Read Outside Forces Page 79


  Wednesday 10:45 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

  The small white van slipped in line with the rest of the automobiles headed for the graveyard. The drive was short, the cemetery being only two kilometres away along the south shore. The slow-moving snakelike row of vehicles pulled into the tree-lined parking lot one by one, filling up the stalls in a sequential, orderly fashion. Jack caught a stall at the edge of the lot.

  “It’s all set then,” Antonio said.

  Jack wasn’t sure what he meant. He stared outside at the many people heading away up the path.

  “What exactly is set?”

  “Kaito’s on the move. He’ll be arriving here shortly and Lucas is right behind him. The four of us are going open-mic on this to keep a very close eye on him.”

  “You mean wired?”

  “Just ear pieces and mics. They’re open, so we can all hear each other and talk to anyone at any time.”

  Antonio fitted Jack with the earpiece. “The range on these little guys is small, but they’re perfect for what we need here.”

  “Do you think we will be able to apprehend Kaito here in the parking lot?” Jack asked.

  “Not if he’s still got his pack of wolves protecting him. For now, we just watch and wait.”

  “Wait for what?”

  Antonio only raised his eyebrows and Jack knew Antonio didn’t have an answer. By the time Jack exited the vehicle, the parking lot was full and many cars were now parking alongside the road leading into the cemetery. The bulk of the attendees had already arrived. Only a few stragglers shuffled up behind him as he headed up the trail, through the trees, and to the gravesite.

  “Can you hear me?” Jack whispered.

  “Loud and clear,” Antonio replied.

  “Good. Is Kaito here yet?”

  “He’s just turning into the cemetery now,” Lucas replied. “And we are right behind him.”

  “Does he know you’re following him?”

  “Oh, he knows. He could see my handsome face in his mirror if he bothered to look.”

  “Ah. Good, I guess. I’m heading up top to find Harvey.”

  A large, green, open-sided tent covered the small crowd gathered at the gravesite. Harvey and his family sat in the front row opposite their daughter’s casket. A man with a dark complexion and shades was leaning over his shoulder, speaking into his ear. Harvey nodded multiple times, his expressionless stare cemented on the black casket in front of him. The casket glistened under the bright sunshine and rested on a shiny chrome contraption that would later be used to lower it down into the cool earth.

  Jack slowed his pace as he neared the gathering crowd. All seats under the tent were taken, leaving many standing behind and alongside those already seated. Others gathered on the opposite side of the grave, keeping a polite distance from the casket.

  “I see him. Harvey’s with his family, seated already. Security’s tucked pretty tight around them.” He paused and scanned the crowd behind Harvey. “Yeah. He’s got security out on the perimeter as well—two out back…” he turned back in the direction of the cars. He laughed. “I have one about fifteen feet away at my back. He’s made me, I’m sure.”

  “You don’t look like a threat, do you, Jack?” Lucas commented.

  He shrugged. “I’m standing off to the side by myself talking to myself. I can only imagine what I look like.”

  Lucas laughed.

  “Okay, boys.” It was Myles. “Let’s stay focused. Kaito’s moving.”

  “He is? Where?” Jack asked. He frowned and tried to see through the trees down to where all the cars were parked.

  “Slow down,” Myles replied. “He’s just getting out of this vehicle down the road. He’s got two…no, three with him. It’ll be a few minutes.”

  “Antonio, what do I do?” Jack asked.

  “Just sit tight. Eyes open.”

  “But what do I do when I see Kaito? Are you coming up?”

  “Just sit tight, Jack. I’ve got work to do here in the van. Lucas and Myles will swing in from behind and follow them up.”

  Jack had never felt so uneasy in his life. He was an artist by trade and not a field operative like Antonio and Myles. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing. What if Kaito tries something? I’m not like you. I don’t have a gun. Not that I want one, but.…”

  “Jack, it’s Myles. Just calm down, sit tight, and be our eyes. You don’t need to do anything other than keep talking about what’s happening up there. I’ve got Kaito and I am prepared to do whatever’s necessary.”

  “Okay. I can do that. Just watch and tell you what I see,” he repeated. “Yeah.”

  “If we can grab him we will, but I doubt the opportunity will expose itself. And at this point, we can only wait until Kaito makes a move.”

  “That sounds smart,” Jack said. “But there’s a lot of people up here.” He heaved a heavy sigh. Jumping in the middle of what Kaito was about to do was very risky. If anything was going to happen up here, it was going to be very public and potentially very messy. The Order didn’t do messy. He really hoped they weren’t about to be forced into an exception.

  “Just keep your eyes open. Keep talking. What’s Metcalf doing?”

  “He’s still just sitting there, waiting patiently. It looks like the director is about to start the proceeding.”

  “Where’s Harvey looking? Does he look like he knows Kaito is here?”

