Read Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs: A Tale of Land and Sea Page 10


  Owen found himself in a very different position to what he had everbefore been on board. He at once received the rating of a midshipman,and donned his new uniform. No one was inclined to snub him, and evenAshurst treated him with respect, though at the same time with markedcoldness.

  "I wonder that you do not show more gratitude to Hartley, who wasundoubtedly the means of saving your life," remarked Langton to Ashurstone day.

  "He save my life!" answered Ashurst. "You had an equal share in thatimportant act. My heart is not big enough to be grateful to both. I amvery much obliged to you, I can assure you."

  "I consider that Hartley had the largest share," answered Langton,laughing; "his courage inspired me, and it was he, at all events, whorescued you with the captain when you were on the boat's bottom."

  "Well, some day I may prove that I am grateful," said Ashurst, turningaway, evidently unwilling to continue the subject.

  The frigate remained some time at Batavia. During that period severalof the men who had formerly belonged to the "Sylvia" were transferredfrom the "Venus" to her, among whom were Mike Coffey and Nat Midge.Owen was very glad to see his old friends again. He had now anopportunity of showing them occasionally little acts of kindness inreturn for the regard which they had always exhibited towards him.

  "Didn't I say, Mr Hartley, that you'd be a captain some day, and so I'mshure you will if you stick to the sarvice," said Mike. "And shure afine captain you'll be afther making. When you want a crew you'll onlyhave to hold up your hand, and the men will flock on board, I'll stakemy davy."

  Nat, although he had been so intimate with Owen never presumed inconsequence, but ever showed an eagerness to obey him on duty.

  The "Sylvia" again sailed on a cruise in one direction, while the"Venus" went in another.

  Owen rapidly gained a knowledge of his new duties, and became one of thesmartest midshipmen on board. The captain showed him unusual favour,frequently inviting him to dine in the cabin, and treating him as if hewere his son.

  "I am not afraid of spoiling Hartley," he remarked to Mr Leigh; "heremains as modest as at first, and would evidently not think ofpresuming on the service he has rendered me and his other shipmates. I,of course, do not forget Langton, and will take good care that heobtains his promotion on our return home. In my last report to theadmiral I specially mentioned his gallant conduct. I received a prettystrong hint to favour Ashurst, but he has managed never to do anythingwhich would allow me to say a word to his advantage."

  The frigate was chiefly engaged in capturing Malay and other piraticalcraft, which at that time swarmed in those seas. She had just taken alarge proa, with a villainous crew, and lay at anchor in a channelbetween Mindano and one of the Sooloo islands. The prize was anchored ashort distance astern, most of her crew having been removed, while aguard was placed over the remainder. It was a calm and lovely night.The moon shed a pale light over the smooth surface of the sea, while theland appeared on either hand covered with graceful trees coming down tothe very edge of the water. Here and there fantastic rocks rose abovethe surface. It was the middle watch, which Owen was keeping underLangton, who now did lieutenant's duty. Owen was walking the deck,gazing on the calm sea, now on one side then on the other, now goingforward to ascertain that the ship was not by chance dragging heranchors.

  The first stroke of four bells was just sounding when, having justreached the forecastle, he suddenly saw a bright light astern, followedby a loud roar, which he knew alone could proceed from the Malay proa.She had blown up. He heard Langton's voice ordering a boat to belowered, and was on the point of running aft when he felt the deckbeneath his feet tremble. A roar far greater than that which had justbeen heard sounded in the midnight air. For a moment the ship appearedto be enveloped in flame. He experienced the sensation of being liftedup, when he lost all consciousness. How long he continued senseless hecould not tell. On recovering he found himself in the water, amid amass of spars and rigging and fragments of timber, and he caught aglimpse of the upper works of the frigate descending beneath the waves.Here and there, scattered over the surface, were struggling human forms.Arms held up, and hands clasped together. One by one they speedilydisappeared. Although almost overcome with horror, he struck outtowards a spar of a size which promised to afford him support. As hegot nearer, he saw that two other persons had just reached the spar, andwere in the act of climbing up to place themselves on it.

  "I'll swim on and find another position on the wreck to support me!"Owen cried out.

  "Hurrah! 'shure it's Mr Hartley. No, no, sir; come here. Bedadthere's room enough for you, and half a dozen more of your weight!"cried out Mike Coffey, who was one of the persons, and Nat was theother. "I'd sooner swim off myself, Mr Hartley."

