Read Pack 3 Page 8




  Anders was sitting in an overstuff chair in his living room watching the news. Watching that pudgy bastard made my blood boil. What he done to Zander and my adopted family irked me to no end. I was going to scare him, well that was the plan.

  I slipped into his well guarded house and into the shadows of his living room. I waited there in silence until the opportune time. He turned to grab another cigar out of a wooden cigar box next to his chair.

  “You shouldn’t smoke so much.” I said stepping out of the shadows. I watched his head snap towards me and his heart began to speed up.

  “Who…are.. You?” he stammered.

  “My name isn’t important.” I stepped closer to him, with each step his heart sped up to an amazing pace. My vampire feature were visible.

  “Oh my…. Please don’t bite me!” he begged, his breathing began to get heavy.

  “Relax.” I ordered. “I’m not into drinking scum.”

  “Scum? Do you know who I am?” he questioned me.

  “Of course I do. That’s why I am here.” I said picking up a picture off the tv to study it.

  “I don’t understand.” he stuttered. I sat down the picture and got really close to him.

  “I can smell your fear.” I sniffed the air. I was doing what I had to do to scare him, even if I had to be extremely dramatic.

  “Don’t bite me.” he begged again.

  “Like I said I’m not into drinking scum.” I took a few steps back. His heart was beating like a race horse. I didn’t want him to die of a heart attack. “But I am here to warn you.”

  “Warn…..Me?” he began to laugh. “You don’t know who your dealing with, do you?” he chuckled a little more.

  “Oh I think I do. Do you know who your dealing with? I don’t think you do! You ordered humans to kill immortals. That will cause a war!” I watched a smile spread across his lips.

  “I know.” he gave an evil laugh.

  “Who you think will win? Humans?” I watched his face drop.

  “Yes! Your race and the other monsters are an abomination!” he stood up and pressed a button on top of the end table.

  Five armed men came in. “Is there a problem Mr. Anders?” then they saw me. Without giving any orders they began to fire at me. I jumped out the window and landed on my feet on the concrete drive way below. I was hit, I could feel the burning of the bullets inside my body.

  I ran into the thickest part of the tree line and out of sight. I leaned against the tree to see how badly I was hurt. This was the first time as a vampire I was shot, so I didn’t know if I was bulletproof or not. I watched in amazement as metal blobs popped out of my skin and onto the ground. My wounds healed as soon as the slugs were out. I ran my hand over the spots where I was shot and nothing. I was thankful at that moment that I was immortal.

  I picked up of the bullet slugs and stared at it with amazement. ‘Wow!’ I thought. I dropped it and ran deeper into the woods to get as far as I could from the mansion I could. All I thought about was of Dutch Anders and the new law. I knew a war was coming and the humans would be all exterminated. I hoped the vampires weren’t that stupid to rid all human life.

  I headed back to the hideout where I felt safe. I could hear angry voice before I entered into the main room. “Screw you, Michael!” I heard Gabe yell.

  “Calm down! Shit its only a suggestion!” Michael yelled back.

  “Hey! Whats going on?” I interrupted the screaming match.

  “He suggested we leave town and go into hiding.” Gabe said basically yelling at me.

  “Don’t yell! We are not going into hiding. Besides that Anders guy is wanting to start a war. If we leave everyone we care about will most likely die.”

  “We? What do you mean we? Michael just wants you to go.” Stephen snapped.

  “No Michael, I’m not running. I have too much at stake here.” I glared at him.

  “What? The family that don’t even know you exist!” Michael snapped back.

  “Wrong!” I retorted. “They know now!” Michael went to slap me. “Do it! I dare you!” I dared him. He didn’t scare me and he knew it.

  “You wait this will come back to haunt you. Just you wait and see.” he spun around and left. I watched him leave.

  “War? What war?” Gabe finally asked.

  “Dutch Anders whole idea is to start a war between humans and immortals.” I turned back to face Stephen and Gabe.

  “That’s insane!” Gabe shook his head.

  “I know, we have to something about it.” I said

  “Like what?” Stephen asked. It hit me right then that we needed Michael. If he loves me as much as he says he does he will be willing to help me out.

  “Shit!” I yelled.

  “What?“ Gabe called after me. I ran out of the room to go after Michael.

  “Michael!” I called after him.

  “What?” he answered, thankfully he was still in the building.

  “Stop!” I finally caught up to him.

  “Changed you mind?” he asked. He looked angry.

  “No, but I need our help” I tried to sound sincere.

  “Help with what? He growled.

  “Most of the vampires listen to you and…”

  “And you need me to address the vampire nation.” He interrupted.

  “Yes. I know you don’t understand why I feel like I have to stay, Michael, but…...”

  “Actually,” he interrupted. “I do understand. Like you I wasn’t always a vampire. I had a human life too.” he said turning completely around to look at me. “I had children and a wife once.” he lowered his head.

  “You did?” I asked surprised.

  “I had 2 beautiful girls, twins.” he leaned against the wall. “Serena and Sabrina. Beautiful blonde girls, like their mother.”

  “What happened?” I asked. “if I can ask.” I leaned beside him.

  “Its ok, not many people know about my past. I was trying protect the girls from an vampire invasion, I locked my wife and girls in the cellar. Me and my brother were keeping watch. We were taken over by the vampires. One bit me and left me for dead. My brother was killed instantly. They never got to the girls in the cellar. It was still dark when I finally came to, that when I realized what happened. So I went away from them scared of hurting them.” He turned away from me.

