Read Panic Page 1

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  This book is dedicated to dancers everywhere, but especially to Miss Crystal and the wonderful students of Kinetic Expressions Dance Academy in Daytona Beach, Florida (


  Many thanks to the following:

  All the KEDA families who support their children as they learn and grow through dance.

  All the KEDA students who work so hard and perform so beautifully.

  Yes, this book is about you. No, that character is not you.

  For real!

  To my family who supports me as I work to do what I do:


  Damon and Mary

  Larry Draper

  Cory and Wendy.

  And a special shout out to Diane Swirka.

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  Also, please be aware of the dangers of teen dating abuse as well as predators who stalk our children. I found these websites to be helpful and informative:


  JUSTIN, Friday, April 12 4 p.m.

  “ ‘Proud and insolent youth,’ said Hook, ‘prepare to meet thy doom.’

  “ ‘Dark and sinister man,’ Peter answered, ‘have at thee.’ ”

  —from Peter Pan

  “Hey, dance boy!”

  Sixteen-year-old Justin Braddock, wearing his favorite Timberland boots, tromped down the rain-slicked sidewalk, book bag slung over his left shoulder, heading to the bus stop. He did not turn around—he knew who trailed behind him.

  “You heard me, dancing queen! Don’t be tiptoeing away, now.”

  Justin sighed. Another fight.

  Zac Patterson, the wrestling team’s “sultan of the slam,” was known to brandish both his biceps and equally massive ego. He yelled louder. “What up, fag!”

  “Swish!” added Ben Bones. Justin knew Bones would be hovering just a few steps behind Zac, safe like a shadow.

  Justin tried to ignore the idiots behind him. Guys had been teasing him for years, ever since he started taking dance lessons. He was as tall as Zac, more muscled than Bones. But most guys seemed clueless about the athletic skills required for the leaps and lifts he had mastered. And none of them knew how much he loved it.

  “Look how he twitches those hips!” Zac jeered.

  Justin wondered, amused, why Zac was so interested in his butt.

  “Got your shiny pink toe shoes stuffed in that bag? Who braids your hair—yo mama?” Bones asked, laughing loudly with Zac.

  “Your mama wears a tutu too!” Zac and Bones hooted with laughter.

  Justin stopped walking. He tossed his backpack on the ground and spun around. “Don’t you talk about my mother!” he hissed. A surge of rage and sorrow coursed through him. His mother had died less than a year before, and it felt like yesterday. It felt like forever.

  “Your mama so stupid, she tried to put her M&M’s in alphabetical order!” Bones sniped, still standing safely behind Zac.

  Justin was not in a mood to play the dozens. Not today. Not ever. Not about his mom.

  “Your mama twice the man you are,” Zac sneered.


  Not today.

  Justin did not hesitate. He wheeled around, tightened his right fist, then, with a whump, he planted a direct blow to the center of Zac’s gut.

  Zac, all two hundred pounds of him, crumpled in a heap on the sidewalk. “Oomph,” he managed to mumble.

  Bones, looking terrified, placed both his hands in a strategic position to protect himself, but Justin just glared at him.

  “Dance with that!” Justin said as he picked up his pack. He continued down the street and did not look back.


  JUSTIN, Friday, April 12 5 p.m.

  “ . . . who cuts whistles out of the trees and dances ecstatically to his own tunes.”

  —from Peter Pan

  Justin stepped nimbly off the bus, half a block away from the Crystal Pointe Dance Academy. He came here almost every day after school, and the place felt like a second home. Roomy and airy, done up in tones of red and black and white, it housed well over a hundred students—most of them girls.

  He paused in the parking lot as a dark maroon Cadillac Escalade truck pulled in. In it was Layla Ridgewood, who was dropped off every day by her boyfriend, Donovan.

  Donovan Beaudry rolled his window down; ear-splittingly loud rap music exploded from the truck’s custom-installed sound gear. The SUV rolled on twenty-four-inch dubs and sported a shiny set of Sprewells that Justin knew cost around $2,000 a set. The hubcaps continued to spin even after the car came to a stop. He didn’t even want to think about how Donovan could have paid for all that.

  Donovan kept his head shaved bald, probably to show off the tattoos on his neck, Justin figured. Another tat covered his entire left arm, spelling out “Layla” in script lettering. He glanced at Justin, coughed, then spit in his direction.

  Justin glanced at him coolly. He didn’t move. He and Donovan had once been best friends. In elementary school they’d played soldiers outside and video games inside.

  But by their early teens Donny started to change. He was a year older, and when he got to middle school, he started to hang out with the boys who skipped classes and sold their mothers’ prescription pills behind the gym. By the time Justin got to sixth grade, the two had grown apart.

  “ ’Sup?” Donovan said lazily.

  “Just chillin’,” Justin replied.

  “Still playin’ ballerina with the girls every day? There’s somethin’ just messed up with that, man.”

  “So you say.”

  “Why can’t you play football or basketball like a real dude?” Donovan’s voice was filled with scorn.

  “I don’t see you wearin’ cleats and shoulder pads,” Justin countered.

