Read Over the Top Page 4

  Dawn turned toward him. “Now you ask that?”

  He exhaled slowly to fight both temper and guilt. “Yeah. Now I ask that. You answer it.”

  “Man, you’re bossy.” She turned toward the window in what he could only term a huff. “Mind your own business.”

  “Considering my tongue was halfway down your throat a second ago, this is my business.” He set the vehicle in drive and pulled onto the road. “Besides. You’ve always been my business, and you know it.”

  “Not anymore. Not since you told me to screw off after Colt’s wedding.” No hurt, only matter-of-factness, existed in Dawn’s tone. Which clearly meant he had hurt her.

  “I never said any such thing.” God, the woman was dramatic sometimes. “I just said that I was leaving, and when I came back, if I came back, we were just friends.” Truth be told, he would’ve bet against his surviving, and leaving her as a friend had seemed kinder.

  Her head turned so quickly her hair fanned out. “Then you should’ve kept your fucking tongue in your own mouth, right?”

  That was exactly right, and he knew it. “You kissed me back.”

  “So?” She lifted one slim shoulder. “After all these years, I was curious. Now I’m not.”

  A grin flew to his face unbidden. She’d always challenged him, and this was just one more poke from the brat. He’d learned his lesson after breaking his arm when she’d dared him to swing past the boulders in Miller’s Pond, and he’d landed hard. “Sure you are.”

  Her chin slowly lifted. “You’re an arrogant ass, Hawk Rain. I’m glad we’re just friends.”

  For some reason, her temper cooled his. Good thing, too. “I shouldn’t have kissed you, Dawnie.” The girl was smart as hell to stay away from him, and he should be happy for her and Adam. Even though Adam was too old for her. “Don’t be mad at me.”

  “I’m not.” She huffed and turned toward her window.

  Sure she wasn’t. He sighed. After a good night’s sleep, he’d figure out a way to get things back on track.

  They drove through the blizzard to Quinn’s house, a two-story ranch house with newly painted shutters and a wraparound porch. Perfectly spaced Christmas lights glittered along all the eaves. Hawk whistled.

  Dawn grinned, peering out at the colorful display. “Juliet really gets into Christmas, and she made my brother fix the lights seven times. Quinn didn’t used to be so patient, right?”

  Hell, no. Quinn and Jake Lodge were the closest thing Hawk had to older brothers, and neither had ever been patient. Their mom had married Tom Freeze and then had Colton and Dawn, and once Hawk’s mom had died, they’d enfolded him like family.

  Which was yet another reason he couldn’t date Dawn. Talk about losing everybody if it didn’t work out—which it wouldn’t. Not now, and not until he got his head back on straight and could learn to relax and just enjoy life without looking for a threat around every corner. If he ever could get to that point, which sometimes he doubted.

  Dawn opened the door and hopped down to the snowy driveway. “I’ll wake Quinn to let him know I’m here and why. Thanks for the rescue tonight.” She slammed the door and ran for the front porch, her hair catching snowflakes.

  Instant silence and suffocating loneliness settled in the truck. Hawk stiffened his shoulders and waited until Dawn had dug in her purse for a key to open the front door. She waved before slipping inside, and he lifted a hand to wave back.

  Then, his body heavy, he turned her SUV toward home. He’d need to get a ranch hand out to grab his truck once the blizzard died down.

  About halfway home, his phone buzzed. “Yeah?” he answered.

  “Hawk? It’s Deputy Phillips. We found your truck on the side of Solstice Road. You okay?”

  Only in Mineral Lake did everyone have everyone else’s cell phone numbers. “Yeah, Fred. I’m fine. Dawn Freeze had a flat tire, fixed it, and I drove her to Quinn’s house in her rig.”

  “Oh, good. Want me to call Buck out and get your truck towed?”

  Hawk slowed down to avoid a chunk of ice in the middle of the road. “Nah, let Buck sleep.” The retired football coach had just recuperated from a triple bypass. Thanks to Dawn’s letters, he was mostly up on the town happenings. “In fact, the spare keys are in the middle console, if you could do me a solid.”

  “Sure thing. Jack is with me. We’ll just drop your truck off at your ranch for ya. Quiet night.”

