Read Pack Challenge Page 18

  That’s how it started in the bathroom, too, and in a few more seconds the hyperventilating would begin again…

  Zach’s big arms snaked around her body from behind. He kissed her neck and pulled her close against him and, suddenly, it all felt right. He felt right. Him and his big cock.

  “Ladies.” He nodded at her two friends. “Hope you’re having a good time.”

  They both grinned in return, momentarily distracted from the oncoming slap fight.

  “Great little party,” Angelina offered with one of her dazzling smiles.

  “Thanks.” He snuggled closer to Sara. “Dance. Eat. Everything’s on the house for you two.” He paused. “But please don’t ask our Pack to fetch anymore.”

  Sara and Angelina cringed as Miki rolled her eyes. “It was just an experiment. Honestly.”

  She turned to walk away but crashed into her own personal shapeshifting stalker.

  “Hey, Miki.” Conall smiled. “I think you dropped this.” He handed Miki the tennis ball.

  “Dude!” Zach barked.


  Zach gave a brutal snort of disgust and walked away.

  They were polite enough to wait until Conall followed after his friend, asking Zach to tell him what he did wrong, before the three friends burst out laughing.

  “No one is safe around you three.”

  Sara turned to find Marrec behind her. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “Thank you so much, Marrec. Thank you for everything.” And she wasn’t only talking about the fight with the Pride. She was talking about the last twenty years.

  “You’re welcome. But are you trying to get me killed?”

  Sara opened her eyes and saw Zach watching her from fifty feet away. He definitely didn’t seem too pleased. “Or maybe you’re trying to get yourself killed?” Sara looked and saw Marrec’s wife glaring at her. Funny, the woman had made her graduation dress and had always invited her to every Marrec family event. Now she acted as if Sara were some hooker on the street trying to pick up her husband.

  Sara pulled away and looked at Marrec. “I can never come back here, can I?”

  “Sara, you’ll always be welcome here. But never as Alpha Female.”

  Sara gave a half-smile. “So I can never come back here, can I?”

  Marrec smiled like a proud father. “That’s my girl.”

  She stepped away from him. “Have a great time tonight. Everything is free for you and your Pack. Enjoy.”

  “We will.” He turned to head back to his mate.

  “I’ll miss you,” she whispered, knowing he would hear her. He nodded once and walked away.

  “Are you okay?” Angelina put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. All three of them had been close to Marrec, for varying reasons he was the only father they’d ever really known.

  Sara took a deep breath. “Yeah. I’ll be okay.” She was feeling such a huge sense of loss she wondered how she could face the rest of the night.

  Miki appeared at Sara’s elbow but she glared at Angelina. “You know, I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” Apparently she had been arguing with Angelina in her head for the last ten minutes. “Just seeing what their play-drive is like. That Conall guy clearly has a big play-drive.”

  “They’re not dogs, you idiot.”

  “Um…I know you didn’t just call me an idiot.”

  “Um…” Angelina imitated back, “I think I just did.”

  Yup. There went that sense of loss. Sara realized when she left the next morning there would be no tearful goodbyes with these two. This wasn’t goodbye. These crazy women would always be her best friends. Besides, you never get rid of friends like these. They follow you to hell so they can torture you for eternity.

  When Angelina poked Miki in the shoulder with one manicured fingernail, Sara left. Zach had disappeared, but she followed his scent into the woods.

  Zach leaned against a tree. He was about half a mile away from the rave, waiting for Sara. And he knew she’d find him.

  He smelled her lust even before he heard her. Shit. His dick went hard again.

  “You runnin’ away from me already?” Now that she’d healed and become what she was always meant to be, Sara moved with a grace and power he found amazing. She was truly becoming the ultimate she-wolf and loving every minute of it.

  “Nope. Just trying to figure out how I could live in California all my life and never once say ‘dude’. But after hanging out with you three bitches for five days, I suddenly sound like an idiot.”

  She punched him in the shoulder. “Dude. That’s harsh.”

  Sara grinned and Zach rubbed his eyes with his palms. “You’re going to make me crazy.”

  “It’s a gift.”

  He decided to change the subject. “Your friends arguing, how long will that be going on anyway?”

  “Finger pointing just started. Next there’ll be yelling. Then, depending how bad it gets, a good old-fashioned slap fight. So it could take hours.”

  Her friends were definitely crazier than she was, but only marginally. “Interesting. Any nudity involved?”

  Sara nuzzled him under his chin and Zach leaned in and smelled the fresh scent of her hair. “Sorry, mister. No other bitches for you. You’re stuck with just me. Golden Retriever Sara.”

  He laughed. “Who?”

  She kissed him. “Forget it.”

