Read Paradon: An Unexpected Chronicle Page 9

there is tension brewing within the Reeves’ family. Elis has always been less loved compared to his brother, Allan. Their mentor, their father and the people seemed to prefer him over Elis. Who feels left out, different, and far away from the people.

  A week after a celebration for their birthdays took place, it was the last day of the week, there were no classes and nearly nothing going on, which was traditionally only for rest, unless you were in the army. Elis had a dream the previous night of a mysterious visitor, wearing a low-grade cloak that covered his face. And then came the sudden end of the dream, his eyes opened and closed after he realised it was just a dream. Morning arose and the princes could sleep in, their father without knocking, opened the door. “Wake up, one of you is going to accompany me to, Heimton the Kingdom of Diamonheim’s capital” said Henriet. “Father, please choose me, I’d love to come” said Allan. “No Allan, let me go this time, I would like to come along father” said Elis. “No Elis, stay and look after things here, come Allan we are leaving” said Henriet as he made his decision. Allan ran to the door and him and his father left, the brothers gave each other a friendly wave, before the door was shut. It’s been some hours since his father and brother had made their way to Diamonheim Now Elis was seated on his bed, alone, contemplating why his father had picked his brother, Allan over him. He wanted more love than he was having. A strong jealousy for his brother has been with him all his life, but lately he has begun to develop a shallow hatred for his brother. A hatred that grows gradually within him, this hatred of his brother is unknown to anyone. Elis gets up and walks out the bedroom door and sits down on a step on a staircase that led to the palace grounds.

  Suddenly he heard heavy metal clanking coming from further down the in the stairwell. He walked down the stairs to see who or what it was. It was a heavily armoured guard running up the steps. They locked eyes and the guard said “My prince, there is a man here to see you, we aren’t chasing him away because he says you had invited him over to the palace, but judging by the way the fella looks, we should probably chase him away”. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard the soldier say. “Tell him I will be down shortly” said the curious Elis. “Yes, my prince” said the loyal soldier. Elis then immediately ran up to his room and grabbed his sword which was in its sword holder and slung it over him with a leather strap. While training the princes at the temple, Wilmot noticed that Elis was a born fighter, though he didn’t pay much attention to it. He was an expert in the mechanics of siege equipment, he wielded a sword just as good as anyone else. When it came to skills of war, Elis and Allan stood as equals but Elis would show more devotion towards it. Though he did not get much attention by the people, even at the age of fifteen, nobody dared to mess with him if and when he was armed with sword.

  After getting the sword, he ran down the stairs towards the hall where there was a large door that opened into the palace grounds. As soon as he stepped out that door he noticed it was raining and as he turned the corner. There standing at the gate, a man in a dark low grade cloak, his face covered and his head was looking down. The rain was pouring down on him, at the moment, the prince was sheltered on the porch of the palace which was underneath a balcony at the moment. So were the two guards that faced each other at the gate to the palace. They were sheltered by stone guard shacks, but this mysterious visitor was outside the gate under the rain. When Elis craned his head to get a closer look of this person. He looked up at him and said in a soft but raspy voice, “Sirs, can you please let me in, I have no place to go and decided to come and see if the kingdom’s rulers could take me in, just for a day, all I need is some shelter and food”. The palace had a pleasant reputation for allowing the homeless or citizens in need to stay for some time in some of the many rooms in the palace. King Henriet always welcomed the people to the palace, he would accept anyone in need. The prince and this stranger locked eyes.

  A guard then tells the prince “I wouldn’t recommend letting this one in, I mean no offense but he is in a word, scum. He could be dangerous and letting him in the palace could prove to be quite unwise”. “I assure you, good sirs, I mean no harm, I only wish for food, shelter and to speak to Prince Elis” said the man. “I’ve heard enough, leave him be at the gate, he’ll go away, give him some food to take and send him off”. “The man says that you had invited him, is it true?” asked one of the guards. “That’s not true, I did not invite this fella, I am going back up” responded the now angry prince Elis.