  Hawk grinned. “That’s mighty kind of you. Thanks.”

  “No problem. I hadn’t heard that Dawnie was house-sitting for the sheriff. We’ll make sure to patrol around there at night until he gets home,” Fred said.

  Hawk stilled. “Quinn’s out of town?”

  “Yep. He and Juliet are taking a long weekend in Billings. Didn’t ya know?”

  “Nope.” Which is exactly why the brat had agreed to go to Quinn’s. She had probably borrowed a rig and was halfway home. With a possible concussion. “Bye, Phillips.” Hawk hung up and flipped a U-turn.

  He and Dawn Freeze were about to have a discussion about lying and playing games. She might be savvy, but he was pissed.

  She should’ve taken the reprieve. He’d tried to be a good guy, tried to be honorable. In fact, he’d let her leave, with his body still on fire for her. If she wanted to throw down such a dare, he was more than ready, and there was no question the woman knew what she was doing. She’d kissed him back, full on, and she’d been breathing as heavily as he’d been when they’d finished.

  Her shrug and casual request to go to her brother’s had almost masked the challenge in her eyes.

  She knew he was arrogant, and she knew full well he’d pick up that challenge. In fact, he’d bet his last dollar she’d be waiting on her porch. So he could turn around and go home, or he could see just how much of him she could really handle. She wanted to play games? Fine.

  He hadn’t lost one yet, but they’d play by his rules.

  Chapter Five

  Men are smarter than horses…probably.

  ~ The Lady Elks Secret Archives

  Dawn chuckled. Hawk should’ve known better than to try the “I’m the boss” move with her. Would he have kept kissing her if she hadn’t stopped them? Part of her had wanted to continue on to definite orgasmic bliss, and the other part had just plain and simple freaked out. He kissed better than she’d imagined, and she’d imagined some amazing things. All of a sudden, she hadn’t been in control.

  Fire lived in Hawk Rain, and she needed time to think. Time to let her body to calm the hell down. Time to cool off so his heat didn’t end up destroying her.

  She had feelings for him, and there was no denying her body was primed and ready for him. But it wasn’t just about them. Her family mattered, and Hawk’s friendship with Colton was too important to harm. And she knew Hawk wasn’t home for good yet. He had one eye on the door, even while he’d been drinking with Colt at the bar. So she needed some alone time to mull things over.

  Plus, Hawk had gotten all bossy, and she couldn’t allow him to get away with it. Once she’d heard his truck leave Quinn’s, she’d borrowed Juliet’s SUV to go home. Take that, bossy pants!

  Mirth filled her as she pulled the Jeep into the driveway of her cabin. Well, it was Colton’s cabin, but he’d moved into Mel’s house when they got married, and the cabin fit Dawn perfectly. Especially after she’d deep-cleaned the place. A frozen stream wound behind the back porch while trees spread out all around, giving the sense of privacy and comfort.

  She turned off the ignition and jumped out just as her SUV lumbered down the main drive of the sprawling ranch. The bright lights cut through the snow. Crap. How had Hawk figured it out so quickly? Or maybe he hadn’t, and he’d returned to Quinn’s in order to finish what they’d started in the truck and then followed her? She sucked in a deep breath, having expected at least a little reprieve before he picked up the challenge she’d definitely tossed down.

  From the way he was speeding toward her house, she suspected his arri
val had less to do with that get-some gauntlet and more to do with her purposely deceiving him. Hawk in full temper was never pretty, and he’d already been pissed off at finding her in a blizzard. He wouldn’t take kindly to her lying to him as well. Ducking her head, she hustled toward the covered front porch and waited.

  No way would she run.

  Hawk skidded to a stop behind the truck and was out of the SUV in record time. Barreling through the storm, he came right at her, emerald eyes blazing. Even with snow billowing around him, he prowled like a determined panther on the hunt, graceful and deadly. And seriously pissed.

  Well, geez. Talk about overreacting. She lifted her chin. “Hawk—”

  “No.” He stepped into her and kept right on going.

  Yelping, she grabbed his shoulders as he lifted her and clamped both hands on her ass. Seconds later, her back hit the door. Not hard, but not gentle, either.