  “Gladly.” He ran his hand across the scarred side of her face. She didn’t flinch away, but instead leaned into it. “You’re sure about this, right?” He’d never asked her if she wanted to go home with him. He’d assumed, but he was starting to realize assuming anything with this woman was a bad move.

  “I don’t know. California. Actors. Hollywood.” She stuck her tongue out. “Yuck.”

  “Don’t stick that thing out unless you plan to use it. And it’s Northern California. Completely different from Southern California. Worlds apart. Besides, you were born there. Not here.”

  “I may not have been born here, but I was made here. And don’t you forget it.”

  “Is that a yes or a no?”

  Busy sliding her hands under his T-shirt and running her fingers over his abs, Sara wasn’t remotely paying attention. “About what?”

  He sighed—deeply—and for some unknown reason that seemed to make her chuckle.

  “Are you coming with me?”

  “Sure. But on one condition.”

  Zach closed his eyes. “It involves them doesn’t it?”

  “They’re my family. So that means every Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Fourth of July, and because Angelina’s Catholic, Easter. You attend dinner and you’re cheery.”

  “I’m never cheery,” he stated flatly. And honestly.

  “But for me, you will be.”

  He shook his head in resignation. “Fine. Whatever.”

  “Good. Then yes, I’m coming with you.” She grabbed his hand and began to pull him back to the rave. “Now, feed me, wolf. Your mate’s starving.”

  “Sara. Wait.” He stopped walking and tugged on her hand. “I think they want to say goodbye.”

  Sara frowned as he motioned toward the forest. A female, the Alpha of the full wolves, walked into the pale light cast from the rave. Her Pack stood behind her, the dozen pairs of eyes watching Zach closely. They still weren’t sure he was good enough for Sara. He smiled. Without even trying, Sara earned a loyalty from man and beast he’d never seen before.

  The female brushed against Sara, her big body pushing against Sara’s legs. She circled them once and returned to her Pack. Zach waited for them to leave, move on silently into the night, but the female had one more thing she had to do before she could let Sara go.

  The she-wolf tilted her head back and howled, her Pack joining in. But when the Packs at the rave howled back, both Zach and Sara exchanged startled glances.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Zach whispered in awe as the howling continued. “Three Packs.” He ran his hand do
wn Sara’s back. “Three Packs howling to you, baby.”

  Sara turned and looked at her mate, a frown flitting across her beautiful features as recognition dawned. “It was you the other night, wasn’t it?” she asked quietly as she brushed his hair out of his eyes. “That howling I heard that wasn’t like the others. The one I felt…” She closed her eyes for a moment, the memory washing over her. “It was you,” she repeated as her gaze again focused on him. “You called to me.”

  Zach didn’t reply. He didn’t have to. She already knew the answer. Instead he gripped his mate tight around her hips, pulling her into him. Sara nuzzled her face against his as she trapped him against the tree with her long body.

  “I thought you wanted to go eat?” he growled low as her hands moved down his body. A few more inches and she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  “You better fuck me first, wolf.” She unzipped his jeans and slid her hand inside. “Your mate’s starving.”

  About the Author

  To learn more about Shelly Laurenston, please visit Send an email to Shelly at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Shelly.

  He’s a shape-shifting wolf, she’s a psychic and his other half. In order to catch a killer, Caelen has to rely on his Seeing Eye Mate.

  Seeing Eye Mate

  © 2006 Annmarie McKenna

  Enjoy this excerpt from Seeing Eye Mate:

  “Get away from the window, my mate.”

  “You know, we really need to talk about that,” she muttered, ignoring his softly issued command. “This is the weirdest thing. There are these two dogs—”

  Her feet flew out from under her, making her tummy flip as she went down beneath Caelan’s crushing weight. His arms wrapped around her, protecting her from what should have been a rough landing and she fought to catch her breath through her squished lungs.

  “They’re just dogs, Cael, it’s fine,” Eli announced.

  Tieran blinked slowly, trying to refocus on her upside-down world. Eli was staring out the window and Caelan’s chest vibrated along her arm with his fierce growling. He nuzzled her throat to a more open position and his sharp teeth rasped along her neck.

  She jerked her head away, suddenly very aware of her surroundings. Who wouldn’t be when their lover was planting more than a love bite at a very vulnerable spot?

  “Ouch, get off me.” She squirmed and tried to dislodge him but instead the action caused him to bite down harder. When she stilled, his jaws loosened. Her pulse beat a wild tattoo just below where his tongue lapped at her neck.

  “Caelan!” Tieran wiggled again, he bit her again. Any harder and he’d puncture her jugular, she thought wildly. She submitted, giving him what he obviously wanted.

  Submission? Bullshit. She’d turn into the tooth fairy before she submitted to him.

  “Yet there you are, laying so still beneath your wolf-man, Tulla.”

