Read Over the Top Page 9

  She couldn’t help but smile. He did know her. For the first time, she wondered how much she really knew him. Her body hummed, and her heart hammered. Yeah. She’d like to know all of him. Would he give her the chance?

  Chapter Ten

  Sex should never be a weapon—always go for a cleaver.

  ~ The Lady Elks Secret Archives

  An icicle crashed from the roof outside her bedroom window, and Dawn jerked awake. It was still dark outside. She lay on her stomach and stretched her hands above her head in her soft sheets, relinquishing a dream. She turned to find Hawk sleeping on his back, the covers pushed down to his waist. His features were sharper in sleep, somehow more predatory—as if he mellowed his daily look into a mask holding less danger.

  Hawk Rain was all danger.

  She rolled onto her side, studying the different scars across his ripped torso. They’d returned to her home the previous night, considering his boots were still tossed near her couch, and then had promptly gone to bed. To sleep.

  He jerked in his dreams.

  She frowned and touched his shoulder.

  Hawk moved, faster than a second, pinning her to the bed, one hand banded around her neck. Her thighs widened naturally, and she clapped her hands against his ears in a resounding slap.

  His eyes flew open. “What the fuck?” Green eyes narrowed, and he released her neck. “Dawn. I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  Her heart beat a rapid staccato against her rib cage. “No.” She clutched his waist with both hands as he started to move off her. “I’m fine. I hit you hard, though.”

  He blinked, anger blazing red across his cheekbones. “I have bad dreams. This is why we shouldn’t sleep together. I knew better.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, Quinn Junior.”

  Hawk stilled, his chin lowering. “Excuse me?”

  “Quinn has nightmares, too. He wouldn’t let a woman sleep over for eons, until Juliet, remember?” Little tingles sparked in Dawn’s abdomen and zipped lower. “He got over it. You should, too.”

  Hawk cocked his head to the side. “I could kill you without even waking up. How the fuck could I get over that, Dawnie?” Irritation emanated from him, heating the air around them.

  She lifted a shoulder. “I woke you up with a good slap to the temple. Don’t make me do it again.” She held his gaze, her hands on his warm skin. “Besides, we both know that’s not why you want to stay away from me.” Without losing a beat, she caressed up and down his flanks, marveling at the hard-cut muscle.

  “Is that so?”

  The tone. Yeah. The tone held warning and just a hint of annoyance. She smiled. “You have the nightmares under control—I can tell. You’re backing away from us because you’re afraid we won’t work out.”

  “I’m not backing away.” He leaned up on an elbow, no longer trying to move off her. “While I’d hate to lose my best friend, you’re worth the risk.”

  She blinked. That’s what she had been going to say. “So you’re all in?”

  Slowly, way too slowly, he shook his head. “I’m not sure when you started having a problem with English, but I’ve explained it pretty clearly.”

  Temper, rapid and spitting, pounded in her blood. “You don’t get to kiss me, sleep with me, and threaten all sorts of sexual kinky shit with me, and then treat me like a scared little girl.” She smacked him a good one on the shoulder for emphasis.

  He snatched her hand and pressed it to the bed. His gaze raked her, his eyes dark. Something, so much, lived beneath their green depths. She couldn’t read his thoughts, but instinct ruled, and whatever he was thinking didn’t bode well for her. Hawk’s intelligence soared beyond smart to cunning and always had. He’d been gentle with her, and he’d been sweet, but at Hawk’s core was neither emotion. “Do you remember when my mom died?” he asked softly.

  Her head jerked, and her heart softened. Where in the world was he going with that memory? “Yes.” Hawk had been in high school. “You wouldn’t come live with us.”

  “No.” He stayed on his ranch, but Loni and Tom had pretty much made him sleep over almost every night without forcing him to choose between his ranch and theirs. “Do you remember the funeral?” he asked.

  Dawn used her free hand to brush hair from his face. “I do. It was a warm spring day, and the flowers were blooming everywhere in yellow and purple.” She’d never been so sad and had watched Hawk, flanked by her brothers and Melanie, bury his mother. Even then he’d been hard and stoic, but so much emotion had burned in his green eyes, the ones he’d gotten from a daddy he’d never met, that Dawn had barely been able to breathe. “That day changed you.”

