Read Paradon: An Unexpected Chronicle Page 20

all of the Humans, give us more troops!” said Elis angrily. “No prince Elis, I cannot for I” said Honorius before once again being interrupted by Elis. “Weakling, Hetheil is throwing all the troops we can muster from our capital for this, yet you send only a fraction?!” shouted the angry Elis. “Silence! My troops are not for you to command or take. They are my troops not yours, they are my people, I am already giving you command of a large fraction of my army” responded Honorius back, fired up and angry at Elis. “My father helped build your city back up, he built this army and you just walked in and took the thrown with his permission” said Elis, bitterly. “Unodos does not belong to Hetheil prince Elis, we respect you and we look up to you however I am starting to question you Elis, are you really the son of Henriet” said Honorius who was again interrupted by Elis. “This may be a time of peace between the Human kingdoms but I am ready to face the consequences of killing you!” said Elis, menacingly hunched over and grinding his teeth. “You fool, the very have will shape the end of us all, peace must be permanent, a point your father instilled in me, deeply” said Honorius. “Fool? Tough talk from weakling, I need to teach you a lesson” said Elis fiercely as he started walking around the circular table towards Honorius’s position until he was in turn interrupted by Allan who stood up from his seat quickly said “Elis please! Again I must ask you to cease this, he is our friend and we are in his kingdom, I don’t think you ought to insult him. However, you do have a point, King Honorius there must be more you could aid us with, this is a campaign that will push the Trolls back to do Doomenheim and out of the north, they won’t get to your city and villages so long as we keep them out, what you are doing for us is greatly significant to the cause and we really appreciate it but there is more you can do”.

  The dining room was temporarily quiet and all continued eating, Honorius then said “you are right prince Allan, I will support you further, tomorrow afternoon, I shall march south with my remaining troops towards the wall whilst the two of you carry out numerous operations against the Trolls in my kingdom and the lands that lay between the wall and my kingdom. At the wall I shall defend the wall and its inhabitants against incoming Troll attacks to further discourage and demoralise them, to ensure they will stop pouring across the border”. As soon as Honorius said that, Elis drank all of his wine and got up out of his seat, he looked at both him and his brother and for a brief moment all were quiet but then Elis walked to the entrance to the dining hall and just like that, he left, gone to who knows where. “Allan, your brother, there is something off about him, he seems war weary and doesn’t know when to cease his tongue, this is my kingdom and there is no man who has the right to rule my kingdom but me” said Honorius. “I am terribly sorry King Honorius, let us turn away from the subject, my brother is just worried” said Allan hesitantly. “Probably? That was not worry, I could see it in his eyes, Allan you are his brother, you understand him more than anyone else, after seeing him, I worry of what his future actions might be, you need to do something about him, trust me I know what I saw in him” said Honorius, panic beginning to stir in his voice.

  Allan leaned back against his chair and said “I do not understand him, nobody does, I cannot stop him, he is quite the fighter and above all he is my brother”. Honorius supported his chin with his hand and sighed before saying “nonetheless I will still help you, even after all that”, with a smug expression. The signature expression of worry on Allan’s face suddenly disappeared, his jaw seemed to tighten and his eyebrows touched. “King Honorius, I may not agree with the way my brother acted but I agree with what he said, this is not something you should do hesitantly or proudly, this should be done willingly, this is a fully blown crisis. Your people and mine, all of their lives are at risk so long as the beasts are in the north” said Allan in a slightly harsh tone. “I understand; I will do what I can. In the meantime, eat your food and enjoy the night for tomorrow we will do battle with the Trolls, I am confident my southern lands will be bloodied” said Honorius, trying to avoid conflict with both Elis and Allan. “Right you are, King Honorius, I apologize, let us put this behind us, feast and ready ourselves for combat” said Allan. “Very good, Prince Allan, we shall” said Honorius. The air in the room lost the tension it was moving in and out of. The two remained at the table, eating and drinking heartily, knowing that they will see fighting the next day, this was an immense last supper as they had never seen battles or combat before and now they are already so close to their future battlefields.

