Read Paradon: An Unexpected Chronicle Page 7

his brother. “Here he comes, Elis you were always the first when it came to leaving the temple, but it seems you have learnt your lesson. The two of you are dismissed, you may leave the temple” said the mentor as he observed Elis come to him and Allan. “Thank you, sir!” said the princes before running to the temple entrance. There they met with the guards who had escorted them to the temple, now they would escort them back to the palace for rest. Through the city streets they went, greeted by the friendly citizens of Ohith, many of whom were excited for the following day’s festivities as it wasn’t just a birthday celebration. It was also to celebrate the victory of the Humans over the beasts and a long-awaited time of peace. The princes entered the palace and went up to their room.

  The palace was an architectural wonder, it was a tall domelike structure, its walls were lined with beautiful paintings and fine art. Depicting heroes of the past and scenes of war. There was also a large garden in the palace grounds that could only be accessed from the king’s villa, meaning that only he could access it or the princes if he allowed them to. As the king of the most powerful Human Kingdom and the father of two children, Henriet had a lot on his mind and on his agenda, the garden was the only place for him to think. He didn’t require a royal gardener, he was the one who took care of the many flowers and trees in it and he has certainly done a good job. As for the princes, they didn’t have much to worry about other than going to temple for lessons every six days a week. For now, their lives would be simple, now they live the average child’s life, thinking their lives are hard when it is quite simple and always having something to look forward. The princes stayed in a large bedroom at the top floor of the palace, it had many windows that allowed them a clear view of the city and an exceptional view of what was just beyond it. Their closets full of robes, fit for royal children, practice swords and wooden toys covered the shelves and random spaces in the room. In short, their room was a mess, Henriet ensured that the boys would not get servants as he feared they would be too pampered however that resulted in their room being extraordinarily untidy. This proves they were still too irresponsible to assume leadership titles, their habits were just as young as their ages.

  As soon as they entered their room, both through their bags against the wall, before jumping into their beds. They were tired as they only got to leave the temple at sunset. “At last we are home; I just cannot wait for tomorrow’s festivities Elis” said Allan. “Yep, neither can I Allan, it’s been a long and boring week and all I’ve been thinking about are the festivities, all the food, shops, people, visitors, and music, it’s truly exciting” replied Elis excitedly. Allan rolled over the bed to turn to face Elis who was on a bed just next to his. He then said “it gets better every year, by the way is father still in the garden? Should we go and talk to him he seems unhappy today, we haven’t spoken to him all day apart from this morning”. “Don’t worry, he is fine, let’s just leave him alone” replied Elis. This time of the year, Henriet tended to grieve instead, it was a time when he mourned the passing of his wife, Elia. The princes went to sleep after having their dinner, which was a rich one, full of exotic foods and spices.

  The next day, Elis was the first of the two to wake up as opposed to the previous day. Allan still in his bed, snoring away. The boys had already turned eight but today was the official celebration of their birthdays and for the coming of a long-awaited time of peace. The prince is usually in a bitter mood but when it comes to a day celebrations, he is a completely different person. Elis then jumped on his sleeping brother in his bed shouting at him to wake up. “Wake up Allan!” Now it was his brother who would be awoken by a scream into the ear, the scene of the average day in their bedroom had been reversed for this annual event. “Hey Elis, I am up, would you please get off me” said the startled Allan. He jumped out of bed to join his brother who was just about to walk out of the door.

  The sun had just risen and they could already hear music and the many noises of the city. They stood in front of their bedroom door. Elis excitedly thrusted the door open, standing before them is their father. “Sorry sons, I am not going to let you go just yet, clean up your room first” said the king. “Father, more cleaning? We cleaned the temple yesterday” asked Elis, a frown began to develop where his bright smile was just at. “Yes! You did that as punishment and you will do the same for not keeping your room clean, see that your room is clean and I will let you go”, said the now angry Henriet. Elis was about to open his mouth and say something that would intensify, Allan decided to give him a nudge with his elbow and said “Yes father, we will do so immediately”. His father then slammed the door behind him, just as if it was the day before.

