Read Outside Forces Page 41


  Monday 18:55 Paris, France

  The jet lag was crashing in hard and Nathaniel felt like shit. He was tired and doing his best to stay alert and focused as Diane hauled him and the girls down more narrow streets and into more small galleries. She paused to tick off another location on a small notepad as they exited the last venue—crossing one more item off her bucket list.

  His cell phone rang, the disposable. He turned away, concealing the phone best he could from Diane and the girls, and took the call.

  “What have you got?” he said. He looked at the time, turned and smiled at Diane, and raised one finger indicating he’d only be a moment. It was still morning back in Victoria where Jack was staked out. Diane faked a smile at him as he turned away. She didn’t attempt to conceal her annoyance.

  “Something’s going down out here. I have a pretty good view of the front of Metcalf’s house and there’s been a lot of activity. Too much activity, I think.”

  Nathaniel stepped away from his family down the sidewalk where he could speak openly. He was eager to hear any update on Metcalf.


  “The reporters have all come and gone hours ago,” Jack said. “This is different.”

  “Let me have it.”

  “Heavy security showed up at first light. First, they cleared out all the media, pushing them down the street. And then they were crawling everywhere, looking under bushes, walking the fence lines and crossing up and down the stone walls along the shoreline. Two of them have buried themselves into the shadows out front and two others are out back watching the waterfront. And just moments ago we saw a limo pull up. Metcalf’s two other daughters have been hustled off somewhere.”

  “What makes you think this is anything to worry about? Maybe he just wants privacy from the media.”

  “It’s almost noon over here. Both girls were very upset and crying when they left the house, like they didn’t want to go. Metcalf was at the door shouting like a madman, waving his hands and holding his wife back while she tried to get to the girls. Both girls had multiple suitcases, so it’s not just an overnight thing.”

  “Yeah, I see what you mean. With the funeral in the next day or two, I wouldn’t expect his other two daughters to be sent away like that. I understand why you called me.”

  “You think he’s worried?”

  “Something’s obviously biting him in the ass right now and he’s not happy about it.”

  “Any ideas?”

  “Sending his girls away like that—he’s worried. It has to be Kaito. I just wish I knew where the hell he was right now.”

  “I thought Lucas was all over him.”

  Nathaniel laughed in a chilling way. “So did I. He slipped away on a plane somewhere.”

  “Oh, that’s not so good.”

  “No, it’s not. My guess is he’s headed your way. Lucas didn’t call you yet? I’ve sent him out to help you.”

  Jack grunted his annoyance and then replied, “No, I haven’t heard from him. But the more hands out here the better.”

  “Did Antonio manage to get any of the surveillance set up before security showed?”

  “Some, but not much. Two cameras in the trees, one on the kitchen, one on the front door. One audio on the kitchen window so we should catch some conversation, but in that room only. Metcalf’s still running a land line so we got that, too. Can’t get anywhere near the place now.”

  Something scared Metcalf. The news was worrying and Kaito was the only possible answer.

  “Anything from the phone tap?”

  Jack laughed. “It’s the house phone. Everyone has cells these days. I doubt we’ll get any calls.”

  “Can you look up recent callers to the house?”

  “Nate, I’m beginning to think someone higher up has a giant boner on for you. That lid’s been closed tight on us. We’re not getting any backup support on this. What we see and hear locally is all we’ve got access to. I checked.”

  “Yeah, it’s the same out here.” It probably isn’t all that bad, Nathaniel thought. The other hits were clean and Kaito’s son was wrapped up tight for the moment. They just had to find Kaito and hopefully it would all end right there.

  “Thanks Jack. But please keep an eye out. I want to know the moment anyone shows up or anyone calls the house. Anyone.”

  “I’m on it. Antonio is still setting up the van for the cameras and tap. It’s all plug-and-play nowadays. He should be live in the next hour or so and have it all streaming right into my phone. And he’s got a few more tricks that he said I’d be interested in seeing later on tonight. Some new technology. I’ll be on watch for another hour, and then Antonio’s got watch until the sun comes up.”

  Nathaniel laughed and looked at his watch again. “Watch yourselves out there.”