Read Owen Clancy's Happy Trail; Or, The Motor Wizard in California Page 15

(three times) Bowdoin!"

  Brigham Young: "Rah Ry B Y, Rah Ry B Y, Rah Ry Re, B. Y. C.!"

  Brown University: "Brunonia! Brunonia! Brunonia! (Siren - - -)B-R-O-W-N--Brown! Brown! Brown!"

  Buchtel: "Hoo, Rale, Rale Roo! Wa hoo, Wa hoo! Hullaballo, hullaballo!Rah Rah Rale, Buchtel, Buchtel, Buchtel! ye ho! ye ho! ye Heza, Hiza, Hoho! Rah, Rah, Rah, Buchtel!"

  Bucknell University: "Bucknell-el-el! Bucknell-el-el! Give-er-el,Bucknell! Give-er-el, Bucknell! Ray! Ray! Ray!"

  Case School Applied Sciences: "Hoo! Rah! Ki! Rah! S-C-I-E-N-C-E! Hoi!Hoi! Rah! Rah! Case!!"

  Cedarville: "Razzle dazzle, never frazzle, not a thread but wool! Alltogether! All together! That's the way we pull! Cedarville!!!"

  Central University of Kentucky: "Razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle! Sis,boom! Ah! Central University, Rah! Rah! Rah!"

  Claflin University: "Rah! Rah! Rah! Claf-lin-ia!"

  Colgate University: "Colgate, Colgate, Rah (nine times), Colgate!"

  College of the City of New York: "'Rah, 'Rah, 'Rah, C. C. N. Y.!"

  Colorado: "Pike's Peak or Bust! Pike's Peak or Bust! Colorado College!Yell we must!"

  Columbia University: "'Ray 'Ray 'Ray C-o-l-u-m-b-i-a!"

  Cornell College: "Zipp, Ziss, Boom, Caw-w, Caw-w Ca-w-w-nell; C. C.Tiger-la, Zipp Zipp Hurrah!!!"

  Cornell University: "Cornell! I Yell Yell Yell! Cornell!"

  Cotner University: "Cotner, Cotner, the Cotner University--Don't yousee!"

  Creighton: "C. U. C. U. Rah, Rah, Creighton, Creighton, Omaha!"

  Cumberland University': "Wang! bang! siz! boom! bah! Cumberland,Cumberland! Rah! Rah! Rah!"

  Dakota Wesleyan University: "Ha! Ho! Whee! Ki! Yi! Ye! D. U. Varsity ZipBoom! Rah! Rah! Rah!"

  Dartmouth: "Wah hoo wah! wah hoo wah! da-di-di, Dartmouth! wah hoo wah!"

  Davidson: "Hac-a-lac-a boom-a-lak, Hac-a-lac-a red and black,Hello-bulue-lo-le-la-run, Davidson!"

  Delaware: "D-E-L-aware, Siss-Boom-Tiger-Rah! Rah! Rah!"

  Denison University: "Heike! Heike! Rah, rah, rah, hoorah, hoorah,Denison! Denison!"

  De Pauw University: "Zip, Rah, Who! D-P-U! Rip, Saw! Boom! Baw! Bullyfor old De Pauw!"

  Dickinson: "Hip-rah-bus-bis--Dickinson--Sis-Tiger!"

  Drake University: "Rah! (ten times) Hoo rah! Hoo rah! Drake! Drake!Drake!"

  Drury: "Rah Rah Rah Rah Rah Rah! Drury!"

  Earlham: "Rah, rah, Quaker! Quaker! E! C! Quaker! Quaker! Quaker!Hoorah! Hoorah! Quaker! Rah! Rah!"

  Fairmount: "Ki yi yi, Sis Boom Bah, Fairmount, Fairmount! Rah! Rah!Rah!"

  Fisk University: "Clickety! Clackety! Sis! Boom! Bah! Fisk University!Rah! Rah! Rah!"

  Fort Worth University: "Rip! Rah! Ru! The Gold and the Blue! Fort WorthU.!"

  Franklin and Marshall: "Hullabaloo, bala! (twice) Way-up, Way-up! F. andM. Nevonia!"

  Georgetown University (D. C.): "Hoya! Loya! Saxa! Hoya! Loya! GeorgetownHoya, Loya! Rah, Rah, Rah!"

  George Washington University: "G-E-O-R-G-E--George! Washington!Washington! Washington!"

  Grant University: "G. U., Rah, Rah, G. U., Rah, Rah, Whoorah, Whoorah,Rah, Rah, Grant!"

  Grove City: "With a vivo, with a vivo, with vum vum, vum! Vum get a rattrap bigger than a cat trap! Vum get a cat trap bigger than a rat trap!cannibal, cannibal, siss-s! boom!! rah!!! Grove City College! Rah! Rah!Rah!!!"

  Gustavus Adolphus: "Hip, Hah, Rip, Rah, Thez-Zah! Z-i-p! Boom G. A. R.!"

  Hamilton: "Rah! Rah! Hamilton! Road! Road! Road!"

  Hamline University: "Boom get a rat trap! Bigger than a cat trap! Boomget a rat trap! Bigger than a cat trap! Boom! Cannibal! Cannibal! Zip!Boom! Bah! Hamline! Hamline! Rah! Rah! Rah!"

