Read Over The Weekend Page 3

  Chapter 3

  Oh my god this is so nerve racking. What the hell am I supposed to do until he gets here? I am sitting in the sofa surrounded by pillows – thanks to Jaydan – when the door opens for the fifty millionth time and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.


  He must sense me looking at him because he scans the building and when his eyes rest on mine his mouth drops open and he frowns. I panic as I see a range of motions scatter through his face from curiosity to anger to happiness and back to curiosity again.

  Clearly Jaydan hasn’t told him. I think grateful to the younger brother for allowing me the chance to tell Hugo myself. I want to ease him into talking to me so I stay seated and watch him watch me.

  He stands there forever until Jaydan, after witnessing this pushes him forward. “Go talk to her bro.” I hear him say faintly above the music playing in the background.

  “What's she doing here?” Hugo snaps back, his voice vibrating through my ears. Oh how I remember that sound well.

  “Bro go talk to her.” Jaydan shoves him again. “Trust me you need to.”

  Hugo just stares at me some more before Jaydan, sick of being discreet, shoves his brother forward. Hugo stumbles a little and turns around to pin a glare on Jaydan. Jaydan points at me with a look that says “Move”. Hugo shoots Jaydan a few death stares but it gets him moving as he walks towards me with purpose.

  “What are you doing here?” He demands stopping just short of the table.

  “Hugo can you please sit?” I say more politely then I feel. I think I need to throw up. “I need to talk to you.”

  “You’re not supposed to be here. We agreed.” He snaps instead. “That one week and that’s it. No more contact, nothing.”

  “I know Hugo but things have changed.”

  “You lied to me about your age. You’re a baby. No more.”

  “Hugo please sit.”


  “Well then you leave me no choice.” I look at Jaydan who is watching us out of the corner of his eye as I struggle to get up. Hugo sucks in a breath as I move away from the table, standing upright. “You have to talk to me. This so called baby is having your babies. Two of them.”

  He just stares at me blankly.

  “Hugo?” I question.

  “Um no you’re not.” He huffs.

  “Yes I am.”

  “No you’re not.” Hugo shakes his head and looks down right angry. If I am honest he scares me a little.

  “Yes I am.” I repeat. He’s in shock, I get that. Be cool Anna! Be cool. You knew this would happen. Of course he’s going to be in shock!

  “No you are not.” He says again as he starts to sway. It’s weird watching a fully grown man, well over six foot look like he is about to faint. I look to Jaydan desperately for help.

  “Hugo.” Jaydan stands behind his brother, guiding him to the chair opposite mine. “Sit.”

  “This chick.” Hugo murmurs towards Jaydan. “What the hell? It was a one week thing and we only did it once.” He looks puzzled. “How can someone get pregnant after only one time?”

  “Okay my cue to leave again.” Jaydan says and quickly hurries away before anyone can respond.

  “It only needs to be one time.” I say gently, feeling like a parent here already.

  “But it was your first time?”


  “That’s not possible.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “No it’s not.”

  “Hugo we are having twins.”

  “You are having twins. I am having nothing.” Hugo shakes his head furiously then puts his head in his hands. “One week Anna. One week and we were meant to never see each other again. You lied to me.”

  “Well fate had other ideas.” I say with more force then is necessary. “I’m eight months pregnant and I was eighteen when we slept together.”

  “Your eighteen years old. You can’t be pregnant.”

  “Really?” I raise an eyebrow gesturing at my belly.

  “But it was one time.”

  “I know that.” I agree. “So you really remember me?”

  “Of course I remember you.” He snaps. “How can I forget the fact that I spent the entire week with you? I have never done that with any other girl.”

  “I don’t know.” I say feeling highly vulnerable. “You’re not exactly welcoming at the moment.”

  Hugo looks like he is about to retort some nasty comment but stops. He takes a deep breath and looks at me with haunted eyes. “Look Anna,” Oh ohh! “This is a lot for me to handle right now, can I take you home and have a night to think about it?”


  “I don’t know what to think.” He adds and I know I’m close to tears.

  “I’m due in five weeks.” I blurt out and yank out a copy of my pregnancy records. I came prepared for this reaction but it doesn’t make it any less harder to cope with. I thrust it at his chest. “Here. This should help prove to you that these are your babies.” I wobble up and when he tries to offer me his hand I yank mine away. “We spent a week together remember? And spent most of that talking to each other about everything. Think back to that week Hugo, if you still think I would lie to you about something this big then don’t bother talking to me.” With that I square my shoulders, and waddle out with as much dignity as I can muster. Hugo is just staring at me open mouthed.