  “I’m a lover, man. Ain’t got time for sweatin’ on some football field. But if that’s what I wanted to do, I’d be the best man on the team, not some sissy who dances with girls.”

  Justin smiled. “Dude, for four hours every day I get to hang with a room full of shorties dressed in shorts and tights and leotards. You the one who don’t get it, man. I’m just swagged out like that!”

  Donovan pointed a finger at Justin. “Just make sure you keep away from my Layla. She comes here to dance, not to be felt up by you.”

  Justin flexed his forearms. “I got mad respect for Layla—and all the girls here.”

  “You cross the line, I’ll make you suffer. You got that?” Donovan spat out the window again, then pulled Layla toward him and kissed her roughly.

  When she got out of the car, Layla swiped her hand across her mouth, then waved cheerfully as Donovan gunned the engine and drove away. He didn’t wave back.

  “Hey, Justin,” Layla said. “You know, you gotta just ignore Donny. He’s all smoke.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He paused, then went for it. “But I wonder if you do.”

  Layla’s eyes went flat for a second; she swallowed and then opened her mouth to answer, quickly changing the subject. “How was school today?” They both went to Broadway High, where Layla was a sophomore and Justin was a junior.

  “Same old. What’s
up with you?”

  “Chillaxin’. Glad to get here so I can stretch out some of my stress.”

  “Girl, what you got to be stressed about? The show tomorrow? Donovan?” Justin asked as they walked to the front door of the studio.

  “Donny’s great, but you know—stuff at home, stuff at school. This is the only place where I feel like I can really kick it. And OMG, the show is gonna be off the chain!”

  “I feel ya.”

  Justin pulled open the heavy red wooden doors for her and breathed in happily. Layla was right. Music played softly from speakers in the ceiling. To the left was the Crystal Café, a cozy little room with vending machines, a microwave, and an odd assortment of tables and chairs to lounge in. Students came in from school and gobbled whatever was available that week.

  “I wonder if the Wi-Fi is up,” Layla mused as she got a diet cola and granola bar from the machines.

  Justin got out his iPad and checked. “Yep. Miss Ginger musta got it fixed. You’re free to update your Facebook status to ‘Still lockin’ lips with Donovan!’ ”

  She looked at him, sipped her soda, then said, “What? You jealous?”

  “He’s a lucky man,” Justin admitted. “I just don’t think he realizes what a good thing he’s got.”

  Layla looked away. “I think he knows. I just hope he remembers.”

  Justin wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but he kept his face a mask and headed for the main dance room. He cued up “Beat It” by Michael Jackson. Yeah, it was old, but it was timeless. He turned the music up as loud as it would go and let it wash over him as he pulled off his shirt and his shoes. Wearing only sweatpants, he began to move to the rhythms that pounded around him. He stretched for a few moments, then he began to spin. He bounded. He leaped. He did coffee grinders and helicopters, body glides and freezes.

  He’d started as a B-boy dancer, popping and locking for fun in his living room, showing off for his parents as he spun on his head or balanced on his arms. But at the studio he’d discovered jazz dance styles, modern, and even ballet. He was amazed how easily each form had come to him. It was like sampling new flavors of candy, each bubbling to its own soundtrack.

  Covered with sweat and breathing hard, Justin finally stopped when he realized several students were standing by the mirrors, watching him. A couple of them clapped.

  “Great job, Justin,” Miss Ginger called out as she breezed into the room. She tossed him a towel. Lithe and muscular, she could outdance most of the students who attended her studio, even though she had to be at least forty years old. Her frizzy brown-gray hair framed her face like a halo.

  “Thanks, Miss Ginger. I was just warming up.” He wiped his face and glanced back at Layla. She was busily texting—Probably Donovan, he thought.

  “Have you posted the cast for Peter Pan yet?” Diamond Landers asked the teacher. Tryouts had been held two days ago for the highlight of the year—the June full-company dance adaptation of a major Broadway show.

  “You can find the list online tonight,” Miss Ginger replied. “I am so looking forward to working with you guys—it’s going to be awesome!”

  “Any hints?” Diamond asked, teasing. Justin knew she really wanted the lead in that show—the part of Wendy.

  “You know me better than that, Diamond,” Miss Ginger said, her voice stern but kind.

  “I’m just so amped up!” Diamond said, doing a couple of piqué turns across the floor.

  “First things first,” Miss Ginger told her. “We’ve got to get through our spring showcase, which is tomorrow!”

  “I’m just sayin’ . . . ,” Diamond said to anyone who was listening as she pretended to float across the floor to her place on the barre. She twirled in place, then grinned at Justin, who just shook his head in bemusement.

  Miss Ginger called the class to order, and the rest of the students trickled in from the café, the dressing rooms, and the lounge. She plugged her iPod into the speakers, chose a song, and gave a clap, “Let’s begin. We have a performance in less than twenty-four hours, and we have so much to do.”

  Justin exhaled and then smiled to himself. It doesn’t get better than this.


