Read Over the Top Page 6

  “Bullshit.” She lifted her chin in the way that all but provoked him to kiss her again. “Stop being an asshole.”

  God, he actually hated it when she swore. Odd, but true. Such a pretty mouth shouldn’t say such things. “I’m done with that language, Dawnie.”

  She blinked, and her head went back. “Excuse me?”

  “I know I swear, and I promise I won’t do it around you any longer. I shouldn’t have last night. But it isn’t right coming from you.”

  She smiled. “Fuck you to hell and back, you fuckturd of a shithead misogynist bastard of a dickhead idiot.”

  He couldn’t help it. He threw back his head and laughed his ass off, temporarily releasing the tension gripping his guts. “If you were mine, you’d be over my knee right now.” Which, hell, he’d love to see anyway.

  She rolled her eyes. “Good thing I’m not yours. And if you ever tried it, I guarantee you’d lose a testicle.”

  That was Dawnie. She’d fight dirty and go right for the balls. “So long as we understand each other.”

  She sighed and glanced at the bed. “I don’t understand the timing problem.”

  “Okay.” He owed her the truth. “You’re right, and my keeping it a secret is more about pride than anything else. So here are the full facts, and I’m asking you to keep them to yourself. I don’t need Colton on my six for this one, considering he has two babies coming any day. My last mission involved putting away a real bastard, one who betrayed not only my unit but our country, and now he’s escaped.”

  Dawn’s gaze sharpened. “And?”

  “I made a promise to my unit, as well as to Reese, that I’d put him away for good and destroy his entire organization. It looks like he’s fled south, and I need to start tracking him before he completely disappears.”

  Her pretty face paled. “How dangerous is he?”

  “He’s a moron interested in money and nothing else. Right now, I assume, he’s hiding under a rock.”

  “Sounds like a job for the police or DEA.”

  Hawk nodded. “Yeah, I know. It’s a military issue, and the military is after him, too. But the DOD is covering all its bases, so they’ve also contracted Reese’s company. At this point, nobody cares who brings in Meyer, but I know it’d be a big deal for Reese to accomplish the job.”

  “What does any of this have to do with me?”

  “Nothing. But I don’t want you dealing with the gossips after I’m gone, and even though Meyer is a twit, he’s involved in the drug trade, and who knows what his allies are like. The safest course for you, on so many fronts, is just to stay away from me for now.”

  She nodded and then swallowed. “No.”

  His head jerked back. “Excuse me?”

  “I said no. No asshole of a bad guy is going to dictate my life or keep you away from family and friends. Think, Hawk.”

  He shook his head. “Think?”

  “Yeah. Look at the backup you have here. Quinn and Jake were dangerous in the military, although I don’t know the half of it. Colton is a MMA champion and can be mean as hell if he wants. My dad was in the service and can fight and shoot. And frankly, testosterone isn’t necessary to protect and defend. My mom and sisters-in-law all know how to grapple and shoot, as do I. Nobody messes with family. We’re your people, and on the off chance you need backup, you have it.”

  What a fucking sweetheart. If she hadn’t owned his heart before, she sure as shit did now. “Quinn, Jake, Colton, and your dad have families.” And thus weaknesses. “You women are tough, but you have no clue what I’m dealing with. I can’t involve any of you.” Plus, this would take time, and he couldn’t take them away from their kids. Not to mention that his particular brand of hunting was a specific skill set. No doubt the Lodge-Freeze men and women could hold their own. But they hadn’t signed on with Reese’s company, which specialized in tracking criminals. That was his job.

  Sadness darkened her eyes. “That’s your choice, Hawk. But I liked what we started here and don’t really feel like putting us on hold. We can be discrete.”

  She didn’t get it. The woman truly didn’t understand, and part of him thanked God for that. To do what he needed to do, he couldn’t be the guy holding her at night. He didn’t even want her to suspect, much less glimpse, the man he had to become right now. “Sorry, baby. This is my way. Period.”

  “Fine.” Her eyes blazed ten kinds of fire, chased by sorrow. “Do your thing. I may be here, I may not.”

  Oh, she’d be there. “Fair enough.” He yanked on his boots and strode toward the kitchen, where the elderly ladies were filling coffee cups. “Have a nice day, ladies.”

