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Panic Over Metropolis

  Raymond Daley

  Copyright 18/3/2012 by Raymond Daley

  Cover by Ben Millar

  Jan 4th 2012



  Metropolis Police today are reporting an all time record low in their latest crime statistics mostly thanks to the aid of Superman. The Man Of Steel foiled his 59th bank robbery this year after a shoot-out with the perpetrators, late this afternoon.

  The gangs leader was quoted as saying "I fired a whole clip of .357 Magnum rounds from less than five feet but he just kept on coming, I decided to give up after I ran out of bullets." Superman had left the scene by the time Metropolis Police Officers came to take the robbers into custody, no doubt foiling yet another crime.

  Lois Lane


  This morning at the Metropolis Exhibition Centre, Lex Corps Weapons Division unveiled their newest product, a high tech bullet proof vest capable of stopping any calibre round from almost any distance.

  Your faithful reporter took the spot when owner Lex Luthor called for a volunteer to publicly test their latest creation. The new vest is composed of a kevlar and carbon fibre woven mesh which has the greatest stopping power ever seen of any body armour created to date.

  Lex Luthor used several different handgun and rifles, eventually concluding the demonstration by donning the vest himself and inviting this roving reporter to put it to the ultimate test, the .50 calibre sniper rifle.

  Firing at the vest from six feet, the round was stopped and Mr Luthor even showed it had no after effects as he removed his shirt to show no bruising. With gun crime on the increase in our fair city I know what I'm asking Santa for this Christmas!

  Clark Kent


  Today at the Metropolis Deluxe Pharmacy Lex Corps Chemical Division took great delight in announcing the début of a newly developed form of Lithium Polycarbonate, this drug will aid massively in the treatment of mental disorders which have been significantly increasing in our fair city.

  Lex Corps owner, Mr Lex Luthor said "I look forward to helping improve the mental health of my fellow citizens!" at the noon launch. Mr Luthor was proud to have the support of the FDA after vigorous testing of his new wonder pill. He joked with this reporter that he hoped the statistics of reported mental health problems would soon be as low as our crime figures.

  Alan Smithee


  “So what's the prognosis, Doc?” Clark asked.

  “All tests lead me to believe it's some kind of Narcissistic personality disorder, this causes you to manifest this other self, this 'Superman' during your delusional episodes. The altered state leads you into the belief that you are an alien from a planet called Krypton. However all the astronomers I consulted are unaware of the existence of any such planet.

  So it is yet another creation of the delusional mind. As is the susceptibility to this compound you call 'Kryptonite', I took the liberty of having a Chemist examine it, it appears to be nothing more than common Anthracite or coal.

  I am prescribing an extended course of Lithium Polycarbonate in hope that it will rebalance your mental state. If the drug proves to be successful, I foresee your return to work in possibly no more than a month Mister Kent. Please ensure you take the entire course of medication. Here is your prescription. If you have any further problems, my personal number is on the card.”


  Jan 7th 2012



  Today over thirty cases of handbags being snatched were reported to the Metropolis Police Department who have taken statements and believe this was a co-ordinated effort by a very well organized gang of thieves. The Police Chief was quoted as saying "We wondered where Superman was but I guess even he can't stop every crime!"

  Lois Lane


  Today in Metropolis it was reported that Police arrested shoplifters at forty different locations across the city. Numerous stores had reported thieves who had got away, estimates range from twenty to seventy persons evaded arrest or capture.

  The Police Chief was quoted as saying "Our officers have worked hard to catch these people but with crimes so widely spread across the city even we can't catch them all. We don't even think Superman could have caught them all.”

  Alan Smithee


  “Hey Doc, it's Clark Kent. Checking in as requested. The meds seem to be having the required effect, no episodes at all. I'm feeling really good in myself, better than I have for a long time. It was good to finally get a name on this beast and get proper treatment under way. I understand my mom sent a Pecan pie? You'll enjoy that, I know I do! Speak to you in a few days. Thanks Doc!”


  Jan 10th 2012



  Earlier this morning in Metropolis EMT's were called after a mugging went wrong and escalated into a stabbing. The victim is currently reported as being in a stable condition, Police as yet have been unable to interview him. A Police spokesman said “We hope he recovers enough to give us a description of the attacker.”

  Alan Smithee


  Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent will be away from his desk as he is currently suffering with a minor illness. All the staff here at the paper would like to send our best and we hope you get well soon.

  Lois Lane


  “Hey Doc, It's Clark Kent? Ah, the machine again. Darn. Look Doc, call me back when you get this? I don't know if I've been taking too many of these pills, I don't seem to have enough to last until my next refill. I'm gonna play it safe and cut back by half, hopefully they'll last me. Have you had any thoughts on that strength thing yet? Get in touch please Doc?”


  Jan 16th 2012



  Metropolis Police are currently investigate a shooting outside Shadows Nightclub, several shots were fired but no-one was hurt. It is unknown if an individual or the establishment itself was being fired upon at this time. Police are still amassing forensic evidence.