  Owen accordingly complied, and found that the spar would support themall.

  "What has been and happened?" asked Nat, still not recovered from theterror.

  "The frigate has blown up by accident, or through treachery, of thatthere is no doubt," answered Owen. "It is dreadful, most dreadful, andI fear that the greater number of our shipmates have been lost; still afew may have escaped, and we must try to help them. Hark! I heard someone cry out not far off. If we cut away the rigging from this spar, wemay be able to move it through the water." They got out their knivesand worked away. Again the voice was heard. "Help! help!"

  "I'll swim off and see if I can render any assistance," said Owen. Heswam towards a mass of wreck. On getting near it he saw that a personwas hanging on with his body in the water, without apparently strengthenough to climb up and secure himself. Owen immediately clambered on tothe wreck, and was then able to drag up the other person.

  "Ashurst, is it you?" he asked, recognising his messmate.

  "Yes, but I am fearfully hurt in the side and leg, and have no strengthleft to help myself."

  Ashurst continued to groan. He had not yet discovered that it was Owenwho had assisted him.

  The first impulse of Owen was to stand up and try and ascertain whetherany other persons were floating near whom he and Mike might help. Helistened. A few faint cries, apparently from a distance, reached hisear, but he could not tell from which direction they proceeded; he couldonly hope that others had succeeded in getting on portions of the wreck.

  In a short time Mike and Nat managed to get up to him. Owen proposedthat they should form a raft with the spars and smaller pieces of timberfloating about, on which they might be able to make their way to theland. The large piece of wreck on to which Mike and Nat had now climbedseemed to be stationary. They were therefore able to move about it, andbegan to form the proposed raft from the spars which they securedalongside.

  Scarcely had they commenced the work, when a voice was heard at no greatdistance.

  "Who is that?" shouted Owen. "Do you want help?"

  "Langton," was the answer. "I thought I heard voices. Do not move, Iwill be with you presently."

  In a short time Langton swam up. Owen and his two companions greetedhim warmly. Ashurst lay still, occasionally uttering a groan.

  "I am indeed thankful that you have escaped," said Owen to Langton. "Wewere doing our best for poor Ashurst; he wants assistance, and I shouldhave been much troubled how to act. Do you think any one else hasescaped?"

  "I hope a few have," replied Langton; "but the greater number of ourshipmates are, I fear, lost."

  "Although our lives have been saved for the present, we are stillsurrounded by dangers. We must do our duty and trust to God. I'll nowturn to and help you to build the raft. It is the first thing we haveto do, that is certain."

  Langton's assistance was of great value, as he was experienced, and veryactive. Having lashed all the spars they could find of about the samelength side by side, they crossed them with others of a smaller size,and pieces of plank, placing a sort of platform in the centre, the wholebeing lashed together with ropes which they cut off the spars. It was,of course, roughly forme
d, but was large enough to support, not onlythemselves, but any other people they were likely to pick up. By thetime it was finished, Ashurst had somewhat recovered, and Langton andOwen carried him and placed him on the platform where he could be out ofthe wet. They had kept two of the lighter spars for a mast and yard,and they picked up a royal unburnt, which would serve as a sail.

  Dawn broke just as they were ready to shove off from the wreck.

  "Where are we going?" asked Ashurst, in a faint voice.

  "To the nearest shore we can reach," answered Langton; "when there wemust consider what next to do."

  "Can't you give me some water, or some fruit? I am very thirsty," saidAshurst.

  "I am sorry we have nothing to give you," answered Langton; "we maypossibly pick up something when we have daylight."

  "I've a chaw of baccy, sir," said Mike; "it's me last, but it's at yirsarvice."

  Poor Ashurst uttered an expression of disgust. Just then Owenthankfully recollected that he had put a couple of small limes, some ofwhich he had been eating late on the previous evening, into his pocket.He immediately skinned one of the refreshing fruit, and handed it insmall pieces to Ashurst.

  "This from you, Hartley?" he said, as he swallowed it eagerly.

  "I have another which will be at your service when you want it," saidOwen, not noticing the remark, and feeling intense pleasure at thusbeing able to help his suffering messmate. Every thought of theill-treatment he had received vanished from his mind. Langton and Owennow examined Ashurst's hurts. They found that his left arm had eitherbeen dislocated or broken, and that a splinter had torn his side andseverely wounded him.

