Read Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs: A Tale of Land and Sea Page 9


  The French crew, when all immediate danger was over, again began to showa mutinous disposition, some refusing to take their spell at the pumps,others forming groups and talking eagerly together. Owen ascertained,from what they were saying, that they believed the "Sylvia" to have gonedown, so that if they could retake the frigate they might be able tomake off with her. Some of them, having got hold of a cask of spirits,were becoming every instant more and more unruly.

  "We shall have to clap the whole of them in irons, or lash them intotheir hammocks," observed Lieutenant Leigh to Mr Stewart.

  Just then Owen, who had been sent to the mizen topmast head by Mr Leighto take a look-out, shouted--

  "A sail to the north-west, she is standing this way and close hauled."

  On hearing this Mr Stewart went aloft with his spy-glass. Afterwaiting some time he shouted--

  "She is the frigate, sir, coming to look for us--no doubt about that."

  The "Venus," by this time having got sufficiently far from the coast,was hove to. The Frenchmen, finding that they were out in theircalculations, changed their conduct and became very submissive.

  Before long the "Sylvia" was up to the prize. A boat came off from her,and Mr Leigh in return sent a report, written at his dictation by Owen,of what had occurred, with the request that the more troublesome of theprisoners might be removed. This occupied time, when the "Sylvia"shortening sail to keep company with the prize, the two frigates stoodfor the Bay of Marrack.

  Here the French crew were sent on shore, the officers receivingpermission, on giving their parole, to reside in the neighbouringvillage. Every effort was now made to repair the "Sylvia's" damages,and to fit the prize for going round to Batavia, where, it was hoped, asufficient number of men would be found to man her, as she would prove avaluable addition to the British squadron in those seas. As soon as MrLeigh was able he went on board the "Sylvia," taking Owen with him.

  "Young Hartley has behaved admirably, sir," he said to Captain Stanhope."Through his intelligence we were saved from being set upon by theFrenchmen, who had formed a plot to attempt the recapture of the prize."

  He then gave the particulars with which he was acquainted of Owen'shistory.

  "I believe I am right, am I not?" he continued, turning to Owen.

  "Yes, sir," was the answer.

  Captain Stanhope then put numerous questions to Owen, which he answeredin an apparently satisfactory way.

  "As my clerk--poor Jones--in our action with the `Venus' was wounded andhas since died, I will give you his berth at once," said the captain,"as I understand you are fully capable of filling it, and I may perhaps,if you wish it, place you on the quarter-deck as a midshipman, unlessyou would rather take any opportunity which may occur of returning toyour friends. If you stick to the service you may rise in it."

  "Thank you, sir," said Owen; "I wish to do as you think best. I am verywilling to act as your clerk, and hope that I may give you satisfaction.I had not thought of entering the navy or remaining at sea in themerchant service."

  "At all events, I will at once give you a rating as my clerk; you willthen be on the quarter-deck and mess in the midshipmen's berth. Inregard to your entering the service I will leave it to your furtherconsideration."

  "If poor Jones' things have not yet been sold I shall be happy topurchase them for Mr Hartley," said Mr Leigh.

  The second lieutenant was a young man of good means.

  "You shall do as you wish," said the captain. "At all events I willspeak to the purser, and see that Hartley gets a proper outfit. Thetailor will soon put a patch on his jacket should he become amidshipman."

  Owen felt very grateful to the captain and his kind friend the secondlieutenant. He did not hesitate for a moment about acting as thecaptain's clerk while he remained on board, but he asked himself thequestion whether it was not his duty, should he find the opportunity, toreturn to Mr Fluke's counting-house, from which he had not beenformally dismissed. He had come only for a holiday to regain hishealth, and he considered that he was bound to go back again. He found,however, that, having once entered, he could not leave the ship withoutthe captain's leave until she returned home and was paid off. There wasnow no help for it. Captain Stanhope was evidently a kind man, andwould, should a favourable opportunity occur, allow him to go home.Still, Owen saw that the present was no time to talk about that. He atonce set to work on his new duties, and he soon found, from the approvalexpressed by the captain, that he performed them satisfactorily.

