Read Over The Weekend Page 7


  “Anna-Beth dear he had a shock, you need to let him get used to the idea.” Betsy is patting my back while I sob uncontrollably to my new found friends.

  “It’s not that.” I hiccup. “He asked me to marry him.”

  “That’s not so bad.” Bill says.

  “It’s the least he should do.” Betsy adds.

  “I don’t want it to be because he feels he has too.” I sob through another bunch of tears. These pregnancy hormones are getting ridiculous. Bill had come and got me and after taking one look at me marched me to the supermarket where he asked me what I felt like.

  I of course told him nothing but he proceeded to wear me down until I finally caved in. Cookies and cream ice cream and the Kinder Surprise chocolate. He bought me a whole heap – plus some oranges I eyed on the way out and carted me off to his wonderful home.

  So here we are, me surrounded by food that I am shovelling in through tears and talking and them sitting and watching. “I want him to do it because he loves me.” I let out a gigantic sigh. “He doesn’t need to marry me to be in the babies lives.”

  “Maybe it won’t be love at first.” Betsy says after a moment, “but it may eventually get that way. You two obviously had some connection to… you know… to get pregnant in the first place.”

  We all blush bright red at what Betsy is implying. She has a point but that’s not what I want to hear. “I’m so sorry I have intruded so badly on both of you.” I say needing to change the subject.

  “Dear you really don’t need to keep worrying.” Bill assures me – again. “We love having young blood around here and Byron is happy to have someone else to challenge him at checkers.”

  “I’m good.” I grin through tears not so modestly.

  “So is he.” Bill grins back.

  “No I mean I’m like really good.” I know I’m being cocky, but I can’t help it. I’m competitive by nature. I guess that’s one part of my parents I don’t mind having.

  “So is he.” Bill nods. “Byron son come here a minute will you?” He calls and Byron comes bounding into the dining room from watching TV.

  “It is your bed time young man but our little lady here says that she is really good at checkers…”

  Byron grins mischievously before his eye narrow to competitive slits. “Oh yeah?” He says sweetly – to sweetly. He’s trying to play me.

  “So do you want to go to bed or do you want a game of checkers?”

  He looks from me to Bill and Betsy then back again. “Is it okay for her to play?” He gestures quickly to my stomach.

  “Honey she’s still more then capable.” Betsy whispers back. “And you shouldn’t feel you have to go easy on her because she’s pregnant.”

  “Really?” He asks looking at me.

  “Sure spunky.” I smile at him. “The belly may mean I might need to sit sideways at the table but my hands are perfectly fine so I can still whoop your hiney.”

  “Oh it’s on then.” Byron grins and races to grab the board.

  Betsy and Bill share a look and a laugh while I rotate on my chair and pull it closer to the table. A couple of hour’s distraction will do me good.