Read Passion Flame Page 2

  Chapter 2 – Family System

  Ejaz found himself in a small, suburban neighborhood. It looked like an average small town, complete with couples jogging and neighbors waving to each other as they watered their lawns. Cars slowly stopped for the children playing in the street. It seemed to be peaceful and a fine place to raise a family.

  "Quaint, is it not?" spoke Jehoash from behind Ejaz.

  Ejaz jumped. "Jesus Christ, don't do that to me! Where are we? How did we get here?" He had not realized that the dragon had been standing right behind him.

  Jehoash walked forward. "Why, we flew of course. It was much easier than the usual human method."

  "Oh, you mean like a car!?" exclaimed Ejaz.

  Jehoash nodded. "Yes, such mundane things you humans use to get around. You'd think you'd all might’ve made wings by now."

  "We did!" responded Ejaz. "They're called planes, and aren't you the one who's in love with a human woman!?"

  Jehoash sighed. "Indeed. I apologize. It was this...arrogant nature I possess that initially started turning her away from me. I swore I'd stop."

  Ejaz scratched his head. "But you're a dragon. The dragon king, no less. Doesn't that kind of come with the territory?"

  "I suppose..." Jehoash turned and looked at Ejaz. "...but sometimes you have to fight what you are for the ones you love."

  Ejaz remained silent. He'd had his share of flings in his time, but never something as committed as Jehoash's relationship seemed to be. He began to develop an odd respect for the dragon. If the king of the dragons can put aside his bestial nature for love, then perhaps there was hope for everyone after all.

  Jehoash began to walk towards a small house on the corner. "Come, quickly, there may not be much time."

  Ejaz followed Jehoash up to a red brick house. It was small, but attractive in its own way. A nice home for a family of three or four. There was a tree on the front lawn and a large window in the front. The curtains were drawn and there was little sign of movement from within.

  Jehoash looked back at Ejaz as they approached the door. "Now, if you please…” said Jehoash. “…allow me to do all the talking for the moment." Jehoash knocked lightly on the door. It took a moment, but eventually footsteps could be heard and the door swung open. Standing there was an average-sized young man with a dark brown beard and grease stains on his hands. He looked like he belonged in a mechanic's shop rather than a suburban home.

  Jehoash was less than thrilled. "Mitchell, hello, nice to see you."

  The man, upon recognizing Jehoash, threw up a single middle finger and slammed the door in his face.

  Jehoash remained outwardly calm, seemingly expecting the less-than-warm greeting. "Ah, yes...that comes as no surprise..."

  Ejaz finally opted to speak. "Who was that?"

  "That..." replied Jehoash. “…was Jessabelle's little brother Mitchell. He is...not fond of me, as you undoubtedly noticed."

  Ejaz chuckled. "Understatement of the year, that one... Can't you just, I dunno, burn the door off its hinges? You're kind of a dragon and this is your family's safety we're talking about here."

  "Indeed I could..." Jehoash admitted. "...and while extremely tempting I do not believe that burning down the house is the best way to win over Jessabelle, wouldn't you agree?" He turned and walked towards the edge of the porch.

  Ejaz shrugged. "Just an idea. What are you going to do, then? Those other dragons are probably in the area."

  Jehoash gestured for Ejaz to follow him off the porch. "Yes, they are.” spoke Jehoash. “I can sense three right now, and I'm sure they can sense me. They will likely not attempt an attack during the day, and certainly not while I stand nearby."

  "But..." inquired Ejaz.”...they won't remain passive forever. I've hunted dragons before and they're aggressive buggers."

  "Indeed they are. Even my presence will not keep them away forever. We must go with a different option..."

  "And that is?" asked Ejaz.

  Upon reaching the street again, Jehoash held out a hand towards Ejaz. "I require your communication device."

  "My…my what?" Ejaz was clueless.

  Jehoash sighed. "My apologies, I have been away from Jessabelle for too long. What do you call them? Cell phones, yes?"

  "Oh!" Ejaz reached into his pocket and pulled out a small smartphone.

  Jehoash quickly snatched the phone from Ejaz and after a moment of fiddling with the interface he began to dial.

  Ejaz tilted his head. "What are you-?"

  Jehoash held up a finger to silence Ejaz as the phone started to ring.

  "Hello?" a female voice came on the other end of the line.

  "Jessabelle?" responded Jehoash. "It...It’s me..."

  "Oh...hello Jehoash." replied Jessabelle. "You're using a phone?"

  Jehoash laughed. "Well, I actually tried knocking but your brother doesn't appear to have improved his opinion of me since I've been gone."

  "Yes, well, I wouldn't expect him to. What do you want, Jehoash? Jackson is fine." Jessabelle did not sound hostile, but she clearly did not want to speak to Jehoash at that point in time.

  "I know...of course he is. You're a wonderful mother." said Jehoash. "But, love, you're in mortal danger."

  "What are you saying? We're fine, Jehoash. I know you're jealous of Brenson, but we're very happy." Jessabelle seemed to misunderstand.

