Read Pan Michael: An Historical Novel of Poland, the Ukraine, and Turkey Page 11


  Pan Michael began to prepare slowly for his departure; he did notcease, however, to give lessons to Basia, whom he liked more and more,nor to walk alone with Krysia and seek consolation in her society. Itseemed to him also that he found it; for his good-humor increaseddaily, and in the evening he even took part in the games of Basia andPan Adam. That young cavalier became an agreeable guest at Ketling'shouse. He came in the morning or at midday, and remained till evening;as all liked him, they were glad to see him, and very soon they beganto hold him as one of the family. He took the ladies to Warsaw,gave their orders at the silk shops, and in the evening playedblind-man's-buff and patience with them, repeating that he mustabsolutely catch the unattainable Basia before his departure.

  But Basia laughed and escaped always, though Zagloba said to her, "Ifthis one does not catch you at last, another man will."

  It became clearer and clearer that just "this one" had resolved tocatch her. This must have come even to the head of the haiduk herself,for she fell sometimes to thinking till the forelock dropped into hereyes altogether. Pan Zagloba had his reasons, according to which PanAdam was not suitable. A certain evening, when all had retired, heknocked at Pan Michael's chamber.

  "I am so sorry that we must part," said he, "that I have come to get agood look at you. God knows when we shall see each other again."

  "I shall come in all certainty to the election," said the littleknight, embracing his old friend, "and I will tell you why. The hetmanwishes to have here the largest number possible of men beloved by theknighthood, so that they may capture nobles for his candidate; andbecause--thanks to God!--my name has some weight among our brethren, hewants me to come surely. He counts on you also."

  "Indeed, he is trying to catch me with a large net; yet I seesomething, and though I am rather bulky, still I can creep out throughany hole in that net. I will not vote for a Frenchman."


  "Because he would be for _absolutum dominium_ (absolute rule)."

  "Conde would have to swear to the _pacta conventa_ like any other man;and he must be a great leader,--he is renowned for warlikeachievement."

  "With God's favor we have no need of seeking leaders in France. PanSobieski himself is surely no worse than Conde. Think of it, Michael;the French wear stockings like the Swedes; therefore, like them they ofcourse keep no oaths. Carolus Gustavus was ready to take an oath everyhour. For the Swedes to take an oath or crack a nut is all one. Whatdoes a pact mean when a man has no honesty?"

  "But the Commonwealth needs defence. Oh, if Prince Yeremi were alive!We would elect him king with one voice."

  "His son is alive, the same blood."

  "But not the same courage. It is God's pity to look at him, for he ismore like a serving-man than a prince of such worthy blood. If it werea different time! But now the first virtue is regard for the good ofthe country. Pan Yan says the same thing. Whatever the hetman does, Iwill do, for I believe in his love of the Commonwealth as in theGospel."

  "It is time to think of that. It is too bad that you are going now."

  "But what will you do?"

  "I will go to Pan Yan. The boys torment me at times; still, when I amaway for a good while I feel lonely without them."

  "If war comes after the election, Pan Yan too will go to it. Who knows?You may take the field yourself; we may campaign yet together inRussia. How much good and evil have we gone through in those parts!"

  "True, as God is dear to me! there our best years flowed by. At timesthe wish comes to see all those places which witnessed our glory."

  "Then come with me now. We shall be cheerful together; in five months Iwill return to Ketling. He will be at home then, and Pan Yan will behere."

  "No, Michael, it is not the time for me now; but I promise that if youmarry some lady with land in Russia, I will go with you and see yourinstallation."

  Pan Michael was confused a little, but answered at once, "How should Ihave a wife in my head? The best proof that I have not is that I amgoing to the army."

  "It is that which torments me; for I used to think, if not one, thenanother woman. Michael, have God in your heart; stop; where will youfind a better chance than just at this moment? Remember that years willcome later in which you will say to yourself: 'Each has his wife andhis children, but I am alone, like Matsek's pear-tree, sticking up inthe field.' And sorrow will seize you and terrible yearning. If you hadmarried that dear one; if she had left children,--I should not troubleyou; I should have some object for my affection and ready hope forconsolation; but as things now are, the time may come when you willlook around in vain for a near soul, and you will ask yourself, 'Am Iliving in a foreign country?'"