  Mr Scoones, who had not left the ship, wishing to go round in her toBatavia, looked very much astonished when he saw Owen in an officer'sdress on the quarter-deck. He had himself, however, so completely lostcredit with the officers from his conduct in the action that few of themspoke to him. He was glad therefore for some one to speak to. Going upto Owen, he addressed him with a patronising air--

  "Glad to see that your talents have been discovered, my young friend,"he said; "had I felt justified, I should have recommended you to thecaptain from the first, but as you thought fit to associate with theship's boys and men, I could not do so with any propriety."

  "I do not know with whom else I could have associated, Mr Scoones,"answered Owen, laughing. "You certainly showed no inclination for mysociety, and unhappily all the other officers were lost. Had it notbeen for the ship's boy you speak of, and the only man who remainedsober, we none of us should have escaped."

  "Well, well," answered Mr Scoones, "let bygones be bygones. If I gethome first I will report your good fortune--that you are as strong andhearty as your friends could wish you to be. You will not, I suppose,send home an account of the shipwreck, for you and I may differ in ourstatements. Mine of course is the one which will be accredited, as noone at home will fancy that you can know anything about the matter."

  "I should not wish to say anything to incriminate you," answered Owen;"but the lives of a great number of our fellow-creatures are at stakewhen an officer loses his senses, and I therefore hope that you willeither give up drinking or quit the sea."

  "Then you intend to accuse me of casting away the ship throughdrunkenness?" exclaimed Mr Scoones, looking as though he could eat Owenup.

  "Whatever I say or do will be from a sense of duty," answered Owen.

  A part of this conversation had been overheard by the first lieutenant,who held Mr Scoones in most supreme contempt, fully believing, fromwhat he knew of him, that it was through his drunkenness that the shiphad been lost.

  "Mr Scoones," he said, addressing that person, "it has been decidedthat you should go on shore at once. If you are in a hurry to reachBatavia, you can, without difficulty, find your way overland."

  A boat was just then about to shove off. The first mate of the hapless"Druid" having no traps to get ready, stepped into her, and was conveyedon shore.

  "Hartley," said the first lieutenant, turning to Owen, "I wish you todraw up an exact account of the shipwreck, and state, to the best ofyour belief, how it occurred, and if corroborated by your two survivingshipmates, they shall sign it, and it shall be sent home. That fellowought never to get the command of a ship, or sail again even as a mate."

  Owen was sorry to leave Mr Leigh, who remained in command of the prize;at the same time he was glad to escape from Ashurst, who showed, duringa short visit he paid to the frigate to get some of his traps, that heretained the ill-feeling he had all along manifested towards him.

  Mike and Nat managed to come on board the "Sylvia" for a few moments tocongratulate Owen, they having heard of what they called his goodfortune.

  "You are in your proper place now, Mr Hartley," exclaimed Nat; "onegood thing is, that Mr Ashurst won't venture to hit you with the rope'send."

  "Shure I'm mighty plased to see you made an officer, Mr Hartley," saidMike; "when you are a commander, as you will be sartain one of thesedays, I'd be proud to be your coxswain."

  "I'm not a midshipman yet," answered Owen, laughing, "though I trul
ythank you for your good wishes."

  Owen drew up a faithful report of the loss of the "Druid," which,meeting with the approbation of Captain Stanhope, was forwarded by thefirst opportunity. The repairs to the frigate and her prize having beenmade, they sailed to Batavia, where several other men-of-war were foundat anchor.

  Not without some, difficulty a crew was collected to man the "Venus,"partly from the seamen of merchant vessels in port, as also from somewho had been shipwrecked, with a few men-of-war's men from the "Sylvia"and other ships. Mr Hawkins, the first lieutenant of the "Sylvia," whohad just been promoted to the rank of commander, received an actingorder as captain of the "Venus," and Mr Leigh returned to the "Sylvia"as her first lieutenant. Owen was very glad to have Mr Leigh on board,as he had shown him so much kindness, and equally well pleased thatAshurst remained in the "Venus."

  Ashurst, however, paid two or three visits to the "Sylvia," during whichhe made disparaging remarks about Owen in the mess.

