Read Paging Doctor Wolf Page 2

  Instead, she crossed to him, her footsteps on the carpet distinct, like every step she took moved through his soul. She placed her hand on his shoulder. “Dallas, right? You’re Dallas Olson.”

  Nodding, he took a deep breath. “Look. I’m so sorry I made that weird noise. I’m not myself. I’ve been hurt, obviously, and not acting right. I shouldn’t have come but Madame Eve sent me the nicest note telling me I could find what I needed here, and given how I’ve been….” He didn’t even know what he meant. How could Cara?

  She tugged on his arm, forcing him to turn and face her. “You’re feeling kind of edgy.”

  “Yes. That’s a good word.”

  She rubbed her head against his arm, making a whining sound in her throat. It should have been odd to hear, instead it slightly comforted him. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. His arm throbbed under the contact where the most severe wounds were located, but he didn’t pull away, his discomfort mild next to the sheer relief he got out of being in her embrace.

  He wanted to melt to the floor in a puddle of relaxation. When he spoke, he could barely make his mouth work. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s very complicated. I’m going to explain everything to you.” Her big brown eyes called out to him. “But first I want you to calm down.”

  “I’m more at ease.”

  She nodded. “I can tell that, but not simmered down enough.”

  “How do you know?”

  She took a deep breath. “I can smell it, handsome.”

  His mind whirled at her words. She could smell it? And she thought him attractive when he looked like he’d been torn apart? Did she suffer from poor eyesight?

  “That’s better.” She patted him on the arm and took a step back. “I assume you know I’m Cara Johnson. You do know that, don’t you?”

  “I do.” He laughed and rubbed his head. He felt better but a slight headache still threatened between his eyes. “I’m sort of confused.”

  “Sort of?” She sighed. “You should be totally out of it.”

  “I was attacked by wolves.”

  She shook her head and walked over to the bed. “No you weren’t.” His mouth hung open like a landed fish when she pulled her shirt over her head.

  He leaned back against the window. He thought he’d grasped how hot she earlier, but her clothes had actually hid some of the best parts of her killer body from his view. Her firm, round breasts would fit perfectly in his hands.

  “Um….” He blinked rapidly. His cock jumped to attention and he sucked in his breath. What had she said? How could he think coherently while she stood there half-naked?

  “I want you.” She sniffed the air, her pert nose wiggling. “You want me. Let’s take care of this. Then we’ll take care of you.”

  “I don’t….”

  She leapt at him. He caught her with one arm, surprised at his own strength. He didn’t even have to brace himself or balance. When had he ever had so much coordination?

  Her mouth pressed against his. Hungry and desperate for her, his heart picked up speed. Turning around, he shoved her back against the wall and pushed his body against hers. She groaned and shoved her tongue into his mouth.

  Holy Shit! His injuries forgotten, all he wanted was to fuck her for the rest of the night.

  Chapter Two

  She hadn’t entered the room intending to jump the bones of her injured date, but the second she had scented him everything changed. Her wolf came alive at the sight of the handsome blond man who still managed to look striking even amidst his pain and confusion. His blue eyes could stop the world with their intensity.

  And right now she wanted him inside of her. He wanted it, too. His cock jammed hard against her, and she couldn’t wait to get him out of his pants. Plus, they’d both react better after they had sex—it would take the edge off and then she could explain what had really happened to him.

  She nibbled on his bottom lip. He smelled like the woods and tasted like home. How that was possible with a man who had only recently become a shifter she didn’t know. He made a rough sound in his throat, something between a groan and a sigh.

  Then she remembered his arm. His new wolf abilities would make him stronger and quicker to heal, but maybe holding her up hurt him. “Am I too heavy for you?”

  “You weigh nothing.”

  Not exactly true but she wouldn’t argue.

  Their mouths fused together again. She yanked at his shirt. “I want this off.” God, she could barely breathe for wanting him.

  “Then we’d better move this over to the bed. I can only handle so much one-handed.”

  He guided her across the room and laid her down on the bed. In seconds, he loomed over her like some sexual fantasy from one of her dreams.

  “Shit.” He pulled at the sling on his arm. “This is getting in my way.”

  “Be careful.” She didn’t want him in more pain because she couldn’t keep her hands off him. He’d been through a major trauma.

  He tugged the sling off and tossed it over his shoulder. His eyes widened. “Um.”

  She grabbed his good arm. “You’re somewhat stunned you had the strength to do that and you’re wondering why your arm doesn’t hurt more than it does.”

  He stared down at her. “Do you read minds?”

  “No. I can tell certain things by scent. So can you. You simply don’t know what you’re smelling yet.” She kissed him, meaning only to give him comfort. He growled, kissing her back, hard.

  His comfort left her mind. His wolf had an aggressive side. She liked it. How much could he take at this early juncture? How much in touch with his own beast had he already become?

  She ripped his shirt, shredding it. He pushed more firmly against her, and she ran her hands up and down the strong muscles of his back, digging her nails into the skin, wanting to mark him. His skin would heal fast but until it did she would be able to see herself there. Her wolf-side had always liked marking territory.