  Pan Michael was silent; he meditated; therefore Zagloba began to speakagain, looking quickly into the face of the little knight, "In my mindand my heart I chose first of all that rosy haiduk for you: to beginwith, she is gold, not a maiden; and secondly, such venomous soldiersas you would give to the world have not been on earth yet."

  "She is a storm; besides, Pan Adam wants to strike fire with her."

  "That's it,--that's it! To-day she would prefer you to a certainty, forshe is in love with your glory; but when you go, and he remains--I knowhe will remain, the rascal! for there is no war--who knows what willhappen?"

  "Basia is a storm! Let Novoveski take her. I wish him well, because heis a brave man."

  "Michael!" said Zagloba, clasping his hands, "think what a posteritythat would be!"

  To this the little knight answered with the greatest simplicity, "Iknew two brothers Bal whose mother was a Drohoyovski,[10] and they wereexcellent soldiers."

  "Ah! I was waiting for that. You have turned in that direction?" criedZagloba.

  Pan Michael was confused beyond measure; at last he replied, "What doyou say? I am turning to no side; but when I thought of Basia'sbravery, which is really manlike, Krysia came to my mind at once; inher there is more of woman's nature. When one of them is mentioned, theother comes to mind, for they are both together."

  "Well, well! God bless you with Krysia, though as God is dear to me, ifI were young, I should fall in love with Basia to kill. You would notneed to leave such a wife at home in time of war; you could take her tothe field, and have her at your side. Such a woman would be good foryou in the tent; and if it came to that, even in time of battle shewould handle a musket. But she is honest and good. Oh, my haiduk, mylittle darling haiduk, they have not known you here, and have nourishedyou with thanklessness; but if I were something like sixty yearsyounger, I should see what sort of a Pani Zagloba there would be in myhouse."

  "I do not detract from Basia."

  "It is not a question of detracting from her virtues, but of giving hera husband. But you prefer Krysia."

  "Krysia is my friend."

  "Your friend, not your friend_ess?_ That must be because she has amustache. I am your friend; Pan Yan is; so is Ketling. You do not needa man for a friend, but a woman. Tell this to yourself clearly, anddon't throw a cover over your eyes. Guard yourself, Michael, against afriend of the fair sex, even though that friend has a mustache; foreither you will betray that friend, or you yourself will be betrayed.The Devil does not sleep, and he is glad to sit between such friends;as example of this, Adam and Eve began to be friends, till thatfriendship became a bone in Adam's throat."

  "Do not offend Krysia, for I will not endure it in any way."

  "God guard Krysia! There is no one above my little haiduk; but Krysiais a good maiden too. I do not attack her in any way, but I say this toyou: When you sit near her, your cheeks are as flushed as if some onehad pinched them, and your mustaches are quivering, your forelockrises, and you are panting and striking with your feet and stampinglike a ring-dove; and all this is a sign of desires. Tell some one elseabout friendship; I am too old a sparrow for that talk."

  "So old that you see that which is not."

  "Would that I were mistaken! Would that my haiduk were in question!Micha
el, good-night to you. Take the haiduk; the haiduk is thecomelier. Take the haiduk; take the haiduk!"

  Zagloba rose and went out of the room.

  Pan Michael tossed about the whole night; he could not sleep, forunquiet thoughts passed through his head all the time. He saw beforehim Krysia's face, her eyes with long lashes, and her lip with down.Dozing seized him at moments, but the vision did not vanish. On waking,he remembered the words of Zagloba, and called to mind how rarely thewit of that man was mistaken in anything. At times when half sleeping,half waking, the rosy face of Basia gleamed before him, and the sightcalmed him; but again Krysia took her place quickly. The poor knightturns to the wall now, sees her eyes; turns to the darkness in theroom, sees her eyes, and in them a certain languishing, a certainencouragement. At times those eyes are closing, as if to say, "Let thywill be done!" Pan Michael sat up in the bed and crossed himself.Toward morning the dream flew away altogether; then it becameoppressive and bitter to him. Shame seized him, and he began toreproach himself harshly, because he did not see before him thatbeloved one who was dead; that he had his eyes, his heart, his soul,full not of her, but of the living. It seemed to him that he had sinnedagainst the memory of Anusia, hence he shook himself once and a secondtime; then springing from the bed, though it was dark yet, he began tosay his morning "Our Father."