  Mrs. Hudson sighed. “We’ll try. Peter, Paul, and Mary. There’s so much more work to do now.”

  Mrs. Poppins nodded sagely.

  Hawk frowned as he shoved open the door. Didn’t matter if a woman was in her twenties or her seventies…he didn’t understand a damn one of them.

  For now, it was time to hunt.

  Chapter Seven

  Women need to stick together…for sanity if not for survival.

  ~ The Lady Elks Secret Archives

  A full day and night after Hawk had blown her world apart, Dawn chewed her bottom lip and played with the plastic lid on her coffee. She’d ordered the double latte to go from Kurt’s Koffees but had quickly been intercepted by her sister-in-law, Juliet. Dawn smiled at the gorgeous redhead and straightened in her seat. Juliet was the classiest and most graceful woman Dawn had ever met, and a secret part of her wished to be that smooth. Juliet had married Dawn’s older brother, Quinn, just a year before, and continued to run a successful western art gallery in town.

  The round plastic tables were about half filled with folks wearing snow boots and heavy jackets.

  Juliet smiled. “What’s wrong, Dawnie?”

  “I slept with Hawk.” The words came out before she could stop them, before she could think twice.

  Juliet’s eyebrows arched in a truly classic face. “Oh my goodness.”

  Yeah. That about summed it up. “I shouldn’t have said anything, I know,” Dawn rushed on. Juliet owed her loyalty to Quinn. They’d only been married a short time, and Dawn’s older brother would not be happy about such news. In fact, his head would probably implode, and he’d reach for his gun. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why?” Juliet sipped her mocha. “You need to talk, right?”

  Yeah. Definitely. But she’d figured she’d talk to Melanie, whom she’d known for, well, ever. “Yes, but I don’t mean to put you in a difficult position.”

  Julie chuckled. “I don’t have to tell your brother everything, you know. You and I also have a relationship, and I always wanted a sister so badly. Now I have you, Sophie, and Melanie, and we women have to stick together around here.”

  So freakin’ true. “The sex was amazing.” Dawn frowned and focused on her coffee cup.

  “Why do you look like somebody kicked your puppy?” Juliet asked softly.

  The door chimed, and a vivacious blonde popped inside and hustled their way. “Man, it’s cold out there,” Sophie Lodge chirped, dropping into the seat next to Juliet. She’d married Dawn’s oldest brother, Jake, and already had three kids with him. “What’s going on, ladies? You look like you’re solving the world’s problems over coffee.”

  Dawn gulped. “Hawk and I almost broke my headboard last night.”

  Sophie stilled. Her eyes opened wide, as did her mouth. Her lips smacked together and pure, unadulterated glee lit her small features. “About damn time.” She chuckled. “Man, your brothers are going to blow a gasket.” She squinted toward Juliet. “Is Quinn up-to-date on his life insurance? I can see his head exploding off his shoulders.”

  “That’s what I said,” Dawn muttered.

  Juliet cleared her throat. “Good point. What about Jake?”

  Sophie shrugged. “Jake will shoot first and freak later. He’s a great lawyer and can probably get himself off with an insanity charge. Quinn’s the sheriff
and can’t shoot first.” Amusement glimmered in her eyes. “Although I assume we’re not telling the guys? That Dawn and Hawk want some privacy to figure things out?”

  Juliet nodded sagely. “I believe that’s the plan.”

  Dawn cleared her throat. “I’m sitting right here, you two. Knock it off.”

  Sophie clapped her gloved hands together. “Sorry, but this it too great not to have fun.” Then she frowned. “Why aren’t you doing the happy I got laid dance? I mean, it’s Hawk. Hawk.” She gasped and sat back in her chair. “Oh no. Did Hawk suck in bed?”

  Dawn slapped her palm against her forehead. What in the hell had she been thinking to talk about Hawk to her sisters-in-law? They were both crazy. Sure, Juliet masked it better, but a fireball lurked behind her classy exterior. Sophie didn’t even hide the nuttiness. “Hawk was a god in bed.”

  Sophie leaned forward and patted the table. “So you, ah, you know?”

  For the love of Pete. “Yes. I you knowed four times.”