  She gasped. “What—”

  “Where’s the key?” he ground out, his face in hers.

  “Not locked.” Her heart battered her rib cage, and her breath caught.

  He raised an eyebrow and opened the door. “Why the hell isn’t it locked?”

  She frowned. “Seriously? We’re on the main ranch—my parents live north, my brothers in every direction. We don’t lock any doors unless we’re out of town.”

  His face hardened.


  “Like Quinn is right now?” Hawk shoved through the door and kicked it shut behind him, rattling a picture of the Eiffel Tower on the wall. The small Christmas tree she’d already put up shook in the corner.


  He leaned into her face, his breath fanning her lips. “Quinn’s Christmas lights threw me.”

  “They’re on a timer.” She shoved against him, getting nowhere. “If you’re so worried about my head, shouldn’t you take it easy?”

  “Does your head hurt?” he asked.


  “Then you’re fine but need to be awakened every other hour or so.” He held her easily, impressive muscles rippling in his chest.

  She swallowed as parts of her heated throughout her body. “Put me down.”

  Amusement—too dark to make her comfortable—glittered in his eyes. “You wanted to play, Dawnie. Now we play,” he whispered.

  The tone, low and masculine, echoed in her chest, zinged around, and zapped right down to her clit. She’d imagined this. Kind of. The reality of Hawk held more intensity, more danger, than she’d expected.

  But she liked danger, right?

  “You’re sending mixed messages,” she murmured, her gaze dropping to his lips. But damn, she liked how he felt.

  His hands clenched on her butt, and his mouth hovered right over hers. “How is this a mixed message?”

  She bit her lip. It was difficult to misread his intent. Even so, how could this be happening? To have a moment that she’d so longed for finally come was almost unbelievable. Yet she was fully awake. This was happening. “I don’t understand.”

  “You in love with Adam?”

  That again? “No,” she whispered. “Just friends.”

  Hawk’s chin lifted. “That’s not what it looked like.”

  “I know.”

  His gaze darkened. “I’m not a guy you play games with, baby.”

  She shrugged. “Not playing—never was.” How many times had she dreamed about being in Hawk’s arms? Sure, her fantasies were a bit more “swept off her feet” than “up against a wall,” but even so. Nothing came close to the reality.

  The moment thundered through her, springing every nerve alive and wide-awake. She reached out and slid her hand along his cut jaw. Stubble tickled her palm. “This is crazy.”

  “So let’s be crazy.” He lowered his head. “I’m only home the week, and you gotta know that. Say yes.”

  “Whoa.” She wanted him with every cell in her body. “You can’t just change your mind like that.”

  He chuckled. “My mind hasn’t changed. This is a bad idea. I know it’s a bad idea, but I’m tired of fighting it. Seeing you leave with Adam shot a rock into my gut, and I’ve been thinking since. Obviously not clearly, but who the hell cares. I’m done holding back.”

  She shivered at his husky tone. Hawk in a thinking mood rarely boded well. “And?”

  “And you’re gonna find somebody else at some point. If not Adam, then a lucky bastard who’ll get you for the rest of his life.” He lowered his forehead to hers in a curiously gentle gesture. “I know it can’t be me. Not with my job, and not with the next mission. But I have a week, and you’re all grown up, Dawn.”

  Yeah. She was all grown up, and it was about time he saw her that way. A sadness she couldn’t ignore echoed in his words. “You’ll come home for good at some point, right?”

  “I don’t know.” He remained tense beneath her touch, so damn solid it hurt. “I made a promise, and in keeping it, I probably won’t make it home. But we have this week, and I want it. For the future, to always remember. We’re safe here at home for now, and I’m done fighting it. I’m done fighting you.” He leaned back, his gaze heated. “Say yes.”

  “Yes,” she breathed. Forget consequences. This? Yeah. This she wanted. She’d played it safe her entire life, not really having much choice with three way overprotective brothers around. Safe was for wusses. She’d worry about repercussions tomorrow. After.

  “You sure?”

  For an answer, she shot both hands into his thick hair and planted her lips on his. Not hard…but not exactly gentle, either.

  He growled low, his mouth overtaking hers, all heated male.