  When Pan Michael had finished, he put his finger on his forehead andsaid, "I must go as soon as possible, and restrain this friendship atonce, for perhaps Zagloba is right." Then, more cheerful and calm, hewent down to breakfast. After breakfast he fenced with Basia, andnoticed, beyond doubt, for the first time, that she drew one's eyes,she was so attractive with her dilated nostrils and panting breast. Heseemed to avoid Krysia, who, noting this, followed him with her eyes,staring from astonishment; but he avoided even her glance. It wascutting his heart; but he held out.

  After dinner he went with Basia to the storehouse, where Ketling hadanother collection of arms. He showed her various weapons, andexplained the use of them. Then they shot at a mark from Astrachanbows. The maiden was made happy with the amusement, and became giddierthan ever, so that Pani Makovetski had to restrain her. Thus passed thesecond day. On the third Pan Michael went with Zagloba to Warsaw to theDanilovich Palace to learn something concerning the time of hisdeparture. In the evening the little knight told the ladies that hewould go surely in a week. While saying this, he tried to speakcarelessly and joyfully. He did not even look at Krysia. The young ladywas alarmed, tried to ask him touching various things; he answeredpolitely, with friendliness, but talked more with Basia.

  Zagloba, thinking this to be the fruit of his counsel, rubbed his handswith delight; but since nothing could escape his eye, he saw Krysia'ssadness. "She has changed," thought he; "she has changed noticeably.Well, that is nothing,--the ordinary nature of fair heads. But Michaelhas turned away sooner than I hoped. He is a man in a hundred, but awhirlwind in love, and a whirlwind he will remain."

  Zagloba had, in truth, a good heart, and was sorry at once for PannaKrysia. "I will say nothing to the maiden directly," thought he, "but Imust think out some consolation for her." Then, using the privilege ofage and a white head, he went to her after supper and began to strokeher black, silky hair. She sat quietly, raising toward him her mildeyes, somewhat astonished at his tenderness, but grateful.

  In the evening Zagloba nudged Pan Michael in the side at the door ofthe little knight's room, "Well, what?" said he. "No one can beat thehaiduk?"

  "A charming kid," answered Pan Michael. "She will make as much uproaras four soldiers in the house,--a regular drummer."

  "A drummer? God grant her to go with your drum as quickly as possible!"


  "Good-night! Wonderful creatures, those fair heads! Since youapproached Basia a little, have you noted the change in Krysia?"

  "No, I have not," answered the little knight.

  "As if some one had tripped her."

  "Good-night," repeated Pan Michael, and went quickly to his room.

  Zagloba, in counting on the little knight's instability, over-reckonedsomewhat, and in general acted awkwardly in mentioning the change inKrysia; for Pan Michael was so affected that something seemed to seizehim by the throat.

  "And this is how I pay her for kindness, for comforting me in grief,like a sister," said he to himself. "Well, what evil have I done toher?" thought he, after a moment of meditation. "What have I done? Ihave slighted her for three days, which was rude, to say the least. Ihave slighted the cherished girl, the dear one. Because she wished tocure my wounds, I have nourished her with ingratitude. If I only knew,"continued he, "how to preserve measure and restrain dangerousfriendship, and not offend her; but evidently my wit is too dull forsuch management."

  Pan Michael was angry at himself; but at the same time great pity rosein his breast. Involuntarily he began to think of Krysia as of abeloved and injured person. Anger against himself grew in him everymoment.

  "I am a barbarian, a barbarian!" repeated he. And Krysia overwhelmedBasia completely in his mind. "Let him who pleases take that kid, thatwind-mill, that rattler," said he to himself,--"Pan Adam or the Devil,it is all one to me!"

  Anger rose in him against Basia, who was indebted to God for herdisposition; but it never came to his head once that he might wrong hermore with this anger than Krysia with his pretended indifference.Krysia, with a woman's instinct, divined straightway that some changewas taking place in Pan Michael. It was at once both bitter and sad forthe maiden that the little knight seemed to avoid her; but sheunderstood instantly that something must be decided between them, andthat their friendship could not continue unmodified, but must becomeeither far greater than it had been or cease altogether. Hence she wasseized by alarm, which increased at the thought of Pan Michael's speedydeparture. Love was not in Krysia's heart yet. The maiden had not cometo self-consciousness on that point; but in her heart and in her bloodthere was a great readiness for love. Perhaps too she felt a lightturning of the head. Pan Michael was surrounded with the glory of thefirst soldier in the Commonwealth. All knights were repeating his namewith respect. His sister exalted his honor to the sky; the charm ofmisfortune covered him; and in addition, the young lady, living underthe same roof with him, grew accustomed to his attraction.