  “Every day changes you,” Hawk whispered. “I made everyone leave me alone by the gravesite for a little while. Remember?”

  Dawn blinked, her eyes filling. “I do.”

  “Do you remember who didn’t leave me alone?” His gaze somehow intensified.

  Her throat clogged. “Me.”

  “Yeah. I promised everyone I’d meet them at your ranch, and they gave me space. An hour later, a pretty girl, the prettiest one I’ve ever seen, walked up and slipped her hand into mine.” Hawk’s gaze dropped to her mouth and then back up. “We were kids. Young and hurt. I was so angry I scared everybody, even your brothers. But you walked up to me, sat down, and gave me your hand.”

  They hadn’t talked. She’d just held his hand, staying close, offering comfort. “I know.”

  “That was the day, Dawnie.”

  She blinked away a tear. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know. But that was the day everything I had inside me, everything I’d ever be, vowed to protect you. I’d cut off the head of anybody who dared threaten you, much less harm you. Somehow, deep down, you have to get that. Yeah?” His face dipped closer to hers.

  Her lungs seized. “Yeah.” Hell, she was used to being protected, considering she had three older brothers who were brawlers, to say the least. “Where are you going with this?”

  “I’m trying—with extreme patience, if you ask me—to explain why we’re going temporarily on hold, and you’re going to wait your ass for me where I want you to wait your ass for me.”

  She frowned. “You know, I heard in high school what a bossy asshat you could be, and some girls seemed to like that. I’m not one of those girls.”

  “That’s real unfortunate, blue eyes.” He studied her, his gaze sliding from thoughtful to hungry in a span of seconds. “Let’s test that theory.” His lips took hers with enough force to steal the breath from her body, plundering, going deep. He took, overwhelming her, his tongue thrusting inside her mouth.

  Her mind spun, and fire licked across her skin. She hadn’t realized how gentle he’d been before. Desire scored through her, igniting every nerve as she returned his kiss. He leaned back, and she protested, her mouth seeking his, her head levering up from the pillow.

  A thick band wrapped around her waist, and she found herself planted by the bed, her legs wobbling. “What?”

  “Take off the shirt,” Hawk said, sitting on the side, long legs extended in front of him. His large frame overtook her feminine room, his skin dark against the pale blue of her comforter. He sat, buck-assed naked with a raging erection, his gaze level on her. “Now.”

  She shook her head, trying to concentrate, willing her lungs to start working again. Cool air brushed across her skin, and she shivered. “Hawk—”

  “I’m not asking again, Dawn. One chance here.” No give showed on his rugged face, but determination glimmered in his eyes.

  The look she’d seen before, every spring—one of determination and gentleness when he tamed a horse. The thought had her eyes widening and her temper flaring to compete with the desire. Oh yeah? He thought he was in control? They’d see about that. Lowering her chin, keeping his gaze, she stripped out of the T-shirt she’d donned before bed. Her breasts sprang free.

  His sharp intake of breath spurred her on.

  Turning her back to him, she s
lid both thumbs into the side of her panties and shimmied them slowly down her legs, bending over as she did so. Once she reached her ankles, she turned and glanced around her legs. “Now you can kiss my ass, Rain.”

  Before she got out his last name, he lunged for her, encircling her waist with one strong arm and pivoting to toss her on the bed. She landed and bounced, laughing full out. His grin flashed white and hot as he joined her, flipping her onto her stomach.

  “Love to,” he said, his teeth sinking into the fleshy part of her butt.

  She yelped, still laughing, and tried to turn over. One large-boned hand flattened on the middle of her back kept her in place. She kicked out, only to have him settle his weight across her legs. “Hawk—” she gasped, laughing into the pillow and struggling to move.

  He kissed the small bite. “You do tempt a man.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and blew hair from her eyes. “You deserve it.”

  He lifted one dark eyebrow. “So we’re getting what we deserve today?”