  “Anna wait!” Jaydan calls after me and grabs me by the arm. “Here,” He thrusts a notepad and pen into my hands. “Write your number down. Hugo is never one to cope well with big shocks like that. Give him a while to adjust to it and then I’m sure he will want to talk to you.”

  “Pfft.” I huff, shoving the notepad and pen back to him. “Pregnancy hormones are obviously making me a little more unforgiving then normal and even though I know it was possible for him to behave like this I hoped otherwise. He can go jump.” With that I again put my nose in the air and start to waddle out.

  “Anna I don’t know you but I do know what it’s like to want something you can’t have.” Jaydan calls after me. “I know what it’s like to feel rejected, and humiliated. Difference between you and me but is there’s no hope for me but you there is.” He follows me back outside and gently hands me the notepad and pen again. “Please do both of you a favour and write it down.”

  I sigh. “Fine.” I say scribbling it down. “But I won’t beg. He has to come to me.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Jaydan says and then looks around. The street is deserted of anyone apart from a few people in business suits on their way home. “Do you need a ride anywhere?”

  “No thank you.” I say and yank my phone out of my bag. “I met these lovely people whose grandson was on the bus I came on and they said I could stay with them. So random I know but that’s all I got.”

  “Where do you live?” Jaydan asks and he does a poor job of hiding his horror.

  “I did live in the city but uh… circumstances changed so I came here.”

  “You do have somewhere to go don’t you?” Jaydan all but demands.

  “Does it really matter to you?” I hiss back, I am humiliated enough without the other brother getting all antsy pantsy on me too.

  “Sorry!” He says taking a deep breath and stepping back. “Long day. Anything I can…”

  “Anna wait!” Hugo comes running out the door and all but knocks me over. Both brothers reach out to grab me.

  “I’m okay!” I screech, yanking my arms away. “I’m pregnant not an invalid!”

  “Anna-Beth I’m sorry.” Hugo grovels. “It was just a shock to see you let alone hear that I’m going to be a dad!”

  “I get it I do.” I say, humbled by his openness of emotions. “But that doesn’t give you a right to be a jerk about it.”

  “I know I’m sorry.” Hugo looks at the time. “Are you hungry? You must be hungry. I can get the chefs to whip you up something if you like? Come back inside.”

  “Do you believe me?”
I demand. I have a Mexican show down with him. I refuse to go in there and be a pity project for these brothers if they didn’t at least think about the fact that it’s true.

  “Yes.” He says after a long moment. “Now please come inside with us?” He extends his hand and I watch him, looking for any signs of insincerity.

  “Anna why don’t I get you a drink while Hugo goes and finishes what he has to do. I can get the chef to whip you up whatever you want.”

  “What do I have to do?” Hugo looks at his brother puzzled.

  “The new supplier for the veggies is waiting in function room C for you.”

  “Oh sh…” He looks at me and literally bites his tongue. “Oh damn, I forgot about that.”

  “I can always come back another time.” I say, trying to help out.

  “No!” They both cry at once, loud enough for me to take a step back.

  “Sorry!” Jaydan says.

  “No Anna it should only take around twenty minutes.” He grabs hold of my hand like he’s expecting me to take off. Fat chance of that mister, do you know how much walking hurts let alone running! I walk with a waddle… yes a waddle! “Can you please stay, let Jaydan feed you and I will be right back.”

  “You boys suck.” I pout and they both look horrified. I chuckle. “The way to a pregnant whale’s heart is through her stomach.”

  “Oh my god Anna you’re not a whale!” Hugo gasps and Jaydan nods furiously.

  “He’s right.” He adds. “You’re….”

  “Glowing.” Hugo supplies when they both just stare at me in wonder.

  “Okay gentlemen as much as I love to be the fish in the fishbowl, pregnant whale here is starting to hurt from standing for so long.”

  “Stop calling yourself that.” Hugo demands. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Talk to me in about three months.”

  “No need.”


  “Oi!” Jaydan interrupts. “Hugo get the pregnant lady inside and comfortable. You two can argue when the supplier isn’t about to break down the door.” He gestures at a man with balding head and furious look striding towards us. “I will offer Mr Grumpy Pants a free drink to calm him down.” He shoves at Hugo. “Move it!”

