Read Pack 3 Page 10


  “Nora?” a familiar voice me woke up out a deep sleep. “Nora?” I opened my eyes to Corbin.

  “Corbin, what are you doing here?” I asked.

  He held up the letter, “this,” he sat next to me on the bed. “I want to think you for this. Also I feel somewhat responsible for this war and for Noah’s creations. I will come back and help you.” he looked at me in the eye. Before I knew it, he was kissing me.

  “Whoa! Corbin.” I quickly stood up. “I can’t; I am in love with Michael.”

  “I am so sorry. I didn’t know.” he stood up and walked over to the window.

  I touched my lips, “Its ok. Just friends, ok?”

  “Yes, just friends.” he smiled.

  “We have to leave as soon as possible.” I said.

  “Ok, I am ready to leave whenever you want to.” he winked at me. I just sighed.

  We stayed in the room all night. I felt uncomfortable being around him. Something was different about him.

  “Nora?” he called my name. I turned to look at him.

  “How does it feel to be..?a vampire?’ he asked.

  “I don’t like what I become but I always feel well and always ready to fight….”

  He cut me off. “fight? That seems odd to hear that come from you. I still feel like I have to protect you.” he turned back toward the window.

  The moonlight danced off his copper skin giving it a metallic glow. I couldn’t help but stare at him for a second. Yes, he was still handsome.

  “I think I am going to take a hot bath.” I said.

  “Ok, I will be waiting here.” he smiled.

  I walked into the bathroom and flicked on the bathroom light. The light flickered to life and I began running the water. I pinned my hair up and stared at myself in the mirror. My attraction for Corbin was strong, was I really over him. I asked myself.

  As I sat soaking in the bathtub, with Corbin in the next room, I began to remember meeting Gabe and Stephen for the first time.

  ‘I was sitting in the darkest part of the park. Scared, thirst was beginning to take control of my. With every person who walked by their scent sent me in a frenzy inside.

  A woman and a small child walked by holding hands. The little girl and I locked eyes for a brief second. Her eyes got big as half dollars and her mouth opened to scream. I quickly lowered my eyes. I knew what she saw and I didn’t blame her for being scared.

  Is this how my children would act if they saw me? That thought made me stand. I knew I had to get out of the park and get away from people, but I would not go back to the hide out. The others there were more focused on hunting humans then anything. I didn’t want to be a monster or kill another living creature.

  “Here.” a voice came out of nowhere. I spun around.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Wear these, they hide the eyes pretty good.” my eyes went from the sunglasses to the person holding them. I was staring at a young man wearing the same kind of shades. “Here take them.” he held them out father. I slowly took them from his hand.

  “Who are you?” I asked slipping them on.

  “Stephen. Who are you?” he smiled.

  “I am Nora. Why are you helping me.” he smiled and I seen his fangs. “Oh, ok, I get it.”

  “Good. Where are you staying?” he started to circle around me, making me dizzy.

  “And you not do that please.” I lowered my eyes.

  “When is the last time you fed?” he asked.

  “A few days.” I said rubbing my head.

  “You need to feed.” concern was on his face.

  “I don’t hunt humans!” I snarled.

  He smiled, “Good, you can come with me then.” he said waiting for me to follow him.

  I followed him to a black SUV. There was another man sitting in the driver seat. “Stephen, Hells bells! Who the hell is that?” he pointed to me.

  “Nora this is Gabriel or Gabe.” our eyes met.

  “Hi Gabe.” I said weakly.


  “Just go man.” I sat in the backseat by myself. I could see Gabe watching me in the rearview mirror.

  “Relax, man. She doesn’t hunt humans. I think she might be a good candidate for Doc. Kane’s serum.” He turned around in his seat.

  “This will help with the thirst and will keep you strong.” he smiled again at me. I was beginning to feel dizzy and weak. The whole vehicle was getting fuzzy and they guys in the front seat was beginning to sound faint.

  I woke up in a bed, in a warehouse type building. There was a syringe next to the bed with a note.

  ‘Nora, best to take this in your ass. You will feel alittle high at first but it only lasts a few minutes, bummer. But it helps with the thirst and it will keep you strong and it also sustains you for a while. Stephen’

  I picked up the syringe and looked at it. There was purplish like liquid inside it. I stood up and injected it into my right butt cheek. I could feel the fluid ease its way into my veins.

  After a few minutes, I felt a little funny. I sat on the bed, staring at the floor.

  “Nora?” I looked towards the voice. It was Stephen.

  “How ya feel?” he asked. I smiled.

  He smiled back. “Good stuff huh? Can you follow me?” sound more like he was joking then anything else. I shook my head and did just that. I followed him down into the garage and into a room full of weapon and explosives.

  “What is this place?” I asked. Finally feeling back in my right state of mind.

  “Well Gabe and I.. Well I guess to put it as simple as possible is, we are vampire hunters.” he walked over to a machine gun.

  “So you hunt your own kind?” I asked.