  Although several of the things were said in his presence, Owen took nonotice of them. He trusted that he might win the regard of his newmessmates by his uniform good conduct and gentlemanly bearing towardsthem. Still, he found that he had much to put up with. Ashurstpossessed considerable influence in the berth, and there is an oldsaying, that "dirt cannot be thrown without some of it sticking." Owenwas often treated in a contemptuous manner by several of the mates andmidshipmen. He heard himself called a wretched young quill-driver,Cheeseparings, junior--Cheeseparings being the name gived to thepurser--the captain's spy, or licenced talebearer, with many similaruncomplimentary epithets. He made no complaint even when Mr Leigh oncekindly asked him if he was happy in the berth, nor did he reply in a wayto excite the anger of those who were endeavouring to annoy him.

  He knew that it could not last long. He had written to Mr Fluke,stating the position in which he was on board the "Sylvia," and askingwhether it was his wish that he should return home and resume his dutiesin the counting-house. He dispatched a much longer letter to hisfriends at Fenside, giving a full account of his adventures. He did notforget either to write to Mrs Aggett, describing her husband's peacefuldeath, feeling that a knowledge of this would be far more consolatory tothe widow, than should she suppose that he had been lost during thehorrors of a shipwreck, which otherwise she would very naturally haveconcluded to have been the case. He was greatly puzzled whenever hethought the matter over, to account for Ashurst's manner. As far asOwen could judge, Ashurst did not treat any of his other young messmatesin the same way, although he might have been somewhat supercilious inhis manner towards them, as if he considered himself a being of asuperior order. Captain Stanhope was anxious, as soon as possible, toget away from Batavia, there being much sickness in the place, as isusually the case in that unhealthy town. He hoped, however, that theships would escape, as he allowed none of the officers or men to visitthe shore oftener than could be helped. Owen, however, on one occasionaccompanied the captain, who had business to transact. They werereturning to the harbour to embark when they met a party of natives,carrying a person on a stretcher, followed by several Dutchmen, and twoor three English sailors. The bearers stopped on seeing the captain,supposing that he was some one in authority, and placed the stretcher onthe ground.

  "Please, sir," said one of the seamen, "we have just picked up thisEnglishman; can you tell us where we are to take him to?"

  "To the public hospital of course," answered Captain Stanhope, "if theman is alive. But are you sure of that?" he asked, looking down.

  Owen just then recognised the countenance of the first mate of the"Druid," as did also Captain Stanhope.

  "I suspect that he is a subject for the dead-house rather than thehospital," observed the captain.

  "Why, so I believe," cried the seaman, placing his hand on the mate'sheart, and then lifting up his arm, it fell motionless by his side.

  Captain Stanhope ascertained that the man had been seen to fall down,apparently in a drunken fit and had not since uttered a word.

  "Take him to the hospital, and you will soon learn whether he is dead,or if there is any hope of his recovering," said the captain.

  The bearers taking up the dead body--for dead he was, there could be nodoubt--hurried on to the hospital as directed. Such was the ending ofthe first mate of the "Druid," and such has been that of countlessnumbers of seamen who have given way to the terrible vice ofdrunkenness.

  Owen returned on board with the captain. It was his last visit to theshore. Indeed, attractive as the country is in appearance, few wouldwish to visit that pestiferous region. The two frigates having beenrefitted, sailed together for a cruise through the Indian seas.

  Captain Stanhope's orders were to visit Amboyna, several of the Moluccaislands, Banda Neira, and other places which had been lately capturedfrom the Dutch. The castle of Belgica, the chief fort of Banda Neira,had been taken in an especially gallant manner the year before byCaptain Cole, of the frigate "Caroline," and Captain Kenah, of the"Barracouta" sloop. Landing at night, during a violent storm,accompanied by Lieutenant Lyons and several other officers, they madetheir way to the rear of the citadel. Though discovered, scrambling upby means of scaling ladders, they forced their way in, and in a fewminutes became masters of the castle.

  Very naturally the officers and crew of the "Sylvia" regretted that theyhad not been there to share in the honour of the achievement.

  Some months passed away in a satisfactory manner to Owen, as numerousplaces of interest were visited, especially the spice-producing islands,where he had an opportunity of seeing numberless objects of naturalhistory. Birds of rare plumage, shells of magnificent size, tinted withthe most beautiful colours, as well as curious animals, such as were tobe seen in no other region. Owen, who was a fair swimmer, took everyopportunity, when the ships were at anchor and bathing was possible, toimprove himself in the art. Although others bathed with him, very fewtook as much pains as he did. His frequent companion on such occasionswas John Langton, a master's mate, who, being older, was a superiorswimmer, and seemed to take much pleasure in giving him instruction.They did their best to induce others to join them, but very few wouldtake the trouble to learn to swim.

