Read Paradon: An Unexpected Chronicle Page 12

aren’t far, follow me, the noises are coming from further south in the forest” whispered Nero as he sped up and changed direction. Both knew the forest well so they had no difficulty in navigating through it. They came upon this ledge where a short wall of rocks was located at, perfect for looking down into the forest’s valley. The noises had intensified and the two could feel the vibrations of a vicious battle going on, not far from their position.

  The two ran towards the position and took it, the rocks protected their bodies, they looked down upon the valley, and they could not comprehend at all what they saw. Two enormous, unseen, ferocious creatures, one with scales and skin that looked like it was made of black rocks, slower than its adversary but much sturdier, its large dark wings folded unto its back, its eyes glowed a bright yellow, the only things on it that didn’t resemble rock. Its wounds were deep and visible, but there was no blood. It was tiring out fast compared to its opponent, who it kept ramming continuously. Its opponent was nearly twice its size, a sleeker and faster beast, but it seemed to be less sturdy, its body was muscular, green and with a red underside, its eyes were large, it had four legs but its front legs were armed with deadly claws, large wings protruded out of its scaly back along with a long and menacing barbed tail at its end. Behind the brawl between these two ravenous creatures was a dead boar. It seemed to be that the beasts were fighting over the carcass of the boar. It looked like it wasn’t just that, these two creatures seem to hate each other and are out to kill rather than to scare off a competitor.

  Trolgar and Nero were stunned to see such a sight, they had never seen these beasts before, the beasts battered one another and both were not going to stop. Minute after minute, these beasts were still fighting, until green and red creature drove its claw directly into the eye of the creature that looked like it was made of stone, before using its other claw to slash its other eye. The rocky creature went berserk and smashed against the trees, it then tried to take flight. It ascended into the trees, its adversary stretched its wings and ascended as well, in hot pursuit of his foe. The green creature then bit the neck of its wounded foe and with its body mass turned it over and the two pummelled to the ground. Dirt and dust stirred up from the impact off the ground and onto the surrounding circumference, creating a dust cloud. The beast then lifted its body with its hind legs and with its front claws, broke the neck of the still breathing rock-like creature. Trolgar and Nero were temporarily unable to see what was going on in the valley. The dust cloud finally cleared, the pair looked down from their position to see rock-like creature dead on the ground, while its wounded adversary gorged itself on the boar carcass.

  “That was horrible, I think we should back off from this and go back to the village, I don’t think we can fight this thing with just the two of us, we have no idea how to kill it either” whispered Trolgar. “Your right, we best hurry back and tell the others” said the Goblin before stopping his speech and turning to look down again. “What is it?” asked Trolgar, Nero then fearfully said “that thing isn’t there anymore”. Trolgar turned to see that the beast was nowhere in sight and the unfinished boar carcass was there unguarded. Instinct told the two that the beast knew of their presence, terror gripped the two of them, a feeling not often felt in Stunt Valley. They turned around and decided to run for the village, they had gone so deep into the forest and it was very dark, it would be a hard hike back. After a hundred paces, they heard heavy wings slowly flapping above them, it was the creature and it was hunting them down. It flew over them and descended on their path, there it was, right in front of them and it let out a roar, the roar that they heard so many times. It was deafening and the two of them were terrified, Trolgar gathered his courage and fired an arrow at the beast’s side as its head had evaded the arrow. It hit the beast, agitating it further and it charged straight for Trolgar, he held his ground and drew his blade, Nero swiftly threw a bunch of vines over the beast’s elongated jaw and he pulled two of these vines towards his direction with all his might. The beast’s head was pulled away from Trolgar so that it was unable to bite him, its body however swerved into Trolgar, throwing him back and against a tree.