  "He is in a bad way," whispered Langton to Owen; "had one of thesurgeons been with us, he might have been doctored, but as it is, I donot think he will weather out what we shall have to endure. I ought totell him so if he gets worse, but we will do our best for him."

  As daylight increased, they saw other masses of wreck floating about,while a portion of the shattered upper works of the frigate appearedabove the water with several men clinging to them. A current, however,was running from the wreck, slowly drifting the raft away. Who thepeople were it was impossible to say at that distance.

  "Unless a breeze springs up to blow us back we cannot get up to them,"said Langton; "we will rig our sail, however, in case it should come."

  While engaged in setting up the mast, Mike and Nat especially werekeeping an eye on the water around them, in the hopes of picking upsomething that might be floating by.

  Without giving notice of what he was about to do, Mike suddenly sprangoff the raft and swam out towards an object of which he had just caughtsight.

  "This will serve us for mate and drink too," he exclaimed, as he swamback, pushing before him a couple of melon-like fruit. He handed themup to Nat, and without getting on the raft, swam off to the other side,where he saw a small barrel, which proved to contain biscuits. This wasbut a small supply of food; but the fact that they had found it madethem hope that more might be obtained. The water remained perfectlysmooth, which was an advantage.

  As the sun rose the heat became intense. Poor Ashurst suffered greatly,even though Owen gave him piece by piece the remainder of the lime, andthen supplied him with small bits of the melon.

  At Langton's suggestion they attempted to get up to the wreck, but asthey had only pieces of plank to row with, and the raft was heavy, theymade no progress against the current. They saw, however, that theirshipmates were endeavouring to imitate their example, and were engagedin making another raft; but several, it was too evident from the waythey clung to the wreck, were severely injured and unable to exertthemselves. As far as Owen and his companions could make out, thepeople they saw had on only their shirts and trousers. It wasimpossible to ascertain, therefore, whether any were officers. Langtonfeared not.

  The land appeared on either side of them, and another island stretchedaway to the southward, closing the channel, so that they might hope, inthe course of a few hours at most, should a breeze spring up from theeast or west, to reach the shore. Still hour after hour went by, theraft driving further and farther to the southward, and away from thewreck, until the people moving about on it could no longer bedistinguished.

  In the meantime they had been unsuccessful in obtaining any furtherprovisions. Owen regretted that they had not secured another piece ofcanvas with which to form some sort of shelter above poor Ashurst. Allthey could do was to hoist up the sail, so as to throw a shadow over hishead. Langton, who had had a long swim, felt much fatigued, andcharging Owen to call him should any change take place, he lay down toobtain the rest he so much needed.

  Owen, meanwhile, was seated by Ashurst's side. The latter wascontinually speaking, though Owen thought that he occasionally rambled.

  "Hartley," he said at last, "do you think that I'm dying?"

  "You are evidently very ill; but I hope, if we can get you on shore,that you may yet pull through it."

  "Do you wish me to recover?" asked Ashurst.

  "Of course I do," answered Owen; "and I have been praying to God thatyou may."

  "You do not know what you have been praying for then," murmured Ashurst."I have ill-treated you, and have shown in every way I could the hatredI felt."

  "Pray do not talk of that," said Owen. "I never hated you."

  "You had infinitely more cause to do so than I had to hate you,"answered Ashurst.

  He was silent for a minute or more; then he exclaimed suddenly--

  "Hartley, did it ever occur to you that we are relatives? My familyname was Hartley until we changed it for Ashurst. Do you know why wechanged it? Because it was asserted that the elder branch of the familywas extinct, although my father and my elder brother--who is now LordArlingford--knew that such is not the case. My brother has no children,and when I last heard from home he was very ill. In case of his death Ishould succeed to the title, though as well aware as he is that I haveno just right to it. There seems to me but little prospect that eitheryou or I will escape, but I feel that I must unburden my mind. When Ifirst saw you on board and heard your name, I immediately thought thatyou must belong to our family. Upon making further inquiries I wasconvinced of it. I hated you, not that you had done anything to offendme, but because my family had kept you out of your just rights. Youhave returned only good for evil. But can you now forgive me for thegreat wrong which I have done you?"

