Read Pack Challenge Page 15

  Warmth spread from her groin and up her back, blazing heat building. She held onto his shoulders, the only thing keeping her standing.

  “You, Zach.” She opened her eyes and looked down at him. “I want you.”

  Was that surprise on his handsome face? She wasn’t sure. But a second later it disappeared, replaced by the hungry look of a predator. He kept working her clit, while his other two fingers slowly fucked her. She dug her own fingers into his shoulders as the first spasm tore through her. Sara gasped and let out a moan as she came.

  Zach felt her orgasm when her tight pussy practically snapped his fingers in two during the first spasm. It was watching her beautiful face, though, that made it all worth it. Her eyes closed, her bottom lip gripped by one of her incisors. Add in that fucking amazing growling sound she made when she came and he was in wolf heaven.

  She spasmed again and then her knees gave out. He made sure she dropped onto the couch as opposed to the floor. Her breath coming out in ragged gasps and her fingers still gripping his shoulders. He laid his hand gently on her mound until the spasms eased down.

  Finally she loosened her grip on him. But, to his surprise, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her forehead against his chest and holy shit, but did that feel good—and right. “When, exactly,” she mumbled into his chest, “did I become such a fucking whore?”

  Now Zach was completely confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “Me. I’m a whore.”

  Zach wasn’t sure if she wanted him to start calling her that during sex or if she was serious. Instead of potentially sending her spiraling into depression, he decided to go with her possibly being serious.

  “Do you do this sort of thing with everybody in town?”

  “No!” She glared up at him, completely insulted.

  “Then you’re not a whore. Psychotic? Absolutely. Whore? No. Now…” He brushed against her smooth, tight body as he stretched out on the couch, his erection standing at full attention, as the damn thing always seemed to do in her presence. “I think you’ve got some unfinished business here.”

  She frowned in confusion, so he motioned to his cock. “Hello? You didn’t finish the job last night.”

  She smirked, her arms crossing in front of her gorgeous chest. “If I remember correctly, you practically ripped the hair out of my head getting me off it.”

  “I called rain check.”

  Sara exploded into laughter. She had the sweetest laugh and, unlike the entire Pack, actually found him funny. “You are so full of shit!”

  “No. Really. I said,” he covered his mouth with one hand, still smelling her scent on it, “rain check.”

  “That’s funny, ‘cause I thought I heard ‘flip over’.”

  “I was thinking rain check?” he asked hopefully.

  “Pathetic.” She ran one long finger up the entire length of his shaft. “At least not all of you is as pathetic.” Dragging her finger along the tip, she cleaned off the pre-come. He watched her slip that finger into her mouth and suck it clean. He clenched his jaw tight as she leaned into him, her naked body pressing against his. She swept her tongue around and across his nipple, placed her mouth against it and softly sucked. Zach felt the tension from the past day slip away as her tongue led a brutal trail down his chest and across his abs, stopping briefly to lick his recent wound. Reaching out with both hands, he gently touched her black hair, marveling at how beautiful it was. How beautiful she was.

  When his dick slipped into her mouth and that evil tongue of hers swirled around the tip, he forgot about everything but her. The Pack. The Pride. The war. He forgot all of it as he became lost to the scent of her body, the feel of her mouth on him, the way the silky strands of her hair felt on his naked flesh. He wanted this to last forever, but his body couldn’t hold out that long. Not when he looked down and saw his dick being sucked by the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. The woman he loved.

  Zach, his body screaming toward orgasm, grabbed Sara’s head in both hands and roughly fucked her mouth. She didn’t get mad. She laughed, her lips smiling around his dick and her hands gripping his thighs until his come flooded her mouth, and he let out a roar that shook the couch.

  As the last spasm rippled through him, Zach laid back and tried to remember his name. Sara moved back up his body, kissing him as she went along. He felt her tongue slide across his neck and over his jaw. Then her lips were on his and he gripped her to him. He tasted himself when she sucked on his tongue and he immediately got hard again.