  "We never can tell what may happen," remarked Langton. "A time may comewhen you may earnestly wish that you had learnt to swim. A person whocan do so may be the means of saving not only his own life but that ofothers."

  It was necessary, however, to be very careful, as many places in theseseas swarmed with sharks and other marine creatures. They had always toselect some lagoon, cut off from the ocean, or to keep a bright look-outwhen swimming along the shore, and never to venture far out. Owen,though still inferior to Langton, soon became an expert swimmer.

  Two mails had come out from England, which, according to Owen'scalculations, might have brought him letters, but none arrived, and hebegan to fear those he had written home had been lost. Not that he wasvery anxious to leave the ship, as he had already succeeded inovercoming the prejudices of his messmates, and even the mostill-natured had to acknowledge that he was not a bad fellow, although hemight be somewhat mean-spirited. John Langton had from the first stoodhis friend in a judicious way. He had not defended him in his presencewhen attacked, seeing how wisely Owen was conducting himself, but he hadtaken good care to speak in his favour when he was not present.

  Langton was a quiet-mannered, somewhat silent young man, but those whoknew him best were very sure that he was capable of daring and doing,should an opportunity occur, as much as any man, and Owen was naturallydrawn towards him. For some time he was the only person in the messwith whom he had much conversation. By degrees Owen's messmates forgotthat he had been a boy before the mast, and treated him as one ofthemselves. He thus found the position as pleasant as he could desire,until one day while the frigates were in harbour Reginald Ashurst madehis appearance on board.

  "I'm come to take up my berth among you again," he said to Langton. "Ishould be very well pleased i
f it were not for having that littleupstart Hartley in our mess. I expected that he would have been senthome before this. I wonder why the captain was induced to retain him?"

  "I should think because he finds him very well qualified for the dutieshe has to perform," answered Langton. "If you had seen as much of himas we have, I think that you would have no reason to find fault withhim."

  "Birds of a feather flock together," muttered Ashurst, as he turnedaway.

  Langton heard the remark, but took no notice of it. Owen had again agood deal to endure from Ashurst, and his temper was sorely tried.Often a retort rose to his lips, though he refrained from uttering it.A month or more went by. The two frigates had come round to thenorthern end of Celebes.

  Captain Stanhope sent the "Venus" on to Batavia, while the "Sylvia"stood in for the port of Gorontello in the Bay of Tomonie, which placehad been taken from the Dutch, and which was governed by a native princewho had declared his attachment to the British Government. CaptainStanhope's object was to communicate with the sultan, and to present himwith some presents in order to retain his friendship. The frigate,however, had got within eight or ten miles from the port when it came ona perfect calm. Bringing the ship to an anchor the captain resolved togo on shore in the pinnace. He took with him Langton, Ashurst, andOwen, as also the purser, who went to purchase fresh provisions.

  A small party of marines accompanied him to act as a guard of honour.The frigate being to the southward of the port, the boat after a longpull reached Gorontello. The visit to the sultan was paid, and passedoff satisfactorily, although the ceremonies occupied a longer time thanthe captain had expected. The purser had purchased his stores, and gotthem on board. Some other delays occurred, so that it was late beforethe boat started to return to the frigate. A light wind was, however,blowing; sometimes it came from the northward and at others from off theland.

  "If this wind holds we shall get down to the frigate in little more thanan hour," observed Captain Stanhope to Langton.

  Darkness in those latitudes, as is well-known, comes on very rapidly.The sun had set, the boat was carrying all sail, when the wind came offthe land, from which she was then about two miles distant. Whether thecoxswain had indulged in a glass of arrack on shore, or from some othercause, neither he nor any one else was keeping an eye to windward, asshould have been done. Suddenly a squall struck the boat, and beforethe helm could be put down, or a sheet let go, over she heeled, andbeing already heavily laden with the fresh provisions, the water rushedin on the lee side, and she capsized. Providentially most of theprovisions fell out of her, and her ballast consisting of water casks,instead of sinking, she floated keel upwards. The officers hadpreviously taken off their swords, the marines let go their muskets, andnearly all hands, disentangling themselves from the rigging, got hold ofthe boat.