  "Indeed I can do so most heartily," answered Owen; "but I confess that Ido not understand all you have been telling me, nor how your family canhave injured mine. I know that we had relations of noble birth, and Ishould think that my father, had he possessed any claim to theArlingford title and estates, would not have failed to assert it."

  "He was not aware, perhaps, that several of the intermediate heirs haddied in rapid succession, and that my father had been temptedsuccessfully to make his claim."

  Ashurst as he spoke was evidently becoming weaker and weaker, andalthough Owen would gladly have obtained more information from him, yethe had not the heart to do so. He had very little hope indeed thatAshurst would recover, but still was unwilling to tell him how ill hewas, lest it should lower his spirits and do harm.

  The raft all this time was floating on the calm sea, drifting slowlydown the channel; but as there was not a breath of wind, with only thepieces of board, it could scarcely be urged through the water.

  Mike and Nat sat watching for anything likely to be of use which mightappear on the surface of the water. Owen devoted all his attention toAshurst, who was constantly complaining of the pain the wound in hisside caused him, and of the thirst he was enduring.

  At last Owen asked him if he thought that he should recover?

  "I dare not think about it," answered Ashurst. "I have lived a carelesslife. I have done much evil, and no good that I can bring to myremembrance. I can only now look forward to a few hours of sufferingbefore I quit the world. I wish that I had perished with the other poorfellows. I do not know
why I was saved, except as a punishment for mysins."

  "No, no, that could not have been," answered Owen. "You were preservedbecause God loves you, and still to the last moment offers yousalvation. Turn to Him through Christ. He has said that although yoursins might be as scarlet, they may become as white as snow. God isfaithful and just to forgive us our sins. Believe in His gloriouspromises."

  "I find it a hard matter to do so," groaned Ashurst, "but I will try."

  Owen offered to pray with him, and knelt down by his side. Ashurst'slips continued to move, but his voice grew weaker and weaker. At lengthLangton awoke. No sooner did he cast his eyes on Ashurst than he gave alook at Owen and whispered, "He is going."

  He took his messmate's hand, who returned the pressure he gave, butgradually the fingers relaxed. Langton and Owen bent over him; ereanother minute had passed he was dead.

  "Poor fellow!" said Langton. "Although he was no favourite of mine, Iam truly sorry."

  "So am I," said Owen; "and I heartily forgive him for the way in whichhe used to treat me. He has been making a strange confession to me, andhas been telling me that, I am the rightful heir to the title andproperty his brother at present possesses. I do not think he waswandering, as he seemed so very certain about the matter; but I shouldhave been glad if you had been awake to hear him."

  "He may or may not have spoken the truth," said Langton; "but before youcan benefit by the information you have received, we must get home. Itseems more than doubtful whether we shall ever reach the shore."

  Langton and Owen were unwilling to throw their messmate overboard, forthey had nothing to sink the body.

  "We must try and carry it to the shore and give it burial," saidLangton.

  Owen was perfectly ready to do this, though when they should reach theshore was a question.

  Hour after hour the calm continued. Often they could scarcely bear theheat. Langton, who took the command, served out a small piece of melonat a time, which somewhat alleviated their thirst, while the biscuits--though wetted by the water, which had got into the cask--satisfied theirhunger.

  At length, towards evening, a breeze from the northward sprang up. Thesail was hoisted, and by means of a paddle on either side they managedto steer the raft.

  "We are making nearly two knots an hour," said Owen, as the breezefreshened. "During the night we shall, I hope, reach the island to thesouthward."

  "That depends on what currents me encounter, or whether the windcontinues," answered Langton; "I would rather get up to the shore atdaylight when we may choose a place for landing."

  The raft required all their attention, for the sail being large it mightin a moment have been upset. Nat was stationed at the halyards, andMike at the sheet, while Langton and Owen steered. Darkness came on,but the breeze continued. They appeared to have made good progress.The fear was that the wind might increase still more. Langton thoughtit prudent to reef the sail. Scarcely had they done so than a squallcame over the water, and sent the raft flying along at a far more rapidrate than it had hitherto moved. The wind, however, soon again dropped,and the raft moved on as slowly as before. The night became unusuallydark, the sky was obscured, and it was impossible to ascertain in whatdirection the raft was drifting. The party on it could only hope thatit was continuing on the same course as before, still it was possiblethat it might be drifting out through either of the channels to theright or left, and that they might miss the island which they had hopedto reach. Mike and Nat kept up their spirits.

