Read Pack 3 Page 1




  Pack3- Resurrection



  By R.A Cullison

  Copyright R.A Cullison 2013

  Look for more book by R.A Cullison


  ~ @}This book is dedicated to my Grandma Helen Holstein who passed May 2013. I love you Grandma forever! {@ ~

  I would also like to dedicate this book to some of my family members who are my biggest supporters; My parents Toney and Shirley, my children Alexander and Amber, my sister-in-law (sorta) Shelly, my niece Britany, My cousin Louise for being my biggest fan, I love ya! To my Lumpie who has been a big supporter through all this. And to all the one who downloaded the first two.

  There is some German and French in this book, so I included a reference to what is being said in the back of this book. So if you get lost or want to know what other people are saying just check the back of the book.




  I walked into the abandoned house, scared shitless. Matt was still oblivious that I knew what he was up to and who he was involved with. I wasn’t going to let him get away with this. I loved him yes more than anything. Just because his love was a lie don’t mean mine was.

  I stepped into a dark room, the only light was from the fireplace. “Hello?” I called out. Something on the table in the back got my attention. I slowly walked over to it. My family portrait accept Matt was cut out of it.

  “Nora?” A familiar voice called from a dark corner. I turned towards the voice. There stood Corbin, looking like he stepped out of my memory at the train station. “What are you doing here?” he asked. I began to sob.

  “I… I need help.” I managed to get out.

  “Help with what?” he asked with concern.

  “Matt?” I sobbed. Corbin walked over to me and helped sit down in a nearby chair. I quickly explained everything and tried not to burst into more tears. I seen the anger flash over his face and I could tell that he still loved me.

  “That SON OF A BITCH!” he growled. “what about your children?” he asked.

  “Matt don’t know I know. I don’t want to cause them too much heartache. But Matt is Aprils Dad and Noah is Travis’s Dad.” I said.

  “Wait how could you still be human?” Corbin asked. I explained that to him too. “So your Dad found the cure?” he asked. I just shook my head. He stood up and walked towards the fireplace. The glow of the fireplace danced off his face.

  “Yes.” I said. He turned to looked at me.

  “Yes, what?” he asked.

  “Yes, I still love you. I never stopped even through death.” I lowered my head, I felt shame wash over me. Corbin isn’t without his mistakes he led me to believe he was dead, but that I understood.

  “I still love you as well. That never stopped even with you marrying Matt and having your children. I only regretted that it wasn’t me you had children with and married.” He was staring into the fireplace.

  “I do too, Corbin. I do too.” But did I really believe that. I still loved Matt even through this, he was my husband. I stood up and walked over to him. “You’re the only person I can trust. Please help me.” I stood a few inches from his face. Our eyes locked, his dark eyes where black. He slowly moved towards me and we kissed softly. To me it set the love I had for him back in full on inferno. This time I wasn’t going to let him go.

  After spending several hours with Corbin, forming a plan. I decided to confront Matt on what I heard. Just thinking of what he has don’t broke my heart. Then I thought he was a good actor I really believed he loved me.

  I walked into the house ready to confront Matt about what I over heard on the phone. April and Travis were playing in the living room with my Mom watching them.

  “Where is Matt?” I asked.

  “Upstairs, I think.” she answered pointing to my bedroom door. I turned and ran up the stairs two at a time. I through the door open to find Matt staring out the window. He looked at me and had a bleak look on his face.

  “I knew you were listening to me on the phone, Nora.” he said flatly.

  “Why?” my voice cracked. Seeing him didn’t change how I felt, I still loved him.

  “You don’t understand.” he turned towards me. “I had no choice.”

  “No choice? Seriously?” I said shaking my head. “You had choices. You lying piece of….” Matt rushed over to me and grabbed my shoulders to lower me in a sitting position on the bed.