  The beast then turned its attention to the young and bold Goblin, it lunged forward with a head butt, unable to bite because of the vines entangled up on his muzzle. The Goblin dodged and with his spear stabbed an already present wound made by the beast it had killed, he stabbed it once more, before its tail whipped the poor Goblin hard and he was thrown back several meters. It ascended slightly into the air and it brought its claw forth to end the Goblin’s life. At the last second Trolgar grabbed hold of it and with all his strength he slammed it onto the ground, he fell with it and the two rolled down a hill. The creature fell on top of him, it arose and with its left wing held the tired Troll down and it raised its claw, both heard a loud scream coming from in front of their position, it was Uncle Stiller, who drove a spear straight through the beast’s skull, killing it instantly, its massive body slumps to the side. “Trolgar! Are you okay? Trolgar! Speak to me, say a few syllables” cried the panicking Stiller as he ran to assist Trolgar. Trolgar’s eyes opened and he coughed before saying, “sorry Uncle Stiller, I left in the middle of the night without your permission”. “Never mind that Trolgar, Are you alright? You yourself is my only concern now” said Stiller. Trolgar smiled and said “I’m all right Uncle Stiller, my ribs hurt a little that’s all, please go check on Nero, I’ll be fine” said Trolgar. Uncle Stiller then helped Trolgar stand, that Troll was tough he didn’t need much help. Then Uncle Stiller saw the Goblin slide down the slope of the hill, he limbered forward and said “Hey Uncle Stiller! I am sorry we wandered off”. He ran towards him and asked if he too was all right, “I am all right, it’s just my ribs hurt a little that’s all” replied the Goblin. Stiller smiled and said “come we shall go back to the hut, get you some food and let me help you ease the pain, you boys are tough for sticking up to that thing. And for sneaking away without my notice!” said Stiller after confirming the two were not critically wounded.

  He took them back to the thatched house. Just before dawn, they had arrived back at the house. They were seated down, Stiller prepared them some warm food gave them herbs that helped numb the pain. He sat down in front of them and in an angry tone said “what were the two of you thinking?! Going out there without my permission to investigate some loud, violent, and unfamiliar noises, who knows what would have happened if I wasn’t there to spear its head, you could have been killed Trolgar. Nero, the same goes to you as well”. Trolgar and Nero lowered their heads in regret and in apology towards Stiller. “I can’t be mad with you guys for so long, I don’t like seeing you sad at something you did wrong and it was partially my fault because I didn’t keep a close eye on you. In a way, I am proud of you, as I ran towards your position, I had seen so much of that, you saved each other repeatedly, no matter how many times that thing attacked you, you continued the fight, you are tough inside and on the outside” said Stiller as a smile developed on his face. “Thanks Uncle Stiller” said Trolgar. “Thanks Uncle Stiller, may I ask? What was that thing we were fighting and earlier that thing killed something else, it was nearly as big and looked like it was made from stone” asked Nero, curiously. “The creature we killed is known as a Wyvern and the creature it killed is called a Gargoyle…”

  In Ohith the princes were continuing their lives, however a lot has changed since that one day when a mysterious visitor who turned out to be the infamous Lumbre Redwood, had gone to the palace to see Elis, offering his service to him as a mentor, which Elis accepted, but only after a lot of convincing and a lowering of a sword. Allan and his father’s long journey to the capital of Diamonheim to attend a meeting hosted by the king of Diamonheim, Charles Silverton. Where Allan demonstrated his intelligence and wit, Henriet is incredibly proud of him. Both the princes have been training hard under the mentorship of Wilmot. However, Elis is always the last of the two to return home to the palace. After his sessions with Wilmot and A
llan, Elis would often, secretly go for lessons under his now true mentor, Lumbre Redwood.

  Chapter 2 Part II

  Eight days after meeting Lumbre Redwood, Elis and Allan finish their training at the temple. Before leaving, Elis was given the task by Lumbre, the previous week to obtain some gold coins from the secret crypt he had discovered in the temple. While the brothers were waiting for their escorts to arrive, Elis says to Allan, “I just want to take a short walk around the temple, call me when the guards arrive”. “Yes sure, Elis” said Allan as he watched Elis leave the entrance and head deeper into the temple. Fortunately for Elis, old Wilmot was taking a nap in his room in the temple, far from the oracle’s quarters. He walked into the room and quietly shut the door behind him. He walked into the room and took the sheets off the concealed entrance and pushed the wooden carts aside. He bent down and open the hatchet, this time without a torch as he didn’t have much time to light one. He