  Hawk Rain could kiss. Within two seconds, any doubts Dawn had disappeared. Completely. Yes, he could kiss that well. Rumors had abounded in high school, and they were all true.

  She moaned deep in her throat, her nipples pebbling hard enough to hurt.

  He stepped back, his tongue working hers, and then turned for the bedroom. Her coat hit the floor, followed by her shirt. It happened so quickly, she didn’t even realize he’d had to stop kissing her to get the cotton off—his mouth was that fast to return to hers.

  Her bra came next, and the second her back hit the bed, her boots, jeans, and panties disappeared, as if just by thinking it, Hawk could get her naked.

  Impressive. And kind of breathtaking, with a side of worry.

  He finally released her mouth to stand and tug his snow-wet shirt over his head.


  She’d seen Hawk in swim shorts, and she’d seen him running with Colton. His chest wasn’t unfamiliar. But in the years they’d been apart, he’d grown broad and strong…and ripped. Seriously ripped.

  A knife wound and what looked like bullet wounds were scattered across his torso and down his abdomen.

  His jeans hit the floor next, and she forgot to breathe. All of the rumors were true—he was definitely gifted.

  He leaned a knee on the bed and then was on her. Full frontal, Hawk Rain, all hard angles and smooth strength…on her. Tingles shook through her, and she smiled. “I’ve wondered.”

  “Me, too.” His mouth dipped to her collarbone, and he traced a path down to kiss the underside of her breast. His hands were busier than his mouth, skimming her sides, stroking down her flanks, sliding around her ass.

  With a shift of muscle, he turned, and she found herself on top of him, straddling him.

  “Better,” he murmured, his hands going to her breasts. “You’re beautiful, Dawnie.”

  His touch was one thing—the reverent words another. At his tone, something in her loosened. She relaxed and slid right into the moment she’d always dreamed about.

  She flattened her hands against his chest, a soft purr escaping her. His skin was darker than hers and covered much harder muscles. For so long, she’d wanted to touch him. No matter what happened the next morning, she was taking the chance. “I love your chest,” she said, curling in her fingers.

  He tweaked her nipple. “Yours is better.”

  Liquid shot to her thighs, and she couldn’t help pressing down on his hard shaft. Shock ricocheted through her, and she threw back her head to grind harder.

  “Slow down,” he whispered, his free hand rolling her other nipple.

  “Can’t.” She fell forward to slide her mouth along his jaw.

  Her only warning was a whoosh of sound before he manacled her waist—again—and rolled them over.

  “Then you’re done on top.” He levered himself up on one arm to keep from crushing her and swept his free hand down between her breasts, over her abs, and straight for home.

  “Control freak,” she muttered widening her legs, caressing down his sides.

  “You have no idea, but you’re about to learn.” Then he slid one finger inside her.

  She gasped, electrical zaps convulsing her sex. “I don’t like bossy, Hawk.” If nothing else, she knew how to get to him.

  “Too bad.” He shifted down, his mouth on her mound. “For years, you’ve done whatever you wanted… sometimes dangerously and often foolishly. I’ve tried reason, I’ve tried friendship, and I’ve even tried asking nicely. Now…now we’re gonna try something else.” To further make his point, he slid another finger inside her and sucked her entire clit into his mouth.

  That quickly—she shattered. Crying out his name, she arched into his mouth and let the firestorm consume her. The orgasm whipped through her with such energy all she could do was close her eyes and ride out the riptide.

  His smile held no small amount of determination as he maneuvered back up her body. “God, you’re gorgeous when you let go.”

  She reached down and grasped him, sliding her palm along his length. “We can go slow later.”

  “Fair enough.” He grabbed a foil packet out of his jeans, bit it open, and unrolled it with steady hands. With masculine grace, he positioned himself at her entrance and began to ease in. Slow and careful.

  Tears sparked the back of her eyes. Even now, even in the moment of passion edged with pain, he was careful with her. Finally, he pushed gently all the way home.

  She arched, surprise mingling with a dark pleasure inside her. He was too much. So much. Her orgasm had prepared her somewhat, but even so, there was a lot to Hawk. And all of him was inside her.