  A shiver wandered through her entire body, and his gaze darkened. “No, ah—”

  With a smile, sweet and determined, Hawk Rain planted a hand across her entire ass. The slap reverberated through her skin and echoed around the room. She gasped and struggled harder against his hold, still erupting in laughter. Her breath caught as she realized she couldn’t move. She really couldn’t move.

  “Where’s that pretty laugh now?” Hawk asked, palming her butt and then smacking her again.

  “That…wasn’t…a…kiss…” she moaned.

  “True.” His lips caressed her warmed flesh. “Better?”

  Yeah. Much, much, much better. She let out a low moan as his fingers trailed up her spine, followed by his lips. Smooth and soft, he licked a path right to the nape of her neck. “Sexiest nape I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, pushing her hair to the side and warming her entire back. “So sweet.”

  She might orgasm just from his voice and the breath at her ear. “Hawk.”

  “Yeah.” He nipped her earlobe, one hand snaking around her rib cage and cupping a breast. Slowly, he rolled the nipple between his thumb and finger. She arched into his hand. “Hands and knees, baby.”

  She blinked. Apparently she didn’t move fast enough, because one arm caught her rib cage and pulled up. His other hand found her, wet and wanting. Two fingers tweaked her clit, making her spasm in a series of mini-orgasms. “God,” she murmured, her head dropping forward.

  A crinkle of foil was her only warning before he levered up behind her and grasped her hips. She took a breath, and he thrust into her. The force rocked her forward, and her fingers curled into the pillow to keep herself upright. Pleasure, so strong and powerful, filled her along with Hawk Rain.

  “You okay?” His mouth wandered along her nape.

  She may have whimpered.

  “Good enough.” Holding tight, he pushed her harder, his talented fingers continuing to torture her clit. She climbed higher and higher, her head thrown back, the orgasm rushing through her with such strength her elbows wobbled. Hawk brought her down, slowly, still fully engorged inside her.

  She panted, her body shuddering.

  He pulled out and turned her over, laying her on her back. Boneless, gasping for breath, she allowed him to position her. He slid both arms around her thighs, opening her, and thrust inside her again. “I want your eyes,” he commanded.

  She gave him her gaze, entranced by the play of muscle in his arms and chest. Sometimes she forgot. She’d known him as a kid, and she’d seen him grow, but even now, sometimes his power took her by surprise. He leaned in, holding her open, pounding hard.

  A spark lit inside her. Her eyes widened. The feeling increased in power, flowing out, lighting fast. She grabbed his forearms. Too much. Way too much. He lifted his chin, watching her like he always had. Not missing a thing. He moved slightly to the left, barely, and electricity rushed through her. His lids half lowered, and he did it again.

  Everything inside her detonated at once, blowing her apart. She cried out, her nails digging into his arms.

  He pushed harder, fucking her, finally holding tight, his body jerking with release.

  “Dawn.” He dropped down and kissed her, full on and hard.

  She kissed him back, rubbing her palms over his damp shoulders.

  Then he lifted and gave her a lazy smile.

  Her heart turned over, slow and with a rumble. Hawk Rain. Inside her.

  A buzz broke through her musings.

  He frowned, remaining right where he was, and leaned down for the jeans discarded the night before, bringing up a phone. A quick glance at the screen had his entire body stiffening, and not in a good way. He clicked a button and held the phone to his ear. “Rain.” His gaze flicked to hers, a veil drawing down.

  Even with his body heating her, Dawn shivered.

  “When?” Hawk asked. He waited a beat. “How close?” His eyes closed. “Keep me informed and find him, damn it. I at least need a place to start.” Then he ended the call. Taking a moment, no doubt feeling her heartbeat pounding against his, he pressed one gentle kiss to her nose. “I have to get to work tracking down leads on Meyer’s location as well as his storage facilities. I have guys coming to keep an eye on your place. It’s overkill, since I doubt you’re in danger, but we need to be safe. As of tonight, you’re not staying here.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, to ask questions, and one hard look from him dried the spit on her tongue.

  He held her gaze. “Your call, Dawn. You agree and have the day to prepare, or you go buck-assed naked over my shoulder, with no bag, right now. Decide.” The sweet lover of a moment ago was gone, leaving a hardened warrior, one she didn’t know, in his place.