  “Um…no, not really. If he knows, it’s not showing.”

  “Where’s he looking?”

  “He’s looking down, I guess. At the ground, maybe the coffin. Mostly straight ahead, I’d say.” He paused. “Uh, wait a second, one of his security is speaking to him again. He’s nodding now. And he’s not looking at all pleased. He’s saying something to his wife.”

  “Kaito’s just heading up the path with his men now. You should see him soon.”

  “And now he’s looking around in the direction of the cars. Yeah, he knows. He knows, for sure.”

  “Is he doing anything else?”

  “No, nothing. Now he’s got his eyes on the director. The director’s speaking and he’s started the service, I think. Yeah, it’s full-on now. He’s saying a prayer and everyone’s bowed their heads.”

  “I’m following a bit behind Kaito’s little group. Can you see them yet?” Myles asked.

  “No,” Jack replied. “But from what I can tell, security up here sure as hell seems to know Kaito’s coming. My friend behind me is moving off in your direction. Looks like he’s going to try to intercept them.”

  “Yeah, I see him. There’re two more coming from each side at the back here as well.”

  “Security is whispering in his ear again. Harvey whispered something back.”

  “In the middle of the service? Really?”

  “They all still have their heads bowed,” Jack replied “…except Harvey and his security.”

  “Okay, I see what’s happening,” Lucas said. “Down here, Harvey’s security just held up. They’re letting Kaito carry on and are holding their positions.”

  “Harvey must have told them to let him through.”

  “He must have. Kaito’s also seen them stop, and he raised his hand at his own security. Yeah, they’re stopping too.”

  “So what does that mean?” Jack asked. “He’s coming up alone?”

  “He is.”

  “Are we going to grab him then?”

  Myles chuckled. “No, Jack. No one’s touching him unless this goes off the rails and turns ugly. This meeting almost seems mutual. It’s not much of a surprise, really. Just keep a watch on Kaito and tell us everything. We have our hands full down here at the moment.”

  “Full with what?”

  “It’s just getting a little crowded down here with Kaito’s and Harvey’s security. They’ve made you, and watched Lucas and I follow up behind Kaito. They’ve closed in on both sides. I just hope it’s precautionary and no one gets a little too sensitive with the
ir trigger finger, that’s all.”

  “Okay, yeah, I got him marked. Kaito’s moving up the path, nearing the crowd opposite Harvey. He’s slowed down. Harvey sees him now.”

  Jack paused as he watched the scene unfold.

  “The director is still talking and the crowd is right in with him. I don’t think anyone but Harvey sees Kaito moving his way in through the group on the far side of the casket. Yeah, he’s moving slowly, inching towards the front. He’s careful not to push through, but he is moving up.”

  “Is he carrying anything? Where are his hands?” Myles asked.

  “I can’t see his hands. He’s in the middle of the crowd opposite Harvey. He’s almost at the front now.”

  “What’s Harvey doing?”

  “Aren’t you coming up here, Myles?” Jack pleaded.

  “I don’t think that’s an option. The crowd I was telling you about is getting a little too friendly down here.”

  “So what do I do if Kaito does something?”

  “Just watch and keep relaying information.”

  “He’s just listening. The director’s finished and one of the guests is speaking now.”

  “He’s not doing anything?”

  “No, and Kaito’s now standing up at the front. He’s on the west side if you do decide to come up and see.”

  Everyone went quiet for a few minutes.

  “Keep talking to us, Jack.”

  “Uh, Harvey’s watching the speaker. His wife is looking at Kaito and she’s whispered something in Harvey’s ear. She looks upset. One of her daughters just grabbed her hand.”

  “Keep going.…”

  “Yeah, okay. Uh, Kaito’s just standing there. His hands are clasped together in front of him at his waist. He’s looking at Harvey. It looks like Harvey’s ignoring him. Um, the speaker finished, and now the director is speaking again. It looks like this will be over soon. He’s motioning to Harvey about something. He’s getting up. He’s walking towards the casket.”

  “What about Kaito?”

  “Kaito’s still just standing there. Just watching. Now Harvey’s up at the casket. He’s saying something. Whispering I think. He just placed a red rose on top.”

  Jack took a few deep breaths before continuing.

  “Oh my,” Jack said. “You may not believe this, but it looks like Kaito’s crying.”


  “Yeah, I guess. Oh, he is. I’m sure. He just pulled out a hanky and is wiping his eyes. Harvey’s now staring right at Kaito.”

  “And Kaito’s just standing there crying?”

  “Well, not anymore. He looks very emotional, is all. Now Harvey’s wife and two daughters are at the casket beside him. They also placed flowers on top. Harvey said something to his wife and daughters. He just kissed both girls on their heads.”