  Wendy Darling Layla Ridgewood

  Peter Pan Jillian Aylor

  Tiger Lily Mercedes Ford

  John Darling Tara Picassa

  Michael Darling Tina Picassa

  Captain Hook Justin Braddock

  Smee the Pirate Diamond Landers

  Nana the Dog Zizi Cho

  Tock the Crocodile Zizi Cho

  Tinker Bell Elizabeth Flemming

  Tink’s Helpers Jr. Company dancers

  The Lost Boys Company dancers

  Pirates Company dancers

  Indians Company dancers

  Posted Friday, April 12


  DIAMOND, Saturday, April 13 2 p.m.

  “All are keeping a sharp look-out in front, but none suspects that

  the danger may be creeping up from behind.”

  —from Peter Pan

  “We’re swingin’ by the mall to get new tights for tonight’s performance, Mom,” Diamond yelled up the stairs.

  “Didn’t I just buy you tights last week?” her mother answered as she leaned over the railing.

  “Those were pink tights, Mom. I need beige ones. Pink is just for ballet!”

  Mrs. Landers threw her hands up in frustration and came downtairs. “I can’t keep up with you kids and your dance stuff. So when do you need the red tights?”

  “Those were for that little show we did at the middle school last week. Don’t you remember?” Diamond looked at her friend Mercedes Ford, who grinned at the nearly identical “mom conversations” they both were forced to endure before they left the house.

  “Now tell me again what time the show starts and where it’s going to be,” Diamond’s mother said.

  Diamond sighed. “Seven thirty, Mom. Miss Ginger is using Broadway High’s auditorium for this performance, remember? You got the tickets?”

  “I got the tickets. Shasta and Dad and I will be there, right up front.”

  “Remember, this is just the spring showcase—I don’t have a very big part tonight. And I’m in the back row.”

  “I don’t care. I simply love watching you dance, even if you’re only onstage for a hot minute,” her mother said, smoothing Diamond’s curly brown hair and adjusting her pink flowing cover-up so her bra straps didn’t show. “You know I wouldn’t miss this.”

  “Can I come to the mall with you?” Diamond’s nine-year-old sister, Shasta, asked, popping in from the kitchen. She was busy peeling a banana.

  “Sorry, Shasta-blasta. Not this time. We’ve got rehearsal, and this show is just for the older kids. I’ll see you after the performance, with Mom and Dad, okay?” Diamond told her.

  “Is Justin in the show?” Shasta asked.

  “Well, yeah. Duh! He’s the only advanced male in our studio right now. He’s, like, vital. Who else can do duos and lifts and stuff?”

  “He’s cute,” Shasta said with a giggle, stuffing half the banana into her mouth.

  “He’s sixteen!”

  “So?” Shasta tossed the peel in the trash and put her hands on her hips.

  “So you better behave, young lady,” Mrs. Landers said with a laugh.

  “Don’t forget, banana breath, you’ll be in the next show!” Diamond reminded her. “I am so hyped for Peter Pan. Me and you will be together for every single rehearsal and every single performance.”

  “That’s not till June,” Shasta groaned as she gulped down the fruit. “I need to hang with you so I can learn all the juicy stuff about dance.” She twirled clumsily, stumbled, and caught a teetering lamp just before it toppled over. “Sorry, Mom,” she said as she continued to whirl around the sofa and chairs. Her sneakers blinked and sparkled with every step.

  Diamond laughed. “There’s no juicy stuff, Shasta, unless you count the s

  “Ick!” Shasta flopped down on the sofa. “Hey! Did Miss Ginger post the parts yet? What did I get?”

  “Yeah, she posted them online last night,” Mercedes told her.

  “Really? The list is up? Why didn’t you tell me?” Diamond’s mother asked. “What part did you get, sweetie?”

  Diamond shrugged. “I didn’t get the role of Wendy like I wanted.”

  “Any part you play makes me proud,” her mother said.

  “Yeah. Well, glad you’re proud. I get to be Smee the pirate.” She paused, looking at the floor. “That totally sucks.”

  Mrs. Landers pulled Diamond close. “You are my star, Diamond,” she whispered into her ear. “Never forget that. And you will be the best Smee ever.”

  Diamond leaned into the hug and let her mom smooth her hair.

  Shasta, up again and now trying to balance on her toes, interrupted. “What part did I get? Can I be Tinker Bell? I’m little enough.”

  Diamond got down on her knees, eye level with her sister. “No, but you can be one of Tinker Bell’s assistants!”

  “Do I get a cute costume?” Shasta asked warily.

  “I think all the little Tinks get costumes that light up!”

  Shasta did a happy little wiggle. “Awesome! So let me come with you to the mall so I can get some sparkly tights.”

  “You’d have holes in them by the time we do that show.” Diamond laughed. “You’ve got plenty of time to get your costume together and tons of rehearsals before that.”

  “Do I get a magic wand?”

  “Probably. I’ll ask Miss Ginger.”

  “I want a purple one!” Shasta insisted. “Pinkie promise.” She held out the little finger of her right hand.

  Diamond hooked her finger to her sister’s tiny one. “I’ll do my best.”

  Appeased for the moment, Shasta headed back to the kitchen.

  “Mom, we better go,” Diamond said. “Miss Ginger will kill us if we’re late for rehearsal.”

  “You be careful driving, Mercedes,” Mrs. Landers said, glancing out the window. “It’s pouring rain out there.”