  "If it was not for poor Mr Ashurst I'd be afther singing yer a stave toprevent you from getting down-hearted," exclaimed Mike, "though it wouldnot do just now, lest the poor young gintleman might be thinking we wereafther wakin' him."

  "No, pray do not sing," said Owen; "it would be more sensible to prayfor assistance, for we must admit it is very little we can do to helpourselves."

  During the night they satisfied their hunger with the biscuits,reserving the fruit for the time when the hot sun would increase theirthirst. Langton persuaded Owen, who had hitherto not slept, to lie downand take some rest. He was glad to do this, indeed at times he couldscarcely keep his eyes open. He was awakened by an exclamation fromMike--

  "Arrah! now, how's the land got out there?"

  He started up, as did Langton, who had also fallen asleep, and onlooking to the eastward he saw two islands, between which the raft musthave drifted some distance astern, a strong current having carried themthrough the passage at a faster rate than they had supposed possible.It was a bitter disappointment. Unless the wind should come from thewest they could not hope to make either of the islands, as they would,at all events, have the current against them.

  "What do you recommend, Langton?" asked Owen.

  "We must wait and see what will next happen," answered Langton. "Incase we should be kept out much longer we must economise our provisions.I have no other fear for the present, unless the weather shouldchange."

  "We can put our trust in God; we know that He orders everything for thebest," said Owen.

  They ate a little more biscuit, which was divided in equal shares. Eachtook a small portion of fruit. Owen and Langton were looking towardsAshurst's body.

  "We shall not get in in time to bury it after all," observed Langton;"we must give him a sailor's grave." It was time, indeed, to do so."Before we launch the poor fellow overboard let us see what things hehas about him," said Langton.

  He took a ring off Ashurst's finger as he spoke. His watch and severalsmaller articles were found in his pockets.

  "Here, Hartley, you had better take care of these," he said, "as theymay be of value to you in some way or other, or you can return them tohis nearest kin, whom you are more likely to meet than I am. Come,Coffey, lend a hand here," continued Langton, and between them, takingup the body of the young officer, they allowed it to slip overboard.Greatly to Owen's satisfaction it sank immediately.

  "Poor fellow," said Langton again, "I should have been truly thankfulhad he lived."

  Almost immediately after this a breeze sprang up, but it came off theland and drove the raft further and further away. They were all silentfor some minutes, their position was becoming truly critical. Langtonat length got up and looked about him.

  "I see land away to the west. I believe that we shall reach it muchsooner than we can hope to do that to the eastward if we hoist our sailand take advantage of the breeze."

  To this proposal Owen agreed, and the sail being set the raft glidedrapidly over the water. Still, after going some distance, only the dimoutline of the land towards which they were steering could bedistinguished. All that they knew about it was that it must be one ofthe Sooloo Archipelago, and that most of those islands were inhabited bya savage race addicted to piracy.

  These might, however, treat them kindly, though it was more possiblethat they would keep them in slavery. As they were running before thebreeze the wind assisted but little to temper the rays of the sun whichbeat down on their heads. Their thirst increased, it was withdifficulty that they could refrain from consuming the last remnants oftheir fruit. Langton, however, gave out only a very small piece at atime, which helped to moisten their throats and tongues, though it didlittle more. At the rate they were going, even should the breezecontinue, it would take nearly the whole of the day to reach the land.Since the morning they had, however, undoubtedly neared it.

  "We must hope for a bright night," said Owen, "and we shall then be ableto steer by the stars, although we may not see the land."

  When the sun went down Langton calculated that they were still nearlyfifteen miles off. By this time their thirst became excessive. Theyhad a little biscuit remaining, but the last piece of fruit had beendivided among them. They hoped by next morning, at all events, to havegot in close to the land, should the breeze not fail. They scarcelydared to contemplate their position should they be exposed another dayto the hot sun on the raft without water.

  Owen and Langton agreed to keep wa
tch and watch, the former taking Mikeand the latter Nat. For two or three hours after sunset the breezecontinued to blow steadily, and the cool night air greatly restoredtheir strength. The sky was clear and the stars shone brightly. Theyhad taken the bearings of the land, and had no fear of not keeping totheir proper course.

  It was Owen's watch, the raft had been gliding on briskly, when suddenlythe sail gave a flap against the mast, and then hung down motionless.

