Read Paid for Three Times Page 22

  I glared at her, unblinking, until she looked away.

  I turned and strode for the elevators.



  “Oh my God! What a surprise!”

  The front door to my parent’s house had barely opened when I dropped my suitcase and jumped into my mom’s arms.

  She chuckled, started by my entrance after just appearing at their door like this, bags in hand on the day before Christmas Eve.

  “Hey, hey honey!” Her smile faded, and she stroked my back as I started to cry. “Hang on honey, what’s wrong?”

  She pulled back, her face full of concern.

  “What happened to Paris, and your job?”

  “Mom—” I choked, shaking my head. “I heard.”

  She froze.

  “About the test results.”

  Her face fell as her eyes dropped to the ground. “Your father was going to wait to tell you.”

  “I didn’t hear it from him.”

  She looked up. “How?”

  “It doesn’t matter, Mom, I just—”

  “I’m fine honey,” she smiled quietly. “I’m going to be okay. It’s treatable, they say.”

  And it would be, because it was over.

  Helen’s words and her threats were pure evil, but they’d shaken me to my core. They’d shaken me down to the foundation. All of this pulled me away from what I’d be trying to figure out for weeks, which was what this was with Colin.

  What I meant to him, and what he meant to me.

  I was pretty sure I knew the answer to that, and it was that thought that hurt the worst.

  Because, even though it’d taken until I was halfway back across the Atlantic on a plane to realize it, the truth had come rushing out in the middle of that flight, sending my heart into my throat. It had never been more obvious.

  I loved him.

  It wasn’t just sex. It wasn’t just my rough stranger in the club bathroom. It wasn’t just the things he did to my body. It was the way he made me feel. It was the way being close to him just made me feel whole.

  I’d never felt it before for anyone, but I knew what that was.

  It was love.

  And that had only hit me once I’d walked away from it. I knew I had to, as much as it hurt me, for my mother’s sake. I didn’t know how real Helen’s threats were, but they’d been enough for me to not even bother second guessing them, because there was too much at stake for games.

  After all, look at who Colin knew.


  She very well could make good on her horrible promises.

  It cut deep, knowing I’d walked away like that. It hurt, knowing I hadn’t said anything to him, or told him what was going on. It’d been a blind decision, a rush of emotion blazing through me as I’d raced madly to the airport and gotten on that plane.

  And now here I was, at my parent’s door in their quiet Boston suburb.

  Not in Paris.

  Not walking along the Seine, or sipping wine under the moonlight.

  Not with the man I loved.

  My dad came home an hour later, and we all sat together, crying, holding each other, and telling each other this was going to be okay. We were going to get through this, and my mom was going to beat this.

  My phone rang, and I glanced at it, my heart breaking as I saw Colin’s number.

  I didn’t answer.

  I couldn’t.

  He called five more times, my heart breaking just a little bit more each time, until I sent one text message before turning it off.

  I’m sorry.

  And then I slept like I hadn’t in a month.



  “Where’s Bella?”

  It was the tenth time Lillian had asked since we’d left Paris so abruptly.

  “I told you, honey,” I murmured, picking her up as we stepped off the jet and walked towards Andrew waiting with the car. “She had to go home.”

  It was dark out, the snow coming down hard outside the hangar, chilly air whipping about.

  The night before Christmas Eve, and here we were — coming back home, just the three of us, instead of laughing and being together in Paris.

  With Bella.


  “Because she…”

  I trailed off.

  Because your mother is a horrible cunt of a human who threatened to let a woman die just to get Bella away from me.

  I shook my head. “She just had to go home for Christmas, honey.”

  “But I thought she was going to have Christmas with us?” Beckham pouted as I buckled him into his car seat.

  “I know, buddy, I know.”

  I slid into the car, slamming the door shut as Andrew pulled us out of the hanger. I checked my phone for the millionth time since Paris, looking at that one text message yet again.

  I’m sorry.

  My heart fucking shattered as I read it again, before I slipped it into my pocket.

  “To the house, sir?”

  I glanced up at Andrew through the partition. Home sounded good. Home sounded like what we all needed. But not yet.

  I had something I had to do first.

  I’d lost something that belonged to me in Paris, something precious to me that’d been stolen.

  And now, it was time to get her back.

  It was time to make this right.

  “Actually, Andrew,” I leaned forward to the partition. “I think it’s time we go for a drive. There’s someone missing from this car and this night that we have to go get.”

  Andrew had worked for me for years, and I had no doubt that he knew what’d been going on with Bella and I.


  No more hiding this. No more keeping to the shadows.

  I wanted to tell the whole fucking world about the girl I loved.

  I passed him my phone, with her parent’s address called up on it — the one I’d had some of my people find while en route back to the States. His eyes darted to mine in the review mirror.


  “I’m usually more than happy to hear your consultations, Andrew, but this time—”

  “Sir, the roads are getting really bad.”

