hey mom and dad, this is Costin, he's a werewolf and a bartender. So basically he could eat me for lunch and then pour himself a nice cold beer to wash me all down."

  Jacque was cracking up as she turned the shower off and pulled the curtain open. She grabbed a towel and started drying off. "Nice one.”

  "I'm being serious, Jacque," Sally whined. "He is really beginning to get to me and I don't have time to nurse a broken heart."

  "Sally, take a deep breath, let it out slow." Jacque waited until her friend complied while she continued to dress. She pulled on a pair of cargo pants that were just a tad too big, then pulled a dark blue turtleneck over her head. "Now, let's not stress over the little WWBT issue, okay?"

  "WWBT? " Sally's brow furrowed.

  "Yeah, were-wolf-bar-tender." Jacque grinned, obviously pleased with herself.

  "What is with you and Jen and the acronyms? I swear y'all have a notebook full of them."

  "If we do, you'll never know." Jacque winked at her brunette friend.

  Sally looked Jacque up and down and then smiled. "You totally rock the whole 'I took a soot bath in a fire and now I have to wear clothes a size too big in colors that completely wash me out' style."

  Jacque pulled the door to the bathroom open and ushered Sally out. "Well, thank you, Thelma. I appreciate the props."

  "Anytime, Louise. That's what I'm here for – to point out when you pull off a look, or crash and burn."

  "Let's get downstairs to eat, you dork," Jacque said, shaking her head at Sally and pulling her along.

  When the two girls arrived downstairs they saw most of the pack had already eaten and were beginning to disperse, some heading off to help the tavern's owner clean up and others taking care of things Vasile had assigned them.

  Their group all gathered around the fireplace in the large gathering room. Fane walked over to Jacque and handed her a plate of eggs and bacon. And to Sally's surprise – and partial chagrin mixed with joy – Costin handed her a plate of the same.

  Both girls took seats on the sofa that the guys had vacated when they arrived.

  "Nice of you ladies to join us." Vasile addressed them with a firm tone, but his eyes held amusement.

  "In America, V, there is this thing called fashionably late. See, it's my job as your daughter-in-law to introduce you to all these customs." Jacque grinned at him.

  Vasile chuckled. "Oh. Well then, I suppose I should thank you instead of reprimand you?"

  "Now you're catching on."

  All those around the room chuckled at the banter, but grew quiet as Vasile stood.

  "As soon as you all are done eating you will head out in your separate directions. Alina and I as well as most of the rest of the pack will stay here. This will be headquarters, for lack of a better term. Fane, Jacque, Crina, and Sorin you will take the remaining vehicle and head back to the mansion. Once there, Sorin will get in contact with the pack historian and he should at least be able to point you in a general direction of where to begin looking." Vasile paused and seemed to gather his thoughts. Everyone waited in silence, the fire snapping and popping as the wood burned, and the wind outside blowing against the windows.

  Finally he looked to Sally. "You, Cynthia, Costin, and Decebel will head out on foot."

  Sally's eyes widened at his declaration.

  "On foot? In the cold and snow?" she squeaked.

  "I could sacrifice some body heat for you if you need," Costin teased and winked. He took great pleasure in making her blush.

  "Costin." Vasile's voice was a warning although there was no real heat behind it. "Now, I have gathered all the things you will need in order to manage in this weather. You will have some help along the way, although you should not seek it out. Just let it come to you."

  A groan was heard as Jacque threw herself back dramatically on the sofa. "V, you are killing me. First they get to meet the Fae, and now they get to go on some Lord of the Rings trek across the mountain? And still all I get is some old dude and crumbly paper?"

  "Just remember it's all for Jen and Decebel." Sally patted her best friend's leg.

  "That is your only saving grace. Otherwise I would so be inviting myself on your little adventure."

  Two hours, several arguments, and lots of groaning as packs were loaded later, Jacque, Fane, Sorin, and Crina were once again in a Hummer traveling the long road down the mountain back toward the Romanian Grey Wolves' mansion. Meanwhile, Sally, Cynthia, Costin, and Decebel had begun their arduous journey on foot.

  "You think we got everything?" Sally asked Cynthia as they headed into the forest of the Transylvania Alps. They were walking in a single file line with Cynthia in the lead, then Sally, Costin, and Decebel bringing up the rear.

  "If we didn't the only thing we left was a toilet."

  "Seriously," Costin added, "it had to have been Alina who packed for us. No man would have thought of all the things that we have packed into these bags we are lugging on our backs.

  Jacque had suggested taking a horse or donkey, but Vasile said even if they could find one it would just be one more mouth to feed. So, without a pack horse/donkey, the four were on their way.

  They all fell silent as they walked along. The crunching of the snow beneath their boots, and the occasional bird or scurrying animal were the only sounds.

  Decebel was lost in thought. After Jennifer had blocked him, and he had taken some time to calm down, he had gone to Vasile. He let him know that Jennifer said that the people who had rescued her were Gavril and Rachel – an Alpha and his mate thought to have died three centuries ago. Vasile was surprised but not completely shocked. He had told Decebel that in light of Jen's circumstances, going to see Peri was the best course of action for Sally.

  When he'd awoken this morning he knew something was wrong. He couldn't feel her at all. It wasn't like when she blocked her mind; even then he could still sense her but now there was just nothing. He had decided that maybe she was unconscious, and although he hated the idea of her unconscious, it was a better thought than other possibilities. He hadn’t mentioned it to anyone because he didn't figure there was anything that could be done about it. The longer he went without her presence the weaker he began to feel, and the darkness creeping into his mind and soul intensified. Now he was thinking maybe it would have been a good idea to mention it to Vasile. If it got worse, he decided, he would talk to Sally and Cynthia.

  Cynthia Steele couldn't believe where she was, or what she was doing. If someone had come up to her a year ago and said, 'Hey, next year you'll be in Romania hiking through the forest looking for a fairy,' she would have told them to quit sniffing those permanent markers. But here she was, in Romania, hiking in the freezing cold looking for a fairy. She had known the Fae existed at one time. Cynthia liked to keep up at least a little on their history and the history of other supernatural beings. However, she hadn't been as diligent in the past few years and didn't know that the Fae were still a part of this world. It was amazing.

  There was no doubt she regretted what she had done to Jacque, but at the same time she was so glad that she was here, able to help her own kind.

  Sally was trying to focus on where she planted her feet in the snow to keep from stumbling, but her mind kept wondering to the too-hot-for-his-own-good wolf walking behind her. She didn't understand the ache inside her when she looked at him. What she could understand was her attraction to him – he was freaking lickable. Sally smiled at the words she'd heard Jen use so many times before. Jen – that was where her mind should be. And it was, but it was also on Costin.

  See, Jen? I need you Sally thought. You would tell me to pull it together, and if I happen to get groped in the process, then lucky me. Sally snorted out a laugh at that. It was exactly what Jen would say. Sally pulled her shoulders back and stood a little taller. Whatever was going on or not going on between her and Costin would still be there once Jen was safely home. Vasile had sent her to find answers about how to help Jen. He had pulled her aside before they left and explained all about Jen and Rachel and her mate. He felt very strongly that Perizada would have answers and be able to help them. Her response was: “And what if she doesn't?”