  "I know, I know, and I'm not here to hurt anyone. Please, you're in dire-" Jehoash was interrupted by the sound of a baby crying. "Jackson?"

  "Yes, he just woke up from a nap. I have to go, Jehoash. Goodbye."

  "Wait, please-!" Jehoash yelled but it was too late. Jessabelle had hung up.

  Ejaz folded his arms. "So, that's plan B gone. She think you're just trying to get back with her or something?"

  Jehoash handed Ejaz's phone back to him. "She's not wrong.” said Jehoash. “I do wish for her to be back in my arms again. I told her that dragon's mate for life, but I suppose that meant little to her..." He trailed off. "Still, regardless of whether or not my family is aware of it or not, you must focus on your mission. I need you to hunt down my kin and slay them. Quickly."

  Ejaz put his phone back in his pocket. "I'll need to get some supplies. You guys don't exactly go down easy, and I've never fought three of you. Plus, your rush to get me here didn't exactly give me a chance to get my stuff from my apartment."

  Jehoash held up a hand. Flame's erupted around it and formed into a short, black sword. "Unnecessary. This is all you will require to accomplish your mission." He handed the sword to Ejaz.

  Ejaz accepted the blade. It was finely crafted, forged of some kind of black metal. The hilt was engraved with the visage of two dragons in combat. "What it this?" he questioned.

  "A sword forged from my brother's fang. It is his fang that will allow you to slay the other dragons." replied Jehoash.

  Ejaz was curious. "His fang? What happened to your brother?"

  Jehoash looked away. "It was not my choice. He left me with no other option. I struck him down many years ago, and I can assure you if it comes down to it these drakes will suffer his fate, but again, only if I must."

  Ejaz rested the sword on his shoulder. "Fair enough. I prefer guns, usually, but if I remember correctly you dragons don't fall so easily to bullets."

  "The sword will be more than enough. The dragons I am sensing do not appear to be very powerful. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Jehoash erupted in flames and disappeared.

  Ejaz coughed as he accidently inhaled some of the smoke. "Fair warning would have been nice!" He looked around. The air was still, and it was approaching dusk. "Guess I'd better get moving...but I can't protect the family as easily if they don't know what's coming..."

  Ejaz decided that perhaps if he knocked on the door by himself then maybe someone would listen. After all, he was an unknown. He approached the front door carefully and knocked three times. He could hear footsteps and then the door swung open.

  Standing th
ere was a dark-haired woman with beautiful blue eyes and a short but slender figure. In her arms she held an adorable little baby boy. "Can I help you?" she asked.

  Ejaz didn't even have to ask. The woman before him was clearly Jessabelle. "Um, hello ma'am. I'm, uh, Ejaz and I'm here to warn you..."

  Jessabelle raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

  Ejaz continued. "Well, it's about your son..."

  Jessabelle glared. "What about my son and...?" She eyed the sword on Ejaz's shoulder, recognizing it. "That blade..."

  The baby sniffled a little and then sneezed. The sneeze released a small burst of flame.

  Jessabelle had a look of shock on her face. She looked at Ejaz. "Just leave us alone! We're fine without him!"

  Ejaz tried to stop her. "Please listen, you're in danger!"

  Jessabelle slammed the door.

  Ejaz sighed. He had hoped to get through to this woman himself, but apparently they were more closed off to any help from Jehoash than he thought. "What did he do to this poor girl?"

  "Loved her unconditionally, but I could not shake my nature off quickly enough..." Jehoash spoke from behind Ejaz.

  "Aaah!" Ejaz yelled. He was so startled he almost whirled around and smacked Jehoash with the sword.

  Jehoash's expression was blank and empty. It almost seemed like he had wanted Ejaz to strike him down. "I let her down.” spoke Jehoash. “And I fear it may be too late to fix her and me..."

  Ejaz just shook his head. "It is never too late, king. Let's just focus on protecting them right now. It's the one thing we can do. Where'd you go anyway?"

  Jehoash led down the walk back towards the street. "I was scouting the area. I apologize for not issuing fair warning.

  It was at that moment that a sleek muscle car pulled up in front of the house. From out of it stepped a tall man with a thick black beard and a gruff exterior. Ejaz thought nothing of it at first, until he noticed that Jehoash’s hand was glowing as the dragon king glared at the man. Ejaz quickly guided Jehoash away from the house, allowing the man to make his way safely inside. Jehoash did not take his now glowing eyes off of him.

  Ejaz snapped his fingers in front of Jehoash's face. "Hey, hey! What's the deal!? You look like you're about to incinerate that guy!"

  Jehoash continued to glare. "I have considered it many times, but it would only hurt Jessabelle and only prove what she thinks of me..."

  Ejaz looked on as the man knocked on Jessabelle's door. She greeted him with a big hug and welcomed him inside.

  Ejaz finally understood. "Oh, so that's..."

  "Brenson..." Jehoash finished before once again vanishing in a fireball.