  “In a sense yes. But we only hunt the ones that kill and hunt humans. Our goal is to preserve human live.” Gabe said.

  “I get it, so what do you want with me?” I looked at Stephen.

  “Well, since you don’t hunt humans and obviously have respect for human life, well. How about joining us, what do you say?” he asked looking at Gabe.

  “Um….” I scratched my head. “Sure, what do I need to do? I mean I don’t have any place to go or own anything.”’ A knocked snapped me back from the memory.

  “Yeah?” I answered.

  “Nora?” Corbin said my name. If my heart still had a beat it would be running away with me.

  “What?” I answered.

  “It can wait until you get out.” he said. I heard him walk away from the door. It didn’t take me long to get out of the tub and dressed.

  I came out of the bathroom to find Corbin shirtless and sleeping on the bed. I could feel myself wanting to lay beside him. But Michaels face appeared in my mind, I then turned around and began to get my stuff ready to head to France. That’s where Kyle was living now, he didn’t know that I was a vampire either. This would be interesting, I haven’t seen him since Nikki’s funeral. I knew their granddaughter CJ was a werewolf too, she was living with Kyle.

  After several hours of sleeping Corbin woke up, “How long did I sleep?” he asked.

  “A few hours, no big deal.” I said.

  “Well, we better get going.” he sat up and finally slid on a shirt.

  We hailed a cab outside the hostel and headed to the airport. The airport was packed, people where shoulder to shoulder. It made me nervous, Corbin agreed to get the tickets so I could stay back and not let people get close enough to feel my cool skin. After several minutes later Corbin returned with the tickets.

  We boarded the plane with several other passengers. I walked down the aisle and found our seats. Corbin sat in the aisle, I sat by the window. The coolness of my body gave off would clue in the flight attendance what I was. The pilot came over the PA and spoke some instructions in German then French and then English.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to flight 479
non stop flight to Paris. Please see the non-smoking sign.” They did the typical in-flight instructions. “The in-flight movie is Funny Lady. Please sit back, relax and thanks for flying PSA Air.”

  I kept looking out the window. “What’s so interesting down there?” Corbin asked.

  “People.” I answered.

  “Uh yeah. Why are you staring?” he said adjusting his seat.

  “Thinking.” I answered.

  “About?” He asked.

  I turned towards him. “Everything.”

  “Can you be more specific?” he chuckled.

  “The war, the wolves, the…….” The flight attendant interrupted me.

  “Would you like anything?” she asked. I shook my head. Corbin flashed his charming smile.

  “Soda please.” he said giving her a wink.

  “What kind would you like?” she asked.

  “Surprise me.” he flirted. The attendant blushed, smiled and went to get his soda.

  “Same old Corbin and that rustic charm.” I teased.

  “Ha, ha. I attract the ladies.” he said jokingly, I just rolled my eyes. Then the whole cabin went dark and the movie started. I focused on the movie trying to get my mind focused on something else. A loud snore from beside me made me look. Corbin’s head was tilted back and his mouth was hung open. He was snoring so loudly people were actually staring at him.

  “Corbin?” I whispered, poking him in the side. He jerked himself awake.

  “Yeah.” acting like he wasn’t doing anything.

  “Shit your loud.” I teased him. He gave an embarrassing chuckle and started to watch the movie too.

  The seat in front of me moved and then a child’s face was peeking over the back of the head rest. He was a cute little boy around 9 maybe 10 with huge brown eyes.

  “Bonjour.” he said with a smile.

  “Bonjour. Parlez-vous Anglais?” I asked.

  “Oui, only a little.” he answered.

  “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “Marcus?” he smiled. Missing his two front teeth.

  “I’m Nora. How old are you?” I smiled back.

  “Dix.” he looked at Corbin funny.

  “Dix? Ten?” I asked. He shook his head.

  “Votre mari ronfle bruyamment.” he said still staring at Corbin. The way he looked at him was odd, almost like he knew what he was.

  “Oh he isn’t my husband.” I answered. His head turned slowly towards me.

  “Vous saves Françias?” he asked with a huge smile on his face.

  “Oui.” I answered. “but not very good, I rather speak English.”

  “Oh understand, mademoiselle.” he smiled.

  “You sure your only 10. You talk like your much older.” I teased.

  “Yes, I am sure.” he chuckled. Something about this boy gave me an uneasy feeling. Something odd about him.

  “Marcus.” I heard a woman call from the seat beside him. He turned an looked at her. “Faire demi-tour. Asseyez-vous… En ce moment!” she sounded like she meant business.

  “Ah Momma!” he complained and turn around. The rest of the flight was quiet. I could hear Marcus and his “mother” talking from the front seat. They sounded almost like they were planning something and Corbin came up a few times then. How did they know his name? I quietly nudged Corbin awake.

  “Corbin.” I whispered his name his eyes slowly opened.

  “What?’ his tone matching mine.

  “The two people in the front seat are planning something and you seem to be the target.” I informed him.

  Corbin sat up in his seat. “Oh, you speak French?” he asked.

