Read Passion Over Presley: Based on a True Story Page 14

she jumped for joy and hugged him. Presley didn’t ask why she wasn’t already asleep and paid Gina for a full week’s worth of work. She left happily and said goodbye to Alex, everyone in town knew what happened to his mother, the quiet little red-head from down the street. It was a shame she ended up in a coma after saving Riley’s life that day.

  Presley asked Alex if he preferred a guest room or the couch to sleep while they feasted on pizza and junk food. The boy’s spirits were back up while they were munching, but when he had finished eating, his sorrow returned when he realized his mother wasn’t coming to pick him up. There was nothing Presley could do, and the boy sat at the table with his head flat on his plate.

  He began to cry softly, trying to hide it from Abigail who Presley found was one year his junior. Abigail began to cry too when she saw Alex crying and then Presley nudged for her to come to him. Presley placed his chin on the top of Abigail’s head as she cried into his chest and closed his eyes. He soon felt a little head under his other arm creeping into his embrace. He opened his eyes and hugged Alex close and the three of them cried for his mother, gaining strength from the arms of each other.

  Presley understood this pain, it was something that he had experienced over and over with Michelle’s situation. He tried to explain to Abigail on countless occasions how Michelle was a loving and beautiful mother who cared for Abigail in the deepest ways. But Abigail could not cry for someone she didn’t know, and she was too young to understand the loss of someone who was never there.

  Alex was different. He loved his mother and was constantly reminded of how precious she was to his life now that she was gone. Alex could not express his loss in any other way besides tears. The following day was so stressful that Alex could hardly eat without crying or becoming sick. Presley had been through the same situation with Michelle, and he could not help but suffer all over again because Alex did not hide his pain.

  Every day Alex would wake up and pray for his mother. He confessed to Presley that it was always hard to pray but now that Rebecca was in the coma, there was new determination to pray correctly. Presley comforted Alex as much as he could and they began to do other things with the kids to keep their minds strong.

  Presley could feel the bond between the three of them grow, and it was worth every moment of their sorrow. Presley had no idea that he would not have to suffer this loss alone, and because Alex was so enthusiastic about his mother’s recovery, Presley began to wish he had Alex’s uplifting attitude when Michelle was in her coma the few years before.


  It had been a full week since he had opened his home to Alex and every single day they spent most of their time at the hospital. Presley had never felt so close to anyone before, it was as if he and Alex connected beyond anyone else in his life. Abigail would never have this connection; she would never understand loss and hatred towards the cruelty of the world she lived in.

  Not until she realized how important it is to have a mother in your life. Presley was glad he did not have to share this feeling with her, at least not right now. But Alex was dealing with the absence of his mother pretty well. Presley and Abigail got to know him so easily and now they were in unison, a trio that could not be broken or separated.

  Presley showered Alex with love and care from the moment her entered the home. The first night together all three of them slept on the couch bundled like a real family. Presley knew Alex’s mother would wake soon, her body was reacting the direct oppositely of Michelle’s when she was sick. When they treated Rebecca’s body, it would react and prove there was a sign of improvement where Michelle’s body would constantly decline and piece by piece her entire body would shut down.

  Rebecca was fighting, she was fighting hard and it was only a matter of time that she would awaken. Alex was happy to hear the news, he watched over his mother every day, but if he didn’t start going to school Presley may lose custody of him. The first day was hard, he wanted to be with his mother but at the end of the school day he was happy to get out of the sad situation. Presley could see him holding Abigail’s hand as they ran to the car happy and excited that another day had ended and their free time had begun. The sight brought back memories and Presley smiled to himself.

   “We are hungry daddy. Alex wants McDonalds today, right Alex?” Alex laughed at her and so did Presley. She was doing this often, using Alex to get the upper-hand with her father. She was young, but could easily tell when her dad had a soft spot and she used it to her advantage.