  After an hour, the two were stuffed and unable to eat any more, they had gorged themselves to cure their states. “Thank you, King Honorius, for the food it was very good” said Allan cheerfully. “The pleasure is mine prince Allan” said Honorius. “I think I better leave and join my men that have set up their tents in the square” said Allan. “Prince Allan, I insist you bunk here for tonight, we have a royal guest room just for you, after all for the many days to come you will be sleeping in mud and dirt” said Honorius. “All right, much appreciated” said Allan as he got out of his seat. After Allan got out of his seat walked down the hallway and a servant standing at the staircase immediately led him up to where his bedroom was. Once they reached the top of the stairwell, the servant pointed to the bedroom Allan would be staying for the night. He thanked him afterwards and proceeded towards his room as the servant went back down the steps. He walked up to it and open the heavy wooden door, the room was amazing. It was beautiful, it reminded him of home as it looked exactly like the layout of his bedroom in his father’s palace. It seemed that under the Hetheilian occupation of Unodos, the kingdom.

  Henriet had made Unodos more like Hetheil, sharing and changing the culture. The palace was highly influenced by Hetheilian culture and the room Allan was given to stay for the night heavily reflected that. Unbelievably this is the longest Allan has been away from home, the same went for Elis, so this was a moment of great grief for Allan. He was increasingly getting worried about his father’s health back home. He sat at the edge of his bed, a lot was going through his mind, with relation to tomorrow's fighting, his father’s health, and his relationship with his brother. He gripped his sheets tightly in anger and then slumped onto the bed, his eyes coming close to tears and his mind in complete disarray. He took a deep breath and sighed, trying to mentally prepare himself for the many days of trouble ahead. He closed his eyes and tried going to sleep however it was going to take him sometime to immerse himself into something he had done so easily before. Elis was still prowling the streets, a lot was on his mind as well, for him a tear was rolling down his cheek and he had no clue why he was crying. He walked up to a house and sat down on its side, his head fell backwards against the wall and he took a deep breath. He was excited about combat with the Trolls, what he solely wanted now was to prove himself on the battlefield and prove to his father who he was. The amount of beer he had consumed made him fall asleep within no time. The next day would heavily impact their lives and give them realisation of what their future moves in life would be.

  Just before daybreak, when the soldiers were to assemble at the southern gate of Unodos’s capital, Maredos. To disembark and continue this campaign against the Trolls. Allan didn't sleep well that night even though it was the first in days he got to sleep on a royal bed. He had too much to think about and even Elis who had drunk an excessive amount of beer, he too did not sleep well, he got up frequently and under the influence of the beer he drank, had repeatedly rammed into walls, and expressing his anger. Elis instantaneously woke up, it was a regular thing to him after years of practice, he had been waiting for this day, his strong physical stature allowed him to recover from the drinking he had done that night rather quickly and his excitement for the day ahead drove him forward. He immediately got up and went to the city square where most troops were, he noticed many Unodite soldiers mustering and marching onto the streets towards the southern gate of Unodos, he figured these were the troops that would be placed under his and Allan’s command. Allan was j
ust waking up, he saw the sky from his window and the everyday noises of a Hetheilian army preparing to march. He immediately knew he had to get out of bed and join his troops. He put on his light armour relatively quickly and raced down the stairs. “Good luck my friend, you’re going to need it” said Honorius who was having his breakfast. “Thanks, is everything ready? Are the soldiers who will be aiding us ready?” asked Allan as he took some bread from the plate on the dining table and put in his satchel. “Yes, yes, all is ready for departure and you are welcome for the bread” said Honorius snobbishly. Allan nodded and said “wish you good in the challenges of today and in the days to come” before leaving the palace.

  He ran down the main lain and headed towards the city square. He noticed other soldiers along the way emerging from houses and running towards the southern gate. “Hurry soldiers! To the gate I shall meet you there!” cried Elis as he continued running. He approached the city square and he stood under the arch