  “Pants,” he said through gritted teeth. “I want yours off.”

  Pushing him back, she scooted in reverse until she hit the headboard. “If you want them off me, you’re going to have to get them off me.”

  His eyes twinkled at her demand. He must like a challenge. Yes, he’d be an Alpha wolf, an asset to all of them if he didn’t run for his life after the first shift. She did as he asked and took off her clothes.

  “You yanked my shirt from my body. Do you think I can do the same to your panties with only one good hand?”

  Cara glanced down at her undies.

  “Give it a try, Doctor. See if destroying my clothing is a little easier than it should be, considering you have a broken arm.”

  His grin stole her breath. “I love how you said that. Doctor. It’s never sounded so sexy.”

  He fingered her cotton panties and attempted to break them off her body. After a moment, he gave up. Looking up, he bit down on his lower lip. “This is taking too long, baby, and I want to be inside of you.”

  She slid them down her leg. “It’s better you don’t destroy these anyway. I like them. They’re soft.”

  He nodded, his gaze heated. “What they hide beneath them is pretty fantastic.”

  She sat forward. “You like my ass?”

  A grin crossed his face. “Very, very much. And your pussy, too.”

  “Good.” With a quick flick of her wrist, she took off her bra. “Your turn. Get your pants off.”

  He didn’t move, his eyes focused on her breasts. She glanced down, unsure of what had so fully captured his attention. Nothing seemed particularly amiss about her boobs. They were the same as the last time she’d seen them.

  “Something wrong?”

  He shook his head, still silent.

  “Why are you staring?”

  His eyes met hers. “Because you’re beautiful and your breasts are phenomenal.”

  “Thanks.” She brightened at his words and squeezed her breasts. They were functional. Not too bi
g or too small. Depending on the outfit, she could sometimes get away without wearing a bra. Wolves were less concerned with the physical aspects of their chosen sexual partners, more interested in what the other person smelled like. Human males, however, cared a great deal about the female’s appearance. Since he still dwelled in the human world and cared about those kinds of things, his compliment meant a great deal. “Would you like to touch them?”

  “Shit, yes.”

  “Then by all means, do so.”

  He did more than touch them, placing the nipple in his mouth and sucking, his teeth grazing the skin. His ministrations weren’t gentle and she loved it. Beneath him, she squirmed, her core coming alive with heat. Oh yes, she wanted him.

  “Like that?”

  Yes, she did and she craved more. Now. “You still have your pants on.”

  Dallas stopped sucking long enough to answer her. “Apparently, I do.”

  “You have three seconds to get them off before I tear them from your body.”

  “Watch out,” he laughed. “Or I’m going to think you have super-human powers.”

  She licked his neck. “Explanations later. Fucking now.”

  “Sounds good.” He unzipped his pants and tugged them off. She glanced at his white briefs. They stretched to the breaking point with his hard cock trying to wedge through the cotton restraint. Reaching between them, she stroked the tip.

  He hissed. “If you do that, I’m going to come before I’m ever in you.”

  Male wolf shifters had enormous staying power in the bedroom. She would bet it took more than a simple touch to make him lose control.

  “Really?” She raised an eyebrow. Her wolf side wanted to play. “Should I test you?”

  “No.” He grabbed her hand, and she poked out her bottom lip in a pout. Someday when he knew what he’d become, she’d torment him in bed simply to test his limits. For now, she’d go along and do this his way.

  “Put it in me then.”

  He snorted. “You’re pushy.”

  “And you don’t mind following my orders even though you’re rather adept at giving them yourself, doctor.”

  He sniffed her neck and she shivered. “I’ll put it in you when I’m good and ready.”

  She grabbed his hard cock. “I think you’re good and ready.”

  Dallas laughed, his tongue plunging into her mouth. After a second, he growled deeply in his throat, then pulled back. “I’m sorry about all the strange noises. I can’t seem to help….”

  She shook her head, leaning her forehead against his. “Don’t worry about them. I like it. A lot.”

  As if her words fueled him forward, his hand pressed until he found her clit. He didn’t fumble or falter, instead he touched her until she writhed beneath him. “You’re so wet, and only from my fingers.”

  “And your mouth.” She licked the side of his face. “And the way you touch me and you haven’t even let me play with you yet.”

  She squeezed his erection.

  “Shit.” He shuddered beneath her fingers. “You like playing with fire.”

  “Actually, amongst the…people…I know, I’m pretty cautious.”

  He yanked her hand away. “I’d hate to see what you consider dangerous.”

  “I think you’d like it.” Reaching up, she stroked his chin.

  He raised an eyebrow. “We need a condom.”

  Someday he’d understand he couldn’t catch any diseases from her and that pregnancy would be out of the question because they weren’t mates. Still, she hadn’t wanted to explain things until after they had sex, so a condom would have to be worn. She sniffed the air. “Left drawer next to the bed.”

  He leaned over and pulled open the door. She heard rustling and he retrieved a foil package. “How did you know?”

  “Lucky guess.”

  He considered himself a smart man. Something was a little…different with her. At the moment, he didn’t give a shit. Later, he would search for answers, but right then, he wanted to get inside the hottest woman he’d ever seen.