  “Yes, some.” I answered.

  “I am going to go to the bathroom and see if either one of them follow me, and if they do you follow them, ok?” he said.

  “Ok.” I agreed.

  Corbin got up and headed back to the bathrooms. Shortly after Marcus followed him. I went to get up but the smell of blood kept me sitting. The smell of blood coming from the front seat, red was appearing on the back of the seat. I stood up and looked over the front seat. There was the woman, dead, but made to look like she was sleeping. I hurried to get away from the blood and to make sure that Corbin wouldn’t get hurt.

  I was standing outside of the stall that Corbin was in. I could hear talking and then I heard fighting. I threw open the door and Marcus was about ready to stab Corbin, I grabbed him and pulled him out. He smacked the seats behind me. Lucky the back of the plane was empty. The little monster stood up and his eyes were glowing, he was a vampire.

  “You will die!” he growled at me. He darted towards me with a knife outstretched in front of him. I dodged it and turned to look at him.

  “Why? Why are you after Corbin?” I asked.

  “Victor, wants him dead and I am all to happy to kill him. His kind are an abomination to this world.” he growled. He went for me again. This time I grabbed him and threw him in the bathroom with Corbin who was ready this time, I quickly shut the door.

  I sat back down in our spot when a flight attendant came towards me, “Pardon me, Madame.”

  “Yes?” I answered.

  “Where is the man who is sitting here?” she pointed to Corbin’s spot.

  “Rest room, flying causes him to have a sick stomach.” I lied.

  “Oh, would you like anything?” she asked.

  “No thank you.” I was holding my breath, the blood that was soaking the seat in front of me was setting my throat on fire. I grabbed my bag and headed back to the bathroom, I needed my serum shot.

  When I returned from the bathroom, Corbin was sitting down and sipping his soda. He acted like nothing happened. I sat next to him and gave him a puzzled look. He shook his head and then pointed to the seat in front of me that was now dripping with blood and it was now starting to flow under the seats and to the front of the plane.

  Corbin called for the attendant and asked for 2 towels. She returned with them and I quickly laid them down to soak up some of the blood to give us time.

  We finally landed in Paris at the Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport. We only had one bag each, so we didn’t need to go to the baggage claim. We headed right to the ticket counter.

  “Excusez-moi?” I said to a tall woman with red hair. “Parlez-vous Anglais?” I asked.

  “Oui.” she answered. I sighed in relief.

  “We need a ticket to the U.S.” I said digging for my money.

  “Sorry, but all flights to America has been cancelled or delayed.” she answered.

  “Why?” Corbin asked.

  “I don’t know, I just got the announcement from my manager.” she gave a apologetic look. “Perhaps I could get you a hotel until the flights resume?”

  I turned and looked at Corbin. “Well.” I sighed.

  “Looks like we don’t have a choice.” he looked at the clerk.

  “Ok. Let me see what we have.” she began typing on the computer. “I can get you a room at the Radisson Blu Hotel. Its kind of expensive but they have 24 hour room service.” she study our expressions.

  “Fine, we will take it.” I answered.

  “Ok, One room or two?” she asked.

  “One with two beds.” I said.

  “Ok. All done. You have a room waiting. I am so sorry for the trouble.” she apologized.

  “Its not your fault. And thank you.” I said sitting some cash on the counter.

  “Oh no mademoiselle, I can not take this.” she went to hand it back.

  “Have a good day.” I smiled and we turned around to hail a cab. I was starting to get tired, I needed to rest. Just because I was a vampire don’t mean I didn’t need to sleep. Like everything else in the world I too needed sleep.

  We pulled in front of the hotel, the place was obviously for the rich. Men in three piece suits and woman in silk dressed were going in and out. I looked over at Corbin. At this pointed I didn’t car
e, I wanted rest.

  We walked inside and immediately everyone was staring at us. I quickly found the desk. The woman behind the desk looked at me up and down. “Die venue á Paris.” she said with a snotty tone.

  “Parlez-vous Français?” I asked.

  “Oui.” she answered.

  “Good, we have a reservation for Nora Hanson or Corbin Crow.” she raised and eyebrow and she got a good look at what we were wearing.

  “Rooms here are 600 euros a night.” she said typing on the computer.

  “Just get our room ready.” I ordered.

  “Very well, mademoiselle. Nora Hanson, room 67A, the sixth floor.” she turned around and took a key off the peg board behind her. “here you go, have a good night.” I took the key from her and headed to the elevator.

  We walked into the beautiful room. I kicked off my shoes and plopped down on the bed and it took me no time to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. I woke up to Corbin snoring on the other bed. I felt wonderful, like I could demolish a building.

  After a shower and a clean change of clothes I was ready for the hunt. Kyle would probably try to kill me or his granddaughter/my cousin would. I waited for Corbin to wake up, he was tossing and turning in his sleep. I walked over to the window and looked out. I could see the light starting on the horizon. The sun look like a red ball of fire in the sky. Daylight was starting and I was ready.