  She pulled away from his kiss and looked down at his dick nudging at her sex. “Hold it!” Suddenly Zach was staring at her crotch as she bent over him to grab at her backpack. And since he was there anyway…

  “Hey!” That after his tongue darted out and swiped her clit. “Cut that out.” But she didn’t sound half-convincing. She lowered herself to his lap and handed him the box of condoms.

  He looked at it and smiled. “You do know you just licked my very recently opened wound?”

  “So? Oh God, what’s wrong with you? Mange?”

  “There’s nothing a therapist couldn’t cure.”

  She nodded knowingly. “You could use a good therapist.”

  “I was talking about you.”

  Sara whipped that middle finger out like she might fast-draw a gun. “Besides, it’s not disease I’m worried about.” She leaned close to him, her face filled with the most serious expression he’d ever seen from her. “The fact is, I don’t want children. Ever. And when I’m thirty, I’m gettin’ fixed.”

  Zach frowned and leaned back. Could he have heard her correctly? She didn’t want children? Ever? She didn’t pine to be a mother? To know the joy of childbirth? Blah, blah, blah?

  He grabbed her tight by the shoulders and stared straight at her. “My God, woman, I’ve been waiting for you all my life!” Startled by his shout, Sara reared back and fell off the couch.

  “Shit, are you okay?” Zach looked down at her as she raised herself up on her elbows.

  “What the fuck was that?”

  “That…” he quickly slipped the condom on and was off the couch and between her legs, “…was utter fucking joy. That’s what that was.” He kissed her neck, her breasts, sucked on her earlobes.

  Sara laughed at his loving onslaught. “You’re insane.”

  Zach grabbed her waist and yanked her down while he thrust forward. His dick slammed into her and Sara stopped speaking. He was going to fuck the hell out of her and he just wanted her to enjoy it. He didn’t want her to think about another goddamn thing while he was inside her.

  Zach pulled back and slammed into her again. He marveled at how wet and tight she was. How sweet she smelled. And he loved that she wasn’t into “nice”. Because he had no real idea how “nice” worked. He equated “nice” to “boring” and neither of them were boring in his book.

  Sara’s bit into the lower part of his neck where his throat and collarbone met, her hands ripping ribbons of skin from his back. But he didn’t mind. He barely felt it. Besides, every time she bit into him or tore flesh from him, she marked him as her own. Forever. Whether she meant to or not.

  When her hands dug into his ass and she bit down into his shoulder—canines pushing through to ensure he couldn’t get away—he buried himself inside her, pumping into her hot, wet pussy. The sounds of her moans and growls filled his senses, making him love her more and more. When he clamped his canines onto the side of her breast, her pussy clenched his cock into a vise-like grip as the first orgasm hit her.

  He could have come then. Could have let her go, but he wasn’t about to. He wasn’t nearly done with her.

  Sara knew she had to be causing him some serious pain. He bled from several spots on his neck, and under her fingernails she had flesh once belonging to his back. But every time her canines extended and tasted his flesh and blood, he slammed into her harder. She was turning him on, and everything about him made her wetter, hotter. Every time he said h
er name in her ear or against her flesh, she clenched, taking him deeper inside her.

  When she came, she thought he’d come too and they’d lay around and do that “afterglow” thing Angie always talked about. But he didn’t come. Instead he kept going. Kept slamming into her with the same level of ferociousness she’d come to expect—hell, demand—of him. And when his hand slid across the old wound on her thigh, Sara gasped, her entire body tightening.

  Zach stopped. “God, did I hurt you?”

  “No.” She shook her head and stared at him. She couldn’t tell him, couldn’t give him that much power. That sort of thing could make a girl like her into some guy’s love slave. Unfortunately, Zach read her like a book. He glanced down at her leg, his hand hovering right above it. With the lightest of touches, he ran his finger across the damaged flesh, and Sara grabbed his hand, her entire body jerking in response.