  "Let go the halyards!" he sang out. Before this could be done the sailwas taken aback. Owen sprang forward to assist Mike in lowering it.Greatly was he disappointed to find the wind blow directly from theshore, and all hope of further progress, unless it should again change,denied them. He called up Langton, who at a glance perceived what hadhappened.

  "We must get out the paddles and work away during the cool of thenight," he said. "Perhaps some current may be setting towards the shoreand assist us."

  The proposal was at once adopted. All night they paddled on until theirarms ached. Though sure that they were on their right course the landcould not be seen. Morning again came, when bitter was theirdisappointment to find themselves still a long way from it.

  A sigh escaped Langton. "It cannot be helped; it is God's will, we mustsubmit," he said. "Perhaps a breeze will again spring up." There wasnothing to be done; not a particle of fruit, not a biscuit remained.Langton did not express his apprehensions to his younger companions, butthe dreadful thought forced itself upon him that they would all perish.He knew that they could not without water endure another day exposed tothe rays of the sun. Hour after hour passed, the land within five orsix miles of them, and yet without the means of reaching it.

  Evidently a current, instead of setting them towards the land, wassweeping them away from it. In vain they tried to paddle against thecurrent, they had at length to give up the contest.

  Collected around the platform in various attitudes they waited on. Mikeand Nat had thrown themselves down at full length. Owen, unwilling tosuccumb, still sat upright, occasionally getting on his feet to lookabout, but as the fever in his veins increased he felt his strengthdiminish. Langton sat near him with his arms folded, resigned to hisfate; he had done his utmost, he felt he could do no more. The day woreon. Owen cast his eyes around the horizon in the hopes that some helpwould come. Even a Malay proa, manned by pirates, would have beenwelcomed. Savage as they might be they would scarcely allow four humanbeings to perish thus miserably.

  Owen had been sitting for some time without moving. He felt that hescarcely had strength to rise again.

  "I must get another look-out," he said to Langton. He stood up on theplatform, holding by the mast. He had not been there many seconds whenhe exclaimed--

  "A breeze from the eastward!"

  A dark line was seen suddenly advancing over the shining ocean, itincreased in width, the whole surface became rippled with tiny wavelets.The sail blew out, the raft glided on more rapidly than it had hithertodone. The comparatively fresh air restored strength to the almostexhausted occupants of the raft. The shore rose before them, and theireyes were gladdened by a bright cascade falling over the rocks, and in abubbling stream making its way to the ocean. How intensely they longedto reach the land! A small bay opened out before them, towards whichLangton steered the raft, until at last it grounded on the smooth sandybeach.

  Langton and Owen, who were the strongest, assisted their companions toland. They could do no more. While Mike and Nat sank down on theground, unable to move further, they crawled rather than walked ontowards the waterfall. In a few minutes, though it seemed a long timeto them, the stream came in sight. Even then, with difficulty, theycould reach it. Stretching themselves out, with their hands in the coolwater, they eagerly drank the refreshing fluid, which seemed to put newlife into them. They rose to their feet. They had not forgotten theircompanions. How was the water to be carried? They had neither hats norshoes. On the beach lay several large shells. They selected two, whichappeared perfectly clean, and filling them with water hurried back towhere they had left Mike and Nat.

  The former was making signals, and pointing to the boy, who appeared tobe unconscious. Owen put the water to his lips, and sprinkled his face.He opened his eyes, and as the water trickled down his throat he beganto revive. In a few minutes he seemed himself again and could sit up.Their thirst satisfied, they were assailed by the pangs of hunger. Asthere was abundance of shell-fish they had no fear of starving, whilethe woods they hoped would afford them fruit of some sort. They soonfound on some rocks on one side of the bay an ample supply ofshell-fish. Mike at once began to eat them raw.

  "Stay!" exclaimed Langton. "Let us refrain until we have cooked them,when they are less likely to do us harm."

  "But how are we to get a fire?" asked Owen.

  "I have a burning glass in my pocket," said Langton.

  Dry sticks were soon collected, and some moss, which ignited almostimmediately the glass was held over it. A bright fire was kindled. Theshell-fish were cooked, Langton having selected those which appeared tohim most likely to prove wholesome.

  "We are better off here than we were on the sand-bank," observed Mike."We escaped from that, and we'll be afther getting away from this beforelong."

