Read Pack 3 Page 6


  Traveling to Russia this time was odd. I didn’t need a bodyguard or have Matt constantly worrying about me or have a daughter to rescue.

  Every place I been before had changed such as Gravehille Manor was now a potato farm and the small villages I once went through were thriving cities with lots of people. Since the Skuggors were not longer a threat people could live in peace and safety.

  It took a few days to find Wolfgang’s manor, but finally we did. It looked the same. We walked up to the huge door and knocked. We could hear it echoing down the long corridors inside. After several minutes we could hear footsteps coming to the door.

  “Finally!” Gabe sighed.

  The door slowly creaked open and a young woman stood there. “Can I help you, Miss?” she answered in a strong English accent.

  “Yes, is the Master in?” I asked politely.

  “Yes, Miss. Is he expecting you?” she eyed us like we were a threat.

  “Maybe. Could you please tell him Nora Hanson is here to see him and its quite urgent.” I smiled sweetly at her.

  “Right away, Miss. Please wait here.” she then slowly closed the door. I looked over at Gabe and Stephen. They were both fidgeting and acting nervous.

  “You two look nervous. Whats up?” I asked.

  “Nothing really,” Gabe answered. “just a little out of my element.” Stephen just shook his head.

  “Ah, don’t be pussies.” I teased. Just then the door slowly squeaked open and the young maid returned.

  “He’ll see you now, Miss.” she stepped to the side so we could get in. She lightly shut the door behind us. “Follow me.” we let her go first down the long spotless corridor.

  “Do you believe this place?” Gabe whispered, I just shushed them. The maid showed us to the den.

  “Sir, Nora and her friends are here.” she softly spoke.

  “Thank you, Anna. You may take you leave.” Wolfgang’s familiar voice spoke. “Ah! Nora, how great it is to see you again.” he went to shake my hand. “My, My for someone who suppose to be in here 50s you are looking really well…. Aged.” he then looked at Stephen and Gabe. “Gentlemen.” he greeted them and they greeted him just as friendly.

  “These are my friends, Stephen and Gabriel.” I pointed to them as I said their name.

  “So you’re a vampire like me.” he said cheerfully.

  “So are Stephen and Gabe. They are on Dr. Kane’s serum like me….”

  “Dr. Kane? Maxwell Kane?” he interrupted.

  “Yes, do you know him?” I asked.

  “Oh Yes, very well.” he walked over to the table and poured something into a glass. “Since you’re a vampire now, I can offer some.” he held up a glass.

  “No thank you.” I politely declined.

  “Very well. So Nora what is it you want?” he asked sipping from the glass.

  “Its about Noah. I have a few questions.” watching him drink the thick liquid made me uneasy.

  “I heard that he was finally destroyed.” he sat down in a over size chair.

  “How did you know?” Stephen asked.

  “My guards in America. I like to keep tabs on everything.” he took another sip.

  “I thought if your bitten by a werewolf and that werewolf dies you become human?” I asked.

  “Typically that’s true. But if your referring to Noah, well that’s a little different.” he sat his glass down and stood up. “Noah was…” he stopped. “hold on one moment please.” he disappeared out of the room and emerged a few minutes later holding a thick folder. “here read this.” he handed the file to Gabe, since he was the biggest of us three.

  “What this?” Gabe asked.

  “Read it and when you have questions, ask Dr. Kane. He is familiar with the research as well.” he turned his attention back to the glass.

  “Thank you sir.” I said turning around to leave.

  “Nora, can I speak to you alone please?” he asked. Gabe and Stephen looked at me.

  “It’s ok guys, I will join you in a moment.” I smiled.

  “Ok, hurry up.” Stephen said. He waited for them to be out of sight.

  “Nora, I didn’t know how to tell you this in front of your friends. It’s about Victor.” he walked closer to me.

  “Victor? What about him?” I asked.

  “When you read them papers you will find out something about him and maybe a something about yourself. I know he is the one that bit you.” he spoken softly.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  “Read the files and you will find out.” he smiled.

  “Thanks again, Sir.” I turned and joined the guys outside.

  “What did he want?” Gabe asked.

  “Nothing, I think… Lets get back to the hotel room.” I said walking towards the horses.

  We got back to the hotel, I couldn’t wait to read the file that Wolfgang gave us. Gabe, Stephen and I all were sharing a room because we didn’t trust people in this country. Gabe unlocked the door and we walked into the room. I had the file gripped to my chest.

  “So how are we going to do this?” Stephen asked.

  “Each of us take a stack and read. With our heads together I am sure we’ll come up with some sort of answer.” I suggested. I grabbed the first half, then Stephen and Gabe. I sat down on the bed and began reading, but found nothing interesting.