  The captain, setting the example, climbed up on the keel, calling on hismen to follow. All who could, did so. Two unfortunate marines,however, encumbered with their accoutrements, had remained under her.Their cries for help were almost immediately stifled. Owen foundhimself seated next to Langton.

  "Help! help!" cried a voice close astern. "I cannot swim, and amsinking."

  "It is Ashurst," exclaimed Owen; "come and help him."

  Owen and Langton immediately slipped into the water, and striking outquickly got up to where Ashurst was struggling.

  "Keep quiet, and trust to us," said Langton, seizing him by one arm.Owen grasped the other, and thus preventing him from clutching them,they towed him back to the boat; then telling him to hold fast whilethey climbed again on the keel, they hauled him up.

  He was too much exhausted to speak, but he certainly made no attempt toexpress his thanks. A boat-hook and a couple of oars had been foundfloating close to the boat, and the men had placed them on the bottom.Langton proposed to Owen to swim round and pick up others. Theysucceeded in finding three more, but the rest by that time had driftedout of sight. They returned with those they had regained, and resumedtheir seats.

  The captain, on calling over the names of the crew, found that, besidesthe two marines who had been drowned under the boat, two of the men weremissing. The position of those on the boat was now perilous in theextreme. The wind was increasing, and was drifting her further andfurther from the shore. Although it was possible that she might be seenin the morning by the frigate, before that time all on her, in allprobability, would be washed off.

  "We might get help from Gorontello, as there are several boats in theharbour," observed the captain; "but it is not likely that the accidentwas observed there, unless any one by chance has been watching usthrough a spy-glass."

  "I am afraid there is very little hope of that," answered Langton.

  "We must endeavour to hold on until the morning, when the frigate maydiscover us," said the captain. "Cheer up, my lads, many men have beenin a worse condition than we are and have escaped."

  The seamen cheered, to show that they were not down-hearted, and wereready as ever to obey their captain.

  "If we had but some food, we might fare better," observed the purser."I think I see something floating near us now."

  "I'll get it," cried Owen, slipping into the water and swimming towardsit. The object proved to be a covered basket of fruit, which he towedback in triumph. It was hauled up and secured. The men cried out forsome at once.

  "Stay, my lads," said the captain, "none of you can be very hungry orthirsty as yet. By-and-by I will serve out a share to each man." Thesailors acquiesced without a word. "I fear that we shall drift out tosea," observed Captain Stanhope, after a silence of some minutes."Although when we are missed Mr Leigh will certainly send boats insearch of us, they will not know where to look. Could we by any meanscommunicate with the shore, word might be sent along he coast, and thosewho are acquainted with the set of the current would easily know in whatdirection to pull."

  "I might be able to swim to the shore, sir," said Langton, "but it is along distance to go alone. Are any of you men good swimmers?"

  No one answered. There was not a man who felt capable of accomplishingthe feat.

  "If I may go with Langton I will, sir," exclaimed Owen. "I never haveswum as much as two miles, but I know that I can keep in the water along time, and I think I can do it."

  The captain hesitated. "I accept Langton's offer, but I would ratherthat an older person than you are should go. Since I was wounded I havebeen unable to make any violent exertion, and I am very sure that Ishould be unable to accomplish half the distance."

  "I would gladly have Hartley accompany me," said Langton. "I have oftenseen him take a long swim, and come in as fresh as he was at starting.Every instant increases our distance from the shore."

  "If you both feel confident that you can swim as far, I will no longerobject," said the captain. "Before you go, however, take some of thefruit; it will refresh you, although it will not add much to yourstrength."

  "Thank you, sir," exclaimed Owen, as if an especial favour had beengranted him.

  He and Langton each ate a small portion of the fruit, both offering upin the meantime an earnest prayer for protection.

  "May Heaven preserve you, my lads," said the captain, as he shook theirhands.

  Having taken off their outer clothes, retaining only their drawers,socks, and shirts, they both together slipped into the water and struckout for the shore, which could still be dimly seen. Their companionscheered as they swam from the boat.

  "We must not over-exert ourselves at first," said Langton, as Owen,putting forth all his strength, was shooting past him. "We shall bothdo it, please Heaven, but we must not be down-hearted although we appearto make but little way."