  Krysia had this in her nature, she was fond of being loved; thereforewhen Pan Michael began in those recent days to treat her withindifference, her self-esteem suffered greatly; but having a goodheart, she resolved not to show an angry face or vexation, and to winhim by kindness. That came to her all the more easily, since on thefollowing day Pan Michael had a penitent mien, and not only did notavoid Krysia's glance, but looked into her eyes, as if wishing to say,"Yesterday I offended you; to-day I implore your forgiveness." He saidso much to her with his eyes that under their influence the bloodflowed to the young lady's face, and her disquiet was increased, as ifwith a presentiment that very soon something important would happen. Infact, it did happen. In the afternoon Pani Makovetski went with Basiato Basia's relative, the wife of the chamberlain of Lvoff, who wasstopping in Warsaw; Krysia feigned purposely a headache, for curiosityseized her to know what she and Pan Michael would do if left tothemselves.

  Zagloba did not go, it is true, to the chamberlain's wife, but he hadthe habit of sleeping a couple of hours after dinner, for he said thatit saved him from fatness, and gave him clear wit in the evening;therefore, after he had chatted an hour or so, he began to prepare forhis room. Krysia's heart beat at once more unquietly. But what adisillusion was awaiting her! Pan Michael sprang up, and went out withZagloba.

  "He will come back soon," thought Krysia. And taking a little drum, shebegan to embroider on it a gold top for a cap to give Pan Michael athis departure. Her eyes rose, however, every little while, and went tothe Dantzig clock, which stood in the corner of Ketling's room, andticked with importance.

  But one hour and a second passed; Pan Michael was not to be seen.Krysia placed the drum on her knees, and crossing her hands
on it, saidin an undertone, "But before he decides, they may come, and we shallnot say anything, or Pan Zagloba may wake."

  It seemed to her in that moment that they had in truth to speak of someimportant affair, which might be deferred through the fault of PanMichael. At last, however, his steps were heard in the next room. "Heis wandering around," thought she, and began to embroider diligentlyagain.

  Volodyovski was, in fact, wandering; he was walking through the room,and did not dare to come in. Meanwhile the sun was growing red andapproaching its setting.

  "Pan Michael!" called Krysia, suddenly.

  He came in and found her sewing. "Did you call me?"

  "I wished to know if some stranger was walking in the house; I havebeen here alone for two hours."

  Pan Michael drew up a chair and sat on the edge of it. A long timeelapsed; he was silent; his feet clattered somewhat as he pushed themunder the table, and his mustache quivered. Krysia stopped sewing andraised her eyes to him; their glances met, and then both dropped theireyes suddenly.

  When Pan Michael raised his eyes again, the last rays of the sun werefalling on Krysia's face, and it was beautiful in the light; her hairgleamed in its folds like gold. "In a couple of days you are going?"asked she, so quietly that Pan Michael barely heard her.

  "It cannot be otherwise."

  Again a moment of silence, after which Krysia said, "I thought theselast days that you were angry with me."

  "As I live," cried Pan Michael, "I would not be worthy of your regardif I had been, but I was not."

  "What was the matter?" asked Krysia, raising her eyes to him.

  "I wish to speak sincerely, for I think that sincerity is always betterthan dissimulation; but I cannot tell how much solace you have pouredinto my heart, and how grateful I feel."

  "God grant it to be always so!" said Krysia, crossing her hands on thedrum.

  To this Pan Michael answered with great sadness, "God grant! Godgrant--But Pan Zagloba told me--I speak before you as before apriest--Pan Zagloba told me that friendship with fair heads is not asafe thing, for a more ardent feeling may be hidden beneath it, as fireunder ashes. I thought that perhaps Pan Zagloba was right. Forgive me,a simple soldier; another would have brought out the idea morecleverly, but my heart is bleeding because I have offended you theserecent days, and life is not pleasant to me."