  Alan Smithee


  “Mister Kent, it's Doctor Lewis here. Sorry to get your message service, I've been trying to call you directly for the last four days now. I did some reading about the strength question, with a surge of adrenalin the Human body can perform feats of apparently Superhuman strength, I don't think this is anything to do with the physical manifestation of Superman.

  We talked about that, it's just one of those voices inside your head that you have to stop listening to. Kal-el may be wise but he also doesn't have your best interests at heart. When you get this, can you please come in to see me. Please don't cut back on your meds, if you need more I can prescribe them. Please come and see me, it's urgent.”


  Jan 20th 2012



  A robbery at the First Metropolis Bank turned suddenly into a shooting match, a witness said. The five robbers were in the process of taking the money when a Security Guard attempted to stop them. The Guard was killed, as were two of the robbers. The remaining three robbers got away with over a million dollars in cash. Police are currently investigating. The absence of Superman is starting to become noticeable.

  Lois Lane


  “Mister Kent, I'm becoming a little concerned about your not returning my calls. The only way a man can fly is inside a plane or a helicopter. The apparent 'o
bservation' of this event by members of the public is clearly down to mass hysteria. Having checked with the Police no actual eye-witness accounts have ever been recorded at source, only ever after the fact. It can possibly be attributed to something I recently discovered called 'Auto-suggestion'.

  I've left a new prescription for you with my receptionist in case I'm not here when you next call at my office. Come by and pick it up if you feel you need extra medication. Please to ring or drop in, it is quite urgent.”


  Jan 27th 2012



  The cause of the riot that started on Third Street is still unknown, at this time we have been informed that twenty citizens were killed and three Police Officers. Riot Officers were fired upon by small and large calibre weapons. As yet, no investigation has been opened into the nature of the civil unrest.

  We call upon all law abiding citizens to remain at home and remain calm. Please don't turn to vigilante justice, our Police will keep order. We can only hope Superman will return soon.

  Lois Lane


  “Hey Doc, it's Clark here. Sorry I haven't returned your calls before now, all kinds of issues with lost messages through the Cell company. Some kind of issue with hackers apparently. Anyway, I feel okay generally. Having a few lapses of memory here and there, sometimes I wake up and can't remember exactly where I am, why I'm here or how I got here.

  Left myself a couple of post-it notes to make sure Kal-el didn't take advantage, things like 'You are on Earth in a city called Metropolis' and 'You are human'. They seem to be helping.

  Those lapses aren't very frequent so I don't want you to worry too much, I just thought it was worth my mentioning them. I think I have at least another two weeks worth of meds to keep me going. I'll come by the office when I next go shopping, you're only down the street. See you soon.”


  Feb 3rd 2012



  Fire crews are still trying to bring under control the resulting blaze after the bombing on Main Street. It currently appears that the target was the offices of Weiss & Weiss Attorneys at law, providers of legal council to Lex Corps International. The current estimate is at fifty dead and seventy injured.

  This journalist must now ask, where is Superman in our time of need? Has he abandoned us completely?

  Lois Lane


  “These drugs aren't helping, it's why I stopped taking them. I don't need them, this disguise of Clark Kent is merely that. A disguise and no more. I can not suffer the same illnesses as these Earthlings. I will fly across the city tonight, to show them that Superman still watches over them.”


  Feb 10th 2012



  Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent died last night after being observed jumping off his balcony. An eye-witness said “He stood right on the edge, jumped off and put his arm forward, it was almost as if he thought he was Superman.”

  A Police spokesman said “It appears that Mister Kent was on medication for a mental disorder and he stopped taking it. After lengthy consultation with his Doctor we assume that he suffered some kind of relapse leading to his suicide. This case has been closed, death by misadventure. Our sympathies are extended to his family and friends at this difficult time.”

  All the staff here at the Daily Planet send our heartfelt condolences to his parents in Smallville. News of a memorial service is expected to be announced shortly.

  Lois Lane


  Legal Disclaimer:- Superman, Clark Kent, Kal-el, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, The Man Of Steel, The Daily Planet, Metropolis, Krypton, Kryptonite, Smallville & the S symbol are all copyright DC comics. No infringement is intended, this title is released under Creative Commons terms as a work of fan fiction.

  Authors Notes:- I'd written a couple of pieces regarding mental illness when I first started this story WAY back in 2012 (almost two years ago now!) so I held this idea back. I needed to research the character traits of Superman and match them to a mental condition.

  Wikipedia was helpful there, finally giving me Narcissistic personality disorder. The next thing that took time was plotting out the various crimes that happen in the story as 'Superman' is no longer helping the Police. I wanted them to escalate but not too much.

  Alan Smithee. Fans of Superman no doubt asked themselves “Who's this dude, I've never heard of him?” That's because he's not a DC character. Alan Smithee is a movie reference, it's a name people use when they still want a credit but don't want to be associated to a movie under their real names.

  Doctor Lewis went through two name changes before I settled on that. Stan Lee came very close to making a cameo, as did David Banner. I hope people enjoy this, it was difficult to write.