  My jaw tightened as I glanced through the front windshield at the snow coming down in white sheets outside the hangar.


  It did look like shit out there. Downtown Boston was one thing, getting back to our townhouse from the airport would be a breeze. Getting to the suburbs would be a dangerous nightmare. Even more, I had the kids with me.

  I swore under my breath.

  “Sir? If I may?”

  I looked up.

  “The roads are bad, sir, but I believe the air might not be as bad. Dangerous, but…” He grinned at me. “What was the point of all those lessons if you never take it up, right?”

  The grin spread across my face.

  “Do I look crazy to you, Andrew?”

  He grinned at me. “Sir, I believe a man in love will do all sorts of things that might seem crazy to everyone else.”

  “I believe you’re right,” I growled. “Make the call.”

  “With pleasure, sir.”

  I turned back to my kids. “Hey guys?” I grinned at them. “Your dad’s gotta go do something, so Andrew’s going to take you home, okay?”

  Beckham’s face fell, and I could see Lillian about to cry when I leaned close and smiled. “You see, I think there’s been a mistake, because actually, I think Bella’s going to spend Christmas with us after all.”

  Their faces lit up.

  “Really?” Beckham gasped.

  “Really, buddy. Thing is, I just have to go get her.”

  They both grinned eagerly.

  “Think you can watch your sister until I get back?”

  My son nodded and I grinned as I leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Good man. Andrew?” I turned back just as he finished making the call to the airport staff. “Get them home safe.”

  “On m
y life, sir.”

  We nodded at each other before I turned back to my kids, kissing them again before stepping out of the car.

  “This way, Mr. Kensington.”

  I nodded sharply, pulling my coat tighter as I followed the hangar crewman outside, away from the planes.

  …To the helicopter, prepped, fueled, and ready on the landing pad.

  Andrew was right — I’d spent far too much time in training for this thing for it not to count when I needed it to. And right then?

  Right then, I needed it to count, because I had to get to the girl I loved.





  I awoke to the sound of my mom’s voice in the darkness of my room, and I frowned. “Mom?”

  “Honey, I think you need to come see this.”

  “Is everything okay?” My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, and I could see the strange look on her face, my dad’s expression equally weird behind her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, Bella,” my dad said, that strange look on his face. “But you need to come see this, now.”

  I slipped from my bed, grabbing a sweatshirt, as I followed my parents out of the room. The house was mostly dark, but I frowned at the lights flashing outside.

  And the sound.

  Was that the storm?

  “What is that?”

  My dad turned as we got to the bottom of the stairs by the front door and grinned. “Honey, I think it’s for you.”

  He pulled open the front door, and I gasped.

  The storm raged in the dark night sky, but there, slowly descending with lights flashing, pitching wildly in the wind, was a helicopter.

  A helicopter with “Kensington” written on the side of it.

  And suddenly, my heart was in my throat. Suddenly, my jaw dropped as I stepped outside, heedless of the wind around and snow under my feet as I watched the chopper madly descend though the storm, right into our front yard. It pitched again, yanking wildly to the side right before it touched down, and I gasped before it righted and came down with a thud.

  The engine began to wind down, the lights turned off, and the blades began to slow.

  The door kicked open, and there, jumping out and marching right towards me like he was ready to devour me, was Colin.

  The man I loved.

  And then I was running, right through the snow in my freaking bare feet as I raced through the storm towards him. I didn’t care about what people thought, or what this was between us, or even Helen’s threats anymore.

  He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me tight against him, and kissed me, and I knew everything else would work out.

  Because we had each other.



  People say happy endings don’t exist in real life.

  Those people are goddamn idiots.

  They do. It’s not always easy, and it isn’t always just handed to you. And sometimes you have to walk right up to life and demand it. But if you’ve got the will, and the drive, and strength to not let go of the things you want, it’s there for the taking.

  She was my happy ending.

  It wasn’t exactly the best way I could have imagined meeting her parents for the first time — almost crashing a goddamn helicopter into their house, and then madly claiming their daughter’s lips right there in front of them, barefoot in the snow no less.

  But like I said, life doesn’t always come easy, or how you think it should.

  Introductions were made as I carried Bella inside. They knew who I was, of course, but they knew me from the papers, and as Isabella’s employer.

  I looked her father right in the eye and set the record straight. Like a man — a man in love with a girl and ready to fight the world for her.

  And if they were concerned at first about my intentions, especially with my being so much older, I put those to rest as I calmly told them I was in love with Bella, that I’d never not be in love with her, and that I’d protect her and care for her with everything I had.

  I left out the bit about our first meeting.

  After that, as her father made a pot of coffee, I sat down with a phone and I made things right.

  All of it.

  I called my legal team first, making sure they were armed to the teeth and ready for battle and anything Helen tried to throw our way. The pictures were bad, but her coming to Paris was probably worse. She’d actually broken the terms of her parole from the crash in leaving the country.