  Owen, taking the advice, kept pace with Langton, who maintained a slow,steady stroke. They could hear the voices of their companions, whoevery now and then raised a cheer to encourage them. For some time thecheers sounded almost as distinct as those at first uttered.

  "We can have got but a very short d
istance," remarked Owen.

  "The sound travels further than you suppose," answered Langton. "Wehave made good way already."

  On they went, every now and then speaking a word of encouragement toeach other.

  "I am thankful you came with me," said Langton; "it would have been farmore trying had I been alone."

  On and on they went, still the dark outline of the shore appeared as faroff as ever. Now and then Langton proposed that they should turn ontheir backs. They could not venture to make way for any length of timein that position for fear of getting out of their proper course. Owenhad somewhat overrated his strength. He began to feel his arms and legsache, but he would not tell Langton of his sensations. At last he wascompelled to propose that they should float for a short time. Langtonguessed the cause, and willingly agreed.

  In a minute Owen felt rested, and once more they proceeded. He wasagain about to propose taking another rest, and was turning on his back,when he saw rising above the water, a few feet from him, a triangularfin. Though certain that it was that of a huge shark, he resolved notto tell his companion. Dreadful were his feelings. At any moment themonster might discover them. As yet it had not apparently done so. Thedark fin glided on, but another and another came into sight. Theremight be many more astern. Not one, however, deviated from its course,and the creatures at length disappeared. Not until then did Owen utteran exclamation.

  "What was it?" asked Langton.

  Owen confessed that he had seen the sharks.

  "A good sign," said Langton, "it shows that they are not given to attackhuman beings in these waters. Don't let us trouble our heads aboutthem."

  This Owen found it was not so easy to do. It appeared to him that theyhad been hours in the water. The courage of the two swimmers wasgreatly tried, for still the land seemed as far off as ever.

  More than once Owen felt that he could go no further. He prayed thatstrength might be given him, and again struck out bravely. The sight ofthe sharks made him unwilling to rest even for a moment, for he knew aslong as he kept his arms and legs moving there was less danger of beingseized. At last a feeling came over him that he must give in.

  "Push on ahead, Langton," he said, in a faint voice, "I will followslowly; but I only detain you now."

  "No, no, Hartley," answered Langton. "I will not desert you; cheer up,cheer up."

  Just at that moment Langton felt his feet strike the ground. For aninstant he feared that it was a shark, or some other monster fish, but,again putting down his foot he felt the hard, soft sand.

  "Thank Heaven, Owen, it's all right, here's the bottom!" he exclaimed.

  Both swimming on a few strokes more, Owen found that his feet also couldtouch the sand, and that he could stand up with his head out of water.

  They waded on; the depth decreased but slowly, but still it diddecrease. Langton's shoulders rose above the surface, he could nowassist Owen. Exerting all their strength they made rapid way, and in afew minutes more found themselves standing on the dry beach.

  Both offered up their thanks to Heaven for their preservation, when,Owen's strength failing, he sank down on the sand. Langton was thefirst to recover.

  "Do not wait for me," said Owen. "I suppose you'll make the best ofyour way along, the shore until you get abreast of the ship, unless youcan find a native boat before then to take you off to her?"

  "That's what I propose doing," answered Langton; "but I will not leaveyou until you regain your strength."

  In a few minutes Owen declared himself able to walk.

  "Before we start let us try to find out whether any natives are near;they may be able to help us," said Langton.

  They shouted at the top of their voices, but no reply was heard. Theydid so, believing that all the natives were friendly in that region.

  "We must get help without delay," said Langton. "That we may have adouble chance, I suggest, Owen, that you try to make your way back toGorontello, which cannot be more than three or four miles off, while Igo down towards the ship. If I fall in with a native boat, I will gooff at once; if not, I will make a signal from the shore with a bigbonfire, and Mr Leigh is pretty sure to send in a boat to learn thecause. You must, in the meantime, endeavour to obtain a boat. You arecertain to find some one to interpret for you; promise a handsome rewardto those who succeed in discovering the captain and the rest."