  Gabe stood up. “Hey guys I think I found something.” Stephen and I walked over to him.

  He began reading. “ ‘Noah is showing early signs of rabies. His mother still has no idea what I am doing.

  I just want to find out if this hemophilia can be cured. I am still at a lost at how he has this disorder. As far as I know there was no one on either side has this.

  The Crow family are very trusting and I feel awful that I have to betray that. But my son deserves to have a normal life.

  Corbin and Kyle came in today to see their sister. The form of Lycanthropy they have keeps them from aging. If they bite another person the disease is passed on but not in the original form. The person is infected but they do age.

  Corbin, Kyle and the rest of the Crow family seem to have it imbedded in their DNA and the normal things that kill a werewolf don’t really applied to them. This is why I must use their sisters blood. The cancer she has is most unfortunate but I have isolated the cancer from her blood and now have the pure DNA.

  Not sure if Lycanthropy applies to the type of werewolf the Crows have. Most Lycanthropic are bitten in which causes the transformation.’ that’s it on that page.” Gabe handed me the paper.

  “Keep looking.” I ordered. I sat back on the bed and started to read again. I flipped page after page then a sealed envelope. I opened it and took out the letter inside of it.

  ‘My Dearest Family, I am so sorry that I have put you through so much heartache and sadness. Just remember I love you more than anything and I am so sorry for putting this on you. I know I don’t have much time left and Dr. Warchec is treating me very well and really kind. I know what he is doing with my blood and I think its ok, his son means a lot to him and he is trying to save him. But I have seen his son and he has a darkness surrounding him. He is evil, extreme evil! This is why I am writing this letter. If this next blood transfusion goes like planned Noah will become some sort of next generation werewolf. I heard them speaking and they said what Noah has is extremely infectious. Its worse then rabies, any contact with his bodily fluids will turn a person into what he is. He isn’t a werewolf like Corbin or Kyle. I must go I can hear my nurse. I love you all. I hope this letter reaches you. Love Sarah A. Crow’

  I folded the letter up, “Hey guys.” they looked at me. “Read this.” I handed the letter to Stephen. They both took turns in reading it.

  “They referred to rabies again.” Gabe said handing the letter back to me.

  “It make sense. They said rabies is transferred through
a bite, you know, have you ever watched Cujo?” Stephen said trying to make a point.

  “Stephen is right. But then what are vampires? I don’t have anything left so being human right now…. isn’t an option .. And I don’t want to be human.” I said walking towards the window.

  “I know the feeling. But we are still at step one. We don’t know how to kill the werewolves that are causing havoc on the city.” Gabe said sitting down his stack of papers.

  “Maybe….. They keep referring it to rabies. Maybe some sort of vaccine…a rabies vaccine?” I suggested. They looked at each other then at me.

  “Nora, you’re a freaking genius!” Gabe smiled.

  “Ok so lets get a hold of Dr. Kane he might be helpful at finding the stuff we need. We should head back to the States and get started right away.” They agreed with me and we packed and headed back home. Our first stop would be to see Dr. Kane and show him the papers we received.

  We walked into Dr. Kane’s lab, we knew where to find him. Where he always is. Staring into his microscope but this time he wasn’t there.

  “Dr. Kane?” I called for him.

  “Nora? In here, child.” he called from the back room. He was holding a long syringe and filling it with some kind of glowing fluid.

  “We need your help.” I ask softly.

  “Like always. What help do you need now?” he asked still keeping a steady hand.

  “We have some paper work on Noah Warchec.” I held out the folder. He finished what he was doing.

  “Ah! You went and saw Wolfgang. How is he?” he asked.

  “Quite well. We think that what Noah had is something like rabies.” Gabe said.

  “Rabies?” he arched his eyebrows. “Yes, I thought that once too but, not quite rabies. He has is something more advanced. We tried to treat him with a anti-viral medicine.” he took the folder from me and began looking though it.

  “There are more werewolves out there and they all seem to be like Noah or how he was?” Stephen said.

  “How do we stop them?” I asked.

  “With this.” he held up the glowing liquid

  “Whats that?” Gabe asked staring at it

  “Polly-myoxate.” he smiled

  “What?” Gabe raised an eyebrow.

  “It will work and here is more serum for you 3.” he handed us a wooden crate.

  “Thank you Dr. Kane.” I handed him some money.

  “Welcome, Child.” he smiled wider.

  We left his lab and headed back to the hide out.




  To all my Pack fans, yes, this is another addition to Pack. Vamp is a story about Nora, just like Pack.

  But this is based on Nora’s life as a vampire and how she deals with some very tough situations.

  I hope you enjoy this addition to the series.




  Pack Series