Read Out with Garibaldi: A story of the liberation of Italy Page 2


  The invasion of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by Garibaldi with aforce of but a thousand irregular troops is one of the most romanticepisodes ever recorded in military history. In many respects it rivalsthe conquest of Mexico by Cortez. The latter won, not by the greaterbravery of his troops, but by their immense superiority in weapons anddefensive armour. Upon the contrary, Garibaldi's force were ill-armedand practically without artillery, and were opposed by an army of ahundred and twenty thousand men carrying the best weapons of the time,and possessing numerous and powerful artillery. In both cases theinvaders were supported by a portion of the population who had beenreduced to a state of servitude, and who joined them against theiroppressors. There is another point of resemblance between theseremarkable expeditions, inasmuch as the leaders of both were treatedwith the grossest ingratitude by the monarchs for whom they had gainedsuch large acquisitions of territory. For the leading incidents in thecampaign I have relied chiefly upon Garibaldi's Autobiography and thepersonal narrative of the campaign by Captain Forbes, R.N.

  G. A. HENTY.