  The prince then stormed up into his room, and once he reached it, he jumped on his bed. He put his hands behind his head and tries to find a rational explanation. Somehow, he felt that this mysterious man would be important in his life. But the fact that he dreamt of this incident while sleeping and unexpectedly it came true, made him furiously wonder. Elis felt overwhelmed by anger and in a rage he got off his bed started slashing it with his sword. After it seemed torn up enough he jumped onto Allan’s bed and frantically started stabbing the mattress left right and centre. At this point Elis couldn’t feel himself, it was just anger against everything around him, no love or passion. Once he regained control of himself he looked at his bed and his brother’s bed, his sheets were ripped and Allan’s bed had more than a few stabs in it. “Oh no, what have I done, father is going to end me and I wonder what my brother would say” Elis thought aloud. Elis quickly flipped Allan’s mattress over and covered it with a sheet, he threw his away, he tried to make the beds as if he done nothing to them.

  He then looked out of the window, the man in his dark cloak was still there at the gate, he was soaking wet. He was eating his now soaked food and leaning against the gate. “That weirdo is still there, I guess I could let him in for a while” said Elis to himself. He wasn’t afraid, so long as he was armed, no one messes with him when he has a sword. He went down the staircase and into the hall and he opened the door. “Hey guys, let the fella in” said Elis. “Prince Elis, are you sure you want to let him in?” asked one of the guards. “Yes, yes, let’s let him” said Elis. The guards open the gate and this visitor staggers forward into the palace grounds. “Come into the palace and have a seat” said Elis as he calmed down. “Thank you, Prince Elis” said this man. The two walked into the palace and Elis pointed to a bench in the hall. He immediately took a seat on the bench and removed his hood and leaned back against the bench. “Hey, you appeared in my dream last night, who are you?” asked the now curious Elis. “Prince Elis, I am here to help you, I know everything about you, you are beneath your brother, he receives more of everything than you do and I can tell your father loves you less than he loves Allan” said the man.

  Elis turned around and walked towards a bench that was opposite to the bench this man was sitting on. “I don’t get it, you appeared to me in a dream and you claim I had invited you to the palace. You now show up when my brother and father were away” said Elis. “Appeared to you in a dream? It must be destiny then, sorry but I don’t want your father or brother knowing I talked to you and you did invite me, in my dream you walked up to me in the night and told me to go to the palace the next morning to help you” said the man. The man gave a wicked smile and Elis just sat there in shock. “I am here to offer my services to you, train with me and not with that goat mentor you already have, he hates you, they all hate you boy, trust me I’ve lived like this all my life” said the man. The air grew quiet and Elis turned to the man and asked “How can you train me? What would be the difference?” “Listen Elis, you and I have a lot in common, we are left out in society, it is always good to train with someone who understands you, someone who has been through worse than you have, my name is Lumbre Redwood lets shake on it Elis to begin a new partnership” said the man in response as he stuck out his hand. That name shocked the prince, he had heard of the tale of Lumbre Redwood, how he had betrayed his father and how he remorselessly killed his own kind. Elis immediately drew his sword, he rose it swiftly to the point where tip touched Lumbre’s throat. Elis yelled “menace! Tell me
why I shouldn’t take this opportunity to slice the throat of a psychotic fugitive and bring your head to my father and be deemed as a hero and everyone will respect me as the prince I should be” yelled Elis, furiously.

  Lumbre’s smile grew wider and he calmly said “cause I know you better than anyone else, you are just as I am, deemed less worthy than we truly are by the people around us, I can teach you skills that you won’t learn under your current mentor or in the kingdom, skills had picked up from my interactions with the beasts, during great tri war, I witnessed the battle between your father and Aldor himself, I have seen things that you can’t imagine, I have learned effective techniques that your father does not know of, I can teach you how to lead people to greatness. You can be better than Allan. The kingdom will fall with him as its image, we need a king such as yourself to rule Hetheil. Under my guidance, you will succeed as a ruler. Elis listen to me, it is your destiny.” After hearing that he lowered his sword and put it back in its case. He