  “I want to go to see my mom, but yeah Mr. Presley, can we eat first?” Presley nodded and took them to McDonalds before heading to the hospital. It was going to be a long day, since Presley was going to work that night and cover a shift for one of the other Firefighters. He would not be able to watch the kids tonight so Gina was going to pick them up after their visit. When they arrived at the hospital Rebecca’s door was closed and locked. Presley knocked on the door confused and the kids waited patiently behind him.

  Someone was talking inside and then began to speak a bit quickly, then opened the door with a saddened face. The man had a black suit on and a small Bible in his hand staring at Presley then smiling. Presley feared the worst. When the man saw his expression change to immediate worry, the Pastor held up a hand and chuckled.

  “No, don’t worry I am not here for anyone. I’m not the grim reaper, just praying over the patients.” The man said and held the door open for the three of them. Presley looked at Rebecca and she was still breathing, sleeping soundly. The Pastor shook his hand and said goodbye then exited the room. He looked a bit young to be a pastor but Presley paid it no mind.

  Seeing the man reminded him of his last day with Michelle. Her body was declining so quickly that the nurse on duty could hardly keep the fluids from spilling out of Michelle’s body. Michelle was not surviving anymore, she was suffering and if there was any life left in her, she would not be able to live long. After the very last dime went into her life-support machine the nurse told him without the proper treatment she would pass over-night and instead of allowing her to go peacefully alone, he wanted all of her family there when they pulled the plug. The feeling of watching Michelle’s machine go blank made Presley weak.

  Presley looked over at the sleeping Rebecca and made a personal promise that he would not allow Alex to live motherless like Abigail. He slumped into the chair beside Rebecca and put his elbows on his knees and began to pray for her.

  The kids watched some TV and waited for Gina to get them. Before long Presley was alone in the quiet room with Rebecca beside him and the only person he could talk to was God. Presley tried to speak out loud but his voice was gone and he realized he had been crying. He cleared his throat and looked at the night stand where there was a phone, a bible and a vase full of roses he had purchased the day before.

  He had bought the roses because he convinced Alex that the gesture would be nice in case Rebecca woke up when they were not around. She would see them and know that her family was waiting for her. It was also a gesture that he had done for Michelle in case her eyes opened for only a moment at least she could see the roses and know that she was loved. He had received many compliments from the nurses and doctors when he and Alex bought in the dozen roses, half red and half pink.

  Presley looked at Rebecca’s face under the little mask and reached for her hand on the bed. “My best friend didn’t make it.” He said, not really talking to anyone. “She lay in a bed just like this for two years, and she never once opened her eyes to see me waiting for her. I loved her, you know. More than life itself, I wanted her to be happy with or without me. I sat beside her bed every single day praying that she would wake up. Now I know that if she had awaked, I probably would not have my daughter.” Presley lowered his head to the ground and tears fell from his eyes.

  “I think I’m being greedy.” He laughed at himself and became saddened again. “You’re beautiful, nothing like Michelle though, you two look very different. But you’re bea
utiful anyway.” He looked away from her feeling a little guilty. “Your son is a fine boy. You did a really good job raising him.” Presley knew that speaking to comatose patients usually gave them enough determination to wake. He had tried that a million times over for Michelle, and even though it did not work to her advantage, it still gave him something to do because he wasn’t going to leave that bed.

  “Yesterday, Alex went to baseball practice and hit the ball so hard it left the park.” Presley smirked. “He is a showboat, I am sure you know that already.” Presley laughed a little. “I wish you would wake up Miss Rebecca. Your son is pretty sad.” Presley squeezed her hand then stuck it back under her covers. He kissed the top of her head out of habit and exited the room heading straight for work.

  At his job he ran late into the night cleaning the truck and fixing up the locker room. There was some basic maintenance needed at the station and since he was pulling a quiet all-nighter it was the best time to get it done. He made it back home the next day and greeted the kids. They were up watching Saturday cartoons, and didn’t care if he was tired.

  Abigail was used to him coming home and ignoring his aching