  She couldn’t explain it, but her old wound had somehow become a giant G-spot on her leg. Those fucking cats had somehow given Zacharias Sheridan the keys to the kingdom—namely her—and now Zach knew it. She received no comfort from the evil grin he gave her.

  And when he pinned her hands above her head with one hand, she knew she was in serious trouble. Using his free hand, he slowly moved across her thigh, moved along the ridges left by those who’d tried to kill her as well as the paw marks he’d made a few days before. Sara’s body arched in response, her pussy flooded.

  Zach watched her face and she couldn’t hide the pleasure he gave her. Not with her thighs clamping tight around his waist, ready to snap the man in half—the sensations almost too much to bear. She tried to pull her arms out of his iron grip, though she couldn’t guarantee once her hands were free whether she’d knock him off her or simply rip more flesh from his back.

  He began to fuck her again, his hand relentlessly moving across her old wound. Trapped while he basically forced unbearable pleasure onto her. She’d kill him if it hadn’t been the best fuck of her life.

  It didn’t take long for Sara to come again, and good thing the bastard had control over her hands. She came so hard she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t have torn his throat out or ripped his cock off. Instead she buried her teeth under his chin and bit down. His body jerked in response and then he was coming, right behind her, slamming his cock into her, his hand gripping the flesh of her thigh.

  They both screamed out, the last spasm shaking them. After a few moments or years…whatever…Zach leaned back and looked at her. “I’m so going to have fun with that,” he taunted, his hand tapping the tender flesh of her thigh.

  Sara rolled her eyes. “Prick.”

  Zach shoveled another spoonful of Fruit Loops cereal with milk into his mouth. “It is not possible!”

  “How do you know? Just because there’s no proof to prove it, there’s no proof to disprove it either.”

  “You’re trying to make me crazy, aren’t you?”

  “Not at all.” Sara put her bowl down. “I’m just saying there could be bunny shifters.”

  “There are no bunny shifters!”

  Shaking her head she accused, “You’re a bunny bigot.”

  Zach threw his spoon back in the near-empty bowl. “And there is no such thing as bunny bigots.”

  “Bunny bigot,” she accused again.

  How exactly did he get here? Lying naked and stomach down on the living room floor beside a naked Sara Morrighan, bunny advocate?

  “We’re not having this discussion anymore.”

  “Is this you being all in charge?”

  “Where you’re concerned, I am in charge.”

  “Are you happy in your land of delusions? Are you king there?”

  Zach had to work hard not to laugh. Christ, he really liked her a lot, and he didn’t like many people.

  She sighed. “Look, if you’re going to be all bitchy and unreasonable about the bunnies…” Sara climbed up on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and grinding her hot crotch against his tight ass. “I guess you’ll have to find some other way to keep me occupied.”

  “You’re damn demanding.” Zach closed his eyes and did his best to control the lust stampeding through him. Good God but the woman worked him like no one ever had before. Just the way she touched him made him absolutely crazy.

  She licked the back of his neck. “You know what I like about you?”

  “What?” He really wished she’d stop grinding herself against him. The ability to think quickly slipping away with every move she made.

  “That you’re so easy to torture.” She nipped his ear. “You’re like a cranky Rottweiler.”

  Zach sat up abruptly, causing Sara to roll off his back and hit the floor. “Hey!”

  “We need to get something straight right now.” Zach faced her, pushing his hair out of his eyes. Pulling herself into a sitting position, she stared at him as he struggled not to look at her tits. Not easy when all he wanted to do was bury his face right between them. But this was important…really important.

  “Do not—and I mean never—compare a wolf with a dog. We hate that.”

  Sara said nothing for a good long time, then she leaned forward, staring deeply into his eyes. “Arf.”

  She burst out laughing and fell back on the floor, legs kicking up like a ten-year-olds. The woman was silly, exasperating, and so damn beautiful his back teeth ached.

  Rolling his eyes, Zach took firm hold of her legs and yanked her over to him.

  “Ow! Rug burn, dude!”

  Ignoring her, Zach slipped his hands under her back and lifted her off the floor. “Kiss me, lunatic.”