  Juliet’s eyebrows rose. “Four times? Very nice.”

  Dawn pinched the bridge of her nose. Heat rushed through her head. “Then in the morning Hawk got a phone call from Reese, and some bad guy he put away has escaped, so we need to keep our distance until he takes care of it. All by himself.”

  Sophie snorted. “Moron.”

  Juliet nodded. “Idiot.”

  “Exactly.” Dawn swept her hands out wide. “How dumb is that?”

  Juliet’s eyes narrowed. “Tell me you kept your cool. Played it very nonchalant.”

  Dawn smiled, and it even felt mean. “Oh yeah. I told him he didn’t need to be alone, but if that was his choice, not to let the door hit his ass.”

  Sophie nodded. “Perfect.”

  Juliet drew out her cell phone and punched in a number.

  Dawn shook her head. “What are you doing?”

  Juliet held up a hand. “Reese? Hi. It’s Juliet Lodge. What the hell is going on with Hawk?”

  Dawn sat back, going still as Juliet nodded, hummed, and tapped her fingers on the table.

  “Well, I suggest you get your behind in gear and take care of the problem. You should probably call the Lodge-Freeze guys before they find out, from, well, me.” Juliet smiled, her voice cultured, her gaze street mean. “We do look forward to seeing you.” She clicked off.

  Dawn gaped. “What the hell?”

  Juliet lifted a slim shoulder. “We’ve kept in touch since the whole kidnapping issue.” A drug runner had kidnapped Juliet when Reese still worked for the DEA, and he’d helped in her rescue. She turned to Sophie and wiggled her eyebrows. “He’s coming to town.”

  Dawn smiled. “Excellent. It’d be nice to have Reese here.”

  “Yes, it would. He should move here and find something less dangerous to do,” Sophie said.

  The door jangled and Melanie waddled in, crossed the room, and took the seat next to Dawn with a deep sigh. “I’m huge.”

  Juliet reached over and brushed snow from Mel’s shoulder. “You’re perfect.”

  Mel snorted. “Right. What’s up?”

  Sophie leaned forward. “Dawn and Hawk did the nasty, they’re not telling anybody, Hawk has to go chase a drug dealer, and Reese is coming to town.”

  Melanie blinked. She slowly turned toward Dawn and lowered her chin, her eyes wide. “You and Hawk?”

  Dawn’s stomach turned over. “Um, yeah.” She rubbed her hands together. Melanie, Colton, and Hawk had been best friends forever, and Mel had always been protective of both men. When she and Colton had finally gotten together, they’d made sure to keep Hawk close. And asking Melanie to keep the secret from Colton wasn’t fair. Dawn sighed. “I know it’s unexpected.” How mad was Mel going to get?

  Melanie leaned forward. “How is Hawk in bed? I’ve always wondered.”

  Sophie snorted out a laugh.

  Mel rolled her eyes. “Just out of curiosity. I’ve always loved Colton, but I’ve heard so many rumors about Hawk. Are they true?”

  Dawn’s body relaxed, and she smiled. “They’re true.”

  “I knew it.” Melanie smacked the table. Her smile faded. “Shit. I’m not supposed to tell Colton.”

  “No,” Juliet said.

  Dawn fidgeted on her chair. “I know it’s not fair to ask you to keep a secret.”

  Melanie rubbed her protruding belly. “I’m pregnant. Don’t worry—I can get away with anything right now. By the way, the doctor heard two heartbeats yesterday, and everything is just fine.”

  Dawn smiled. Melanie hadn’t thought she’d be able to have kids, and to be having twins was more than the woman had ever dreamed about. “Of course you’re all fine. Colton with twins—I love it.”

  Even though she was beyond happy for Melanie, her mind kept going back to her love life. What the hell was she going to do about Hawk?

  The door jangled again, and Mrs. Hudson trooped inside with Mrs. Poppins, heading right for her. Henry Bullton, after holding open the door, hitched up his gray pants and strutted for the counter. The scent of Irish Spring and Ben Gay wafted in his wake.

  “Dawn Eleanor Freeze,” Mrs. Hudson said, drawing herself up to her full five-foot height, sparkles dancing across her chest. “We really must talk.”