  While he was speaking Owen happened to turn his eyes to the southward.

  "A sail! a sail!" he exclaimed.

  Just rounding a point of the island which had hitherto hid her fromsight appeared a large ship, the heads of her courses already risingabove the horizon.

  "We must make a signal or she may pass us," exclaimed Langton. "Themast and yard of our raft will serve as a flag."

  Mike possessed a coloured handkerchief, which he had hitherto worn roundhis waist. Other handkerchiefs were produced. Nat contributed hisshirt, so that a flag of good size was formed.

  The fire having been first made up so as to emit a large amount ofsmoke, they hastened with their flagstaff to the end of the point, whereit was speedily erected. As no other means of attracting the attentionof those on board could be devised, they sat down, anxiously waiting theresult. With some small line, which they got from the raft, they drewout the flag so as to present a broad surface to the approaching ship.Her hull soon rose above the water.

  "Thank Heaven! She is a British sloop-of-war, and is sure to keep abright look-out," said Langton. "She will pass within a mile of theisland, and cannot fail to see us."

  The wind had by this time shifted to the southward. The corvette--forsuch she was--came on before it, under easy sail, with the lead going.

  The party watched her with intense eagerness. Every moment they fearedthat she might haul off the shore, but the water was deep, and shecontinued on her course. Already she was abreast of the spot where thesignal was flying.

  "She takes no notice of us; she is standing on as before," exclaimedOwen.

  "No, no; see, she is heaving to," cried Langton.

  The courses were hauled up, the ship's head was turned off shore, themain-topsail was backed, and she remained stationary.

  "Hurrah! hurrah!" cried Mike. "We are seen." The rest echoed thecheer. A boat was lowered, and came pulling towards the point. As sheapproached, the party on shore unshipped the flagstaff and hurried withit to the bay to guide her in; she soon reached the beach. Langtonexplained to the officer in command in a few words what had occurred.They were helped on board, and the boat immediately pulled back to thecorvette.

  She proved to be the "Kestrel," of 18 guns, Commander Holmes. Directlythe commander heard of the loss of the "Sylvia," he steered for the spotwhere the ill-fated vessel had gone down, in the hopes of rescuing anymore of her crew who might have escaped.

  Mike and Nat were placed under the doctor's charge, but Langton andOwen, though still feeling very weak, were anxious to remain on deckwhile the corvette was searching for their shipmates.

  Owen learned, with satisfaction, that, after her cruise among theislands, she was at once to return home.
He was naturally anxious toascertain the truth of the account given him by Reginald Ashurst.Sometimes he thought the imagination of his dying shipmate might havebeen excited, and that the story he had told was without foundation.Langton, when he talked the matter over, did not give him muchencouragement.

  "He was always fond of romancing. Sometimes I do not think he knewhimself whether he was speaking the truth or falsehood," he observed.

  "He knew that he was dying, and would scarcely have invented a tale todeceive me," answered Owen; "but at the same time I am not ambitious,nor shall I be much disappointed if I find you are right."

  A calm at nightfall compelled the corvette to come to an anchor justinside the island, where blue lights were burned and rockets dischargedto attract the attention of any who had escaped, and might have themeans of reaching her; the boats were also manned and sent off, some tovisit the scene of the disaster and others to search for any rafts orfloating pieces of wreck on which the people might have sought refuge.

  The doctor would not allow Langton or Owen to go in the boats, anxiousas they were to ascertain the fate of their shipmates.

  The night passed away; the boats had not returned. It was not untillate the next day that they appeared.

  "Hurrah! they have a number of people on board; some of the poor fellowshave escaped then!" was uttered by those on the look-out.

  On the boat coming alongside, fourteen people were handed up on deck,all in a weak state, some dreadfully burned and otherwise injured by theexplosion. Among them was Mr Leigh, who, though weak, was but slightlyhurt. Owen was for many reasons rejoiced to see him. By his exertionsa raft had been constructed, on which the survivors had reached theshore. They were there seized by a party of natives, who were on thepoint of carrying them off into captivity when the boats had arrived andthey had been rescued. These, with the four already on board thecorvette, had alone escaped of all the frigate's gallant grew, severalmen having died on the wreck. The other incidents of the "Kestrel's"cruise need not be described. A loud cheer was uttered as she badefarewell to the Indian seas, and her course was shaped for the Cape onher way to England.