  “Let me explain.” he took in a deep breath. “At first this was a plan by Noah. He wanted me to get you to trust me and the pack too. So I could bring you to him.” He was now staring deep into my eyes. “But I couldn’t do it, I wanted you for myself.” he stood up and turned back towards the window. “I forgot about Noah and the plan until you got pregnant with Travis.” My head dropped feeling ashamed. “Travis is mine not Noah’s”

  “Why does he think Travis is his?” I asked, still staring at the floor.

  “I don’t know for sure. He said he had sex with you when you were out at his fathers mansion.” he sat next me on the bed.

  “I don’t know if he did or not. I did wake up naked.” I began to feel the vile rising in my throat.

  “I think Noah lives in a fantasy world. He and his father hate each other, I know Wolfgang wouldn’t let that happened.” he continued. “You were pregnant before we got off the ship and…..” he stopped.

  “What?” I asked studying his face.

  “When Travis was in the hospital I…uh.. I had a DNA test done.” he bowed his head.

  “You did what!?” I was shocked.

  “Noah called me at the hospital and told me about the baby thing.” he didn’t raise his head to look at me. I figured he was ashamed of his actions. “I was proven to be his father.”

  “I always knew you where is father just look at him.” I watched his head slowly raise up to finally look at me.

  “I know, but I was scared.” his eyes locked on mine. “I wanted to be sure.” There was along awkward silence, which was weird with us. Since we been together we have always had something to say. I could feel the distance now and I was confused. I loved Matt and I love Corbin.

  “I thought Noah was dead is Russia.” I finally said.

  “Yeah so did I” he scratched the top of his head. “I made sure his body was in the pile before I burned it.”

  “Maybe he crawled out or something.” I said, still staring deep into Matt’s big blue eyes.

  “Maybe. He never told me how he survived. I sometimes think he is a cat with 9 lives.” He broke eye contact. “Tonight I will take his remaining lives, even if it costs me mine.” He walked towards the door, gently placing his hand on the door knob. He hesitated for a second, “I have never betrayed you. My feelings have always been true and hopefully I will be able to prove it.” He turned the handle and walked out. I didn’t know whether to stop him or let him go. I believed him, I could see that he was telling me the truth.

  I jumped up and ran after him, “Matt!” I called after him. I caught him at the last step. I stood at the step above him, “I love you. I am sorry for ever doubting you.” He pulled me to his chest and into a bear hug to kiss me. We heard the children laughing our heads turned towards them.

  “Nora whatever happens take care of the children and make sure they know how much their Dad loves them.” he turned back towards me.

  “I will but please return to me.” I sobbed. He placed his hand on my cheek then turned to leave. I watched him walk out the door.

  “Everything ok?” my Mom asked from the living room.

  “I hope so.” I walked into the room and sat down on the floor with the children. I picked up Travis who was getting so big. I got him laughing. April was too interested in her toys to notice me.

  “Where is Matt going?” I heard behind me. I looked it was Kyle.

  “He went to the docks.” I answered. Kyle darted out the door.

  “Whats going on?” my Mom asked.

  “I wouldn’t know how to explain it.” I said still playing with Travis. That’s where the conversation stopped and it got quiet except for the children’s laughter.

  I put the children down for a nap so I could get my mind clear. I stepped out of April’s room to find Matt laying on the downstairs floor bleed profusely. “Matt!” I called out. I ran down the stairs to him. He was hurt pretty badly. I rolled him over and removed his shirt. He had a large gash across his chest and bite marks covered his body. I ran into the kitchen to get the first aide kit, water and a roll of paper towels. I ran back towards him, he was still laying very still on the floor. I was thankful he was still breathing and his heart was still beating. I began to wash off the blood that was seeping out of his gashes.

  “Matt!” I kept calling his name. “Matt! Hey!” I shook him alittle. His eyes slowly opened. “How come your not healing?” I asked frantically.

  “Nora?” he whispered. “I did it.” he gave me a weak smile.

  “Did what?’ I asked, not thinking.

  “Killed Noah.” he coughed out. I then was beginning to notice his bleeding lessened and his cuts were beginning to mend themselves. My Mom came out from her room..