  When he had said this. Pan Michael began to move his mustaches morequickly than any beetle. Krysia dropped her head, and after a while twotears rolled down her cheeks. "If it will be easier for you, I willconceal my sisterly affection." A second pair of tears, and then athird, appeared on her cheeks.

  At sight of this, Pan Michael's heart was rent completely; he sprangtoward Krysia, and seized her hands. The drum rolled from her knees tothe middle of the room; the knight, however, did not care for that; heonly pressed those warm, soft, velvety hands to his mouth, repeating,--

  "Do not weep. For God's sake, do not weep!"

  Pan Michael did not cease to kiss the hands even when Krysia put themon her head, as people do usually when embarrassed; but he kissed themthe more ardently, till the warmth coming from her hair and foreheadintoxicated him as wine does, and his ideas grew confused. Then notknowing himself how and when, his lips came to her forehead and kissedthat still more eagerly; and then he pushed down to her tearful eyes,and the world went around with him altogether. Next he felt that mostdelicate down on her lip; and after that their mouths met and werepressed together with all their power. Silence fell on the room; onlythe clock ticked with importance.

  Suddenly Basia's steps were heard in the ante-room, and her childlikevoice repeating, "Frost! frost! frost!"

  Pan Michael sprang away from Krysia like a frightened panther from hisvictim; and at that moment Basia rushed in with an uproar, repeatingincessantly, "Frost! frost! frost!" Suddenly she stumbled against thedrum lying in the middle of the room. Then she stopped, and lookingwith astonishment, now on the drum, now on Krysia, now on the littleknight, said, "What is this? You struck each other, as with a dart?"

  "But where is auntie?" asked Krysia, striving to bring out of herheaving breast a quiet, natural voice.

  "Auntie is climbing out of the sleigh by degrees," answered Basia, withan equally changed voice. Her nostrils moved a number of times. Shelooked once more at Krysia and Pan Michael, who by that time had raisedthe drum, then she left the room suddenly.

  Pani Makovetski rolled into the room; Pan Zagloba came downstairs, anda conversation set in about the wife of the chamberlain of Lvoff.

  "I did not know that she was Pan Adam's godmother," said PaniMakovetski; "he must have made her his confidante, for she ispersecuting Basia with him terribly."

  "But what did Basia say?" asked Zagloba.

  "'A halter for a dog!' She said to the chamberlain's lady: 'He has nomustache, and I have no sense; and it is not known which one will getwhat is lacking first.'"

  "I knew that she would not lose her tongue; but who knows what her realthought is? Ah, woman's wiles!"

  "With Basia, what is on her heart is on her lips. Besides, I have toldyou already that she does not feel the will of God yet; Krysia does, ina higher degree."

  "Auntie!" said Krysia, suddenly.

  Further conversation was interrupted by the servant, who announced thatsupper was on the table. All went then to the dining-room; but Basiawas not there.

  "Where is the young lady?" asked Pani Makovetski of the servant.

  "The young lady is in the stable. I told the young lady that supper wasready; the young lady said, 'Well,' and went to the stable."

  "Has something unpleasant happened to her? She was so gay," said PaniMakovetski, turning to Zagloba.

  Then the little knight, who had an unquiet conscience, said, "I will goand bring her." And he hurried out. He found her just inside thestable-door, sitting on a bundle of hay. She was so sunk in thoughtthat she did not see him as he entered.

  "Panna Basia," said the little knight, bending over her.

  Basia trembled as if roused from sleep, and raised her eyes, in whichPan Michael saw, to his utter astonishment, two tears as large aspearls. "For God's sake! What is the matter? You are weeping."

  "I do not dream of it," cried Basia, springing up; "I do not dream ofit! That is from frost." She laughed joyously, but the laughter wasrather forced. Then, wishing to turn attention from herself, shepointed to the stall in which was the steed given Pan Michael by thehetman, and said with animation, "You say it is impossible to go tothat horse? Now let us see!"

  And before Pan Michael could restrain her, she had sprung into thestall. The fierce beast began to rear, to paw, and to put back hisears.

  "For God's sake! he will kill you!" cried Pan Michael, springing afterher.

  But Basia had begun already to stroke with her palm the shoulder of thehorse, repeating, "Let him kill! let him kill!"

  But the horse turned to her his steaming nostrils and gave a low neigh,as if rejoiced at the fondling.