  “Anna lets go, I will sit you in the VIP section so you will be comfortable and no one will disturb you. We don’t open it til later.”

  “Okay.” I nod, and allow him to guide me through the building where the few early patrons all stare again. I feel very self-conscious and find myself huddling close next to him. He must feel it because he automatically puts an arm around me and I am transported back to that week eight months ago…

  It’s hot, hot as any resort would be. The pool is sparkling crystal clear and blue and the palm trees are swaying gently in the breeze. Mum and Dad are off with their friends doing their thing and my little brother (when I say little I mean only by a year and he’s a six foot something giant) is off chasing girls. My old sister didn’t come on this holiday. She wasn’t allowed. She didn’t do well on a case she is working on so Dad felt she didn’t deserve to come.

  So I’m left on my own. Even though this holiday is meant to celebrate my milestone birthday in four days Mum and Dad decided to make it a business trip to. Something about killing to birds with one stone and they were sure I wouldn’t mind.

  Too bad I did. I had this feeling I would be spending my eighteenth birthday on my own. I’m lounging on a sun chair near the pool, sunshades on and a large brimmed hat covering the top half of me. A tap on my shoulder has me jumping. “Ah!” I squawked as I accidently knock the table beside me over. I end up splashing my entire mock-tail all over me and the person standing there.

  “Well then” The deep voice laughs almost self mockingly. “I guess I deserve that for scaring you.”

  His voice is hot. I think as I look up. My mouth literally hangs open as the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life stares down at me goofily. Six foot something of solid, tanned muscle. He has green-blue eyes that stand out against his skin.

  “Can I buy you another?” He asks when I just stare. “It’s the least I can do.” He adds when I don’t respond. “Are you alright?” He waves his hand in front of my face and I snap out of my trance.

  “Sorry!” I blush furiously. “You just startled me.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay.” I say as the stickiness on my calves starts to register. “But I should go get cleaned up.”

  “Can I offer you a replacement drink first?”

  “Thanks.” I say smiling at him. “But the drink is already getting sticky. Maybe another time.”

  “Can I at least escort you back to your room then?”

  “Why?” I frown, ready to kick him in the balls if I have to. Hot or not I am not a floosy!

  “Not for the reason your thinking!” He adds raising his hands in surrender. I eye him suspiciously. “I promise!” He adds.

  “Mm hmm.” I humour him. “How am I meant to believe someone whose name I don’t even know?”

  “Doh,” the guy literally smacks his forehead and I can’t help but laugh. “Man this so is not how I wanted this to go! How humiliating!”

  “You’re cute.” I laugh as he blushes now.

  “I’m also Hugo Baker.” He says sticking his hand out. “Nice to meet you…”

  “Anna-Beth Pearson. But you can call me Anna.”

  “Anna-Beth.” He whispers it. It does things to me that it shouldn’t.“I like that name. It’s pretty.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “No!” He says a little too quickly and I raise my eyebrow.

  “Okay fine,” He sighs. “Just the pretty ones. But I actually do like your name though.”

  “I’m not pretty.” I gasp automatically.

  “Oh honey.” He says getting down on one knee. I panic.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing sinister.” He chuckles. “It’s just easier for me to talk to you. I came out to this resort to get away from girls. It was not my intention to even look at them but you honey caught my attention with your gigantic hat and book about spirits that I had to come find out about you. This is all foreign to me – having to meet a girl whose face is covered by a hat I mean.”

  “Your point is what?” I demand, not sure if I should be flattered or offended.

  “That your special Miss Pearson and I would like to spend some time with you.”

  “Oh.” I say dumbly.

  “So may I escort you to your room so you can wash the drink off your legs then I can take you out to lunch?”


  “I promise no funny business and the moment you feel completely uncomfortable you can leave.”

  I eye him and frown. What do I have to lose? I think. Your life. Your virginity? Your heart? Returns back to me. I chose to ignore that and I look at him. “Fine.” I say taking his outstretched hand. “But the moment you pull something funky on me I will kick your hot tanned ass to Timbuktu.”

  He grins at me as he loops my arm in his and pulls me super close. Surprisingly I’m not uncomfortable and I don’t think he realised he did it. “You think I’m hot?” He goads and I just roll my eyes.

  “Men!” I laugh, eyes shining bright.