  Harvard University: "Rah rah rah! rah rah rah! rah rah rah-Harvard!"

  Heidelberg University: "Kili-kilik! Rah, rah! Zit, zit! Ha! Ha! Yai!Hoo! Bam! Zoo! Heidelberg!"

  Hillsdale: "Rha-hoo-rah Zip boom bah Hipizoo rhu zoo wah-hoo-wahHillsdale!"

  Hiram: "Brekekex! Koax! Koax! Brekekex! Koax! Koax! Alala! Alala!Siss-s! Boom-Hiram!"

  Hobart: "Hip! ho! bart! Hip! ho! bart! Hip ho! Hip ho! Hip ho!Hip--Hobart!"

  Holy Cross: "Hoi-ah! hoi-ah! hoi-ah! chu, chu, rah, rah, chu, chu, rah,rah, Hoi-ah! Holy Cross! Rah!"

  Howard University: "Rah, rah, rah! Howard, Howard! Rah! Rah! Re!"

  Illinois: "Rah who rah Boom a la ka, kick-a-rick-a-roi, Old Illinois,Boom zip boom, Tiger-zah!"

  Illinois Wesleyan University "Rah! Rah! Wesleyan!"

  Indiana University: "Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Indiana!"

  Iowa College: "Grinnell, we yell, Grinnell we yell, Iowa College,Grinnell, Grinnell!"

  Iowa State College: "A-M-E-S! Rah! Ra! Rah! Ra! A-M-E-S! Rah! Ra! Rah!Ra! Hoo Rah! Hoo Ray! State College! I-O-A!"

  Iowa Wesleyan University: "Rah, rah, rah! zip boom bah! Razoorazoo-Johnny blow your bazoo-Rip ziddy-i-lu-uvi-We-e-e-e-es leyan!"

  Jacob Tome Institute: "Rah (nine times) Tome, Tome, Tome!"

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  Spends $24.40 on Phone Call to Girl.

  A young man who said he was Douglas Whitaker, of Winthrop, Mass.,entered a telephone booth in a hotel, at Newark, N. J., got his hometown on the wire, and talked for an hour and two minutes to a girl inthat place. The toll charges were $24.40. He did not have enough moneyto pay the bill.

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  Football Rules for 1914.

  Coaches will not be permitted to walk the side lines during footballgames during the coming season, as a result of a change in the rulesadopted recently by the intercollegiate football rules committee, intheir meeting at the Hotel Martinique, Manhattan. The annual meeting ofthe committee adjourned without making any radical changes in theexisting rules.

  The proposal that after teams have lined up for play, the team inpossession of the ball will not be allowed to encroach on the neutralzone in shift plays, before the ball is snapped, was also adopted. Thequestion of numbering players was only informally discussed, it wasdeclared. No final action will be taken until after further experimentsare made next fall.

  The proposed change in the rules to provide for an additional official,suggested by Walter Camp, was adopted in providing that any team shallhave the right to have a fourth official, who shall be known as a fieldjudge. His duty will be to assist the referee and umpire. The naming ofsuch an official is optional.

  The committee also adopted a rule providing that any free kick strikingthe goal posts and bounding back into play shall count as having scored.

  W. S. Langford, W. N. Mauriss, and Nathan Tufts were named as a"consultation committee" to act in cooperation with the central board.This board now consists of Doctor J. H. Babbit, Walter Camp, C. W.Savage, Parke H. Davis, E. K. Hall, Percy Haughton, H. S. Cope, andAlonzo A. Stagg.

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  Rabbit Sausage in Texas.

  Since Texas quit paying bounty for the killing of "mule-ear" rabbitsthey have become very numerous, to the detriment of growing crops. Ithas recently been found that they made a good food product, and, it issaid, will greatly cheapen the cost of living.

  A full-grown rabbit will dress about five pounds. The meat trimmed offof the bones and a pound of fresh pork added to five to seven pounds ofrabbit ground together through a sausage mill, seasoned with salt, redand black pepper, and sage, it is claimed, will make a sausage superiorto pure pork sausage.

  A syndicate is planning to establish a plant at Llano, Texas, for themanufacture of rabbit sausage and to grind the bones into chicken feed.It is said the plant will be sufficient to consume all the rabbits inTexas, and thus the rabbit question will be solved.

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  One Big Miners' Union Next.

  At the national convention of the United Mine Workers the proposal toconsolidate that organization with the Western Federation of Miners, asadvocated by President Moyer, of the latter organization, was approvedand the executive committee was authorized to appoint a committee tomeet a similar commit
tee from the Western Federation to arrange theterms of union, submit the same to a referendum and report to theconvention next year. Moyer charged that President Gompers, of theFederation of Labor, had not given proper support to the striking minersin Michigan, and Gompers appeared before the convention and denied thecharge.

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  Big Game Coming Back.

  Elk have been found in the Uinta national forest, Utah, for the firsttime in many years. Since they are not from shipments from the JacksonHole country to neighboring forests, the State and Federal officials aregratified at this apparent increase in big game as the result ofprotection.

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  Red Sox Have Four Southpaws.