  Sophie jumped to her feet. “I require coffee.” She leaned down and assisted Melanie up. “You need tea.”

  Juliet slid gracefully from the table. “I’ll be powdering my nose.”

  Dawn barely kept from glaring as her sisters-in-law all deserted her like rats fleeing a sinking ship. She sighed instead. “Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Poppins. How lovely to see you. Please have a seat.”


  On his own property, with the morning light peeking over the mountains, Hawk snipped off a piece of barbed wire, his hat shielding his face from the burning wind. Snow covered the fields, and in the distance, trees dumped more of the powder as the snow assailed them. “How are the northern pastures?”

  Colton glanced over after resetting a downed fence post. He’d pulled his hat low and his coat high to combat the wind, while heavy leather gloves protected his hands. “Quinn and Jake just finished repairs from the last storm and wanted to meet in town for breakfast.”

  Hawk swallowed and bent to his task, his gut churning. He’d been working since first light with Colton, on the fences separating their properties, and guilt about Dawn ate through him like termites. No way could he sit at breakfast with all three of her older brothers and not confess everything. Especially since Reese would hit town again soon, and Hawk would leave. He should never have slept with Dawn knowing he was going to be leaving in less than a week.

  But the woman was a grown-up, and she deserved her privacy.

  He probably should’ve called her the previous day or night, but he hadn’t known what to say. A part of him, a small part he didn’t like, was peeved she hadn’t called him. “I think I’ll just check the other side of my property and meet up with y’all later.”

  “We checked those the day before you came home. Jake and me,” Colton said absently, kicking the post and making sure it stayed in place.

  Well, of course they had. That’s what family did.

  Colton stretched his back. “I thought you and I could head by the gyms and check them out. They’re going well, and we’re offering a couple of free self-defense classes that I need help with. Could you take over instructing a couple while you’re home?”

  “I’m probably leaving too soon, but when I get back, I will.” Hell, he was part owner and should step up and work. “Sorry I haven’t been around.”

  “You’re here now.” Colton tossed some pliers in the back of the work truck.

  Hawk glanced at the snow-covered pastures, solid fences, and shockingly white mountains around them. The breeze cut into him with the scents of pine and snow, and the tension in his chest lessened. “I’m here now,” he repeated. Yeah. Home. Finally. Shit. He shoved his hat back on his head. “Colt? We gotta talk.”

  Colton t
urned, blue eyes lasering through him. “I figured, and I think you should give up the job and stay home. Stop working for Reese and retire from hunting for good.”

  “I made a promise to put Meyer in prison, and I can’t break it.” Not only that, taking down Meyer meant taking down the entire organization, and that might take Hawk years.

  A rumble came down the lane, and snow spit in every direction. A black work truck came into view, rolling to a stop near theirs. Quinn jumped from the driver’s side, and Jake from the passenger’s.

  Hawk nodded at what amounted to older brothers for him. Quinn had taught him to fight, and Jake had taught him to shoot. Both skills had saved his ass more than once in the military. They had their father’s size and their mother’s Native American features, leaving them long, lean, and sometimes mean, with black hair and even darker eyes. Their dad had died in a snowmobile accident, and their mom had later married Tom Freeze before having Colt and Dawn. They weren’t Tom Freeze’s biological kids, but they moved like him, all grace and muscle.

  Quinn smiled and grabbed him in a solid hug. “Welcome home.”

  Hawk smacked Quinn on the back. “Sheriff.”

  Jake was next, his eyes dark, his jeans ripped. “Glad you’re safe.”

  He returned the hug and then backed away. “Thought we were meeting for breakfast.”

  Quinn leaned against the truck, his black cowboy hat gathering slowly falling snow. “Figured we’d talk now.”

  Oh shit. Hawk braced his legs. If they hit him, he’d take it, and he wouldn’t hit back. He deserved the punch. “Okay.”

  Colton stilled. “What are we talking about?”

  Jake rubbed his whiskered chin. “Reese called.”

  Heat exploded up Hawk’s throat. “Son of a bitch.”

  Quinn’s gaze hardened. “We should’ve heard it from you and not from Reese.”

  Yeah, maybe. “This is my problem, and you all have families to worry about.”