  “Oh my!” my Mom screamed as she ran to us. “He needs to go to the hospital!” she kneeled down to check out his wounds.

  “No, Mom he will be ok.” I looked back down at Matt and I could see his gash close more. This time I knew my Mom seen it. She jumped up and gave us both a stunned look.

  “How?” she gasped.

  “Mom, calm down.” I ordered. She backed to the wall with her hand over her mouth. Matt was nearly fully healed and he stood up.

  “Carla, I think its time we explain something to you.” he looked at me.

  I took in a deep sigh. “Your right. Mom follow me into the living room.” I turned and walked through the living room door. “Sit down.” she obediently sat down on a near by chair. “Mom, Matt is a …uh… I guess the best way to tell you is be honest. He is a werewolf.”

  “Ha! A werewolf? Oh please!” she shook her head. I knew Matt would have to prove it. I just prayed her heart could handle it. I gave Matt a look and he instantly knew what I wanted. He slipped his shoes off and we watched him changed. My Mom just watched with her mouth hung open.

  “AH!” she screamed and then fainted. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little but I knew it wasn’t funny. Matt picked her up and laid her on the couch. He was still in his wolf form carrying her to the couch. As soon as Matt laid her down, her eyes flew open to only see this huge black werewolf standing over here. “OH MY GOSH! I wasn’t dreaming! This is real!” she said squeezing her eyes tight together.

  “Mom, its not bad, open your eyes.” I chuckled. Matt morphed back to his human self to make it easier for her.

  “I cant believe this.” she kept saying over and over to herself.

  “Believe it Mom. This is your son-in-law and the father to your grandchildren.” Matt ran upstairs to get some clothes on.

  “Nora how long have you known about him?” she asked confused.

  “Since day one. There is so much I should tell you. But I think its best you didn’t know.” I shook my head.

  “Right, I am good at knowing this and that’s it. I don’t need to know anything more.” she stood up and walked into her bedroom.

  Matt descended the stairs and walked into the living room. “Well she handled that better than I though she would.” he joked.

  “I was thinking the same thing.” I turned around and was staring at his big blue eyes. “Matt, is Noah really dead?” I asked.

  “Yes! Corbin, Kyle, Josh, Ariel and Myself made sure of that. But its not Noah we have to worry about now.” he sat down to put on his shoes.

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Victor!” he said staring at me. I could tell by the look on his face he was remembering the day Victor tried to kill me. It wasn’t exactly a pleasant memory for me either.

  “Victor? What the hell does he want? “ I asked.

  “We don’t know, yet. We caught his scent just at the edge of the woods behind the house. Corbin and Kyle think that he wants to finish what he started.” I watched him shutter.

  “What is his deal with me? I never did anything to him.” I growled.

  “Don’t know, Babe. But we tend to find out. First thing first we have to get you and the children safe, so the pack is camped out….” he stopped in mid sentence.

  “What is it?” I whispered. Matt ran to the window and peered down.

  He looked from side to side then his eyes stopped. I peeked from beside him to see what he was staring at. There was a dark figure ducking behind the side of the neighbors house.

  “Nora, go and get the children and head to the basement.” he turned and looked at me. “Go now, get your mother to go with you.” I ran to the kids room and grabbed the diaper bag and a couple of blankets. We headed down the basement. I was carrying April and my Mom was carrying Travis.

  We had a room in the back of the basement that we used for a storm shelter. I sat down in the back of the room with my Mom. It was quiet too quiet for my taste. Then footsteps broke the silence. I followed their sound with my eyes as they moved overhead.

  I was scared I felt the urge to protect my family. “Mom, wait here with the children. I will be right back.” I sat April on the bench next to my Mom. I slowly opened the door at tiny bit to see if I seen anyone. Nothing was in sight. I pushed open the door just enough to get out. I headed toward the door. I walked up the stairs slowly taking great pains not to make them squeak.

  I reached the top of the stairs when everything went black.