  The plan was no sooner arranged than acted on. Owen, as fast as hislegs could carry him, started along the shore in one direction, andLangton in the other. Sometimes Owen found the sand smooth enough, butat others he came to rough rocks, over which he had to climb. Now andthen he saw a light on his left twinkling in the distance, but he passedno human habitation. Again and again, however, he shouted, hoping thatsome fisherman's boat might be concealed among the rocks. No one camenear him, and he concluded that the people had retired for the night totheir homes. Often, overcome by fatigue, he felt inclined to stop, butremembering that the lives of his captain and shipmates were at stake,he pushed on, now running at full speed along the sand, and now climbingover the rough ground.

  At length, greatly to his joy, he saw some lights ahead, they showedthat he was approaching the town. "I hope that all the people have notgone to bed. It will be a hard matter to rouse them up," he thought."The lights show that some are up at all events." At length he gotamong the houses, or rather huts, for few of the buildings deserved agrander name. Some of the natives came out and stared at him, but hecould not make them understand what he wanted. They did not, probably,recognise him as one of the smartly dressed officers who had paid avisit to the sultan in the morning. They saw, however, that he was astranger. At last one made signs to him that he would show him where aperson lived who could understand what he said; so Owen fancied was themeaning of the native's gesticulations. "Yes, quick," answered Owen.

  The native led the way along several rows of huts, until they reachedthe door of a building of superior pretensions with a broad verandahoverlooking the harbour. Owen at once called out--

  "Does any one understand English here? If so, I want their assistancewithout delay. I can promise a handsome reward to all who give it."

  "Come in, come in," said a voice in a foreign accent. A native appearedat the door with a light in his hand. "Mynheer Van Wijk will see you,"said he, as he conducted Owen into a room where a white man wasreclining in a hammock, with a huge pipe in his mouth, whom he supposedto be Mynheer Van Wijk, the owner of the mansion.

  "Vat you want?" exclaimed Mynheer, gazing at Owen, as he stood, shoelessand hatless, in his still damp shirt and trousers.

  Owen, in as few words as possible, explained who he was, and theaccident which had happened.

  "Donder en bliksem, dat is bad," exclaimed the Dutchman, tumbling out ofhis hammock and putting on his coat and shoes. "Dare is no time tolose; we must go off at once. And you, young gentleman, want food andclothing. You'll be getting fever if we don't look after you. Mineyoung son's clothes will fit you; you must put them on."

  He shouted, when a servant appeared, to whom he gave some orders. In afew minutes the servant returned with a bundle of clothes and a towel.

  Owen thankfully exchanged his wet garments for the young Dutchman'sdress, although he was conscious that he cut a somewhat unusualappearance in it. He had scarcely time to finish his toilet beforeanother servant came in with several dishes of food.

  "Fall to," said Mynheer Van Wijk; "we have no time to lose I have sentdown to ze harbour to order two boats to be got ready. You and I willgo in one, and my friend Jacob Leefkens will take charge of ze other.He known ze set of ze tides about here as well as any native."

  Owen quickly finished his repast, of which he stood greatly in need.

  "My captain and the men with him have no provisions, and I should bethankful to take a supply if you will enable me to procure them," saidOwen.

  "Of course we will carry food and water and scheidam for ze poorfellows," said the Dutchman.

  Owen accompanied Mynheer Van Wijk down to the harbour, where they foundtwo boats, each manned by eight powerful-looking natives. JacobLeefkens was evidently a seafaring man by the way in which he receivedMynheer Van Wijk's directions. Owen was thankful when he found himselfthus far successful in commencing the search for his shipmates. He haddescribed as minutely as he could the position of the boat when she wasupset, and the two Dutchmen arranged their courses accordingly. Theboats pulled on and on. Owen thought that they ought to have got up tothe spot where he had left his shipmates. He shouted several times asloudly as he could, aided by Mynheer Van Wijk. The wind had risenconsiderably, and the further they pulled out the higher the sea wasrunning. Owen began to fear that the people might have been washed offthe boat, or that perhaps righting, she had filled and gone down. Hethought, too, of Langton, and the dangers he might have to encounter.On speaking on the subject to Mynheer Van Wijk the reply was--

  "They are not good people down there; they are too fond of cutting offheads, and a white man himself would be looked upon as a prize."

  "I trust such has not been the fate of my friend," said Owen.