  The boys cleaned their room up in a hurry, the promise of a day of festivities always in their minds. Once they were done, the boys, even Allan, left their room and went down the stairs without telling their father. Finally, they left the palace and were at the gate where they saw the people of Ohith smiling and waving at them from outside, they were all in celebrative moods. A smiling guard asked the princes “my princes your father has not permitted your leave why are you here in the grounds?” “Darn it, Allan” said Elis. A voice suddenly came from above, it was Henriet, he shouted “Morning Thomas, upon inspection of their room I have decided to let them go, open the gates my friend” Without hesitation the guard, apparently named Thomas, opened the gates, allowing the princes to go forth and enjoy the day’s festivities.

  The people of Ohith began cheering as soon as the princes stepped out of the gate. Before long, they were hoisted onto the shoulders of a man and woman chanting Henriet’s name repeatedly. Everybody was smiling and waving their hands at the princes. After soaking up the praise of the crowd, Allan and Elis were dropped off at the square by the man and woman. “Thanks, we really appreciate it” said the princes. To which the woman replied “it was nothing my princes, enjoy the festivities”, leaving immediately after. The princes were now in the square, there were performers and mobile shops literally everywhere. A skilled fiddler was playing a lively and festive tune and the people were showering him with coins and clapping along. The boys even watched a magician who made fruit and small items disappear in his hand, it was all very amusing. The boys decided to shop with the few coins their father had given then, he did this to teach the boys that money doesn’t come easy even though you are a royal. They went to one of the shops and bought each other some finely crafted wooden practice swords, that was one of their favourite past times, sparing each other with their swords. Unfortunately for the boys, the day lasted too briefly as all times for fun, they eventually end. The boys returned to the palace, they had a lot of fun this day and as they trotted home, the people of Ohith patted their shoulders and wished them success. So, did the princes towards the people. They went to bed knowing that they had lessons the next day, yet glad they could have such a fun time.

  Far away from the Human lands of the north, in the east stood the village of Stunt Valley. It was a prosperous, humble, and small little farming village on the edges of the unknown eastern region. To one side of the village was a wide and deep sea known as Stunt sea which was mysterious, spanned over a great length between the east and the mainland, abundant with fish and to the other side of the village was an impassable mountain known as the Revenant mountain, due to its eerie persona. The beasts and Humans knew there was something beyond the sea, but no one has ever expedited it, however there is a long river that flows from the south to the east, known as Stunt River. No man nor beast has ever trailed it. Stunt Valley had no worries from the outside world, it had no means of defence and they had no police force nor a small task force as they had no need for it, living in such a state of peace.

  Because of its seclusion, it has had no contact with the rest of the lands and its villagers were peaceful so there wasn’t any crime. However, this village was by no means defenceless, its inhabitants were highly diverse, made up of mainly Humans but with beasts such as a Goblin, some Trolls and a couple of Orcs. The
village stood as a perfect example of how these lands should be, no matter who are what you are, you are enemies with no one or nothing and friends with all. They have lead hardy lives, hunting using spears and arrows, long hours of working every day and other difficult tasks. They have used weapons, more than capable enough to wield them and have combined the strengths of all the races to create a thriving community.

  In comparison to its population size, Stunt Valley is a large village which is inclusive of its many acres of lush farmland. Fruit farms that produced tons of perfect apples and grapes, wheat farms for bread, barley for beer, rice paddies, beekeepers, and livestock herders. These goods and foods were not for trade; they were all used for the consumption of the village. This village was tax free, the idea of money did not exist in the minds of an average Stunt Valley villager. Food was abundant, other than crops Stunt Valley had access to the Stunt Sea complete with a small dock they built along with dozens of fishing boats. This provided the village lots more food