  “I think he just looked at Kaito again, but I can’t tell for sure.”

  “I don’t get it,” Lucas said.

  A few minutes passed. “Now the director is speaking again. The casket’s being lowered and some of the people in the seats are standing up.”

  “Listen, boys. Be on your toes now. We got goons on both sides of us eyeing each other, so we’re not going anywhere just yet.”

  “Yeah, this is about over up here. The casket is down. The director is saying something, thanking everyone for attending. He’s saying a prayer now. Hang on a second.…”

  After the prayer was completed, the crowd immediately started to disperse and people were passing in front of him, blocking his view.

  “Jesus, I’m losing them.”

  The radio talk remained quiet as the others listened for Jack’s report.

  “The crowd’s moving. Hang on, I’m going to get in closer. Yeah, oh…oh. Wait, Harvey’s still at the casket. He’s looking over at Kaito.

  “Harvey’s wife just said something to Kaito and she’s tugging at Harvey to come away. Harvey’s not budging. Now he’s ushering his wife and girls to move on without him. I think he wants words with Kaito. Yes, Kaito’s moved right up to the casket. They are on opposite sides now, only six feet apart. Damn, I can’t hear what they’re saying.”


  “Kaito’s still upset. He looks so emotional, as if he’s about to break down. Harvey’s shaking his head and pointing at the casket. Kaito’s talking. He’s trying to smile as he speaks. Now Kaito’s grinning at Harvey, but it looks forced to me. Harvey’s fists are clenched and he just said something back. The two of them are now both having words. Harvey looks ready to explode.”

  “Anyone else there with them?”

  “A few others are with Harvey’s wife but they are a ways away. They look like they’re waiting for Harvey to finish up so they can offer condolences.”

  “They’re still at it, talking and gesturing. Kaito’s grinning again at Harvey, and boy, does Harvey look angry. Oh, wait…Kaito’s backing away now. Yes he’s turned away and is heading down away from the crowd.”

  “That’s it?” Lucas asked.

  “Yeah, I guess. Harvey’s moving towards his wife. He doesn’t look angry anymore, just red. I think he’s trying to look calm because there’re lots of people looking at him. I’m going to follow Kaito.”

  Jack moved through the crowd, steering wide of Harvey and his wife while keeping his distance from Kaito. Kaito moved across the grass in a sweeping arc away from the path back in the direction of his car to avoid the crowd.

  “He’s leaving, that’s for sure. Now he’s stopped and is leaning up against a tree, alone. He’s got his cell phone out. He’s making a call. Yeah, he dropped down onto one knee and is speaking to someone. He looks terribly upset.”

  “That’s it?” Lucas said again. “Kaito didn’t do anything? And no one’s following him, not even security?”

  Jack glanced up to where Harvey was still surrounded by friends and family. No one was coming from any direction. He could see where Myles and the other security were gathered, and though a few were looking in his direction, none were moving his way.

  “No one. Looks to me like Kaito just wanted to get in Harvey’s face—to get a reaction out of him,” Jack said.

  “What the hell? That’s it?” Lucas laughed. “It doesn’t sound like he got much of one.”

  “Maybe not the reaction he hoped for.”

  “So now what?”

  Jack shrugged. “If that’s all Kaito had planned in coming out here, then it’s time we get this operation back on track.”

  “Kaito’s men just spotted Kaito coming down through the trees to the parking lot and are on the move. Maybe one of you can explain what just went down here. Just…” Myles’ voice broke away as he shouted out loudly. “Yeah, don’t you worry! Where you go, I go!” he shouted.

  “What was that?”

  Myles laughed. “That was just Kaito’s effin goons I was shouting at. Assholes are taunting me, asking me if I was coming because they’re all about to leave and know I’ll be on their tail as soon as they do.”

  Jack laughed, partly in relief that it was coming to an end without violence. “I’ll stay up here a bit longer to check on Harvey.”

  “Roger that,” Antonio said.

  “You’ve been awfully quiet,” Jack said.

  “While you boys were hooting it up out there, I’ve been listening.”

  “Ah, yes.” Jack understood what he meant. “Anything interesting?”

  “As a matter of fact…no. Nothing at all. The few calls and messages I did intercept seemed personal and not related to why we’re here. Metcalf’s security took longer than expected to break. I’ll run through the recordings later to see if there was anything worthwhile.”

  “So what’s Metcalf’s security saying about all of this?”

  “Not much. Just congratulating each other on a job well done while remaining vigilant.”

  “Huh. Funny,” Jack said. “Seems everyone was caught off guard by this big sideshow of Kaito’s.”

??s good, Jack,” Lucas said.

  “So where to now?”

  “Like you just said, get back on track, follow Kaito, and stick to him as long as we need to.”

  “Fine. We’ll keep hovering around Metcalf.”