  “That’s what I did. I left my family, scared of hurting them. Scared I wouldn’t be able to control my thirst.” I placed my hand on his shoulder.

  “I made an oath to myself, that I would never fall in love again. Until.” he turned and faced me. “Until I met you. I love you so much Nora.” he ran his hand down my cheek. “I am so sorry I even thought about slapping you.”

  “I knew you wouldn’t.” I smiled. We kissed softly.

  “You really need my help?” he asked.

  “Yes. You don’t have to stay, but I need you to address the vampires at least warn them of the upcoming war. So they are at least prepared.” he smiled at me.

  “Ok, lets go.” he grabbed my hand and we started to run to the train station. We walked into the throne room.

  “Dean, Thomas, Joel and Wes I need you to put a word out that all vampires are needed here immediately.” Michael ordered. They bowed their heads and left right away. “Now we must wait.

  “Have you ever heard about vampires escaping from the refugee camps?” I asked.

  “Yes, they aren’t guarded that well. Why?” he asked.

  “I killed a vampire not long ago. A child.” I said lowering my head.

  “They are out there, some as young as 4 or 5 years of age. Some vampires don’t care especially when thirst takes over, they don’t think and they are overcome with bloodlust.” he sat on his throne. “I want you standing on my right side when they come in.” I smiled at him.

  “Why?” I asked standing
beside him.

  “You will be seen as my equal.” he took my hand and kissed it. I gave him a smile, I would also be seen as his mate.

  I stood there and watched other vampires fill the room. I could feel their eyes on me, wondering who I was.

  Michael stood up and held his hand up, “Brothers and sisters of the Vampire Nation. I am sure your wondering why I have summoned you here on short noticed.” murmurs filled the room. He held up his hands again. “Trouble is on the horizon for our kind and the talk of war with humans is also approaching.”

  “War?” a females voice echoed from the back.

  “Yes, please listen to me fully. It has come to my attention that certain humans are looking to start a war with vampires and werewolves….”

  “Bullshit! You call us here to cause panic!” a males voice interrupted him.

  “No!” I said. All eyes were on me including Michaels. “The human who is leading this war will stop at nothing to make our kind and werewolf kind are exterminated.” I said.

  “Give us the name.” someone ordered.

  “No!” Michael yelled. “Harming this human will cause the war to come faster. Right now we have to protect our kind and even the werewolves.”

  “Wolves are mindless beast!” someone called from the back. Michael quickly turned around giving me the stay quiet look and I did.

  “No, we know the truth about the story, just because the wolves don’t isn’t their fault.” Michael said.

  “Who is the female?” A man asked next to me. I looked at him and he was staring at me with distrust.

  “This is Nora Hanson, she is my mate.” he said, causing the room to hush.

  “Finally Michael after all these years you finally found someone.” a female said with kindness.

  I seen the doors open and the crowd split and a woman in a red dress and 4 big men walked towards us. Michael stepped back up beside me.

  “Who is that?” I whispered.

  “Raven, she is bad news.” he answered. “But she still has to listen to me.” she stopped and looked up at us.

  “Michael, I am appalled you called me here like a dog.” she snarled.

  “Raven, watch your tone, you are still part of the vampire nation and I still rule it. You will do what your leader asks of you.” Michael snapped.

  “What does my leader want?” she asked. He went over everything again.

  “So, then its true about the war?” she shook her head. Then her eyes met mine. “Who is this divine creature?” she asked smiling at me.

  “Nora, my mate.” he answered.

  “She is very lovely.” she winked at me. I turned away, I heard her chuckle.

  Soon the room cleared and Michael left me to meet with the nation elders, there were going over a battle plan. I decided to leave and head back to the hideout.

  I walked in to the garage to find it almost empty with no Stephen or Gabe. “Gabe!” I called out, nothing. “Stephen!” still nothing. I began searching everywhere. There was nothing left and they took all the serum as well. Something white flickering on the floor caught my eye. I quickly ran to it. It was a piece of paper, a note from Gabe.

  ‘Nora, we didn’t abandon you, he moved. Last night when you were with Michael we were attacked by humans, led by Dutch Anders. Lucky we weren’t there. They now know we are there so do not linger here long. We are at the second hideout. You remember where that is? If not here is a clue, Elm. See you when you get here. Gabe.’

  I quickly left and headed towards the second hide out which was a pain in the ass to get to. First you had to swim underwater then go through a long underwater tunnel and you were there.

  I surfaced to find Gabe and Stephen waiting for me. “You finally made it!” Stephen said with excitement.

  “Yeah.” I climbed out of the water and Gabe handed me a towel.

  “Come with us.” Gabe said walking toward a tunnel. I wrapped the towel around me and I followed him. The place looked a lot like the garage, I just wondered how they got everything in there without getting it wet.

  “We have news.” Stephen said, sitting down at the computer.

  “What news?” I asked.

  “Corbin news.” Stephen teased.

  “Corbin? What about him?” I asked.

  “We found out he is in Germany somewhere, we think Hamburg.” Stephen said typing away on his computer.

  “So? Why do I care.” I asked.

  “You have a task. You have to go to Germany and get Corbin and bring him here to help out with this war.” Gabe said sternly and handed me a folder.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “Plane tickets and a passport. Your going to Germany, tonight.” Gabe turned and left the room.