  “You said nobody knew where you lived.”

  “And I meant that, but there’s no reason to take chances. You know I transferred all of my holdings to your family before I left on the last tour, just in case, and we haven’t had a chance to update the paperwork yet. Meyer knows I’m after him, so his drug buddies probably do as well, and I don’t want to take chances.” Hawk swept a kiss across her nose. “I’m being way overcautious, but I can’t help it.”

  She pushed against him. “I have to go help decorate for the winter dance that’s tonight. I’ve promised, and I also, ah, volunteered Luann and Adam. They’ll kill me if I don’t show.”


  She drew in air, trying so hard, unbelievably hard, to keep her temper in check. “Listen, Rain. If you can have men guarding my little cabin, you can have them guarding the Elks Building.” In fact, that’d work even better, considering she needed some heavy tables moved.

  “Adam’s going to be there?” Hawk growled.

  Dawn bit back a grin. “Yeah. We’re friends. That’s it.”

  Hawk sighed. “At least he can handle himself. Fine. I’ll post the men around the Elks so you can decorate, but then you’re home getting ready, under guard, and then you’re with me. Afterward, you have to promise you’re staying at Colton’s.”


  He grinned. “I could probably talk you into it.” Slowly, he slid one finger down her cheek, over her collarbone, and across one nipple.

  Electricity zapped through her. She tried to bite back a smile. “Maybe. Why don’t you try harder?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Dress up for yourself, not for a man. He’ll notice anyway.

  ~ The Lady Elks Secret Archives.

  They’d worked for hours to transform the upstairs of the Elks Lodge into a winter fairyland, and the room was almost finished. Rain mixed with snow outside, slashing down, causing slush that would probably freeze before too long.

  Dawn leaned back and flicked glitter onto a white tablecloth, making it shimmer blue. “Perfect.”

  Luann frowned and shoved her wild hair over a shoulder. Her eye shadow was a deep purple today, giving her a very cool, smoky look Dawn could never quite achieve. “Okay.”

  “Not e
verything can be pink¸” Dawn countered, jerking her head toward the sparkly white dust covering the bar. “I like the winter look.”

  “You’ll like it in Paris even more,” Luann countered.

  Dawn grinned. “I probably would.”

  “You’re just staying here in case Hawk wants to stay, and he’s not going to,” Luann countered, her eyes sizzling, her tiny frame nearly vibrating.

  Maybe. Dawn rubbed her eyes. Was she missing out on life in the hope that Hawk would come to his senses and stop courting danger? “I told you I’d think about it, and I will.” She turned to where a group of Lady Elks were setting up the buffet table.

  The door opened, and Adam strode in, carrying a keg. Muscles rippled in his back and arms as he marched around the bar and set it down. His dark hair was brushed back from his rugged face, and his eyes scanned the room before he visibly relaxed.

  Luann hissed out air. “That man is fine with a capital F.”

  Dawn snorted.

  Adam stood and turned, stretching his back. “Freeze? I need to talk to you.” His brown eyes were veiled, and his dimples lacking.

  “Ruh-roh,” Luann whispered.

  Dawn ignored her and crossed the room. To her surprise, Adam took her arm and led her into the back kitchen, which was empty. His hand encircled her entire bicep. She looked up. “What?”

  He released her and leaned back against the door of an industrial steel refrigerator, crossing his arms. A shadow covered his jaw, and in a black T-shirt and ripped jeans, he seemed more of a rocker than a bar owner. “Explain.”

  She blinked. “Huh?”

  His gaze narrowed, and he dug out a card from his back pocket. “Now.”

  Okay. Sure, Adam was a bit bossy when she was in the bar working in the band, but usually he used more than one word sentences. She took the card and opened it.

  Hi Adam,

  You’re hot, I’m hot, and I think we should be hot together. Tonight at the dance? XOXO Dawn P.S. I love your ass.

  Heat climbed into her face. She tried to speak, but nothing came out.

  Adam yanked the card from her hand. “What the hell is going on?”