  "The natives have probably gone to their huts, and his safety willdepend on his not falling in with them," observed Mynheer Van Wijk.

  From time to time Owen continued to shout, so that they should not passthe boat without being discovered. Jacob Leefkens at last rejoinedthem.

  "I am afraid she's gone to the bottom," he observed.

  "Do not say that, Jacob," answered Mynheer Van Wijk. "We will searchfor them until to-morrow night, if we do not find them before."

  This last remark was consolatory to Owen, and thankful he was that hehad fallen in with the honest Dutchman. Now the boats rowed further offshore, now pulled along parallel with it. Owen saw that it would havebeen impossible for Langton to have found the boat, and, having rightedher, to have towed her back to the ship.

  Again Jacob, shouting from his boat, declared that the boat must havegone down, as not a sign of her appeared.

  "Perhaps I mistook her position," suggested Owen.

  "Well, we will push on further," said Mynheer Van Wijk. "Let us giveone more hearty shout together."

  All three, joined by the natives, raised their voices.

  Just then a faint sound came from the southward.

  "There they are! there they are!" cried Owen. "They heard us, and areholloaing in return."

  The natives were ordered to give way, and in a few minutes more a louder"holloa" was heard.

  They were evidently nearing the boat.

  Owen, eager to know how they had fared, stood up and hailed them as heapproached.

  "Are all safe?"

  "Ay, ay," was the answer.

  In a short time Mynheer Van Wijk's boat was alongside the pinnace. Oneby one the people were taken off her, Captain Stanhope remaining untilthe last. Several of them were greatly exhausted, especially Ashurst,who could scarcely speak. Captain Stanhope grasped Owen by the hand.His first question was for Langton. He felt satisfied when Owen toldhim that, after landing safely, he had gone in the direction of the shipalong the shore.

  As the captain was unwilling to lose the boat, he accepted JacobLeefken's offer to right her, and to tow her back to the frigate. Hewas specially anxious that this should be done, as they would probablyfall in with Langton on the way, and save him from a vain search.

  Captain Stanhope was also very glad to accept Mynheer Van Wijk'sinvitation to his house, as it was a long pull back to the frigate.

  "Hartley," said the captain, "you have acted nobly in risking your lifefor the sake of saving those of your shipmates. I shall never forgetit, and I will not fail to make known your conduct to those inauthority, who will still better than I am be able to promote yourinterests. I before told you that I should be ready to rate you as amidshipman, and immediately on our return to the frigate I will do so.You may depend upon rising in the service while I live and possess anyinfluence."

  On hearing Mynheer Van Wijk's report of the natives the captain becamevery anxious about Langton. Owen at once volunteered, if Mynheer VanWijk would provide a boat, to pull along the shore, and ascertainwhether he had succeeded or not in getting off to the frigate. Severalof the boat's crew offered to accompany him.

  The rest, including the captain, were too much exhausted to make theattempt. Ashurst declared that he should not be fit for duty for amonth to come, he felt so thoroughly done up.

  The Dutchman promised the boat at daybreak, observing that it was of nouse to start before then.

  Owen, for the sake of his friend, was eager to be off, and, in spite ofthe fatigue he had gone through, he was up at dawn. He aroused thosewho were to accompany him, and Mynheer Van Wijk leading the way, theyhurried down to the harbour. The latter did not offer to go with them,"as he must," he observed, "attend to the captain and other guests onshore," but he sent a competent interpreter, who would enable Owen tocommunicate with the natives.

  As the boat pulled out of the harbour, it was found that the wind hadchanged to the southward. No sooner did the sun rise than his raysstruck the white canvas of the frigate, which was seen under all sailstanding for them. Owen steered towards her, in order to ascertainwhether Langton had got on board. Shortly afterwards he caught sight oftwo men-of-war boats, one under sail, the other pulling.

  "Hurrah! Langton must have escaped then," he exclaimed. In a fewminutes he was up to the nearest, and Langton himself answered his hail.He had got on board with less difficulty than he had expected in anative boat, and seemed but little the worse for his exertions.

  In a short time they were on board, and having answered the numerousquestions put to them, were both thankful to turn into their hammocksand get the rest they so much required.

  In the evening the captain and the rest of the people returned on board,and a substantial acknowledgment having been made to the worthyDutchman, next day the frigate sailed for Batavia.