Read Outside Forces Page 28


  Sunday 15:45 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  Nathaniel was accustomed to a heavy travel schedule in parliament and it didn’t bother him that he’d only be back at home in Ottawa just long enough to repack his bag before jetting off to France. Diane and their two daughters, Meagan and Ellen, were already settled into the small suite a half-dozen blocks from the Eiffel Tower, anxiously waiting his arrival. He sensed it was no longer going to be the meticulously planned family vacation Diane had hoped it would be.

  Nathaniel couldn’t think of anywhere else to send Kaito’s son, Taka, on such short notice except the safe house nestled in the countryside a short drive outside Paris where he’d sent others before. Two full days had already passed, and he knew the young man would be climbing the walls, confined inside the small cottage. But until Kaito’s son was debriefed, he had to remain in the safe house. The presence of this boy, sequestered less than an hour away from their hotel, was certain to bring mayhem to their plans. He hoped Diane would understand.

  The safe house was nothing less than a prison for any outsider who happened to find themselves forcibly brought there. And it was totally against protocol to put himself in front of anyone gathered up and packaged off. They had men for this. But this package was different. It was Taka, his friend Kaito’s son—a boy not yet out of his teens.

  What Kaito told him was going to happen and what actually did happen were two very different stories. Harvey Metcalf was still alive and some girl was dead. He hoped Kaito’s son held answers that would clear up the inconsistencies, but dare he cross the line and interrogate the boy himself? The thought certainly crossed his mind, but it would be many more hours before he’d arrive in Paris, enough time to decide on what he was going to do.

  “Now where’s my damned phone,” he mumbled as he shuffled through the pile of clothes he’d unpacked from his quick trip west, which were now mixed in with those he rejected from the pile Diane had laid out on the bed for him. Everything was now a jumbled mass.

  “Dammit.” He patted the pocket of his jacket and stuffed both hands down the pockets of his slacks. The phone was nowhere to be found.

  His raised his brow. “With my hat and keys.”

  It was his habit to drop his hat and keys on the small table by the front door every time he entered the house. Moments later, he was down the stairs near the front door with his cell phone in hand.

  One missed call.


  He didn’t know if he should be angry or pleased he missed the call.

  He dialled Kaito’s number and pressed the phone to his ear. Kaito answered on the first ring and Nathaniel jumped on the offensive before Kaito could speak.

  “I thought I told you not to call me!”

  Kaito stammered. “I…Nate.…”

  “Damn you! I gave you clear instructions not to speak to anyone, and that someone would be in touch when the time was right. Who else have you called?”

  “No one,” Kaito replied. “I didn’t call anyone.”

  Nathaniel purposely released a heavy sigh into the phone to let Kaito know he was clearly annoyed. “You need to hang up right now. Someone will call you in a few days.”

  “No way!” Kaito replied forcefully. “I want to know what you did with Taka first.”

  Nathaniel released another sigh before speaking. Even though it was against everything he was taught and believed in, he desperately wanted to ask Kaito about the targets from last night, specifically Metcalf. He moved past his emotions and knew he had to keep Kaito on his heels if he was to control the conversation.

  “You’ve broken the rules, Kaito. And by doing so, you put Taka in harm’s way.”

  “What did you do with him?”

  “What happens to Taka at this point is out of my hands and is no longer any business of yours. You need to go back to your daily life as if all that occurred Friday night never happened.”

  “My son is my business. He’s my only business as far as I’m concerned. Don’t you screw with me, Nate, not where my son is concerned!”

  Nathaniel forced a laugh into the phone. “What happens to him now has nothing to do with me. I don’t even know where he is.”

  “You can laugh at this?” Kaito’s anger was building. “You can laugh at my son being taken away? I’m blaming you for this, Nate. You hear me? Whatever happens to him, I’m blaming you!”

  “I’m not laughing. There is no humour in what is now happening to your son, but it was you who put him there and you need to understand that this is the best place for him right now. He is safe and secure. Where he is now, he won’t be able to do any more damage.”

  “He’s not done any damage.”

  “He knows who our agents are. You said so yourself.”

  Kaito remained silent.

  “Now it’s my turn for questions, Kaito. How much did he know?”

  “He knows nothing! I want him brought back here now! Today!”

  Nathaniel ignored his rant. “What did you tell him about what we do?”

  “What do you think? Taka’s not done anything wrong.”

  Nathaniel chuckled. “You can honestly call me up after shitting all over the bed like this and say Taka knows nothing. You have balls, Kaito.”

  “I only want my son back.”

  Those were the words Nate wanted to hear. Reason and purpose. “Look. If I knew where he was, I might be able to help. But I don’t. You were told how this works. Just leave this alone. Go back to work and forget everything about Friday night. That includes your son. You don’t know where he is and neither do I. That’s a good thing.”

  ”A good thing?”

  “Yes. You can honestly say to anyone that asks, that you do not know where your son is. You won’t be lying and you will be believed. Just stop asking bloody questions.”

  “You had no right to take him. He’s done nothing.”

  “Just go back to your family, go back to work tomorrow, and forget about your son for a while.”

  “Go back to my family?” Kaito replied. “You’re an ass. You know that? After all we’ve been through, you are a fucking ass to say that to me.”

  Nathaniel ignored Kaito’s retort. “I’ll keep my ears tuned and if I hear anything in the next few days or weeks, I’ll let you know.”

  “Weeks? Nate. Come on.…”

  “I can’t say how long because I don’t know. It could be weeks.”

  Kaito went silent again. He hoped that was another good sign.

  “I’m going to hang up now, Kaito. I have a plane to catch. Diane and the kids are waiting for me in Paris.”

  “Find my son! I want him back!”

  “Like I said, if I knew where your boy was, I might be able to help. I’ll keep my ears open.”

  Nathaniel hung up the phone and tucked it into his pocket. His thoughts were on Taka. He knew exactly where he was being held, and even though it was totally against everything he believed in, his interest to have a face-to-face with Kaito’s son was tweaked even higher.

  Nathaniel looked at the time. “Shit.” he said. He would have to move fast if he wanted to make it to the airport to catch his flight.