  She turned her face away. “No. You’re mean to me.”

  “You haven’t seen me mean.” Leaning down he grasped her nipple between his lips and sucked hard. Sara’s hands slapped against his shoulders, her head falling back and her body arching into his, pushing her breasts closer to his face.

  Shit, where did he put those condoms? Without releasing her breast or her body, he quickly glanced around the room. Spotting a box under the couch, he picked her up and moved them both closer to the couch—still without releasing her breast. What could he say? He really liked having her nipples in his mouth.

  Reaching out, Zach grabbed hold of the box and brought it over. He glanced up to find Sara’d raised herself up on her elbows and stared down at him, one eyebrow raised.

  “What the hell are you do—”

  He sucked her nipple hard and Sara’s head fell back again, cutting off her question. “Oh, my God, that feels so fuckin’ good.”

  He smiled to himself. He liked that he wasn’t the only one out of control. He had the condom on in seconds and then he was inside her.

  Damn, but her pussy was tight. Tight and hot and all his. He ground his hips against hers and Sara reached up blindly, her hands digging into his hair.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled herself up so their bodies rubbed together. “Do that again. Please, Zach.”

  “Kiss me first, you evil little tease.”

  Tilting her head to the side, Sara smiled seconds before her lips mated with his. They both moaned, their tongues swirling around each other.

  Man, he was in way too deep. Lost in this erotic haze with a crazy woman who felt the compulsion to fight for the rights of non-existent bunny shifters.

  Pushing her back to the floor, Zach ground his hips against hers again. Sara tore her mouth away and gasped loudly. He must be hitting her clit just right. Nice. What a piece of ass. An ornery, crazy piece of ass, but a piece of ass just the same.

  He kissed her cheek, then said against her ear, “Come for me, you crazy bitch.”

  Her eyes closed tight, Sara grinned. “Arf, arf, arf.” She exploded, screaming out her orgasm and probably scaring the poor full-blood wolves lurking around the woods. Before she even stopped convulsing, Zach began fucking her with long, deep strokes. He took his time, enjoying the feel of her muscles contracting around his dick. Good thing they’d eaten something to ti
de them over, because he had no intention of stopping anytime soon.

  Sara grabbed the bunny by the scruff of the neck and stood. She grinned. True, she’d actually been going for that baby deer, but it moved too fast and the bunny crossed her path.

  She’d had no intention of going after anything. She only wanted some fresh air and to enjoy the morning with her body all sore and well used again. With water bottle in hand and her Dallas Cowboys jersey back on, she’d happily walked out to her back porch. Soon after, she saw him. Or her. She didn’t know. All Sara knew was that there was a deer in her backyard and she was feeling mighty hungry all of a sudden. Dropping the water bottle, she’d gone after it, but it took off as soon as she moved off the porch. A few minutes later, the little bunny hopped by.

  “And what are you going to do with that?”

  Zach stood on her porch, his arms crossed over that mouth-watering chest. He was completely naked. Gorgeous naked guy standing on her porch at eight in the morning. That’s right. I rock!

  Holding the bunny up to show him, the furry thing wiggling around in her hand, she said with immense pride, “Look what I caught! And I didn’t have to shift or anything.”

  “I see. And, again, what are you going to do with it now that you’ve caught it?”

  Sara frowned. “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it. I only wanted to catch the bunny.” She grinned and added, “And to see if it’s—”

  “Don’t say bunny shifter to me, woman,” he growled.

  Fighting her smile, “Okay.”

  Zach’s hazel eyes glanced around her backyard. Finally, he nodded to her left. “Throw him over there.”

  “What?” She looked at the empty space behind her. She didn’t want to throw her prize away. He was her bunny. “Why?”

  “Do it. Trust me.”

  Feeling a twinge of regret, Sara tossed the rabbit across her backyard. It landed on its feet and started to hop away. It should have moved faster, though. Those two wolves dashed out of the surrounding trees like lightning and tore the thing apart between them.