  With shaky hands, he sheathed himself. Considering how weak he had been earlier, his body surged with energy, like her presence alone had awakened the healing inside of him. He wanted to fuck and howl. The gorgeous woman with him seemed up for the fucking part.

  Positioning his cock near the entrance of her pussy, he tried to be gentle as he entered her. She wrapped her legs around him. “Don’t hold back. Whatever you can give me, I can take it.” He growled, the need to take her starting in his spinal cord and forcing its way out through his mouth. He thrust into her heat and she moaned. “Yes, like that. Fuck me hard.”

  His mind separated from his body. Nothing but her pussy existed. Her body met his in every thrust. Her sighs drove him forward.

  Pleasure surged through his veins and his balls grew painfully hard. He couldn’t let go yet.

  He squeezed one of her breasts, wishing that both hands worked perfectly so he could grab each of her nipples until she called out his name. Giving in to instinct, he dug his fingers into her soft skin. She writhed beneath him. Driving into her, he could see the marks on her breasts where his fingers had been. Yes, he loved that. He wanted more than that. A marking. She had to be his; everyone had to know she belonged to him.

  His mouth throbbed which only made him want to fuck her harder, to give her more pleasure than she’d ever had before. The fact that those thoughts made him institutionally crazy couldn’t concern him, not when he wanted to take her so badly. Later, he’d figure it out. Right then, he had to go with it.

  She stared up at him with huge eyes. Heat radiated off her as she panted, “You want to bite me.”

  How had she known? Ever since she’s arrived, she’d seemed able to read his mind. With someone else it might have been an invasion, but with her he only wanted more. “My mouth hurts. I do want to bite you. So much.”

  “It will mean I’m yours.”

  I knew that. Not sure how. He hissed, his cock threatening to spill his seed any second. “Do you want?”

  Her voice nearly breathless, she answered, “I do. But you might not once you understand.”

  He thrust hard one more time and she exploded around him, her muscles clenching and milking his cock. She screamed his name over and over. Her neck, white and vulnerable begged for his mark, and like he had to breathe, he needed to give it to her.

  As his cock exploded, he gave in to the compulsion. His teeth sank into her skin and she came again. Her orgasm made his own pleasure last longer and he’d never come so hard or so long. Damn. When had sex ever been so…explosive?

  He tasted her blood.

  He loved it.

  He still lapped at her neck when reality came back all at once. Shit. What the hell had he done?

  Jumping backward, he missed her warmth as soon as his cock left her. She must want to kill me. He’d bit so hard he’d sucked her blood like a beast. Her hand stroked her neck where he’d marked her. Who did something like that? How could I have let this happen? He panted, unable to catch his breath.


  He put his head in his hands. If she told him she forgave him for his violence toward her, that might actually make everything worse. Her rage would be better than her forgiveness.

  How had his body gotten so completely out of his own control?

  “Dallas.” She spoke his name again, running her hand down his back. He didn’t know why, but she soothed the heat inside of him. “I’ll wear your mark proudly.”

  He moved toward her. “How can you? I destroyed your skin. You’ll probably need a plastic surgeon. I’m some kind of monster.”

  She shook her head. “No more than I am.”

  “What?” Nothing she said made any sense.

  “Do you remember your attack?” She moved until she sat on top of him, straddling his lap. Yes. He needed her touch. Her gentleness.

  “I remember most of it up until the point that the first few bites happened.” He swallowed. I
f he started weeping like a baby, he’d drive straight to the hospital and let them drug him up. So what if he lost his medical license for being out of his mind? “After that, I’m not sure. I don’t know why they didn’t tear me to shreds. I don’t know who got them off me.”

  “I don’t think they intended to kill you or you would have been dead. You might still have died. Not everyone can live through it.”

  “My wounds were relatively superficial compared to how bad they could be. At first they thought I’d be fine. Then some kind of infection set in. No one could figure it out. I remember none of that time. Blurred images, heat. Then it ended. No explanation.”

  Her eyes flared red for a moment and then the redness faded as though he’d imagined it. “How horrific. They should be…slaughtered.”

  “The wolves got away. Animal control searched….”

  She rubbed her face. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

  He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. “I don’t know you very well yet, but somehow I do sense that we understand each other. I’ve actually been married, and divorced. In that time, I never experienced this. Whatever happened here between us, this heat, I’ve never encountered such an emotion in my life.”

  “I’ll ask again.” Her eyebrows raised. “Do you think I’m out of my mind?”

  “No. I might be, but my gut tells me you’re sane.” He smoothed the hair out of her eyes, needing to touch her. “Why?”

  “Keep trusting me, I’ll explain.”

  “Okay.” If she asked him to stand on his head, he’d do it, no question. She held all kinds of power over him. He didn’t even care that she controlled him. In fact, the sensation soothed him.

  “What else do you remember about it?”

  “I don’t know.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I got called down to the ER to see a trauma patient. When I got there, his wounds looked sort of healed. The wolves were circling him, and when I tried to get to him, they attacked me.”