  Next, I called my contacts at Mass General. Fuck Dr. Christopher Peters, who Helen thought was her ace in the hole. She knew a guy on the board?

  Good for her. I knew everyone else on the board, including the chairman.

  A quick inquiry turned up all sorts of shit on Dr. Peters, including preferential treatment of certain higher-end clients willing to pay cash, the fact that he was selling medical records to highest bidders, and icing on the cake — the proof they found of him selling prescription meds.

  That last one is a Federal offense, by the way. It’s also what they strip you of your license for.

  Next, I called my own doctors and made sure Isabella’s mother would begin treatment that week.

  All bills to be sent to me.

  It turns out her prognosis for recovery was fantastic as well, since they’d caught it so early.

  By four in the morning, I was exhausted. Mr. and Mrs. Winters had gone to bed and Bella long ago crashed on the couch. I scooped her up into my arms, bringing her upstairs, and laid her in her bed. She murmured sleepily as I undressed her and got her under the covers. I peeled my own shirt off before climbing in after her, only then realizing that her eyes were open.

  “Hi there.”

  She grinned. “You came for me.”

  “Of course I did.”

  She smiled, pulling close to me as the wind howled outside. “So I guess this means—”

  “This means I love you, in case that wasn’t clear.”

  She grinned as I leaned in and kissed those lips.

  “I love you too.” That mischievous look that I’d come to love crossed her face. “Sir,” she added with a husked voice.

  We both moaned as we melted together, my hands sliding over that body I’d craved since she left, my mouth claiming those lips that were mine. I slipped her t-shirt up her body, pushing it over her breasts as my hand slid to cup and tease them. She whimpered quietly into my mouth, rocking her panty-clad hips against me as she ran her hands over my bare chest and abs.

  “I want you in my mouth,” she gasped, her eyes hot with lust. My cock throbbed and I growled, my hand sliding down to roughly grab her ass. She pulled away, slipping the t-shirt off and pulling at my briefs before I caught her wrist, stopping her.

  “Not so fast, Ms. Winters.” I grinned. “Here, now.” She gasped as I grabbed one of her legs and spun her around, dragging her up my body until her panty-covered pussy was hovered above my mouth, her legs on either side of me. Bella whimpered as my hand slid over her ass, my breath hot against her sweet little pussy through her panties.

  “Oooh, yes, sir,” she moaned quietly. Her hands slid down my abs to the waist of my underwear, which she pushed down my legs. My cock sprang free, and she cooed as she wrapped her fingers around it and started to stroke me.

  I pulled her down, yanking her panties to the side and letting my tongue slowly drag across her dripping wet pussy. She leaned forward, and I groaned as she damn near inhaled my cock, her sweet lips wrapping tight around it as she sucked me into her throat.

  I pushed my tongue deep inside in response, tasting her perfect pussy and making her squirm as my hands grabbed her ass tightly. I moved her back and forth, fucking her with my tongue before I moved to her clit. I wrapped my lips tight around her little bud, teasing it with my tongue. I gathered wetness from her slick pussy and slid it up to tease her tight little ass.

  She went wild on my cock.

e bobbed her mouth up and down, moaning widely as her tongue swirled over my crown. Her hands reached down to cup my balls, her fingers teasing me, and I groaned into her drooling pussy.

  I could have come down that throat all night, but I wanted more.

  Bella moaned as I slid out from under her, my cock slipping from her mouth.

  “Sneaky,” she said coyly, biting her lip as I spun her around. “I wanted to taste your cum.” She gasped quietly as I pulled her into my lap, her legs going astride my hips, my cock pressing hotly against her pussy.

  “Would you take a rain check on that if I promise to fuck this sweet little pussy until it comes all over my big cock instead?”

  Her eyes went wide, and I grinned. I liked that I could make her blush like that, that I could scandalize her.

  My hands grabbed her tight little ass firmly as I centered my cock at her entrance.

  “Just like that,” I husked into her ear. “Be a good girl and sit right down on that cock.”

  She moaned, kissing me fiercely as she started to sink her tight, wet slit right down my throbbing shaft. “Fuck,” she hissed. “Like this, sir?”

  “Just like that,” I groaned as she sunk all the way down. “Exactly like that.”

  We went slow that night at first, her rocking on top of me, my hands gripping her ass and grinding up into her as we made love in her room. She rode me up and down, her head thrown back, her hair strewn across her face, her fingers clawing at my back as she came again and again for me.

  And then I’d pulled out, spun her face down on the mattress, made her bite the pillow, and fucked her like I knew she wanted to be fucked. With her parents sleeping right down the hall and her screams drowning in her pillow, I’d fucked that sweet pussy until she’d begged me to come — slamming her into the mattress on every thrust, her hair in my fist as she came like like a girl possessed.

  And finally, I’d groaned, sliding in deep and gasping into the skin of her back as I’d pumped every single drop of my cum deep inside her.

  After that, we slept like the dead, my arms wrapped around her and her breath on my chest.