  Ah hell. Her gramama was right.

  Her lungs deflated on a huge sigh. Above them, Eli chuckled. Finally the razor sharp teeth were removed from her skin.

  “The next time I tell you to fucking do something, by God, you better do it.” Caelan’s growl was laced with deadly menace in her ear, but she detected something else too. Nervousness? Anxiousness?

  His tongue flicked out, lapping at the wound he’d inflicted, making her forget everything. He smelled so good. Like sweat and man and sex from their earlier romp. She looped an ankle around his calf and pulled his leg between hers, fitting his thigh snugly against her pussy. Finally! Maybe she could relieve some of the tension that throbbed at her clit.

  “Mmm.” She wrapped her free hand around the back of his scalp and angled her head to give him better access. Not that he needed it. He was doing just fine on his own.

  His mouth moved to her earlobe and sucked it deep. She imagined it was her nipple he had embedded in that wet heat. She wanted his hands on her. Wanted to feel him tugging and pinching the sensitive beads. She lifted her hips and rubbed herself on his thigh. It wasn’t enough! There were too many clothes in the way. She needed his fingers, his tongue, or better yet his cock, inside her, filling her. Not where it was, poking into her side.

  “Man, you guys are hot.”

  “Oh shit.” Tieran yanked herself free from Caelan and raised up on her elbows, her chest heaving with each breath. What in the hell was happening to her? She’d certainly liked having sex before, but until now, having it wasn’t a requirement. Not a need that festered like an infected wound. She’d never craved it like she did with Caelan. And she’d never lost control in a way that everything around her disappeared.

  Her cheeks flamed. Eli stood above them, watching as she and his brother went at it on her living room floor like two randy teenagers.

  Caelan couldn’t resist smiling as he rolled more firmly on his side and propped his head on his hand. He reached out and palmed the small cotton-covered breast furthest from him, flicking at the nipple. If Eli hadn’t interrupted—for Tieran’s sake, ‘cause it damned well wasn’t for his—Caelan would have fucked her right here on the hardwood floor.

  “Stop it.” Tieran slapped at his hand. “Your brother is watching.”

  He shrugged. “So?”

  Her eyes widened, her face drained of color, and she gulped. “Please don’t tell me you guys do that…that…sharing stuff,” she hissed.

  Caelan snarled; Eli burst out laughing.

  “Nobody but me will ever touch you,” Caelan growled.

  “Sweetheart, I’m not ready to die.” Eli reached a hand down and pulled Caelan to his feet.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Wolves mate for life.” Caelan winced at his gruff attitude, but goddamn, share her? Never. He helped her off the floor and guided her to the sofa. He needed to sit and have a drink after nearly having his heart ripped out. When she’d said dogs, he immediately assumed she wasn’t looking at dogs, but wolves. Rogue wolves on the prowl and looking for another kill.

  Eli scratched his head and sat across from them. “What it really means is that as a Prime’s mate, you are the alpha bitch. The only way I’ll ever get to touch you, is for me to fight Caelan to the death and take over the pack. I’m really not all that intrigued by the prospect.”

  Tieran turned away from Eli. “Did he just call me a bitch? ‘Cause I really don’t think he’s known me long enough to make that kind of presumption.”

  Caelan choked on his mouthful of beer, spitting it across the room. “Only you,” he said when he could breathe again, “could make that kind of statement and totally ignore the part about him killing me.” He threaded his fingers through hers and gathered her closer until she was tucked under his arm.

  Pack Challenge

  Shelly Laurenston

  What's an Alpha Male to do when he meets the Alpha Female of his dreams? Step one, hide all sharp objects…

  All Zach Sheridan ever wanted was to become Alpha Male of his Pack and be left alone. What he definitely didn't need in his life was some needy female demanding his attention. What he never saw coming was the vicious, scarred female who not only demanded his attention but knew exactly how to get it.

  Sara Morrighan knew this was the best she could expect from her life. Good friends. A nice place to live. And a safe job. But when Zach rode into her small Texas town with his motorcycle club, Sara knew she wanted more. She knew she wanted him. But after one sexy encounter with her dream biker, everything is starting to change. Her body. Her strength. That new thing she's doing with the snarling. Even her best friends are starting to wonder what's going on with her.

  But this is only the beginning. Sara's about to find out her life was meant for so much more. And Zach's about to find true love with the one woman who makes him absolutely insane.

  The book has been previously published and expanded for Samhain Publishing.

  Warning: This title
contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, and strong violence.

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

  Cincinnati OH 45249

  Pack Challenge

  Copyright © 2006 by Shelly Laurenston

  ISBN: 978-1-59998-122-2

  Edited by Angela James

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: July 2006



  Shelly Laurenston, Pack Challenge



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